Sea History 012 - Autumn 1978

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WARSHIPS OF THE WORLD 19th Century Steam and Sail Gunboats 1874 cruising gunboat Uruguay. 158 ft., built in Birkenhead, England for Argentina. Later career was spent as hydrographic and Antarctic Research vessel. Rescued Norwegian party from Weddell Sea in 1903 . Armament: 2-6in . guns. Preserved as historic monument, fully restored, at Buenos Aires, Argentina. 1877 cruising gunboat Abel Tasman exBonaire. 148 ft., built at Rotterdam . Iron barkentine-rigged steamer, designed for service in Dutch East Indies. Armament: l-5 .9in. gun & 3-4.7in . guns. Current ly floating barracks for Nautical College at Delfzijl, Holland . Not open to public . Eventual restoration and use as museum is being considered. Netherlands. 1878 cruising gunboat HMS Gannet. 170 ft., bark-rigged steamer with composite hull , hoisting screw and telescopic funnel. Employed protecting outposts of the British empire and British citizens in remote corners of the world . Stationary training ship since 1903 . Armament: 2-7in. guns&4-64pdrs. Acquired by British National Maritime Trust in 1972 for eventual restoration. Great Britain. 1882 cruis ing gunboat HMS Dolphin. 157 ft., built by Dixon & Co., Middlesborough, barkrigged steamer with composite hull. Employed in suppressing the slave trade on the east coast of Africa and in the Red Sea. Training ship since 1896. In stationary use since 1907. Not open to public. Armament: 2-6in. & 2-5in . guns. Current ly moored at Leith, Scotland, Great Britain. Torpedo Craft 1907 torpedo boat Drezki. 98 tons, built by Schneider Creusot, France for Bulgaria . Torpedoed Turkish cruiser Hamidiyah September 21, 1912. Armament: 3-18in . torpedo tubes, 2-3pdr. guns. Preserved at Marine Museum, Varna , Bulgaria. 1916 torpedo boat CMB 4. 40 ft., built by Thorneycroft 's Ltd., Southampton . Sank the Rusian cruiser Oleg in 1919. First boat with hydroplane hull; predecessor of the World War II MTB' s a nd PT boats. Armament: one torpedo tube over stern. Preserved in Imperial War Mu seum, London, Great Britain. 1922 torpedo boat CMB 103. 55 ft., built by Thorneycroft's, Southampton . Took part in Normandy Inva sion 1944 . Armament: 2-l 8in. torpedo tubes, 4 Lewis guns. Preserved at Coastal Forces Base, Gosport, Gt. Britain. 1945 PT boat PT-796. 78 ft., built by Higgins at New Orleans. Completed too late for service in World War II. Armament: 4 torpedoes launched from racks, 40mm & 20mm guns. Prese rved at Battleship Cove, Fall River, Mass . U.S.A. 1958 torpedo boat Kranich. built by Fr. Lurssen. Vegesac k. 138 ft. , composite; steel frames a nd diagonal-planked mahoga ny hull. One of 40 boats of Jaguar class, largest class of torpedo boats built in Germany since World War II. Armament: 2-40MM AA, 4-2lin. torpedo tubes. Museum al Bremerhaven, Germ.any.


