Sea History 008 - Summer 1977

Page 34


The Visitor's way, the only real way, to see New York ... by water!



FOOT OF WEST 42nd STREET NEW YORK CITY 10036 PHONE: 212-563-3200

authentic nauticals & unusual cargo


The Southhold Histo rical Socie ty has o pened the Horton's Po int Lightho use, built in 1857, as a mari time museum in Long Island . Chandler's Wharf, in Wilmi ngto n, North Caro lin a, is the newest seaport museum to o pen. It is dedicated to preserving old ships and the wate rfro nt they served in history. T he fl eet is made up of the fishe rma n Harry W. A dams (1937), the shipjack Ge neva May (1908), the oyster dredge E d ward M. (1920), the tug Annie B. (1 926), and the shrimp boat Santa. The A nnie B. is now in a dry-l and berth, fo r rebuilding. Old wood hulls need a lot of attentio n. It's a good plan to in volve the atte ntio n to the public in the wo rk , so tra nsformin g a liability, the need to spend and spend in maintaining the ship in life, into a n asse t- the oppo rtunity to e ngage peo ple in the living ac t of restoratio n. Anothe r new muse um in the mak ing is the Steamboat Dock in Essex, Connecticut, six miles up the Conn ecti c ut Ri ver fro m Lo ng Island Sound. T he Conn ectic ut Ri ver Foundatio n ra ised over $200,000 to acq uire the histo ric steamboat dock a nd adj ace nt wa terfro nt, which has been ter med "the most histo ri c property located o n the Connecti cut Ri ver. " T he Calvert Ma rine Muse um in Solo mo ns, Maryland has just added three small craft to the ir collection. Richard Snow re ports tha t he has do nated a crab ski ff powered by a single-cylinde r gas e ngine, a 16' row ing ski ff and 22¡ batea u catboat. T he museum has been fo rgi ng steadil y ahead in rece n tyea~,a ndi so n e to k ee p a n eye

Brass and Copper Lanterns, Teak Furn iture, Navigational Instruments , Portholes, Flags, Art, Hatchcovers, Nameboards, Grates, Helms, Dinner Gongs. Boat Horns, Charts, Chronometers , Life Rings, Cargo Nets. Teak Dec king , Oars And So Much More!



85 Whitfie ld St., on th e green Dept. N HS Guilford , Ct. 06437

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Mon-S at 9:30-5:30 Sunday 11 :30-5 :30 (203) 453-6881


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o n. _. a nd visit. So uth Street Sea po rt M useum in New York re po rts the fe rry Major General Wm . H. Hart ready to return to service full y refitted and bottom plati ng made good : a close save of a valuable shi p, made possible by fo unda tion gra nts and the generosity of trustees , notably Jack Aron. She will return to service a schoolship for the Pio neer Marine School, but ultim ate plans are tha t the school will relocate in a shi pyard complex planned to the no rth of the muse um area, and the Harl will be o pe ned to the public, whe re in fact he r spacio us decks a nd viewing towers (pilo t ho uses) will provide needed public accommodatio n and overview of the Seapo rt Museum fl eet.

Men Wanted John E wald , Manager of the Falls of Cly de in Ho nolulu, reports they're looking for a manager, responsible for day-

to-day supe rvision of wo rk aboard , and a restoratio n specialist whose du ties would be principally those of a rigger. T here is, he says, "an ambitio us work program o utlined for the ship a nd no lack of c halle ngi ng and in teresting tasks." A pply to: John Wright, Historian, Bishop Museum , PO Box 6037, Ho nolulu , HI 968 18.

A Yacht Club Weighs In T he T rustees of the New Yo rk Yacht Clu b decided , rece ntly, to provide $ 10,000 to renovate the historic New York Yac ht Clu b Statio n 10 at Mystic Seapo rt. This they undertook to do individually. Waldo C.M. Jo hnston, d irector of Mys tic and a member of the clu b since 1969, had this to say in response to this ac t: " It was in this bui ld ing, in 1850, seated at the rou nd tab le in the ce nter, th a t Co mmodo re Steve ns a nd the Flag O ffi cers of the Yac ht C lub d isc ussed the ve iled c halle nge to race, th at came fro m E ngla nd , and the decision was made to build th e yacht A merica, whose rudder is o n di spl ay in t he clubho use . T hus, Statio n IO was a witness to the very beg innings of th e America's C u p and the a ma te ur sai lo rs of the Yac ht Clu b who we nt o n to prove to E ngla nd a nd the worl d A me ri ca's su premacy as yachtsmen , designe rs, a nd sa ilors. While these events were ta king place. Ame ri ca's great clippe r ships, co lorful ca ptains, a nd stalwa rt sea me n were strea ki ng dow n the seve n seas to a niche in hi story. It was truly the Go lde n Age of sa il , a nd Station JO was very mu ch a part of these remarkable achi eveme nts. It is fitti ng , the refo re, tha t this little bui lding sta nds stra ight a nd ta ll in reme mbrance o f th e New York Yacht C lu b's ro le in o ur pas t. "

T he li nk here, of course, was very direct. I t should also be added , that the contributio ns of members of this club are by no means lim ited to this act alo ne.

Coastal Heritage Stamp Proposed We've le arned of a movement to issue a 1979 coastal heritage comme morative sta mp- which see ms to us a good idea. Such a sta mp would call attentio n to the invaluable c ul tural heritage of our seapo rt c ities, from which the modern nation grew. It wo uld help suppo rt the effo rts of those concerned with preserving and enhancing that heritage, whether by putting historic buildings to adaptive use, o r la unching new ships like the Pride ofBaltimore , or bui lding up the resources of o ur seaport muse ums in their vital work. If interested , write Hon. Benja min F. Bailar, Postmaste r Ge neral. US Posta l Service, W ashingto n DC 20260.


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