Sea History 076 - Winter 1995-1996

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NMHSNEWS 1995 Annual Awards Dinner NMHS Awards Speak for Themselves! As I li stened to the presentation of awards, it oc curred to me that the awards themselves represent the best poss ib le descripti on of the goa ls and ac ti vities of the National Maritime Hi storica l Soc iety. The American Ship T rust A ward was presented to Warren Marr, II , whose ded icated efforts led to fun d ing to build a re producti on of the Amistadthe vesse l whi ch became a vital part of American hi story when the Afri cans on board revolted again st a future of slavery, seized the vesse l and prec ipi tated Ame rica 's first c ivil rig hts case to be dec ided Ke/I/ Barwick. President ofthe New in favo r of a minority. T he Soc iety supports ship Yo rk State Historical Association, replica program s, particul arl y fo r vessels re pre- presents American Ship Tr ust Award to Warren Marr , II . senting important hi stori cal causes. The Founders' Sheet Anchor Awa rd was presented to Richard W. Sc heui ng, a World War II merchant seaman who served with d istincti on at Normand y. Hi s dedi cation to our maritime heritage has led him to sponsor g ift memberships fo r grad uating c lasses of a ll the major maritime academi es in the Un ited States. The Society ce le brates the modern merchant marine as we ll as hi storic vessels. We also support education and the preservati on of the US merchant marine. The Robert G. A lbi on/James Monroe Award was presented to T homas C. Gillmer, a g ifted scholar whose contributi ons to our know ledge of hi storic vessels have added immeas urabl y to o ur ability to understand those vessels and their builders. The Society s upports scho larship and research on hi sto ri c ships. Our Distingui shed Serv ice Awa rd was presented to Ray mond E. Wall ace for hi s work in the restoration of the four-mas ted bark Moshulu. The Soc iety supports such ship restoration . Another was awarded to Michae l Mc Kay fo r hi s leadership of the Ameri can Maritime Offi cers in wor king to keep Ame rican fl ag shi ps at sea and American seamen at work aboard them , aloft and alow. These awards in different as pects of maritime hi story di spl ay, more eloq uentl y than I could describe, the goals and d iversity of interest of the Nati onal Maritime Hi storical Society. ALA G . C HOATE, Chairman, NMHS

A/Jove: Membership Chairman Richard W. Sche11i11g with his Fo unders' Sheet Anchor Award. Tom Gillmer accepts the Roher! G. Alhionl.lames Monroe Award.

Welcoming Remarks by Commodore Henry H. Anderson, Jr. It 's customary when another organi zati on ho ld s a function in the New Yo rk Yac ht C lub fo r a fl ag offi cer of the C lub to say a wo rd of welcome. In the case o f the Nationa l Maritime Hi stori ca l Soc iety, the bond between the two organi zati ons is a cl ose one. Man y NY Yac ht C lu b members pl ay a rol e in the Soc iety, and yo ur Annual Award s Dinner in thi s grand o ld clubhouse has become a fi xture in the C lub 's continuing hi sto ry. So welcome-and let's continue the partnership into the future, to the benefit of the A me rican he ritage in seafarin g!

Howard Slotnick 's presentation of the NMHS Distinguished Service Award to Michael McKay, President of the American Maritime Officers: As a li fe long fr iend of Mi chael Mc Kay, and before that hi s father Ray McKay, I know thi s famil y's dedication to the wellbe ing of the US merchant marine. The offi cers' union Michael heads has a lways wo rked with management to keep their ships sailing profitably under the US flag . Thi s is obviously very important to the fu ture of the merchant marine, and wo rth y of the thanks of all of us to the AMO and its leader Michael McKay.

Commodore Anderson ' s presentation of the World Ship Trust Award for Individual Achievement to Clifford Mallory : The World Ship Trust works on the internationa l scene as the Ameri can Ship Tru st does in the United States, pro viding the impetus, and sometimes technical advice, for identify ing, restoring and preserving vessels of hi storic signifi cance. Cliffo rd Mallory's Iifeti me achievemen tin hi stori c ship preservation began with sav ing the Charles W. Morgan fo r M ys ti c Seaport in 1941 ; it went on to further acqui sition s providing a shinin g ex ample for other maritime organi zations to adopt, restore and , in some cases, operate vintage vesse ls.

Right.ji¡om top: NMHS Developme111 Trnstee Craig Reynolds with LI Reynolds-behind them,ji'Oln /eft, NM HS Treasurer Brad Smith. Stephanie Begley. and Jim and Irene Farley. Commodore Anderson reads the World Ship Tmst Award presentation , hacked up hy NMHS President Stanfo rd. Dinner co-chairman Jean Wort leads singing witIi chanteymen Frank Woe m er and Alison Kelley. Photos hy Burchenal Green

E du ca ting th e A me ri ca n peopl e in Ameri ca's vita l interest in sea farin g is an impo rtant mi ss io n. NMH S does thi s-and it is somethin g the Soc iety does ve ry well. That is why it deserves all the support we can give it.

SEA HI STORY 76, WI NT ER 1995-96


Richard W. Scheuing, accepting the Founders' Sheet Anchor Award:

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