503 E. River Street, Savannah GA 31401) The historic Gulf Coast schooner Governor Stone , built in 1877, has been restored by the Apalachicola Maritime Institute and is being made ready for a sail training program . (AMI, PO Box 625, Apalachicola FL 32320) The 1928 Delawa re Bay oyster schooner Clyde A. Phillips recently received a boost from the New Jersey Historic Trust in the form of a $215,000 grant, for which matching funds have to be raised. To help, contact Meghan Wren, Delaware Bay Schooner Project, PO Box 57, Dorchester NJ 083 16. The 1925 New York City ferry Maj. Gen. Wm. H. Hart is now moored in Captain's Cove Seaport, Bridgeport, Connecticut, home of the famous frigate replica HMS Rose. A gift of South Street Seaport Museum , the buxom vessel joins a growing fleet at Captain's Cove, which is also now home to the ketch John E. Pfriem (ex-J. N. Carter out of New Haven , Connecticut, and before that Gloucester, Massachusetts). To continue the restoration of the bark Star ofIndia , the San Diego Maritime Museum is selling belaying pins made from the vessel's old decks. The edition is limited to 150 pins. Send $50, plus $3.50 shipping and handling to the San Diego Maritime Museum, 1306 N. Harbor Drive, San Diego CA 92101.
MARTIFACTS, INC. MARINE COLLECTIBLES rrom scrapped ships and SS. UNITED STATES. Lamps. blocks. clocks. linen. etc. Send $1 for brochure:
Marinas I Boatyards on Chesapeake Bay Buy or Sell
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FOR SALE Fine Fres• Food Ilrcc Mids
Finely detailed Merchant & Military Sailing Vessels. Hand crafted to order. We will send price quote and color photo upon receipt of ship name and scale wanted . Many popular ships built ahead from 27" to 56" . For list of shi ps in stock send $1 .00 to:
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Windjammer Cruises Sailings from: New England, Caribbean, South Pacific and Galapagos Islands Sign on fo r a Vacation Cruise - take a turn at the wheel... . , lend a hand with the sa il s ... or our "Leaming" cruises : 1 \ Whale Watching, Celestial Navigation, Birding, Elderhostel or for Graduate Teaching Credits! Good Food, Good Companionship, Good Fun!
For Reservations or Information: 800-845-5520 Cape Horn Kudos Following in the wake of S¢ren Larsen and Eye of the Wind in December last year, the third traditional sailing vessel to "round the comer" en route to OpSail '92 was the 122-ft topsail schooner Tradewind outofDunedin, New Zealand, in February. Built in 1911 as a North Sea trader and fishing vessel, she was retired to the canal s of Amsterdam before her 1987 resurrection as an ocean voyager. (DiscoveryCharters,Box 1182,Dunedin, New Zealand) This rash of Cape Hom roundings got Windjammer editors thinking about the last time a wooden square-rigger took the honor. It appears the last westward rounding was on the 26th of January, 1967, by our own Regina Maris, the wooden barkentine being restored today at Greenport on Long Island, New York, an NMHS-supported project. New England Lighthouses Damaged A storm this past fall , after Hurricane Bob, wrought havoc on several New England light stations. The storm was SEA HISTORY 62, SUMMER 1992
Dirigo Cruises 39 Waterside Lane, Clinton CT 06413
FINE ART PRINTSby British Masters •Now Available through NMHS• (from Triton Publications of England)
John Chancellor's Sorely Tried, ltd ed ., 16x 27, ll175. Coasting, 14 x 23, ll120. Sp1ing Tide Freight, ltd. , io x 14, S75. Easterly Haze, ltd. , 18 x 26, lll 75.
... and W. L. Wyllie's Trafalgar 2.30 , ltd . ed. , 17 x 32, $215. Detail, Spring Tide
Order By Check or Credit Card. Call or write for brochure:
National Maritime Histolical Society Charles Point, P .O.Box 68 Peekskill, NY 10566 (914) 737-7878 35