Sea History 014 - Summer 1979

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ASMA The American Society of Marine Artists is curre ntl y involved with three affi liated ex hibitions: • With the American Sai l Training Assoc iation , the Society is hav in g an exhibi ti on of 40 paintings July 13-15 as part of the National Maritime Heritage Festival at Newport, Rhode Island. • With Mystic Seaport Museum, the Society is launching the opening exhibition of their new sales ga llery, Ju ly 29. The new gallery has an exciting and varied schedu le of marine art exhibitions and promises to be a g reat success. • With the Whitehall C lub of New York, ASMA is spo nso rin g a small se ries of rotating ex h ibitions.

and photographic representation of their work. Through the Directory, the Society hopes to be of service to mu se um s, pub lications, ga lleries, collectors and maritime companies. ASMA membership now exceeds 175 a nd the Society has launched a major membership drive. In terested laymen, publications, ga lleries and organizations are encouraged to join, as well as artists. Regular members hip is $25 and a brochure explaining a ll Society programs is now available. On May 19, the third newsletter and informatio n packet was se nt out to m embers, with 33 pages of in format ion of use to a rti sts and reg ular members a like. Several new sec tion s were launch ed: ga llery and exhibition opportu nit es, new publications, appropriate mu seum activities, research aids, members' exhibition s and special projects, tax information, interested reproduction publishers, artists' queries (in which members request specific advice and assistance), general recommendations and information, in structions on affiliated exhibit ions, an organ izat ion manual, a brochure and a list a nd review of over 80 maritime magazines. A ll members have a lso been sent the membership ad dress list.

Other affi li ated ex hibit io ns are in the planning stages, and ASMA will assist a n y int erested organizati on in cosponso ring such shows. The ASMA Collector Referral Program is growing rapidly, and to date over a hundred referrals of interested co llectors a nd corporations to artists have been made. To faci lita te this program , the Society is planning a Directory of a ll member artists, including artists' statements about their work, biographies

The organization of ASMA Reg ional Committees is proceeding well and thi s should promise increased activ it y in a ll part s of the country. The fo ll owi ng membe rs have been elected Fell ows of ASMA, th eir wo rk bein g judged to represen t the highest standard s of marine art : Jo hn Stobart, Carl Evers, Charles J. Lundgren, Ma rk Myers, Frank Handlen, Victor Mays, William G. Muller , Oswald Bretl , Mark Greene, Robert 0. Skemp, Geo rge Campbell, James E. Mitchell, Thomas Wells and C har les Stanford. C har les R. Robinson has been elec ted Treasurer of ASMA and Jo hn Reilly, Jr. has been e lected Trustee . ASMA is eager to ass ist maritime organizat inns and mu se um s, educa ti ona l inst itution s, ga lleries a nd collectors, magazin es and publishers, maritime co mpanies and unions. For furt her information, p lease write to: American Society of Marine Artists, c/ o Peter W. Roge rs, Secretary, 44 Pearl Road, Nahant, MA 01908.

In Quest of an Artist Being fro m a shipbuildin g family of Maine l have for many years co ll ec ted nauti ca l items pertaining to th e o ld square

The Country's Largest

INVENTORY OF SHIP MODELS From estates and private collections. Over 250 fine ship models from 6 " to 7' in length. Send for brochure today! By appointment.

Kathleen Lannan Nautiques 259 Harvard St., Quincy, Ma. 02170 Tel. 617-479-5091




SEA HISTORY PRINTS A limi ted ed ition of 200 collector's prints, each sig ned and numbered by the artist is offered for sale to benefit the work of the N.M.H.S. Price $48 per copy, image size 11 x 17 .

"Drake versus Ranger," by Wm. Gilkerson

TO: NATIONAL MARITIME HISTORICAL SOCIETY 2 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201 Please se nd me prints of " Drake vers us Ranger" at $48 per print. My check for $ is enclosed.

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I Please send me fu rther information .


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