Lowcountry Weekly July 3 – July 16

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Opinion, Arts, Culture, Lifestyle, Cuisine }.

July 3 – July 16, 2024

Water Festival 2024 5

Full event schedule

Trailer Park Musical 6

Midsummer fun

Timeless Treasures 9

Camp Conroy art

Rain-N-Bagels 10

Dishing downtown

Throw It On the Grill 12

Rare and well-done

Trial Watchers 17

Why true crime?

Pee Dee Poet Laureate 13

Jo Angela Edwins

Christmas In July!

cover notes

The image on our cover is part of 'Mood Indigo', an art quilt made by Ro Morrissey. You can see this quilt and others in the exhibit 'Imagine' at Coastal Discovery Museum on Hilton Head. For more information, see page 13.


July 3 – July 16, 2024

rL o w c o unt

Publisher: Jeff Evans — Jeff@LCWeekly.com

Editor: Margaret Evans — Editor@LCWeekly.com

Marketing Director: Amanda Hanna — 843-343-8483 or Amanda@LCWeekly.com

Art Director: Lydia Inglett

Layout & Design: Amalgamated Sprinkleworks

Contributing Writers: Katherine Tandy Brown, Debbi Covington, Sandra Educate, Wendy Hilte, Cele & Lynn Seldon, and Sutty Suddeth

What’s Happening Calendar: Staff – Editor@LCWeekly.com

Letters to the Editor, comments or suggestions can be addressed to: Lowcountry Weekly

106 West Street Extension, Beaufort, SC 29902 Call: 843-986-9059 or Email: editor@lcweekly.com

Lowcountry Weekly is published every other Wednesday and distributed throughout Beaufort County at various restaurants, retail locations, hotels and visitor’s centers. The entire contents of Lowcountry Weekly is copyrighted 2024 by P. Podd Press, LLC. No part may be reproduced without permission from the publisher. The publisher assumes no responsibility for unsolicited material. A stamped, self-addressed envelope must accompany all submissions expected to be returned.

Keeping Up with The Things RANTS & RAVES

Are you keeping up with all the things?

You know, The Things. The presidential debate . . . The freeing of Julian Assange . . . The Supreme Court rulings . . . The crisis at the border . . . The Russia/Ukraine war . . . The Israel/Hamas war . . . Biden’s senior moments . . . Trump’s court cases . . . Bird Flu . . .

These are just a few of the things that we, as “informed citizens,” are supposed to know about, right?

PUH-LEEZE. Who can possibly keep up? Especially since it’s not just facts we’re expected to collect. Ideally, we need to know what to make of those facts. How to interpret them. We need context. Understanding.

With a growing proliferation of pundits out there happy to media’splain from our various screens, with their various agendas and corporate sponsors, to whom does one turn?

My mom and I used to talk about The Things every week during our epic Sunday Wine Chat. Current events, politics, etc. etc. For decades, I’d call her in Alabama around 5 pm, and we’d catch up on the past week’s news and views. Together, we’d solve all the world’s problems in about an hour and a half, over roughly two glasses of wine a piece.

These days, we’ve all but given up on The Things. Oh, we still have our wine chats, but we no longer entertain notions of solving the

world’s problems – or even identifying them with any degree of accuracy. We often find ourselves trying to “go deep” on one tidbit or another – something one of us read earlier in the week – only to end up saying, “Never mind, I’ve had too much wine.”

In reality, I think it typically has less to do with “too much wine” and more to do with “too much information.” We’ve both had too much information. We’re damn near drunk on it.

So lately, we mainly talk about hymns. That’s right, hymns.

Remember, these calls happen on Sunday evening. Mom tells me what they sang that morning at her Episcopal church in Alabama – the one she only attends online now – and I tell her what we sang at First Presbyterian, here in Beaufort, where I sing in the choir.

“This morning, we sang A Mighty Fortress for the first time in AGES,” I told Mom last Sunday. “I was weeping – WEEPING – by the final stanza. ‘His kingdom is forever.’ How can you not weep over that?! It’s magnificent!”

“Oh, I just love that hymn,” Mom replied. “And it has the most beautiful alto part.” Mom’s always been an alto, even back in the day, when she was a Methodist instead of an Episcopalian.

“I also love Holy, Holy, Holy,” she continued, to which I responded, “Oh, me too! It has THE most amazing descant.” I’ve always been a soprano. Even back in the

day, when I was a Methodist instead of a Presbyterian.

“All those old hymns have wonderful descants,” Mom replied. “Oh course, I can’t sing them.” Bless her alto heart.

“I wish we sang the old hymns more often,” I said. “But I guess if we did, they might not be as special.”

“Oh, you know they have to push the new ones,” Mom sighed. “Gotta break those in.”

(Episcopalians and Presbyterians have this in common. As “mainline protestants,” we are always up on the latest in hymnody. Just don’t call it “praise music” – that’s an Evangelical thing, and often requires electric guitars. We mainliners do NOT rock.)

“But the old hymns are obviously the best,” Mom declared.

“Obviously,” I agreed.

My mom is 85 and I’m pushing 60, just a coupla old ladies sipping chardonnay and yakking about Mighty Fortresses. Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.

(That’s an old lady reference, too, kids.)

Seriously, though, I’m not sure our ditching world events for otherworldly music during our weekly chats is entirely down to our advanced age. I mean, sure, that’s part of it. We both love discussing ideas, but neither of us can hold as many in her head as she once did. And people naturally focus more on spiritual things as they age.

But there’s something else going on, I think. Despite advancing decrepitude, Mom and I are both still pretty sharp – sharp enough to know when we’ve been beat. And I think we’ve been beat – and beat over the head – by too much information. There are just too many things we’re supposed to know and understand . . . but can’t possibly.

Maybe we’re turning toward spiritual topics because the material world has become too damn confusing.

That reminds me of the existential crisis I’ve been suffering over this column, which has become increasingly difficult to write. I believe I’ve mentioned it before, and yes, I’m aware that “existential crisis” is far too grandiose a term for such a petty problem. I was just being funny. (Did you laugh?)

But I’m not kidding when I say it’s tough to write an opinion column – about anything – when you’re consistently confused about everything.

I sometimes listen to a podcast called The Sacred, hosted by a British woman named Elizabeth Oldfield. She interviews an array of guests – writers, actors, politicians, etc. – and they talk about the things they hold sacred, among other subjects.

This week, Elizabeth hosted Peter Hitchens, brother of the late public intellectual, Christopher Hitchens, and a longtime opinion columnist at the Daily Mail.

Elizabeth asked Peter how he views his role as a columnist. I awaited his answer with bated breath, hoping for some inspiring description of our noble calling that would reinvigorate me, set me back on the path.

“People read columnists, I think, to be reaffirmed in their own positions,” he responded.

Simple as that. Not because they want to learn something new or think about something from a different perspective. They just want reassurance that the opinion they already hold is correct.

So said Peter Hitchens, anyway. Elizabeth Oldfield wasn’t totally buying it. “I do that sometimes,” she said. “But sometimes what I’m looking for is a mind at work. Sometimes, I want to be surprised.”

As a column reader, I think I’m more like Elizabeth. Sometimes I want to be affirmed, but often I want to be surprised . . . even challenged.

I fear that most readers are more like Peter’s, though. And if that’s true, I’m not sure what I have to offer as a columnist anymore. If I’m unsure of my own position, how can I offer anybody confirmation of theirs?

