Sea History 076 - Winter 1995-1996

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Merchant Marine Museum Presents Bowditch Award

CALENDAR Festivals, Events, Lectures, Etc. • 24-27 May, International Festival of the Sea-Bristol '96 (Festival Committee, PO Box 496, 59 Prince Street, Bristol BS I 4QH, UK; 117 922 1996) • 28-30 June, WoodenBoat Show at Mystic Seaport Museum (WoodenBoat Publications, PO Box 78, Brooklin ME 04616-0078; 207 359-4651) • 10 & 18 August, Star of India sails (San Diego Maritime Museum, 1306 N . Harbor Drive, San Diego CA 9210 I ; 619 234-9153) Conferences • 8-11 February, 1996 Colonial Maritime Association Conference in Alex andria VA (CMA , PO Box 702, Lusby MD 20657) • 14-16 March, "The Mississippi River and Her People" in Memphis, TN (Dr. Beverly Watkins, National ArchivesGreat Lakes Region , 7.258 South Pulaski Road, Chicago IL 60629) • 22-23 March 1996, "Long Island Women: Activists and Innovators" (Hofstra Cultural Center and Long Island Studies Institute; 516 463-6775) • 22-24 March 1996, Western Ship Model Conference and Exhibit aboard the Queen Mary, Long Beach CA (Lloyd V. Warner, 2083 Reynosa Drive, Torrance CA 9050 I; 3 10 326-5177) • 28-31 March 1996, NASOH Annual Meeting, Charlestown Naval Shipyard, Boston MA (North American Society for Oceanic History, PO Box 18108, Washington DC 20036) • 18-20 April 1996, Tugboat Enthusiasts Society Annual Meeting, in New Orleans (TES , 308 Quince Street, Mt. Pleasant SC 29464) • April 1996, Charting a Course for Preservation: A Workshop Promoting Cooperation Among Maritime Parks (Salem Maritime NHS; 202 343-8170) • 8-11 May, Council of American Maritime Museums 1996 Spring Meeting at The Mariners' Museum (TMM , 100 Museum Drive, Newport News VA 23606-3759; 804 596-2222) • 5-8 June, "Evolution and Revolution in the Maritime World in the 19th and 20th Centuries," 2nd International Congress for Maritime History in The NethI'

Full information on the stories in Spun Yarn appears in Sea History Gazette, Vol. X, Nos. 9-11. We'll send you the three Gazettes for $6 or include them gratis if you subscribe to the Gazette for one yearat$18.75 ($28.75/orthose requiring foreign postage). Another good way to keep up with SEA HISTORY 76, WINTER 1995-96

erlands (SICMH, Congress Secretariat, PO Box 102, 2350 AC Leiderdorp, The Netherlands) • 20-23 June, Steamboat Conference, Louisville KY, (Steamboat Masters and Associates, PO Box 3046, Louisville KY 40201-3046; 502 778-6784) • 31 August-7 September, International Congress of Maritime Museums Triennial Congress (A. Jervis, Mersey-side Maritime Museum , Albert Dock, Liverpool L3 4AQ, UK; FAX: ( 15 l) 478 4590) • 9-12 September, "Steam at Sea: The Application of Steam Power in the Maritime World" (David J. Starkey, Dept. of History, University of Hull , Hull HU67RX, UK; FAX: 1482466126) Exhibitions • from 17 June, "Norris Wright Cuney, 1846-1898: African-American Political Pioneer" (Texas Seaport Museum, 2016 Strand, Galveston TX 77550) • 12 July-4 February, "Reaching Home: Pacific Salmon, Pacific People" (Thomas Burke Memorial Washington State Museum, Univ. of Washington, DB-10, Seattle WA 98195; 206 543-5590) • 10November-15April, "A River Deep and Bold: Images of the James," (Jamestown- Yorktown Fdtn, PO Box JF, Williamsburg VA 23187; 804 253-4838) • 11 November-28 February, The ~iver's Green Margin (The Mariners' Museum, see address above) • current, North Carolina's Working Watercraft (North Carolina Maritime Museum, 315 Front Street, Beaufort NC 28516; 919 728-7317) • from January, "25 Years of Arctic Exploration" (New Bedford Whaling Museum, 18 Johnny Cake Hill, New BedfordMA 02740-6398; 508 997-0046) • 6January-3 March, Paintings by Dahl Green and photographs by Joe Schuyler of the building and launching of the schooner America replica (Rice Gallery , Albany Institute of History and Art, 125 Washington Ave., A1bany NY 12210; 518 463-4478) • through 1996, "Ships for Victory: American Shipbuilding's 'Finest Hour"' (Hart Nautical Gallery of the MIT Museum, 55 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge MA)

news from around the historic ship world, is to subscribe to a joint membership with NMHS and the World Ships Trust or the National Maritime Museum, both based in London. Call us for details of joint membership at reduced prices (800 221-NMHS).



Peter Stanford, PresidentofNMHS , was presented with the Bowditch Award on 8December1995, by Frank 0. Braynard, curator of the American Merchant Marine Museum. The Nathaniel Bowditch Scholar of the Year A ward is named for the sea captain who wrote The American Practical Navigator in 1802, a reference work still in use today . Accepting the award, Stanford told the friends of the Museum and NMHS assembled that NMHS embodies the spirit of Frank Braynard, one of its founders, as it believes that history lives only as it lives for people. He pledged NMHS support for America's merchant marine. History, he said, is concerned with past, present and future, and the continuities of history certainly point to the desirability of any nation with a serious stake in foreign trade carrying its own goods to market.

David O ' Neil , Chairman of the Mus eum , introduces FrankBraynard, curator(at right).

Schuyler M. Meyer, Jr. , Chairman of the State Council on Waterways, funded the enrollment of the firstclassmen of the US Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point as members of NMHS. RADM Matteson, presenting the memberships to' the cadets, said: "Mr. Meyer is giving you these memberships in honor of Peter Stanford, who is celebrating hi s twenty-fifth anniversary as president of the National Maritime Historical Society. As you begin your career on the strong foundation of all that has come before you, Mr. Meyer wants you to realize the great difference one person can make." Schuyler M. Meyer, Jr. (second from left) and Richard W. Scheuing (jar right) with Charles Sargeant II (lefl) and Anthony Odak, on the presentation oftheirclass' senrollment inNMHS.

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