Below, a model of the United States as she looked in 1952 and, lower photo, the USS New Jersey flanked by two Forrest Sherman class destroyers.
my abilities. Bringing the total number of ships in the collection to more than a thousand has been fun and rewarding, although when one considers that the average model takes more than forty hours to complete , it is easy to see that it)las not been achieved casually. But I don't believe that master craftsmen are born: they are made--or make themselvesthrough perseverence, determination , patience and imagination . This is a oneof-a-kind collection of immense historical importance through which one can examine 1900 years of the development of naval history. .t Ed Antin with J2 of his 1,00 J models.
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these lattice towers to have up to fifty or sixty parts , while being not more than 3/4in tall. I have made a practice o_f examining my work periodically to see what materials best stand the test of time and to see how I might make improvements in my overall technique. I have located just about every new material or adhesive that has been brought to my attention over the years and tested them for their usefulness. Figuring out what the best materials are, and how best to use them, is partly ANTIQUE & MODERN
MARINE CHRONOMETERS Bought, Sold and Serviced
the result of trial and error--of which I o have had ample experience. At one time, :i:b I tried cobwebs to represent the tackle o.. which operated a ship' s boom , but these Mr. Antin's collection of 1,001 miniawere so fragile that they could be ripped ture models has been transferred to ¡ apart just by breathing on them . I origiWheaton College, who as trustees are nally rigged a model of the steamship selling the collection in its entirety. ProSavannah of 1819 with human hair. All ceeds of the sale will go towards finanwent well until the first rain, when the cial assistance for needy students. For hair curled and ripped the model apart. information about the collection, please Not only have the materials and contact David A. Teune, Manager of techniques changed and , for the most Investments and Trusts, Wheaton Co/part , improved over the years , so have Lege: 800 325-8718.
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