Perhaps there’s a contingent of readers out there who just want to be affirmed in their consistent confusion. Who want reassurance that consistent confusion is normal, and that not keeping up with all The Things is okay.

If you’re one of those readers, I’m your columnist.

Trailer Park Musical a Midsummer Hoot

When your mid-summer days become too hot, or too ordinary, or too boring, make your way to Coligny Theatre for some laughs with residents of the Armadillo Acres Trailer Park in Starke, Florida, live and in person onstage.

“The Great American Trailer Park Musical” is scheduled for every weekend in July, with performances at 7:30 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays, and 2 p.m. Sundays, July 5-28. The comedy musical is the third production by the nonprofit Sea Glass Stage Company in their new home in Coligny Plaza.

“We wanted to bring a light-hearted comedy to Sea Glass Stage,” said director Alex Clark, who is a founding member of the organization. “When we were talking about a fun musical for our summer play, this was our first choice.”

“It’s hilarious!” said Mark Erickson, also a founding member, who plays Norbert in the musical. “We think audiences are going to really love this show. It’s so outrageous, it just makes people laugh.”

The musical, which ran Off-Broadway in 2005 and was on a national tour in 2008, tells the convoluted story of high school sweethearts Jeannie (played by Margaret Crenshaw) and Norbert (Mark Erickson). Their marriage is on the rocks, Jeannie is afraid to step outside the trailer, and Norbert is tempted to step outside the relationship.

The three resident gossips can’t resist sharing the latest trailer park news. Whatever her duties might be, park manager Betty (Marisa Martucci), holder of the master keys and fanner of flames, finds plenty of time to chat with Lin (Allison Manning) and Pickles (Meagan Berger), both of whom have their own issues.

Occasionally, the park princess (Mia Hlywa) shows up to add to the fun.

Along comes an exotic dancer, Pippi (Candice Skingley), who just wants a cheap place to hide out from her marker-sniffing ex-boyfriend.

Meanwhile, boyfriend Duke (Justin

Stone), who might not realize she considers him an “ex,” has tracked down Pippi Armadillo Acres. His appearance on the scene causes all sorts of anxiety, not the least of which is a shoot-out with the residents and the resolution of an old mystery.

This production was choreographed by Dawn Rosa Miller, owner of Bluffton School of Dance. She has choreographed numerous theatre shows in the area and has won awards for her work.

Music director is Anna Marie Kuether, director of music and worship arts at Church of the Palms in Okatie. She also was a choral music teacher at H.E. McCracken Middle School in Bluffton.

Tickets are $35 each and are available at sgstage.org/tickets. Reduced rates will be considered for groups of 10 or more. For more information, visit sgstage.org, email staff@ sgstage.org, or call (843) 212-4172.

Sea Glass Stage Company, formed in late 2023, is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

at Barnes & Nobel

Local suspense author Kerry Peresta will have a book signing event at Barnes & Noble on Hilton Head Island, Saturday, July 27, 1-4 pm.

This is a drop-in event, and all Peresta’s books will be available. Book four in the Olivia Callahan Suspense series is scheduled to be released in October, 2024, and will be available for pre-order at this event.

Author Kerry Peresta

Peresta is the author of the Olivia Callahan Suspense series by Level Best Books. Books one, two and three are available everywhere books are sold, and books four and five in this series are under contract. Her new standalone suspense novel, Back Before Dawn, was released in May, 2023. Kerry is represented by Birch Literary, and her new standalone suspense, The Cost of the Crown, is in the process of submission. Her magazine articles have been published in Local Life Magazine, The Bluffton Breeze, Lady Lowcountry, and Island Events Magazine. Kerry spent twenty-five years in advertising as an account manager, creative director, editor, and copywriter. She is past chapter president of the Maryland Writers’ Association and a current member and presenter of Hilton Head Island Writers’ Network, South Carolina Writers Association, Pat Conroy Literary Center, International Thriller Writers, and the Sisters in Crime organization. Kerry is the mother of four, and she and her husband moved to Hilton Head Island in 2015. For more information, visit kerryperesta.com.

This is a drop-in event, and all Peresta’s books will be available. Book four in the Olivia Callahan Suspense series is scheduled to be released in October, 2024; and will be available for pre-order at this event.

Teenaged Novelist Thompson Headlines Open Mic Night

The nonprofit Pat Conroy Literary Center will host its monthly Open Mic Night on Thursday, July 11, from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m.,at the Conroy Center (601 Bladen St.). The featured writer for July is novelist Rebecca Thompson, author of the duology The Girl of the Tree and Seeking the Truth. A recent graduate of Beaufort High School. Thompson is also this year’s winner of the Ann Head Literary Prize for short story. She will be attending the University of South Carolina Honors College in the fall. Copies of her two novels will be available for sale and signing following her reading.

Prior to Thompson’s featured reading, Open Mic Night will also feature short readings of 3 to 5 minutes each by other local writers in many genres. The program is free to attend and will be live-streamed on the Conroy Center’s Facebook page. Writers interested in reading from their work during Open Mic should contact the Conroy Center in advance to sign up: contact@patconroyliterarycenter.org

Rebecca Thompson
Vince Covington, Owner

School Supplies Drive for St. Helena Elementary

DAYLO: The Diversity Awareness Youth Literacy Organization, the Pat Conroy Literary Center, and the Storybook Shoppe children’s bookstore are collaborating on a school supplies drive to benefit the students and teachers of St. Helena Elementary School, a Title 1 school, from July 1 to 28. Donated supplies from the school’s wish list can be dropped off at the Conroy Center (601 Bladen St., Beaufort) or the Storybook Shoppe (Tanger 2, A190, 1414 Fording Island Rd, Bluffton).

Drop-off bins will also be available at DAYLO’s Teddy Bear Picnic read-aloud at the Port Royal Farmers Market on Saturday, July 6, from 9:30 a.m. to noon, and at the Conroy Center’s Lowcountry Children’s Book Fair at the Port Royal Sound Foundation Maritime Center on Saturday, July 27, from 10 am to 2 pm. Requested items: crayons, markers, and colored pencils (Crayola brand preferred); #2 pencils (Ticonderoga brand preferred); student-sized scissors (Fiskar brand preferred); dry erase markers (Expo brand preferred); office supplies for teachers, including tape, staples, paper clips, pens,

highlighters; sticky notes (Post-It brand preferred); plastic zippered bags (Ziploc brand preferred); tissues; and gift cards. Learn more about DAYLO: https://linktr. ee/DAYLOBFT. Learn more about the Pat Conroy Literary Center: www.patconroy literarycenter.org. Learn more about the Storybook Shoppe: https://www.facebook. com/storybookshoppe. Learn more about St. Helena Elementary School: https://shes. beaufortschools.net

Tuesday - Sunday 11am-4pm Camp Conroy Exhibit

‘Water Is Wide’ Scholarship Winners

For the 7th year in a row, the Fripp Island Women’s Club (FIWC), in collaboration with the nonprofit Pat Conroy Literary Center, has awarded four $1,000 scholarships to nontraditional students pursuing their higher education degrees or certifications. This year’s scholarship recipients are Ximena Figueroa and Ambriance Lamar, both students at the Technical College of the Lowcountry (TCL); and Alyssa Rogers and Samantha Smith, both students at the University of South Carolina Beaufort (USCB).

scholarship funds benefiting 10 scholarship winners, all older adult students entering or returning for a certification or degree at TCL or USCB. The award honors Pat Conroy’s legacy as a teacher on Daufuskie Island. With minimal resources, Pat introduced the students to a world beyond the remote island. Pat chronicled those challenges in one of his teaching memoir, The Water is Wide, which was twice adapted for film.

