Sea History 076 - Winter 1995-1996

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MARINE ART NEWS Mystic's 16th International Don Demers for "The Gathering Fleet, Scrimshander Robert Weiss achieved a Booth bay Harbor, Maine," oil ; Loretta significant double at the opening of the Krupinski for "Market Day, Vinal Haven, presti gious 16th Annu al Mys ti c l nte r- Maine," oil; Jim Griffith s for "On Comnati onal he ld at Mys ti c pany Business," gouache; Maritime Gallery in SepM a rek Sa rb a fo r " Still° tember. Weiss received the Afl oat," oil ; a nd Dutc h Rudolph J. Schaefer MariMostert for " Perfect Day' s time Heritage Award fo r End," watercolor. The Myshis scrimshaw piece, "Sailtic Seaport Museum Puring Day Portrait," markchase A ward was presented ing the second consecuto George McWilliams fo r ti ve year that We iss has hi s pencil drawing "Better garnered the competition's Days Past. " top award . He is also the Foll ow ing the Internaonly scrimshanderto have tional, Mystic opened Diswon it. tinguished Women Marine Artists, an exhibit featuring. " It ' s not surpri sing that two diffe rent juries would the work of 44 contemporecogni ze the quality of rary women artists. Painter Bob-'s work two years in a "Sailing Day Portrait" Loretta Krupinski , who was ro w," said Gallery director Robert We iss recently elected a Fellow of Dav id Bosworth. "These the American Soc iety of are ex traordinary pieces." " Sailing Day Marine Arti sts, and the accompli shed Portrait" is a monographi c portrayal of scrimshander Yoko Gaydos are two of whaling wives at sea in the 19th century. the arti sts fea tured. The show run s It shows the departure of Captain Jared through the end of January. (MMG , Jernegan , hi s wife Helen and the ir two Mystic CT 06355; 203 572-8524) children on the whaling bark Roman in 1868. The images are beautifully draw n New Acquisition at the on two matched foss ili zed walrus tusks. Of scrimshaw itself, Bosworth notes a National Maritime Museum growing interest: " As traditi onal art be- The National Maritime Museum has comes a scarce commodity, foc used in- added a unique painting of the deck of terest in collecting scrimshaw has risen. " Isambard Kingdom Brunel' s fa mo us The works of 106 artists were chosen steamship Great Eastern to its incomto be represented at last year' s Interna- parable collection of art. The painting, ti onal, which is widely regarded as the premier exhibition of contemporary marine art in the world. Ten were singled out for spec ial recognition. The Thomas M. Hoyne, III A ward was won by Pavel Boikov for hi s marquetry piece "Charles W. Morgan." The Marine Environmental Wildlife A ward went to Kim Shaklee for her bronze sculpture "Mysti c Serenade." The Mystic Maritime Gallery Yachting Award was given to Robert Hagan for hi s oil painting " Young America, America ' s Cup, 1995. " Five arti sts rece ived Awards of Excellence: "The Gathering Fleet" "From Sheerness to Valentia ," by the Donald Demers ship ' s res ident arti st, Robert Dudley, .----------=~~~--, depicts passengers on board at dusk during the first leg of the Great Eastern 's 1865 Atlantic cable-laying voyage from Sheerness to Valenti a, County Kerry, Ireland . NMM sought the support of the Society fo r Nautical Research to make the acq ui siti on at an auction in July. "What really attrac ted the museum ," says Roger Qu arm , curator of pictures at

There was astonishment and surpri se at Skinner ' s auction house in Boston in September when a painting by G loucester arti st Fitz Hugh Lane, "Sunset at Glouceste r Harbor," sold for a record $3 .3 million . According to the Boston Globe, the prev iously unknown painting was di scovered during a house appraisal, and had been conservati vely es tim a te d to brin g in $75 ,000 to $ 125,000. Lane (1 804- 1865) is one of Ameri ca ' s earliest and most revered marine arti sts and , fo rtunately for Lane lovers everywhere, a large collection of hi s work-38 paintings and JOO drawings-is o n displ ay at the Cape Ann Hi storica l Assoc iation ' s mu se um in Glo ucester MA. Outside of its impress ive holdings of Lane ' s work, the Cape Ann Historical Association has another exceptional collecti on: schooner models, fi shing gear, photographs, log books and journals related to the Cape ' s fi rst industry, fi shing. On 26 September, it opened "Making Waves ," showcas ing some of these items as they relate to fi shing in the 20th century. Of special interest are the photograph s, paintings and graphics in the new exhibit, whi ch include images of the Portug uese and Italian famili es that came to Cape Ann in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and the vessels they built and sailed. The exhibition continues through the winter. (CAHA , 27 Pleasant Street, MA 01 930; 508 28 3-0455) If the subjects of Pacific discovery and the age of the China tea clipper are yo ur nautical penchant, the exhibit of Raymond A. Massey's paintings at the San Diego Maritime Museum is your baili wick. "Massey: The Age of Sail in the Pac ific ," 16 original oils and 13 limited edition prints, includes depictions of Captain Bligh 's Bounty in Tahiti , Cajptain Cook 's discovery of the Hawaii am Islands and America ' s pursuit of trrnde with China. Massey's paintings alwrnys show great attention to ship



the Mu se um , " was the fac t that such scenes of life aboard ship are actuall y extreme ly rare. Dudl ey ' s picture, full of atmosphe re and excitement, is an outstanding exampl e, convey ing just what it was like to be on board a steamship 130 years ago." The picture is now on dis pl ay in the Muse um 's new "A ll Hands" interacti ve ga ll e ry . (N MM , Greenwich, London SEIO 9NF England ; 18 1-858 4422)

Art Notes


76, WINTER 1995 -96

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