Sea History 076 - Winter 1995-1996

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marine 1-52, reportedly carrying gold Lake Minnetonka steamboat Minneand other metals for the Nazi war effort haha, raised from the lake in 1980, will when it was sunk in 1944 by an Ameri- be restored to serve as an excursion can bomber, 1200 miles west of the vessel run by the Minnesota TransportaCape Verde Islands ... the volunteers tion Museum (MTM, 26120 Birch Bluff who crew the 1877 bark Elissa are Road, Excelsior MN 55331) ... Dr. looking forward to an offshore voyage William S. Dudley is the new Acting this spring-if the Texas Seaport Mu- Director of the Naval Historical Censeum can raise $85,000 to supplement ter in Washington DC (NHC, Washan anonymous donation (TSM, 2016 ington Navy Yard, Washington DC Strand, Galveston TX 77550; 409 763- 20374-0571; 202 433-2210) . .. Ann 1877) ... a purchase agreement between M. Gill, executive director of the Cold the Great Lakes Historical Society and Spring Harbor Whaling Museum has the newly-formed Harbor Heritage So- been elected president of the Council ciety has ensured that the 1925 bulk- of American Maritime Museums carrier William G. Mather will remain (CSHWM, PO Box 25, Cold Spring in use as a maritime museum (GLHS, Harbor NY 11724; 516 367-3418) ... 480 Main Street, PO Box 435, Vermil- outgoing CAMM President Burt Logan ion OH 44089; 216 967-3467) ... the has been appointed the new director of International Yacht Restoration School the USS Constitution Museum in Bosrecently purchased both the J-class ton, leaving the Wisconsin Maritime yacht Shamrock V and property on Museum where he served as director Thames Street from the Museum of for nine years (USSCM, Building 22, Yachting in Newport, Rhode Island Charlestown Navy Yard, PO Box 1812, (IYRS, 28 Church Street, Newport RI Boston MA 02129; 617 426-1812) . . . 02840; 401 849-3060; MOY, PO Box the USS Constitution also got a new 129, NewportRI02840; 401 847-1018) commander in 1995 as CDR Michael . . . the luxury yacht Enticer of 1935 Beck took over from CDR Richard B . returned to her birthplace on the Dela- Amirault ... the State University of ware River when the Enticer Corpora- New York Board of Trustees has aption of Connecticut donated her to the pointed RADM David C. Brown, Independence Seaport Museum (ISM, USMS, as the new president of the Mari211 S. Columbus Blvd., Philadelphia time College at Fort Schuyler, followPA 19106-1415; 215 925-5439) ... the 'ing the retirement of RADM Floyd H.

Miller, USN. RADM Brown was formerly Superintendent of the Great Lakes Maritime Academy where his role has been filled by John Tanner ... Angus McCamy , formerly of the US Brig Niagara in Erie, Pennsylvania, has been appointed director of the Hudson River Maritime Museum (HRMM , One RondoutLanding, Kingston NY 12401; 914 338-0071) . .. the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard, in operation since 1801, closed this past September, dispersing a work force of 4,000 ... check movie theaters near you for the January release of the Hollywood Pictures' White Squall recounting the 1960 capsizing of the brigantine Albatross during an Ocean Academy voyage and the fate of the students and crew (the role of the Albatross is played by Eye of the Wind!) ... anyone interested in joining Crew USA for the first leg of the 1996 Cutty Sark Tall Ships Races (from Genoa, Italy, to Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 16-21 July) can apply by submitting ten reasons why they believe they will benefit from this adventure to The Tall Ships Foundation, PO Box 110231 , Stamford CT 06911 .. . the Texas Mari"CUSTOM SIDPS IN BOTTLES" PRESENTS

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Brigs, Schooners and Privau Yachts. Indudtd in the 'idea is the 11Rtading Rainbow' segment, 35 ships in bottles, over 50 stills and a short IWlory of the art of slaips in the bottle. 35 minutes. Order, und $16.95 plus SJ.OD P & H to:

USS Constitution Invites Nation to Celebrate 200th Anniversary The upcoming bicentennial of the launching of USS Constitution, on 21 October 1997, will provide an exciting opportunity for students and teachers from across the US. In addition to the traditional 4th of July turnaround this summer, 500 passengers will be aboard for each of ten special turnaround cruises. "Through this project the US Navy wants to establish the Constitution as a living symbol of citizenship, liberty, courage, honesty and the rule of law, exemplified in the US Constitution , for which the vessel was named," says the ship ' s captain, CDR Michael Beck, USN. " The cruises will also set the stage for 1997, by encouraging teachers to include both the ship and the document in school curricula during the Constitution's anniversary year. Passengers will be chosen through a lottery to be held in March, open to all American citizens, with students and teachers receiving first priority." Each cruise will draw passengers from different states: • 28 June, Friday: New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Puerto Rico • 12 July, Friday: Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia • 15 July, Monday: Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri • 19 July, Friday: Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama • 22 July , Monday: North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma • 26 July , Friday: Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, US Virgin Islands • 2 August, Friday: Kentucky, Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, District of Columbia • 9 August, Friday: Tennessee, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida • 16 August, Friday: Montana, Idaho, Utah , Arizona, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico • 23 August, Friday: Hawaii , Alaska, California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Guam For information, call the USS Constitution Turnaround Coordinator, 617 242-5670. SEA HISTORY 76, WINTER 1995-96

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