Sea History 016 - Winter 1979-1980

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The Vernon Langille, Ta ncook whaler built by the Apprenti ceshop al Ba th, has fini shed her first season of sail training and cargo ca rrying under sail. She acts as rov ing ambassador fo r the Maine Ma ri time Museum, 983 Washington St., Bath ME 04530. Sc hooner Bo wdoin, wh ich attracted much attentio n in a tour of the Maine Coast last summer, seeks funding to comp lete restoration work and "to cont inue her distin gui shed ca reer as an in strumen t of educat ion in marine sciences, na utical history and training." In ter Island Explorat ion, Camden ME 04843. A new schooner, Heritage, has been laid down by Doug Lee. A traditio nal 90' vesse l, she will sail in the Maine cruise trade. Douglas K. Lee, Box 842 , Rockland ME 04841. A ha lf size waterlin e model of th e G loucester fishing schooner Rose Dorothea co ntinues to take sha pe at the Provincetown Herit age Museum o n Cape Cod, under the hand s of vo lunteers led by master builder Francis Sant os. The origin a l schooner won th e Lipton C up in 1907, Making her the fastest sc hooner of her day. Museum, Box 552, Provi ncetown MA 02657. The Kendall Whaling Museum has res umed its publication series with Pamela Miller' s A nd the

Whale is Ours: Creative Writing of American Whalemen. Robert H . Ellis, Jr., has been promot ed to curator, a nd Carol W . W. Tobo lj oined the staff as resea rch assistant. Mu seum , PO Box 297, Sharon MA 02067 . Mystic Seaport Museum will hold a S m a ll Craft Weekend , March 15- 16, a n opportu nity for behind-the-scenes exp loration of one of the nati o ns's great co llec tions. An international marine art show is scheduled for the Art Ga llery, Apri l 20-Ju ly 27 . Mystic CT 06355. T he Snu g Harbor C ultural Center, housed in the 26 buildings of Sa ilo r Snug Harbor in Staten Island, is embarking on ambiti ous cultural programs including grade school educat ion in New York ha rbor history. Membersh ip in the organ ization is $ 15. Center, 9 14 Ri chmond Terrace, Staten Island NY 10301. In Savannah, the Army Corps of E ngineers report recovery o f live shells and other artifacts fr o m th e Confederate ironclad Georgia. The 10-gun, 150 ' ship was built to defend the harbor in 1862. And the Coastal Heritage Society announces a maj or small craft research project,

which wi ll study in detail , for the first time , the working watercraft of the lower Caro lina and Georgia coasts.


T he Five Fathom Lightship and Museum, home of the Atlantic Ship Historical Society, is now open in Maryla nd 's West Ocean C it y. " Moored amongst trawlers, lobster boats, a nd pleasure yachts, she makes an interesting educat io nal maritime ex hibit ," reports cor responden t Bill Eggert of Baltimore.

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LAKES & RIVERS The fate of the A lvin Clark, discussed in our last issue, remains in the air as the 1840s topsa il sc hooner deteriorates at her berth in Menominee, Michigan. " After ten years of whistling into the wind in o ur a ttempts lo ge nerate governmental int erest in preserving the Alvin Clark, your interes t is heartening," says Frank Hoffman, salvor and keeper of the vessel. There has been co nsidera ble press discussio n in the regio n, wh ich does not appear to have reached th ose charged with th e heritage in Washington DC . Help and suggestions are we lcomed by this Society and by H offman at PO Box 235, Menominee M l 49858. The wooden propeller stea mer Indiana, built in 1848 at Vermilion, Ohio, which sank June 1858 on Lake Superior off C risp Point, had her engines retrieved this summer, fo r eventua l exhibition a t th e Smit hsonian Institutio n in Washin gton DC.

WEST COAST T he San Diego Maritime Museum opened the magnificent engine of the ferry Berkeley to the public last summer , a project initiated by fo rm er Fleet Captain Kenn eth D. Reynard. The matched and contrasting woods, sta in ed glass and o th er appurtenances of the public spaces on the big shi p have been restored to their fo rmer opulence, a nd house a broad-ranging collection including 19t h century machinery and tools. Museum, 1306 North Harbor Drive, San Diego CA 92 101.

SAIL AWAY TO YESTERDAY Sail the Maine Coast. aboard. the historic windjammer schooner Stephen Taber. Weekly cn1ises. $325 includes everything. For brochure call 207·236-3520 or write.

Schooner Stephen Taber 70 Elm St. Drawer D. Camden, Maine 04843 .



85 Whitfi eld St. Dept. SH

T he National Maritime Museum, Sa n Francisco, is a t work on future plans includ ing the development of Haslett Warehouse a nd ex pansion and rejuvenation of the floating fleet. The Museum Association, led by Thomas B. Crowley of Crow ley Maritime, adv ises a nd helps to fund this work . The two volunteer organizations associated with the Museum , Friends of the A lm a and Friends of the Eppleto n H a ll (see SH 8), have now joined forces in a single organizati on to promote citizen involvement a nd co ntinu e their exemp la ry work in active steam , sail and educat ional progra ms. Friends of A lm a/ Eppleton Hall , 680 Beach Street, Suite 330, San Francisco, CA 94 109. The China cab in (SH 13:44), from William Webb 's Paci fic Ma il Steam Sh ip Co., sidewhee ler, China, built in 1866 and scrapped in 1886, has been turned over to the Landmark Society in Belvedere-Tiburon, north of San Francisco. Funds are sought for full restoration, and the Society offers a pict ure of th e China o n her last voyage to the O rient for $11.40. Society, PO Box 134, BelvedereTiburon CA 94920.


Gui lford, CT 06437


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