To date, the FIWC and Fripp Island residents have sponsored over $20,000 in

Winners Ambriance Lamar (a recent TCL cybersecurity graduate), Ximena Figueroa (a TCL student pursuing nursing) and Alyssa Rogers (a USCB early education major) were honored at the FIWC’s annual spring luncheon. Members of the Conroy family presented the awards. Samantha Smith (also a USCB recent nursing graduate) was acknowledged at the event as well. For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/frippwomensclub

Ximena Figueroa (TCL) and Alyssa Roberts (USCB) pictured with Jeannie Conroy, Cassandra Conroy, Kathy Conroy Harvey and Mike Conroy

Timeless Treasures

Our Beaufort students are amazing!

Beaufort Art Association Gallery is excited to present an exhibit of selected artwork and writing from the 2024 Camp Conroy, an annual program of the nonprofit Pat Conroy Literary Center.

This is the 7th year that Camp Conroy has challenged students, ages 9 to 14, to have fun and create during two weeks of their summer break. Students work both independently and collaboratively as they research, write, illustrate, edit, and design

pages for a book they publish together. This year’s theme was time travel, which resulted in a nearly 90-page anthology of student work titled “Timeless Treasures,” exploring notions of time from student perspectives. The camp’s instructors were author and artist Lisa Anne Mckibben, poet Miho Kinnas, Lady’s Island Elementary School third-grade teacher Maddy Roth, and Conroy Center executive director Jonathan Haupt.

Sands of Time by Beau Stanbridge, age 11

Alex Bosley, an intern at Beaufort Art Association and one of six Camp Conroy counselors this summer, has curated “Timeless Treasures” from the art created by the talented students of Camp Conroy. The exhibit will be freely on display at the Beaufort Art Association Gallery (913 Bay St.) from Tuesday, July 2 through Sunday, July 14. A reception will be held during First Friday celebrations on July 5. The public is invited to visit, to celebrate these creative students, and to encourage and promote artists of all ages in Beaufort.

For more information, please go visit www.BeaufortArtAssociation.com

Camp Conroy Exhibit at Beaufort Art Association through July 14
Sunset Contrast by Ava Wilson, age 12


Sometimes, some of the best things are right under our noses. Such is the case with Rain-N-Bagels at the corner of Scott and Port Republic Streets in Beaufort’s historic district, just a block off Bay and Carteret Streets. It’s been around for a long time, and it has many loyal fans for its tasty breakfast and lunch sandwiches. And, of course, for its bagels.

But for many, it’s still a well-kept secret. So, when the opportunity to come up with a perfect brunch spot with some friends before the Harriet Tubman monument unveiling presented itself a few weeks back, Rain-NBagels was our first choice. And the fact that none of the other relative newcomers had ever been was icing on the cake. Or shall we say cream cheese on the bagel.

Owned and operated by Beaufort native Rainey Schott-Donato since 2009 (the shop opened in 2008 with other owners), Rain-N-Bagels is a thriving local business and a true testament to what makes Beaufort such a special place. Originally called Palm and Moon Bagels, Rainey was looking to change things up in 2018 and came up with the whimsical name as an homage to the nickname her mother called her as a child — Rainey Rainbow.

Today, Rain-N-Bagels is a Beaufort landmark and cranks out the made-from-scratchevery-day bagels in over a dozen flavors, bagel sandwiches, salads, baked goods, coffee drinks, smoothies and more. The space is modest, but there’s plenty of indoor seating, outdoor tables in the courtyard (which will soon share space with a new hot doggery/beer garden from the folks at Lost Local), take away, and even DoorDash.

According to Rainey, most of their customers are locals, with lots of regulars.

“You can set your watch by some of our customers,” she says with a smile. However, the crowd has grown more diverse over the years, thanks in part to Beaufort’s exploding tourist population and the success of the DoorDash program. She has seen an increase in customers from Charleston, Augusta and Aiken and she’s even met a customer on the interstate who moved from Beaufort to Jacksonville to make a special delivery on her way south.

But the best story is about Rain-N-Bagels namesake, bagels. Now we consider ourselves somewhat bagel snobs. Spending quite a bit of time traveling to New York City growing up and one of us being raised in a Jewish household, bagels are a bit sacrosanct. So,

naturally, we didn’t waste any time checking out the local bagel shop once we settled permanently in Beaufort six years ago. And we weren’t disappointed.

The bagels are made every night by Mitchell Carter-Heizner, who has pulled the overnight shift for Rainey for more than 12 years. Using the recipe from Howie Goldberg (“The Bagel Guru”) of New Jersey’s Goldberg’s Bagels bagel bible, Mitchell produces the perfectly dense, yet chewy bagel with just the right exterior crisp and ideal texture that make these donut-shaped dough rings delectable (as mentioned, we take our bagels pretty seriously).

Whether your preference is plain, everything, sesame, wheat or cinnamon raisin (or more exotic flavors like blueberry, Asiago, jalapeño or our favorite, salt), Rain-N-Bagels starts every morning with more than a dozen regular and specialty flavors. But they don’t last long and when they are out, they are out until the next morning. But if you miss out, don’t fret. They usually have day-old bagels available by the half-dozen.

The house made cream cheeses are another thing they hang their hat on, with fifteen-plus regular flavors, including plain, lox, chive, olive, spinach artichoke, strawberry, maple walnut and more, as well as seasonal flavors like dill pickle pimento (bless their hearts), jalapeño pimento and Twix white chocolate. But if cream cheese isn’t your jam, they also offer a nice selection of hummus (think traditional, roasted garlic, olive and even everything) to top your bagel as well.

“We tend to stick to the basics,” says Rainey. “But we love getting creative with our specialty bagels and cream cheeses, as well as our daily breakfast and sandwich specials. Sometimes, the specials are so popular that they make their way onto the permanent menu.”

Neveah with lemon poppy bagel, RNB Bagel case, Seldon Ink
Rainey Schott-Donato, Seldon Ink
Egg salad on salt with bagel chips, Seldon Ink
Cele & Lynn Seldon
Palm and Moon on garlic, Seldon

But there are times when you want something a little more substantial than a bagel with a schmear. That’s where Rain-NBagels breakfast menu rises and shines. Whether you choose the Traditional with egg, American cheese and a choice of bacon, sausage or Taylor ham, a lox sandwich, an omelet bagel made with two eggs, three veggies of your choice and cheese, the ever-popular Frank — named after a regular —which is a sandwich-palooza filled with egg, bacon, sausage AND Taylor ham and American on an everything bagel, or one of the imaginative daily specials, you definitely won’t leave hungry. There are even baked goods, like their tasty Danish, scones, cinnamon rolls and pastries for the sweet tooth breakfast or breakfast dessert (it’s a thing).

Lunch is actually our favorite time to visit, as much to peruse the creative and voluminous menu as to eat the stuffed sandwiches. The combinations all have unique and clever names that either reflect some of their regular customers or familiar landmarks (or people) around town. There’s the Carolina Moon, with roast beef, arugula, tomato, provolone and horsey aioli; the Frogmore, with curry chicken, red onion, spinach and sundried tomato cream cheese; and the Auldbrass, with turkey, arugula, black olives, sundried tomatoes and spinach artichoke cream cheese.

