Sea History 077 - Spring 1996

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tute of Museum Services (MMM, 243 Washington Street, Bath ME 04530; 207 443-1316; CMM, PO Box 97, Solomons MD 20688) .. . the Penobscot Marine Museum received a $40,000 grant from the NEH to_plan an exhibit entitled "An Ocean Going Community: Searsport at Sea and Ashore" (PMM, Church Street, SearsportME04974) .. . theJamestownYorktown Foundation has received major funding from the First Colony Life Insurance Company of Lynchburg, Virginia, to support the sailing of the three full-scale colonial replicas, the Susan Constant, Godspeed and Discovery (J-YF, PO Drawer JF, Williamsburg VA 23187; 804 253-4138) ... the 200year-old structure in Amesbury , Massachusetts, that is the home of Lowell's Boat Shop will be renovated this year thanks to a congressional appropriation of $327,750 administered through the Massachusetts Historical Commission, reports Bill Barton, director of the Newburyport Maritime Society which

land (the refurbishment of downtown Birmingham) shared top honors for the Excellence on the Waterfront A wards presented at the 13th Waterfront Center Conference in Oregon last October (TWC, l536 44th Street, NW, Washington DC 20007; 202 337-0356) . .. the Nautical Research Guild has announced an Annual Essay A ward to encourage new research in the maritime heritage with prizes of $500 and $250 (Eugene L. Larson , 9223 Presidential Drive, Alexandria VA 22309; 703 360-2111). steamboat buffs can acquire a series of 90-minute tapes of various American, British and German steam engines at work from the New York Technological Society, 178 Emerson Place, Brooklyn NY 11205 ... the Steamboat Conference in Louisville, Kentucky, 20-23 June, will feature a wide range ofactivities forsteamboaters and their families, including lectures, tours , and riverboat trips (Steamboat Masters and Associates, PO Box 3046, Louisville KY 40201; 502 778-6784).


POSITIONS Av AILABLE: Massachusetts Schooner Ernestina is taking applica-


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Lowell's Boat Shop

now owns the Boat Shop (LBSTrust, PO Box 1793, Amesbury MA 01913 ; 508 388-0162) ... the Delaware Bay Schooner Project's New Jersey oyster schooner A.]. Meerwald has received a $25 ,000 grant from the Cutty Sark Tall Ships Foundation for organizational development and operational expenses (CSTSF, PO Box 110231, Stamford CT 06911-0231 ; DBSP, PO Box 57, Dorchester NJ 08316; 609 785-2060) ... the World Ship Trust presented the Maritime Heritage A ward to the Royal Netherlands Navy monitor Buffel of 1868 and the A ward for Individual Achievement to Mrs. Wil Van Son for her role in preserving the ramship Schorpioen of 1868 . . . people-friendly waterfront projects in Massachusetts (the restoration of the Deer Island Pumping Station in Boston Harbor), New York (the NYS Recreationway Plan to develop a linear park along the canal system) and EngSEA HISTORY 77, SPRING 1996

tions for the upcoming sailing season for a master, mates, AB sail, engineer, steward and educators (Gregg Swanzey, Director, Massachusetts Schooner Ernestina Commission, PO Box 2010, New Bedford MA 02741-201O;508 992-4900, fax : 508 984-7719). PEOPLE: Professor Barry Gough, from the History Department at Wilfrid Lauri er University in Waterloo, Ontario, has been named Editor-in-Chief of the Peabody Essex Museum 's The American Neptune, replacing outgoing editor Timothy Runyan (PEM, East India Square, Salem MA 01970; 508 745-1876) . .. Admiral of the Fleet Sir Julian Oswald, GCB, former First Sea Lord and Chief of Naval Staff, has succeeded Arthur Weller, CBE, as chairman of Britain's Maritime Trust (MT, 2 Greenwich Church Street, London SEIO 9BG, UK).

Full information on the stories in Spun Yarn appears in Sea History Gazette, Vol. X, No. 12 and Vol. XI, Nos. 1 & 2. We'll send you the three Gazettes for $6 or include them gratis ifyou subscribe to the Gazette for one year (6 issues) at $18.75 ($28.75 for foreign postage).

Iron Men, Wooden Women Geu der and Seafaring in th e A tla11tic World, '/700-1 920 edited by Margaret S. Creighton and Lisa Norling " T his collection not o nl y sketches life at sea in all its deta il an d dive rsity but also expands o ur understandin g o f th e con necti o ns of ge nder, occupatio n , class , colonization , and race at sea and on land." -Jeanne Boydsto n , University ofWi sco nsin- Madi son 304 pages, 11 ill us., $16.95 paperbac k

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