Submarines 1862 submarine CSS Pioneer. 30 ft., built at New Orleans, for Confederate States of America. Iron, propelled by manually operated screw. Sank several small vesse ls in experiments, never used in combat. Armament: clockwork torpedo desig ned lo be sc rewed to hull of enemy vessel. On exhibit at Cabi ld o Museum, New Orleans, U.S.A. (There are also the experimental submarines Intelligent Whale (1860's) to be seen at Washington Navy Yard, and Fenian Ram (1880's) at Patterso n, New Jersey. 1906 submarine U-1. 139 ft. First submarine of the German Navy. Served as a training vessel during World War I. On exhibit at Deutsches Museum, Munich since 1921. Germany. 1941 submarine U-505. 252 ft., built by Deutsche Werft, Hamburg. Captured at sea off coast of Africa by US Navy task force, June 1944. Exhibited as hore at Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago. U.S.A. (It is believed a similar boat is on exhibit at Kiel.) 1941 submarine USS Silversides. 312 ft., built at Mare Island Navy Yard, Vallejo, Calif. Active in western Pacific during World War 11. Armament: 10-21 in . torpedo tubes, l-3in. gun. Mu seum at Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. (Other surviving boats of Silversides type on exhibit as museum vessels; USS Drum (1941), Mobile Ala.; USS Pampanito (1943), San Francisco; USS Ling (1943), Hackensack, NJ; USS Bow/in (1942), Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, USS Torsk (1944), Baltimore; USS Lionfish (1944), Fall River, MA; USS Batfish (1943), Muskogee, Okla. , USS Becuna (1944), Philadelphia; USS Cava/la (1944), Galveston, TX; USS Cobia (1944), Manitowac, Wisc.; USS Cod (1943), Museum at Cleveland; USS Croaker (1943), Museum at Groton, CT; USS Roncador (1944), Museum at Los Angeles, Calif.) World War II midget submarine HU-75. 39 ft., built by German Navy for two-man crew. Armament : 2-21 in. torpedoes. Preserved al Submarine Base, Groton, Conn. U.S.A. (Other surviving vessel of class is on di splay at Washington Navy Yard, Washington, DC). World War II midget submarines. Designed for two-man crew by Japanese Navy. Armament: 2-18in. torpedoes. Two examples are preserved at the Submarine Base, Groton, Conn. Others may be seen at the Washingto n Navy Yard, Washington, DC; at the Lighthou se Mu seum of the Key West Hi storical Society, Key West, Florida; and at the Submarine Base, Pea rl Harbor, Hawaii . 1953 midget submarine USS Marlin 131 ft. , built at Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, Kittery, Maine. Spent active career as a training vessel. Armament; one torpedo tube forward Muse um at Omaha, Nebraska, U.S.A. Destroyers and Escort Vessels 1917 sloop HMS Chrysanthemum. 268 ft., built by Armstrong's Newcastle. Employed in World War I as decoy ship for U-boats, disguised as small merch ant vessel. Armament: 2-4in. guns & 2-2pdrs. Naval Rese rve drill shi.p moored in Tham es a t London, not open

to public. Great Britain. (Other surving ship of same class: HMS President (1918) ex-Saxifrage, serving same purpose. ) 1929 Destroyer Burza. 351 ft., built by C hantiers Navals Francais, Blainville, France for Poland. Operated with Allied forces throughout World War II. Armament : 4-5.lin . guns, 6-21 in. torpedo tubes. Preserved as Museum at Gdynia, Poland. 1934 sloop HMS Wellington. 266 ft., built by Devonport Dockyard. Active in North Atlantic during World War f.1..Armament: 2-4.7in & l- 3in. guns. Current ly clubhouse moored in Thames at London; not open to public. Gt. Britain. 1942 destroyer escort USS Stewart. 306 ft., built by Brown Shipbuilding Co., Houston, Texas. Unit of Edsall class, active in Atlantic and Mediterranean during World. War II. Armament: 3-3in. guns, 3-21 in torpedo tubes. Museum at Galveston, Texas. U.S.A. 1943 destroyer USS The Sullivans. 377 ft., built by Bethlehem Steel Co ., .San Francisco. Unit of the Fletcher class. Active in western Pacific in World War II. Armament: 5-5in. guns, I0-2in. torpedo tubes. Museum at Buffa lo, New York. United States. 1943 destroyer HMCS Haida. 355 ft., built by Vickers Armstrong, Newcastle, England for Canada. Active in North Atlantic during World War I I, and in Korean War. Armament: 4-4in . & 2-3in. guns, 4-2lin. torpedo tubes. Museum at Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 1944 destroyer HMS Cavalier. 340ft., built by J . Samuel White , Cowes, Isle of Wight. Active in North Atlantic in last months of World War II. Armament: 4-4 .5in . guns, 8-21 in. torpedo tubes. Being restored for Museun ship. Gt. Britain. 1945 destroyer USS Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. 391 ft., built by Bethlehem Steel Co., Quincy, Mass. Unit of Allen M. Sumner Class. Active in Korean War. Armament: 6-5in. gun s, 10-2lin. torpedo tubes. Museum at Fa ll River, Mass., U.S.A. Cruisers 1914 light cruiser HMS Caroline. 446 ft., built by Camme ll Laird, Birkenhead. Last survivor of the Battle of Jutland. Main armament: 4-6in. guns. Naval Reserve drill ship at Belfast, North Ireland since 1924. Not open lo public. Great Britain. 1939 light cruiser HMS Belfast. 6 13 ft., built by Harland & Wolff, Belfast. Active in North Alantic in World War II, including act ion

against German battleship Scharnhorst. Also active i11 Korean War. Main armament: 12-6in. guns in four turrets. Museum al London, Great Britain.


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