Rainey even has a charming story about the time when Hollywood producer Joel Silver—known for such films as Lethal Weapon, Die Hard, Road House and dozens more, and owner of local Frank Lloyd Wrightdesigned Auldbrass Plantation—was dining at Rain-N-Bagels with a couple of other men. He got to chatting with Rainey about the Auldbrass on the menu and we’re not sure who was more surprised—Rainey that Joel Silver was in the house ordering his namesake sandwich or Mr. Silver upon realizing that there was a sandwich named after his home.

dressing and The Conroy—a love letter to Beaufort’s most famous resident that has been on the menu since day one, with bacon, turkey, spinach and salsa verde.

Other crowd favorites include The Mick, named after Rainey’s grandfather, with ham, pepperoni, salami, pepper Jack cheese, lettuce, red onion and Italian vinaigrette and The Tiger Club, named for a former employee’s son, featuring bacon, ham, turkey, cheddar, lettuce, tomato, chipotle aioli and mustard.

On the day of the Tubman statue, our hungry crowd divided and conquered the menu, enjoying the vegetarian Mainland on a plain bagel (“I love the way the vegetables were roasted.”); De Veggie on a wheat bagel (“I can’t believe I’ve been missing out on this yummy place for so long.”); the chicken, Havarti and pesto Parmesan Palm & Moon on a garlic bagel (“I loved how all the chicken, pesto and cheese flavors were super-charged with the crispy garlic bagel.”); the create-your-own homemade egg salad with spinach and tomatoes on a salt bagel (“The salt bagel was the perfect choice with the rustic and creamy egg salad.”); and the outlier with the Eastern Salad, an Asian-leaning chicken salad that was so large that it could have been split amongst the table.

All the sandwiches are served on your choice of bagel or sourdough, ciabatta, hoagie roll or wrap and are served with phenomenal house made bagel chips (trust us—you’ll want to pick up a bag of ‘em before you leave) and a dill pickle. Or you can substitute with a salad or fruit for a small upcharge.

If sandwiches aren’t your cup of tea, you can order a cup (or bowl) of soup, like roasted red pepper with gouda, shrimp and corn chowder and fire roasted vegetable, or one of their creative salads, including: the Antipasto (with ham, pepperoni and salami); Mediterranean (their version of a Greek salad); Cobb (with grilled chicken, bacon, hard boiled eggs and blue cheese crumbles); Eastern Delight (with grilled chicken, tomatoes, cucumber and Asian noodles with Asian dressing); Sunset (Rainey’s favorite, with curry chicken, tomatoes, cucumbers, cranberries, pecan and feta with a raspberry dressing); or the classic Caesar. All the soups and salads are also served with those addictive bagel chips.

and Hopeful Horizons and donating proceeds from the sale of bagels at the DragonBoat Beaufort Raceday, helping others is always top-of-mind. One of Rainey’s top future goals is to get a Rain-N-Bagels food truck so that she can bring her bagels to more events and people around town. And these bagels lovers couldn’t be more thrilled with that idea.

But it isn’t just about the food at Rain-N-Bagels. They also have an impressive beverage program, with tons of coffee drinks (hot or iced, with the vanilla latte being the most popular crowd pleaser), monthly coffee drink specials, teas, frappes, lots of smoothie options, from fresh blueberry and strawberry in season to berry lemonade and orange dream, soft drinks and more.

There’s also the Berenger Blue—an homage to Tom Berenger when he spent time in Beaufort filming The Big Chill, with roast beef, pecans, spinach and blue cheese

There are also one or two daily sandwich specials that come from the creative minds of Rainey or one of her rock star full-time employees. Or, you can simply order the Deli Cutter with your choice of one to three meats or salads from over 17 choices, up to four veggies from a list of over 18 vegetables and your choice of sliced cheese or cream cheese.

As is often the case in Beaufort, the staff is part of the success story. Between Mitchell cranking out the bagels every night, four friendly full-time employees in Jayda, Allie, Hopi and Neveah, who have taken ownership in the shop’s success and help come up with creative menu additions and specials, and Chloe, Annabelle and Molly, who are high school students working part-time, Rainey has created a collaborative environment and talks about her staff like they are her family.

Rainey also gives back to the community whenever she has the opportunity. From contributing bagels to HELP of Beaufort

Sunset salad, RNB

Throw It On The Grill!

Why is it that almost everything tastes better when it's been cooked over an open flame? Meats, vegetables, breads and even some desserts (like grilled pineapple) just don't taste as good when they're roasted in an oven. There's nothing quite as delectable as the smoky charred flavor that only fire can forge. While I tend to be more of an “indoor girl,” Vince is patiently teaching me how to cook outside –- over a mini-inferno encased in an iron box. So far, fresh vegetables are my favorites. I absolutely adore a grilled romaine heart salad with charred tomatoes. There are so many yummy options. Grilling meat is a bit trickier. There's an art to knowing when it's rare or well-done and every cut is different. I'm always learning. As it turns out, you CAN teach an old cat new tricks. I hope you'll enjoy these three scrumptious offerings from the grill.


Serve these yummy rolls chilled, at room temperature or even warmed through. They're delicious!

Place the zucchini strips on a cutting board, piece broken slices together, if needed. Divide the cheese mixture evenly on one end of each of the zucchini strips and roll them up. Garnish with fresh basil leaves. Serves 2 to 3.

1 medium zucchini

2 teaspoons olive oil

Salt and pepper, to taste

1 cup crumbled feta cheese

¼ cup fresh basil leaves, chopped

3 tablespoons diced pimentos, divided

1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil

Fresh basil leaves, to garnish

Slice the zucchini lengthwise, using a mandolin. (If some of the slices break, it's okay, you can piece them together.) Drizzle each zucchini strip with olive oil on both sides. Season lightly with salt and pepper. Place on a preheated grill or grill pan and cook for about 2 minutes on each side or until tender. Cool completely. Place feta cheese, basil leaves, 2 tablespoons pimentos and extra-virgin olive oil in food processor and process until smooth. Stir in remaining tablespoon of diced pimento.


This is my go-to favorite barbeque sauce. It's a rip off of one of my Daddy's recipes.

1½ pounds lamb loin chops

Salt and pepper, to taste

¼ cup bottled BBQ sauce

¼ cup Heinz 57 Sauce

2 tablespoons buffalo wing sauce

Season lamb chops with salt and pepper. Mix remaining three ingredients in a small bowl. Place lamb chops on a medium-high grill and sear on both sides. Cook until desired level of doneness, basting with BBQ sauce several times on both sides. Serves 2 to 3.


Kalamata Olive and Feta Vinaigrette is perfect on a salad, too. For the vinaigrette:

3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil

3 tablespoons red wine vinegar

3 tablespoons crumbled feta cheese

12 pitted kalamata olives

1 tablespoon chopped red onion

1 garlic clove, minced

1 tablespoon dijon mustard

1 tablespoon honey

½ teaspoon oregano

Salt and pepper, to taste

For the asparagus:

1 pound asparagus, trimmed

1 teaspoon olive oil

Salt and pepper, to taste

1 tablespoon chopped red onion

8 kalamata olives, sliced 5 to 7 grape tomatoes, chopped Mix all vinaigrette ingredients in a blender until smooth. Refrigerate until ready to use. Toss the asparagus spears in olive oil. Season with salt and pepper. Grill over medium-high heat until crisp-tender and slightly charred. Serve topped with red onion, olives, tomatoes and vinaigrette. Serves 2 to 3.

