MARINE ART NEWS National ASMA Exhibition
In 1979, a small gro up of arti sts gathered to fo rm the Ameri can Soc iety o f Marine Artists, a non-profit orga ni zati on whose objec t is to recogni ze and promote marine art and maritime hi story and to encourage cooperation among arti sts, hi stori ans, marine enthu sias ts and oth ers engaged in activiti es re latin g to marine art and maritime hi story. Offering the opportun ity fo r all interested parti es , arti sts and non-artists alike, to come together in the ir love o f the sea and its environs , the Society has grown from that small conclave of found ing artists to over 600 ac ti ve members. ASMA coordinates nationa l ex hibi tion s every two to three yea rs in the top maritime and art museum s in the coun try and Reg ional Exhibi ti ons disp laying the fin est in marine art. Our Re-
T he Kendall Whaling Museum is lookin g for paintings by or in fo rmati on about marine arti st Edwa rd Norton ( 184319 16) for a proposed ex hibit of hi s work. ( Dr. Stuart Fra nk, Director, KWM , PO Box 297 , Sharon MA 02067 ; 6 17 7845642)
g ional shows all ow members across the country to ex hibit on a much more freque nt bas is and let the loca l flavor of the area to be emphas ized. Our National Ex hibiti ons are he ld every two to three yea rs in the top maritime and art mu seums in the country. The 11th Nationa l Exh ibiti on of the American Soc iety of Marine A rti sts will open at the Frye A rt Muse um , Seattle, Washington, on 8 Jul y 1997 and trave l to the C ummer Muse um of Arts & Gardens in Jacksonvill e, Florida, for a ovember 1997 opening . Varied in interpre tati o n, techni que and the me, the ex hibiti on re fl ects a res pect of maritime art traditi on and engages the viewer in ocean voyages, inland excursions, maritime ind ustry, and the grande ur of the sea. The painti ngs speak in a va ri ety of ways , engag ing the parti c ipati on of the viewer. With Abstract art "An1icipa1ion·· hy Robert C. Semler (o il 0 11 canms. 14·· x 24 "') and Rea li sm side-by-side, depic1s 1he SS Uni ted States being guided under 1he Wall Whi1111a11 they will rivet yo ur attenBridge. Philadephia PA on 15 Aug11s11996 by M ora11111gs . led hy 1he Patri cia Moran. Standing by are 1he 1ug Evening Tide and Philadephia ti on, ho ld yo ur interest and draw yo u into the wo rld Fire Boal Delaware. created by the arti st. The re lations hip of the arti st and the sea is destined to endure as it has from the beg inning. ew eyes will view the sea, app ly paint to canvas and capture its eterna l bea uty and myste ry in ever new ways. R OBERT C. SEMLER Pres ident American Society of Marine Arti sts ASMA, 1461 Cathy's Lane, North Wales PA 19454;215 283-0888
"Inner Ha rbor"' by Leonard Mi:erek, walercolor, 19"x 12"
New Exhibits • J 3 February-September, Living Traditions of Sail: The Artwork of Scott Kenned y and Bob Grieser 's Waterfront: A Photo Essay (S an Diego Maritime Museum , 1306 N. Harbor Dri ve, San Di ego CA 92 10 I ; 619 234-9 15 3) • from 2 1 February, Prize Goods: Maritime Art and Artifacts Captured for the Collection (Peabody Essex Museum , East India Sq uare, Salem MA 019703783; 508 745- 1876) • 28 March-30June, Maritime Masters: Drawings of Ships and the Sea, 16001800 ( ethe rl ands Maritime Museum , Kattenburgerpl e in I , I 018 KK , Amsterdam , The Netherlands; 20 52-32-222, FAX: 20-52 32 2 13) • IO April -29 June, Sun Ships: Photographs by Barry Winiker (The Marine rs' Mu seum , 100 Mu seum Drive, Newport News VA 23606-3759; 757 596-2222) • 9 May-28 September, Wood, Water and Light: The Classic Wooden Boat Photographs ofBenjamin Mendlowitz (Chesapea ke Bay Maritime Mu seum , PO Box 636, Mill Street, St. Mi chaels MD 2 1663; 410 745-29 16) • 30 May-28 September, The Bard Brothers: Painting America Under Steam and Sail (National Mu se um of Ameri can Art, Sm ith oni an In stitution , Washington DC 20560; 202 357-2504) • 29 June-3 September, Kirsten Gallery 's 19th Northwest Marine Art Exhibition (Kirsten Gallery, 5320 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle WA 98105; 206 522-2011) • 4 Jul y- 14 September 1997, 11th National Exhibition of the American Society of Marine Artists (Frye Mu seum of Art, 704 Terry A ve nue, PO Box 3005, Seattle WA 98 114)
Cast care to the winds! Sail with us to Bermuda on the QE2! Places are still available for the NMHS Labor Day cruise, August 30 to September 4, at a price that can't be beaten! Join Peter and Norma Stanford and over 120 of your fellow NMHS members and staff for a vacation to remember. Call Pauline Power at 800-786-4164 for full details. 30