MARINE ART NEWS "Jacob's Ladder" is the title given to a monument in bronze to the American Merchant Mariner of World War Il . Designed by the late Jasper D' Ambrosi, the work is being completed by his two sons, Mark and Michael. Born in Wilmington, California, Jasper D' Ambrosi was for many years a longshoreman before taking up sculpting full-time in Arizona. "Jacob's Ladder" represents an experience with which anyone of a merchant ship's crew, whether AB or officer, could identifytwo seamen climbing a wildly swinging rope ladder to safety. The sculpture was commissioned by the American Merchant Marine Veterans Memorial in San Pedro, California, where it is scheduled for installation 22 May-Maritime Day. (Ted Kedzierski, President, AMMVM, PO Box 1659, Wilmington, CA 90748-1659; Mark and Michael D' Ambrosi, Arizona Bronze, 1820 East Third St., Tempe, AZ 85281; 602 968-4011) ''A man of compassion, his greatest works may be ahead of him,'' so says William Barth Osmundsen of Tristan Jones, whose portrait he recently sculpted. Bronze castings of the bust are on sale to benefit the one-legged sailor Jones in his further voyaging, always with handicapped in crew. As we go to press , Jones, who has recently circumnavigated the globe, is departing on a "3500 mile river odyssey" to Ho Chi Minh City , Vietnam. (W. B. Osmundsen , Bronzes from the Sea, PO Box 6 1, Allendale , NJ 0740 1; 201 327-9 152) The December issue of the American Society of Marine Artists newsletter, ASMA News, reports that the Maryland Historical Society wi ll host the 9th ASMA exhibition in Baltimore from March to June of 1989. Artists are urged to submit slides of completed work to ASMA by I September 1988 so that the jury may decide on works to be included in the major catalogue planned to accompany the show. ASMA has also released an I I -minute promotional video of the 8th exhibition mounted last year at The Mariners' Museum in Newport News, VA. The narrative text for the video was taken from the exhibit catalog , The Sea Perceived, written by Frank Handlen . The price is $35 , postage paid. (Nancy Stiles, ASMA, 91 Pearsall Pl., Bridgeport , CT 06605) w
Audubon, Currier & Ives, Golf, Horses, Hunting, Legal, Maps, Medical, Miiitary, Plranese, Sports, Western, Ships, etc.
FIRST PUBLISHER Of SIGHED DAU untOGRAPHS IN THE WORLD 981 2nd Ave at 52nd Sl, N.Y.C. (212) 755-1516 HOURS 9-5:30 Creative Fremlng TUES.-SAT.
Night sailing of liner Mauretania from New York in 1932.
Represented in New York by Smith Gallery 1045 Madison Ave.
Sunrise Over Nantucket in 1835.
New York , NY 1002 1 {2 12) 744-6171
$500 Signed
JOHN ~TOB.ART G.ALls&RY This antucket scene is one of John Stobart's six new 1988 prints. Moonlit scenes of Pittsburgh and Savannah and daylight views of Appleton's Wharf in Marblehead, Mass.; Scull Creek in Hilton Head, So. Carolina; and Monteray Bay are among the new releases. 31 No. Summer St., Edgartown, Martha's Vineyard, MA 02539 • (617) 627-9066 The Gallery is closed until May, but orders can be taken by phone at (6 17) 645-3634. A catalogue featuring all current and rare works is available for $7.50.