The writer owns Catering by Debbi Covington and is the author of three cookbooks, Celebrate Beaufort, Celebrate Everything! and Dining Under the Carolina Moon. For more great recipes and to view her cooking demonstrations, visit and subscribe to Debbi’s YouTube channel. Debbi’s website address is www.cateringbydebbicovington.com. She may be reached at 843-525-0350 or by email at dbc@ cateringbydebbicovington.com

Poet Laureate of the Pee Dee

The nonprofit Pat Conroy Literary Center will host an evening with Jo Angela Edwins, Poet Laureate of the Pee Dee and author of A Dangerous Heaven, on Saturday, July 13, at 5:00 p.m., at the Conroy Center (601 Bladen St., Beaufort). Free and open to the public. Books will be available for sale and signing. Please call to reserve your seat in advance: 843-379-7025.

Edwins will also lead a poetry writing workshop earlier that afternoon, from 2:004:00 p.m.: Mystifying the Familiar: Uniting the Wondrous and the Ordinary in Poetry. Details and registration: https://mystifying thefamiliar.eventbrite.com

About the book and author – A Dangerous Heaven creates personal and political conversations that resound through both the sacred and the secular worlds. Jo Angela Edwins has spent the past many years excavating those personal relationships which shape and haunt us. She turns the same observant eye on events happening around the word. From "The Last Wild Elephant Alive" to "Death, A Rock Icon, and Sewage Pipes" Edwins is able to draw the reader into seeing events from her own unique perspective.

“In A Dangerous Heaven , Jo Angela Edwins walks us through a multi-layered grief process for accumulated wrongs and losses: historical, biblical, global, national, and personal. "It is your responsibility to grieve," one poem says, and this is not a command, but an acknowledgement. These poems don't look away from wounds, especially those of women, and they don't turn elsewhere for

comfort, yet they leave me feeling seen and comforted. Everyone needs to read this book.”

– Katie Manning, author of Tasty Other

“An intimate volume with cosmic reach, witty and compassionate, A Dangerous Heaven transports us through a wide range of emotions, carries us to lofty and surprising places which might be dangerous if we didn't have Jo Angela Edwins's sure hand to catch us, to place our feet firmly on home soil. Crafted to honor insight and emotion, these daring poems will keep us company over time, like trusted friends.” – Marilyn Kallet, author of Even When We Sleep

Jo Angela Edwins has published poems in over 100 journals and anthologies, including Calyx, descant, The Hollins Critic, and New South. She is the author of the collection A Dangerous Heaven (Gnashing Teeth Publishing, 2023) and the chapbooks Bitten (forthcoming from dancing girl press, 2024) and Play (Finishing Line Press, 2016). She has received awards from Winning Writers, Poetry Super Highway, and the SC Academy of Authors and is a Pushcart Prize, Forward Prize, Best of the Net, and Bettering American Poetry nominee. A native of North Augusta, she now lives in Florence, where she teaches at Francis Marion University and serves as the first poet laureate of the Pee Dee region of South Carolina.

Learn more about the Pat Conroy Literary Center at www.patconroyliterarycenter.org

Imagine Art Quilts

The Coastal Discovery Museum at historic Honey Horn is pleased to announce the opening of a new exhibit by the Art Quilters of the Lowcountry, titled “Imagine,” in the Main Gallery, from July 16 -October 6. Admission is free, and the public is welcome to attend the opening reception on Thursday, July 18, from 5 to 7 pm.

“Imagine” is an immersive art exhibit that explores the power of imagination. The award-winning fiber artists and art quilters fuse fabric and thread to delve into the transformative and introspective nature of imagining one’s own world. By fostering a space for creativity and self-reflection, “Imagine” aims to inspire attendees to reimagine the world around them.

“We are delighted to once again showcase the works of these talented artists and invite everyone to experience this unique art form,” said Elizabeth Greenberg, Director of Exhibitions, at the Coastal Discovery Museum. Gallery hours are Mondays – Saturdays, 9 am – 4:30 pm, and Sundays, 11 am – 3 pm.

The public is also invited to participate in free gallery talks by the artists, at 10 am, on the following Thursdays in July and August:

• 7/25 – Ron Hodge, beading

• 8/01 – Peg Weschke, painting on fabric

• 8/08 – Jody Wigton, open weaving

• 8/15 – Donna Stankiewicz, inktense blocks and pencils

• 8/22 – Ron Morrissey, seascape stripes

Art Quilters is a cooperative of five fiber artists who reside in the Lowcountry, between Savannah, Georgia and Charleston, South Carolina. Our goals are to exhibit and sell our fiber art at local galleries and public exhibition venues and facilitate education and collaboration.

Poet Laureate Jo Angela Edwins
Hanging by a Thread by Donna Stankiewicz

The Best Offense

Highway driving has taken a turn in the past few years and not necessarily for the better. Way too many vehicles pack the interstates. Soon travelers will need time-related passes for driving on the big roads, much like the National Parks now issue entrance tickets. Laws are made to keep drivers safe. However, obeying those laws – even those as simple as using a turn signal to indicate a turn –doesn’t seem to be in vogue with lots of drivers anymore. It appears that some people believe they deserve to have the right of way all the time . . . and they take it, whether in town or on interstates.

Turns out, drivers are “acting out” all across this lovely country of ours, even on the “blue highways,” for heaven’s sakes. You know, those older, narrower, less-traveled, blue-hued routes in the dated atlas that author William Least Heat Moon followed for the 13,000 U.S. miles he wrote so fondly about. His classic 1982 book, Blue Highways, parked on the New York Times bestseller list for 10 weeks shy of a year.

Until recently, when I was on the victim’s end of a road rage incident, I naively assumed that aberrant conduct primarily happened on California freeways. On my part, probably from watching too many CHiPs episodes back in the late 1970’s. My apologies, California! In case you don’t know, road rage

is, simply put, aggressive or anger-driven behavior in traffic. Scads of those abovementioned thousands of drivers are caught up in today’s free-floating anger and fear, both of which ride along, ready to spring into action at the slightest provocation . . . or at none whatsoever. That’s the creepy part. Road rage incidents are not only increasing, but in some areas, are becoming the norm. Pack up your anger, get behind the wheel, and use your vehicle as a release. Yikes!

In many places, including our own Palmetto State, open carry is now arming lots of angry people. Anger + gun = violence, sometimes without forethought. Sadly, road rage is being honed into a cuss-em-out tool that allows folks with bones to pick to take out their general, misplaced annoyance at life on other drivers. That bad acting can include physical threats and/or dangerous driving that targets other drivers, pedestrians or cyclists in an effort to intimidate or release frustration. This rage can lead to altercations, damage to property, assaults, and collisions that can result in serious physical injuries or even death.

Some victims engage and bring retaliation upon themselves, while many are innocent and are targeted “out of the blue.”

On the March 2024 day I became the latter, Northbound I-77 traffic between

Columbia and Charlotte was traveling bumper-to-bumper between 70 and 80 mph in both lanes on a weekday morning. I was in the “fast” lane. As one does, I was keeping a close eye on the specific cars in front of, behind, and beside me in my rearview and sideview mirrors. When I began passing a semi beside me in the right lane, the same vehicles were in front of and behind me.

A few seconds later, I checked my rearview to find its entirety filled with a huge bumper grill that had appeared seemingly out of nowhere, and a scary-looking, black, jacked-up pickup truck seemed hell-bent on running over my little red Honda Fit. A sideways tire wouldn’t have fit in the space between us. I had a distinct feeling that if I’d slowed down one iota, he’d have crushed me into the car ahead. As soon as possible, I pulled quickly ahead of the semi into the right lane.

