MARINE ART NEWS "Maritime history ... is not well known toric ships showing the development of AK 99803 if you can help him gather to Americans," the speaker stated, "yet, sailing craft from 2000BC to the early historical data and representations of exit should be." Then, taking the premise 1900s; an Admiralty Model built in 1793; plorers' ships and trading vessels pertithat maritime commerce came to repre- three bone prisoner of war models; and nent to Alaska. Newly restored , the Navy Art Gallery sent the lifeblood of the thirteen colo- the "Marple Collection" of nine excepnies, he regaled the crowd of well-wish- tionally fine models built over 30 years at the Naval Historical Center, re-opened ers with an inventory of episodes in by Ed Marple. The Ventura County Mari- in May last year with an exhibition of American history revolving around the time Museum is located in Channel works by the Navy's first eight combat country ' s innovative ways in maritime Islands Harbor, 2731 South Victoria artists from World War II. The Navy 's commerce. Avenue, Oxnard, California 93035; 805 art program was begun in 1941 to document the wartime role of the Navy and This may sound like one but a history 984-6260. th.e collection has grown lesson this was not. It was to 10,000 pieces, includbackground for the opening workbyThomasHart ing on February 16 of a Benton, Joseph Hirsh, fine new maritime muKerr Eby and Reginald seum featuring an exMarsh . Currently on extraordinary art collection. hibit through August are Making the speech was works by World War II Harry L. Nelson, Chairand Antarctic artist Stanman of the new Ventura dish Backus. County Maritime MuEnthusiasts of the late seum, a man well known John A. Noble 'sartofthe for the marinas he owns last chapter in the age of and operates along the sail will want to see the West Coast, less known new documentary film , for his outstanding col"Hulls and Hulks in the lection of marine art. Tide of Time: a Portrait Until now that is. Russell of John A. Noble." The Jinishian of Mystic Mari"O utward Bound," Anglo-American painter Robert Salmon's 1819 oil of a film premiered last Notime Gallery, on hand at vember and is now on sale the opening, describes it Scottish harbor scene. One of the important nineteenth century artists from the Noble Collecas " probably the single represented in the Nelson collection at the Ventura County Maritime Museum. tion , 270 Richmond Terrace, Staten Islargest and most importantpri vately held * * * * * collection in the country" now available If you ' re interested in what artists are land NY 10301. A public showing will to the public. saying about their art and what gallery be held at South Street Seaport Museum Over the years, from an interest owners are saying about what sells, pick in New York on April 25 at 6:30rM. KH sparked in the early fifties by the college up a copy of the December issue of Exhibitions lectures of the late and eminent maritime Yachting. Louise Wareham ' s feature arhistorian John Kemble, Mr. Nelson has ticle " Visions of the Sea" surveys the December 6-May 12, Drawn from the built up a collection now approaching field , offering among others the perspec- Sea: Images and Artifacts from the 2,000 items, principally comprised of tives of artists Loretta Krupinski, John Maritime Collection. At the new Loring marine paintings in oil, gouache, and Atwater, John Stobart, ASMA president Gallery of Maritime Arts, Peabody Muwatercolor, dating from the 18th century Dennis Beaumont, Willard Bond and seum , East India Square, Salem MA to modem times. Rotating through the dealers John McFarland, Jim Marenakos 01970. museum's exhibit hall at periods no and Russell Jinishian. Discussion of digreater than than six months, will be ex- vergent styles and traditional, of the trend April 14-May 19, David Bareford: Rehibits. featuring the works of English in marine art towards denoting lifestyle cent Painting by an Important Ameriartists Franci s Holman , Clarkson rather than documentation, and the de- can Impressionist. Quester Galleries, Stanfield, J. M . W . Turner, Samuel gree of closeness contemporary artists on the Green at 77 Main Street, StoningWaters , and Montague Dawson, and have to their subject make this a good ton CT 06378. American artists inc.J~ding Fitz Hugh read. Lane, Robert Salmon, James ButtersExpanding geographical rather than April 21-June 16, Second Annual worth, Antonio Jacobson, Fred Cozzens, stylistic boundaries of marine art is the Mystic One Hundred, one hundred new Otto Anton Fischer, Tom Hoyne, Tom aim of Juneau collector Dr. Bob White. works by leading maritime artists. At Wells and Bill Gilkerson. Over the next three years White is com- Mystic Maritime Gallery, SO GreenmanThe museum 's opening show, featur- missioning paintings of historic ships in ville Avenue, Mystic CT 06355. ing 34 works spanning 300 years, is the maritime heritage of Alaska, a region called "The Development of Style in passed over previously. This year ma- May 30-September 1, Mirror of EmMaritime Art." Complementing the pic- rine artist Chris Blossom will be on pire: Dutch Marine Art of the Seventure collection are ship models. Museum board White 's 60-ft trawler Sea Comber teenth Century. The Los Angeles director Frank Crane reports the ship in the fjords of Southeast Alaska. Con- County JMuseum of Art, 5905 Wiltshire model s include some 24 models of his- tact Dr. White at PO Box 34699, Juneau Boulevrurd, Los Angeles CA 90036. 30