Sea History 079 - Autumn 1996

Page 42


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WREq<ERS' MUSEUM Oldest House in South Florida tells of Key West wrecking history.

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AMERICAN MERCHANT MARINE MUSEUM NEWS Touring the Museum Museums are wonderful places to visit and to learn. And what better way to see a museum than with a group of friends, a club or a cl ass? Throughout the year the American Merchant Marine Museum conducts tours and spec ial program s for adult groups and school -aged children. Because of the museum 's size, a multitude of activities can be pl anned and individuali zed to meet the needs of every group that visits. A li vely learning center, the American M erchant Marine Museum brings Ameri ca 's g loriou s seafaring hi story to life . The Muse um takes great pride in designing individual programs. We love hosting a visit that is filled with unique ac ti vities . Programs that engage every member of the group can be planned and carefully coordinated . Teachers , recreation directors and group leaders who work with the Museum staff in des igning the tour in advance experi ence the most rewarding visits. In April , e ighty-five students in •grades two through six spent a spec ia l day meeting with Academy faculty and Mu seum staff members. The program was designed to enhance a five-month study of the sea-past, present and futureoffered to students in the Merrick , Long Island School Di strict 's APEX program for gifted ch ildren . The trip was planned at the beg inning of the prev ious October. In September 1995, the Great Neck schools made pl ans to bring 400 fourth graders to the Museum in June. The children ' s spec iali zed program included an environmental program , a sail on the schoone r Mary E which is operated by Long Island BOCES , and a li vely and energetic maritime scavenger hunt at the Museum . Ad ult groups also enjoy visit ing the Mu seum. Once again , advance planning is the key to a successfu l trip. Throu ghout the year adu lts can take advantage of the changing ex hibiti ons, art sho ws and specia l programs offered by the Museum . An added bonus fo r groups is a tour of the United States Merchant Marine Academy led by members of the Honor Guard and-subject to avail ability- luncheons at the Officers C lub or the Upper Deck Dining Room. We invi te a ll members of the National Maritime Historical Society to bring the ir groups to the Mu seum . If yo u wo uld like to pl an a visit, please contact the Museum office at 5 16 773-55 15 for detail s. Tours of the Academy and luncheons must be arranged in adva nce and are subject to availability. (AMMM, USMMA, Kings Point NY 11024;5 16773-55 15) - Ll NDA FASBACH Ass istant Director

(Co ntinued from page 38.) IN SEARCH OF • •• : The Key W est Maritime Hi storica l Society is looking for a wooden, two-masted, gaff-rigged , 5060' schooner with clipper lines to serve as a land-based educational di spl ay, representing the loca l wreck ing schooners of the 1800s (Dean McClure, KWMHS , 305 292-7992) . ... The UDT-Seal Museum Association is looking for an LCPR fo r di splay at its museum on North Hutchin son Island , Fort Pierce, Florida (Robert Marsha ll , Direc tor, UDT-SMA, 407 595 -1 570).

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P BLICA TIO NS: The Hakluyt Society ( 1846- 1996), publi sher of over 300 scho larl y ed itions of voyages and travel s, celebrates its sesquicentenary thi s year (THS, c/o The Map Library, British Library, Great Ru ssell Street, Londo n WCI B 300, UK). .. . The North American Society for Oceanic History announced its ann ual John Lyman Book Awards at its 20th Annu al Meeting in

Boston in March: Jame s Pritch a rd , Anatomy of a Nava l Disaster: The 1746 French Expedition to North America (McGill -Qu ee n 's University Press, Montreal QU E and Kingston ONT); William C. Fleetwood, Jr. , Tidecraft: Th e Boats of South Carolina, Georgia and Northeastern Florida, 1550- 1950 (WBG Marine Press, Tybee Island GA); Haro ld D. Langley , History of Medicine in the Early US Navy ( aval In stitute Press, Annapoli s MD); Craig L. Symonds with cartograph y by William J. Clipson, The Nava l In stitute' s Historical Atlas of the US Navy (Nava l Institute Press , Annapo li s MD); Jeffrey G. Barlow, Revolt of the Admirals: The Fighl for Naval Aviation , 1945- 1950 (Naval Hi stori cal Center, Washington DC); Charles Dana Gibson and E. Kay Gibson, Assault and Logistics: Union Army Coastal and Ri ver Operations, 1861- 1866 and Dictionat y ofTransports and Combatant Vessels and Sail Employed by the Union Army, 18611868 (Ensign Press, Camden ME). 1 SEA HISTORY 79, AUTUMN 1996

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