But the road rager wasn’t finished. After passing the semi, he headed into my lane, seemingly to push me off the road. When his tires crossed the center line, I moved quickly onto the right shoulder, which fortunately, was wide and paved. Traffic flow forced him back into the left lane, he sped off, and I resumed my place in the right, grateful to be alive. Had I not been paying close attention to that truck’s path even after I felt safe, chances are good I’d have been yet another statistic.

As a result, my fondness for the open highway is waning.

Road trips have always been the bomb for me. They speak to my adventure-seeking nature. All my life I’ve loved to hop in a car and drive, especially to new-to-me places. No decision-making about whether to mask or not, overweight luggage, pricey airport food, or late or cancelled flights. When behind the wheel, who only knows what might be over the next hill or around the next curve? Or whom you may meet in some out-of-the-way stop?

While chowing down on a juicy Reuben sandwich once in a New Jersey diner, I noticed a group of tall Black men filing in. Once seated, they proceeded to entertain the waitress and clientele till the entire establishment was laughing out loud. The Harlem Globetrotters, no less.

One never knows.

So what’s a driver seeking adventures on the road to do? The simple answer is to

become a defensive driver. Whether you’re road-tripping or merely chugging around town, the practice will morph you into a better, safer driver. Distracted driving – while sleepy, under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs, or simply not paying attention – is the number one cause of auto accidents in the nation. If the drivers had been awake and aware, those mishaps – many fatal – wouldn’t have happened.

The key to driving more defensively is to be present and aware of your surroundings, other vehicles, and road hazards, and to focus on the road ahead. When you drive frequently, it’s easy to get casual about it. Don’t get too relaxed. Don’t daydream or space out. Always sit up straight and keep both hands on the wheel, preferably at 10 and 4, as they appear on a clockface. Should a road hazard appear, seeing it ahead of time could be a lifesaver.

Look for possible risks when you’re driving – a truck with a load not tied down, a bicycle, motorcycle, or pedestrian – and safely distance yourself from them. Follow the three-second rule: based on your current speed, there should be at least three seconds of driving time between your vehicle and the one in front of yours. Leave even more space if you’re behind a large truck, in heavy traffic, bad road conditions, or bad weather conditions, or if a vehicle is tailgating you. For the latter, slow down or pull over to let them pass.

Stay at a safe speed, keep your distance from obviously bad drivers, take a break if you’re sleepy, and never engage with a road rager. AARP (aarp.org/auto/driver-safety/) and the National Safety Council (nsc.org/ safety-training/defensive-driving ) offer great safe driving classes. If you take one, you’ll learn a lot. Participation may even score you a discount on your auto insurance.

Flowering Shrubs

Iwas musing about the ways I could lessen my work in the garden and still have the lush colors and textures I wanted, and it occurred to me that I already had a pretty good start. The answer was flowering shrubs. Minimal maintenance and a big bang for your buck.

So I did some research and imagine my surprise when my list of shrubs that flower and thrive here in the Lowcountry reached over 50! Many of the names were new to me or were rare in this area – not normally seen, if ever, in local nurseries.

Enter independent nurseries, both local, online, and within a day’s round trip (if you start early). Nothing is more fun than you and two or three friends talking about plants while going to and from an out-of-town nursery. It helps tremendously if one has a Minivan or an SUV because you’ll surely over-buy.

If more than one of you wants to purchase a specific plant, only one needs to buy it, because she’ll be happy to give the others cuttings. More than ever, with the price of plants these days, it pays to share.

Some of the ones I have, or are worth searching out, include:

Daphne odora has one of the most divine fragrances known to man, but it is persnickety. It will just disappear one day for no good reason. It hates our relentless sun, so keep it in a shady, moist spot, and it should be okay – at least for a few years. It’s evergreen and stays about two feet high.

Serissa japonica or “Tree of a Thousand Stars” isn’t really a tree at all, but a small shrub that is literally covered with small pink or white flowers. It loves our sun and heat and blooms all summer. The variegated one is just beautiful.

Fothergilla is native to the Southeast but I’ve never seen one in a Lowcountry garden. It’s a small spreading shrub with bottle brush shaped white flowers that smell like honey. Talk about Coals to Newcastle. I had to bring mine from Illinois! It doesn’t make a loud statement in the garden, but I like it.

Bauhinia or Hong Kong Orchid tree usually stays a shrub under five feet tall and wide and has lovely, unusual dark pink orchid-like flowers from late winter through early summer. The two-lobed leaves have the charming habit of closing like a book at night. After a particularly harsh winter several years ago, I thought mine had succumbed to the cold

and dug it up and threw it into the wild area. A few years later, while walking in the wild area, I spied it blooming! I re-planted it and it has bloomed every year since. Wow! What a survivor.

One on my wish list is Halesia or Silver Bells, which can grow into a small tree if left to its own devices, but judicious pruning keeps it shrub-like. In spring, the small dangling bell-like white flowers cover the shrub and are just stunning! I ordered one online and I can’t wait to get it.

Tecoma stans stands with one foot in the shrub class and the other in the tree, but it’s in the same family as Trumpet Vine so even if it becomes a small, evergreen tree,

its long drooping branches are just covered with yellow trumpet bells in spring, giving it its common name of “Yellow Bells.” There are, however, cultivars which are bred to stay small.

I think the list I made of flowering shrubs and their description and culture information might be helpful, so if you want a copy, just email me at educated.fireant@gmail.com and I will send it to you. I’m sure there are more that aren’t on the list, and I can’t vouch for 100% accuracy for your particular conditions, but it should do for a general guideline.

Happy gardening!

Sandra Educate is active in the local Master Gardeners Association and the Beaufort Garden Club, and she produces the annual Lunch and Learn series at the Port Royal Farmers Market. She loves strange and unusual plants and hates weeds. Sandra won’t give away her age, but takes her inspiration from Thomas Jefferson, who said, "though an old man, I am but a young gardener."

Daphne odora

Classifieds Classifieds


ITALY: Tuscany townhouse for rent by the week in historic UNESCO village. Sleeps 4, large furnished garden, easy walk to shops and excellent restaurants. www.cozyholidayrentals.com or 401-862-2377.

FURNISHED LUXURY APT In the heart of downtown Beaufort. 2BR, 2BA, W/D, Housewares. Please call 843-812-4229.


ADVERTISING SALES Local business seeks sales person for outside sales within the local market. Generous commission, your time is your own, and no micro-managing. Perfect for part-time or semi-retired. Please call 843-986-9059.


FREE HYPNOSIS/HYPNOTHERAPY INFORMATION session and guided group meditation workshop. This free session will focus on stress reduction and relaxation. Open to the public, every 3rd Monday of the Month, at 7 pm Eastern via Zoom. Bring a friend, learn more and RSVP for Zoom Link at www.guidepathhypnosis.com or contact Chris at chris.guidepath@gmail.com

BEAUFORT COUNTY LIBRARY ONGOING PROGRAMS & CLASSES Stitch Happens, Mondays @ 1:30, Bluffton; Basic Computer Skills Class 1st & 3rd Fridays @ 11:30am, Lobeco; Dungeon & Dragons Teen Club Mondays @ 4; Teen Gaming Club 1st & 3rd Wednesdays @ 4

FRIDAY SOCIAL DANCES The Hilton Head Carolina Shag Club hosts Friday dances from 6-9:30 pm at Dolphin Head Golf Club, 59 High Bluff Rd, Hilton Head Plantation. Open to the public. Shag, ballroom, swing, country, or line. Singles welcome. Cash bar and light dinners available. $5 floor fee. HHICSC also teaches beginner Shag lessons Tuesday nights. www.hiltonheadshagclub.com, or www.facebook.com/HHICSC


With over 25 local professional art educators, and guests from around the world, Art League of Hilton Head offers classes and workshops in all media for all levels of students. Visit www.artleaguehhi.org or email academy@artleaguehhi.org for more info.

