Sea History 081 - Spring 1997

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Cambridge Bay, she served as a stores and radio ship before sinking in 1930. The exped ition confirmed that elements of her form were cop ied by arch itect Torn Hallidie when he designed the schooner St. Roch, now atthe Vancouver Maritime Museum. (VMM, 1905 Ogden Ave. , Vancouver BC V6J I A3 , Canada; 604 257-8300) . .. The wreck of a Cromwellian warship off the Isle of Mull is thought to be the 200-ton warship Swan which sank in 1653 during an attack on Duart Castle on Mull. .. . A new underwater shipwreck preser ve called ErieQuest in western Lake Erie, focusing on shipwrecks in the Pelee Passage, is a joint project of the Windsor Chapter of Save Ontario Shipwrecks, the Town of Leamington and the Ontario Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Research . An inventory of27 l shipping inc idents from 1830- 1995 has been published. (John Karry, 33 Melbourne Street, Kingsv ill e ON N9Y I Y4, Canada; 5 19 733-2469) MARITIME EDUCATIO ':The Crystal Spray is schedu led to leave from Massachusetts in Apri l to recreate Joshua Slocum ' s solo ci rcumnav igation, after repair work led to the rmstponernent of the expected October 1996 departure. Founder David Dunn and his co ll eagues wi ll provide long-di stance learning opportuniti es for schoo ls via the internet and video links while underway. (Voyage of the Spray, Inc. , 160 Derby Street, Salem MA 01970; 508 744-4345 ; ccet/spray/spray.htm) . . . Mystic Seaport Museum's Munson Institute offers two classes on maritime hi story from 30 June through 7 August-" America Goes to Sea" and "The Maritime Way of Life. " (M unson Institute, PO Box 6000, Mystic CT 06355-0990; 860 572-5359, FAX : 860 572-5329)

Historic, antique U.S. Coast Survey maps < from the 1800s · Original lithographs, most Ame rican seaports and shores . Reprints, too. Unique framed ,

great gifts. Catalog, $1 .00. Specify area .

Marinas I Boatyards on Chesapeake Bay

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Buy or Sell call Wilford Land Company

PO Box 953, Easton MD 21601 Tel: 410-822 -4586

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A Special Introductory Offer Stratham House Presents an Historic Full Color Print by

DONALD O'BRIEN, I.S.M.P. 450 sin Prints $75 50 s/n A/P $99 Remarque $25 Image 27 x 17.5 Gunther Prien, Wizard of Scapa Flow on archival cover stock 33 x 23 ===Richly framed and double matted for only $ 130 addit ional •Tills Is truly a collector's item•

Satisfaction Guaraotttd

At 0027 on 10/14/39, U-Boat Ace Kk Gunther Prien slipped his U-47 into Scapa Flow Harbor whi ch was deemed impregnable to sea attack by the British Admiralty. A myriad of en trance barriers inc luding nets defied entry, but Prien picked it c lean; and sunk their great battleship Roya l Oak at 0 133 and was quickly out of the harbor undetected. A real wizard who was award ed the Knight's Cross.

To order please send check or M.O. + $6 s/h

For framed print add $30 for s/h

- - - - - - - S T R A T H A M H O U S E - - - - - -Alewife Drive, PO Box 802 , So. Dennis MA 02660 • (508) 394-3111 • MA residents add 5% tax.

SAIL TRAINING: The Tall Sh ips Fo undation is sponsoring an American crew for the C utty Sark Tall Ships' Races this summer to sai l aboard the Dutch brigantine Swan in the first leg of the race starting on 15 Jul y from Aberdeen, Scotland, and ending in Trond he im , Norway. To apply, indi viduals 2 1 years or older can send a short letter on "w hy they think they can cut it on the crew," with a recent photo, to TSF, PO Box 11023 1, Stamford CT 0691 I by 30 May 1997 . .. . At its Annual Conference in December, the American Sail Training Association announced plans for Regional Co unc il s to improve comm uSEA HISTORY 8 1, SPRING/SUMMER 1997

Join and Preserve

Bath Iron Works Oldest Floating Vessel

19 14, 110-foot Steamer

Katahdin Moosehead Marine Museum PO Bo x 11 5 1 Greenvi lle, ME 04441

Membe r: $20 Fami ly: $3 0 Plankown e r: $ 150 NA ME


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My c heck for $ _ _is e nc losed . Non Profit Museum with Summer Cruising Schedul e on Lake. Write for Information.


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