TALL SHIPS SEPIA PEN & INK WASH DRAWINGS by J.A. KENDALL A.S.M.A. Historic Naval Ships: A Big Drawcard About ten million visitors are attracted annually to communities that feature historic naval vessels, and about $30 million is spent each year to maintain and operate such ships. That is what returns from the "economic impact survey" conducted by the Historic Naval Ships Association of North America (HINAS) indicate so far. Among the most popular attractions are the USS Constitution, the battleship Alabama, and the submarine Nautilus. With this in mind it is little wonder that many cities and organizations are seeking out these vessels. Recently the carrier Coral Sea was taken up by a Puerto Rico organization. The Puerto Rico Educational and Scientific Foundation has provided a plan to convert the flattop into the USS Coral Sea National Sea-Air-Space Museum berthed in Ponce, Puerto Rico. Possession of another carrier, USS Lexington, is being contested by numerous suitors but the Alabama Battleship Park in Mobile AL shows the most promise. (HINAS, US Naval Academy Museum, 118 Maryland Avenue, Annapolis MD 21402)
Ernestina on Atlantic Training Voyage In a major step forward in deepwater sail training, the schooner Ernestina took on 24 underprivileged youths as cadets on an ocean voyage which left New Bedford MA on October 19, to return April 1992. The program objective is to have students successfully test for USCG Able Bodied Seaman certification. Funding is provided by the Job Training Employment Corp. , in cooperation with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Schooner Ernestina Commission. Joe Cardozo of the Commission says the program is intended to provide opportunities for low-income, under-performing youths, ages 171/2 to 22 years . On board the students will study a curriculum that includes maritime history, nautical science, literature of the sea, meteorology and maritime career exploration. The itinerary includes the Azores, Spain, Portugal, Cape Verde, and the Virgin Islands. (Ernestina Commission, 30 Union Street, New Bedford MA 02740)
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Kendall developed the technique he calls " Sepia Pen & Ink Wash Drawings" while completing hi s masters project for San Francisco State College at the houseboat community in Sausalito, California. Sepia brown ink seemed to cap· ture the wa rmth and feeling of the area. Since 1980 Kendall has specialized in marine art and has a series of " Tall Ships" in print. An average of 200-250 hours each is spent on an original drawing . Other ships in th e series include the " Eagle,'' " Sea Cloud ," " Guayas," " Dar Pomorza," " Gorch Fack II ," " Christian Radich ,'' " Balclutha,'' & " Golden Hind II." All prints are hand si gned by th e arti st . Recently Kendall did commissions of private yachts along the " French Riviera" (using either sepia brown ink or watercolor). Don't be surprised to see th is much-travelled marine arti st in any port where beautiful boats gather. The complete series of " Tall Ships " is available. For a free brochure and price list write to:
K_f;NDALL STUDIO "SIR WINSTON CHURCHILL" image: 153/, X 793/," - $25.00 each " SA IL AMSTERDAM 80 " SERIES
Tbe finest for less'
The worlds finest inventory of ship models at down to earth wholesale prices.
Lannan Ship Model Gallery 58 Thayer Street Boston, MA 02118
RFD 2 BOX 544
CONTOOCOOK. NH 03229 (60 3) 746·5871
olumbus' Ships, the Nina, Pinta a11d Sa11la Mada, th at discovered the New World in 1492, are the first in a series of ten Discovery Ships available as limited editions prints. These excl usive prints, created from original watercolo rs by Maryland artist Stephen Beshara in collaborati on with naval architect/historian Thomas Gillmer, are lithographed on museum qual ity paper with gold foil stamped calligraphy. Each print in the edition of 500, are individually signed and numbered by the artist & historian. Appealing to anyone who cherishes the spirit of the golden era of discovery, the prints will complement any home or office or make a superb gift.
Am1al size 16" x 20". "Fu// Color". ~~~~~;;;;;;;;:;::==4 To order tire "Colwnbus "E 5'r", mil rolljree 800-487-8857, or write for more iiifonnarion on these and other maritime prints ro DISCOVERY SERIES, 815 Ritchie Hwy.,S11i1e 208, Sevema Park, MD 21146. Gallery lnq11in"es welcome.
...----- FOR SALE------. 8x10 COLOR PHOTO PRINT FROM ORIGINAL PAINTING BY BRUCE FRIESCH. The oolor photo print Is borderless, with a matt finish . Each print Is available for $14.00 . (Wisconsin residents add 5% sales tax.) Send check or money order to: BRUCE FRIESCH THE PRESIDENT 320 Quinlan Drive Different print sizes available. Pewaukee, WI 53072
Finely detailed Merchant & Military Sailing Vessels. Hand crafted to order. We win send price quote and color photo upon receipt of ship name and scale wanted. Many popular ships built ahead from 27" to 56". For list of ships in stock send$ 1.00 to:
BRUCE HALLETT US At 2, RFD Box 60 Sherman Mills. ME 04776
"God would not damn a man for a little irregular pleasure." Inveterate yachtsman Charles II of England
A new permanent exhibition opening November 8, 1991 Lighthouse on 11 Most Endangered List Erosion of the Mohegan Bluffs on Block Island RI threatens to topple an 1873 Gothic Revival-style lighthouse into the SEA HISTORY 59, AUTUMN 1991
East India Square, Salem, Massachusetts 508-745-1876 33