Sea History 072 - Winter 1994-1995

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Schooner Stephen Taber ruise Vessel Pauline ee- and six-day day cruises Windjammer Wharf

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Relive this historic vessel's return to its birthplace after more than 51 years! "... a beautiful presentatiQtt highlighting our return to Portland. I higlzly recom mend it!" RADM Thomas J. Patterson "The video is excellent! It tnely captures the spirit of the eremiah."

Captain Walter W. Jaffee

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silk camphor and 18 tons of porcelain. Somechinaware has been landed in excellent condition and is being documented.

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New Tall Ships Foundation to Provide Funds for Ships Capt. Howell G. "Pete" Hall of Alexandria, Virginia, director of the Alexandria Seaport Foundation and skipper of the schooner Alexandria, has taken the helm of the newly created Tall Ships Foundation . The aim of the fo undation , which is funded by Cutty Sark Scots Whi sky , is to help preserve America 's tall ships. That assistance wi ll begin with an award, to be announced soon , of $25,000 to one worthy vessel. It will be the first of five grants totaling $ 125 ,000 that the foundation wi II make over the next five years to five different historic ships. (Tall Ships Foundation, PO Box 11023 1, Stamford CT0691 I ) AST A Ships and Members Converge in Bridgeport Wooden spars and masts made crisscross patterns in the sky and the atmosphere was heavy with the talk of ships and sailing when 200 sail-trainers and several of their ships converged on Captain 's Cove, Bridgeport, Connecti-

Joshua Slocum Centennial Designed after early 19th century period walking sticks, this unique cane combines dignified elegance with operative purpose. Artfully concealed within the barrel of the Admiral's Walking Stick is an 8 power, high resolution hand held telescope featuring a state of the art five element magnesium fluoride coated lens assembly with a 5/8" aperture. The scope is 12-1/4" long at full draw. Both cane and telescope are constructed of black and winewood or ebony lan1inated birchwood, polished to a glowing finish. All fittings are turned from solid brass bar stock and lacquered for lasting brilliance. The knob of each walking stick comes engraved with the owner's monogrammed initials. The cane comes disassembled into its five component parts and nestled snugly in its own presentation gift box. The Van Cort name incised on the telescope eyepiece assures you of the uncompromising quality of this instrument $270.00 plus shipping, handling and tax where applicable. To order, please contact Victoria Stewart. MC, VI, AE accepted.


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Van Cort Instruments, inc-. 29 lndust1ial Dr. East• No1thampton, l\!A 01060 l'SA 413-586-9800 •Fax 413-.j80-0800 • \iatwnal 800--132-2678 Send $5 for Catalog


On 24 April 1895, Captain Joshua Slocum departed the port of Boston to begin an historic 46,000-mile journey in his sloop Spray-the first single-handed circumnavigation of the world. Slocum 's epic voyage has made him the patron sai nt of small-boat voyagers, navigators and adventurers the world over, and centennial events have been planned fo r 1995 to honor the legendary sailor. Commemorative events include: • On 22 April, at 6:30PM, the Joshua Slocum Society (US) will hold a reception at the USS Constituti on Museum with Spray replica builder Edwin Davis as speaker. The follow ing day, 23 Apri l, at 1PM , a re-enactment of Slocum ' s departure will be held. For reservations contact Ted Jones, 15 Codfish Hill Road Ext., .Bethel CT06801 ; 203 790-6616. •The Slocum Society (Europe) is planning a rendezvous in England, Portugal, the Azores and G ibraltar during the summer of 1995 . Contact Andrew Bishop, 24 Kings ley Road , Wimbledon, London SW19 8HF; 0 11-448 1-543-7245 . • The New Bedford Whaling Museum will open a Joshua Slocum exhibit on 24 Apri l. Circumnav igator Bill Pinkney will be the speaker. Contact Judy Lund, 18 Johnny Cake Hill, New Bedford MA 02740; 508 997-0046


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