POTTERY CLASSES IN BEAUFORT McSweeney Clay Studio is offering morning, afternoon and evening classes for children and adults. Pottery dates and parties available as well. Classes are on going. Beginner or advanced welcome. mcsweeneyclaystudio.com or call 843-694-2049.

LOWCOUNTRY SHAGGERS Mondays at the Moose Lodge, 350 Broad River Blvd. 6-9pm. Carolina Shag Lessons with Tommy & Sheri O'Brien and others. Occasional Ballroom and once a month Line Dance is taught. Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced lessons. Beginner classes in Jan., Mar, May, and Sep. Open dancing after lessons. Visit www.lowcountryshaggers.com or lowcountryshaggers@aol.com

WEDNESDAYS, BEAUFORT SHAG CLUB meets evenings at AMVETS, 1831 Ribaut Rd., Port Royal from 7-9pm, and the 2nd Sat. of the month 7-10pm. Free lessons to members Sep. to June. Visit The Beaufort Shag Club on Facebook.


VOLUNTEERS NEEDED for the military lounge at the Savannah/Hilton Head Airport. It is operated by a cadre of volunteers. Formerly the USO Lounge it has been renamed “Savannah Salutes,” and continues to provide a respite for travelling active duty, retired and reserve military, veterans and their families. The facility requires volunteers to keep the lounge open from 8 am to 9 pm, seven days a week. There are three shifts each day, with two volunteers on duty for each shift. Interested in volunteering? More info and application forms are available at the www.savannahsalutes.org,or call John Findeis at (912) 507-4848. The airport will provide free parking.

VETERANS FIRST THRIFT STORE is in need of volunteers. Summer hours are Thursday thru Saturday - 10am-4pm. Volunteer hours are very flexible! Stop in the store at 612 Robert Smalls Parkway to fill out a volunteer application or call the store at 843-263-4218. Please consider helping this very worthwhile organization!!

SECOND HELPINGS is seeking volunteers to crew our trucks in Bluffton and Beaufort to distribute food to local charities. Offering a flexible schedule at your convenience. Email officeadmin@secondhelpingslc.org

BEMER CIRCULATION THERAPY 10-11a Fridays via Zoom. Already own a BEMER? Never heard of it but curious? Join to ask any questions about this leading-edge German technology that enhances blood flow 30% in 8 minutes. Sessions are designed to support those who have their own unit but everyone is welcome. Brought to you by BEMER Specialist - Human & Equine, Elizabeth Bergmann. Text 410-212-1468 to get the Zoom link. Free.


Hospice Program. You a Vet with a little time to share with other Vets with limited time? The We Honor Veterans program seeks volunteers who are Vets to offer a listening ear for our Veteran patients. Volunteers also participate in our Pinning Ceremonies for Veteran patients. Contact 843473-3939 or smilliken@carishealthcare.com

SPIRITUAL COMMUNITY: Non-denominational meditation, silent prayer and healing group forming. All welcome. No previous meditation experience needed. Call Michael 843-489-8525

HABITAT RESTORE NEEDS VOLUNTEERS We're looking for volunteers for cashiers, sales floor associates, donation processing, donor data entry, and donor ambassadors. Interested? Go to lowcountryhabitat.org/volunteer or call 843-525-0055.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED for Calhoun Station Thrift Store in Bluffton. All funds generated are returned to other nonprofits in the community. Store is open Wed & Sat 10am to 1pm and located at 77 Pritchard St. Volunteers can stop by store or contact Cate Taylor, 843-310-0594 or catetaylor@frontier.com

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED for HELP of Beaufort, 530 Charles St. Looking for committed volunteers for clothes sorting, pantry help, front desk help and Mobile Meals drivers. We are open M-F from 9:3012:30, Mobile Meals delivers to home bound seniors 5 days/week, routes takes about 30-45 mins. Email Lori at helpbeaufort@gmail.com, or call 843-5241223, or stop in and fill out an application.

PORT ROYAL MUSEUM is open Thursday through Sunday at 1634 Paris Ave., from 10 - 3 or upon request. Free admission! Call 843-524-4333 or email historicportroyalfoundation@gmail.com to request a special opening.

PARKINSON’S SUPPORT GROUP - First Thursday of the month at Beaufort Memorial LifeFit Wellness Center, from 1:30-2:45pm, 900 Ribaut Rd. Beaufort. We are individuals with Parkinson’s care partners of those with Parkinson’s, and individuals or companies providing products or services for Parkinson’s patients. For more info: Rick Ostrander at pdawaresc@ gmail.com or Facebook at Parkinson’s Support Group Of Beaufort SC Port Royal & Lady’s Island.

TOUR HISTORIC FORT FREMONT—Travel to the 1800's and the Spanish American War. The Fort Fremont History Center is open from 10am to 2pm Fridays, Saturdays from 10am to 4pm and Sundays from 1pm to 4pm at Fort Fremont Preserve, 1124 Land's End Road, St. Helena Island. Visitors to Fort Fremont can learn about the fort's history by reading interpretive panels, taking a self-guided tour with a smart phone, visiting the history center exhibit hall, or attending a docent-led tour of the property. The Preserve grounds are open to the public Monday through Sunday from dawn to dusk. For more Information visit www.fortfremont. org or contact the Passive Parks Department Director, Stefanie Nagid, at snagid@bcgov.net

US COAST GUARD AUXILIARY, Flotilla 07-10-01, Port Royal Sound, a uniformed, all volunteer component of the U.S. Coast Guard. We conduct safety patrols, assist search & rescue, teach boat safety, conduct free vessel safety checks and other boating activities. Monthly meetings are open to all and held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at the Port Royal Sound Foundation classroom at 7pm. For info call Flotilla Commander Pattie McGowan (706-6336192) and visit us on Facebook - USCGA Beaufort.

BEAUFORT TOASTMASTERS CLUB meets from 5:30 pm - 6:45 pm the first & third Tuesday, in the Beaufort College Building, Rm. 103 (USC-Beaufort Campus), 801 Carteret Street, Beaufort. To learn more visit www.beauforttoastmastersclub.org

FREE ACUPUNCTURE FOR VETERANS – Veterans, Active Duty, Transition. Their Families and First Responders are Eligible. First & Third Wednesday 46pm. Walk In Clinic. No Need to Pre-Register or Call. Nourishing Health Acupuncture and Herbs Clinic. 1214 Prince Street, Downtown Beaufort

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED for a few hours each week at St. Francis Thrift Shop. Open Tuesday thru Saturday. Call 843-689-6563 or come in to speak with Miss Ann. Definitely shop.

CRESCENT HOSPICE SUPPORT GROUP: Last Wed. and Thurs. of the month. Weds. 10-11am at Sun City; Thurs. 12-1pm Brookdale Hilton Head Ct., Hilton Head; for those who provide physical, emo-

tional or practical support to a family member or friend. Jodi Johnson, LMSW. Bereavement Group: 5-6 pm., Fridays, 10 Buckingham Plantation Drive, Suite A, Bluffton; for those who have experienced a loss and would like support and info associated with grief and bereavement. Corrie VanDyke, LMSW or Marie James, MA. 843-757-9388

INTERESTED IN HEALTHY EATING? Second Helpings, of Beaufort, Hampton, and Jasper counties, seeks committee members and chairperson for Healthy Food Program. Funding available to procure fresh produce and protein for the 60 food pantries and soup kitchens served by Second Helpings. Contact Exec. Dir. Lili Coleman, 843-6893616 or execdirector@secondhelpingslc.org

BORN TO READ working for early childhood literacy, needs volunteers to deliver books and materials to new mothers at Coastal Community Hosp., HH Hosp., and BMH. Visits are from 10am – noon. More info at borntoread.org or call 843-379-3350.

ALZHEIMER’S FAMILY SERVICES OF GREATER BEAUFORT, Support Groups: Caregiver - Weds., 12:30pm, Living with Alzheimer's - for those in very early stages - Mondays 1pm, Respite Programs: Social Day Program- 10am-1:45pm $40 Day Fee, Weds. & Friday. All meetings are at Carteret Street Methodist Church, 408 Carteret St., Beaufort; In Home - Respite Aides available for 2 hr. minimum, $13-$26. Early Memory Loss: Maintain Your Brain - 2nd & 4th Thursday, 1011:30am, $10/person, $15 couple, Carteret Street Methodist Church, 408 Carteret St., Beaufort; Memory Screenings available call 843-521-9190 or make an appointment, 1500 King St., Beaufort, free; Purple Haven Project - Educate local establishment staff to better interact with a person with Alzheimer's call 843-521-9190.

THE LITERACY CENTER is seeking volunteers to tutor adults in reading, writing, math and ESL. Students hope to acquire skills to pursue life goals, support families, and contribute to our community. Daytime and evenings in Bluffton and HHI. Call 843-815-6616 (Bluffton); 843-681-6655 (HHI). No teaching, tutoring or other language knowledge necessary. www.theliteracycenter.org

THE SANDALWOOD COMMUNITY FOOD PANTRY. Volunteer-based, non-profit provides groceries, clothing and basic needs items to ANYONE in need. Open Tuesdays 9am-12pm at 114 Beach City Rd., Hilton Head. Donations of food and funds needed. For info: Rev. Dr. Nannette Pierson at 843715-3583 or email sandalwoodpantry@gmail.com

PARRIS ISLAND MUSEUM. The legacy of the Marine Corps and the history of the Port Royal region. Thousands of artifacts, images, and other materials illustrate the stories in exhibit galleries from Native American to modern Marines. FREE admission. Mon-Sat 10am-4:30pm and 8am on Family Graduation Days. Closed all Federal Holidays. Info at parrisislandmuseum.org or 843-228-2166.

CHRIST CENTERED RECOVERY MEETINGS At Praise Assembly Church Fridays for “Celebrate Recovery”, addressing life’s problems and looking to scripture for solutions. Meal at 6pm; Praise, Worship, and Big Meeting. 6:30pm; Small Groups at 7pm. 800 Parris Island Gateway, Beaufort. Info at 205-475-3600 or 303-521-1891.

‘Trial Watchers’ Authors Hold Book Events

For those in the Low Country interested in why people put their lives on hold to watch the Alex Murdaugh trial and others – a new book tackles this topic and more, and you’ll have three upcoming chances to meet the authors:

• Friday, July 12th from 1-4 pm at the McIntosh Book Shoppe, at 917 Bay Street in Beaufort

• Friday, July 12th from 5 – 6:30 pm at the Beaufort Bookstore, 2127 Boundary Street, Beaufort

• Saturday, July 13th from 11 am to noon at the Main Library at 2002 Bull Street in downtown Savannah.

Co-authors of the new book, Trial Watchers, Neil Gordon and Mike Petchenik will be on hand to discuss the book, provide complimentary bookmarks, and sign autographed copies. It's hard to believe almost a year has passed since Neil Gordon and embattled former Alex Murdaugh trial clerk Becky Hill published Behind the Doors of Justice: The Murdaugh Murders.

Neil and his wife almost lost their livelihoods over the allegations of Becky’s jury tampering and her plagiarism, and they spent hours speaking to SLED (South Carolina Law Enforcement) and SC Ethics investigators related to Becky’s alleged actions.

Over the last year, something good came out of this tough situation; Neil and Melissa encountered amazing true crime fans who inspired their new project, “Trial Watchers,” an anthology of short stories that explore the true crime obsession.

Three of those stories chronicle experiences of women traveling to the Low Country to attend the Murdaugh trial.

Janet Campbell came from Kansas City, Missouri, and was glad she did:

I came into town, embarrassed to say I was there. I felt like a groupie until I checked into my hotel and realized others from out of town were there to watch the trial as well.” She loved being part of all the action outside the courtroom. She ended up getting interviewed on her “go-to station,” Court TV, and spent

time sitting at Nancy Grace’s makeshift studio and talking with her. “It was a circus atmosphere, not somber like the tragedy. There were food trucks, media everywhere. Kids ran around. I was looking for bounce houses and Traeger grills for a cookout,” she mused. Janet was walking on Main Street in Walterboro after court adjourned in the late afternoon when she noticed Harpootlian and his co-counsel, Jim Griffin, laughing and joking. They were near a shop selling buttons inscribed with “I survived the Murdaugh trial.” It was just after the closing argument, while the jury was out deliberating. “They were as nice as can be,” she said. They took a selfie with Janet, which she will always keep as a memento.

Trial Watchers also covers these topics:

• Behind-the-scenes on Becky Hill-related issues

• True crime, social media, and how hurt people hurt people

• Trial watchers who travel all over the country

• How true crime fans seek justice in their own lives

• Media watch: Crime reporting ethics and lack thereof

Gordon and Petchenik will donate 10% of the book’s quarterly profits to victims’ charities, including those associated with the Community Foundation of the Low Country. For more information, visit www.trialwatchers.com

Alisha Doud alisha@dcgilbert.com

Daun Schouten daun@dcgilbert.com

Laure Gallagher laure@dcgilbert.com

Ashley Hart ashley@dcgilbert.com

Joy McConnell joy@dcgilbert.com

Johanna Graham johanna@dcgilbert.com

Kathy Crowley kathy@dcgilbert.com


R. Wicker melissa@dcgilbert.com

Sam Bailey samuel@dcgilbert.com Tues - Sun: 11am-9pm

Dawn Shipsey dawn@dcgilbert.com

Neil Gordon Mike Petchenik


Foolish Frog, 846 Sea Island Pkwy, St. Helena Island. (843) 838-9300. Foolish Frog on Facebook

Luther’s Rare & Well Done, 910 Bay Street. (843) 521-1888 or www.luthersrareandwelldone.com

Q on Bay, 822 Bay St, Beaufort. (843) 524-7771 or www.qonbay.com

Rosie O’Gradys Irish Pub, in Beaufort Town Center. Irish American Sports Pub & Eatery. C'mon down! Rock & Roll Lunch. Weekly Food Specials! Mondays - F&B People Discount. Wednesdays, Friday & Saturday - Karaoke. (843) 379-7676 or Rosie's on Facebook

Saltus River Grill, 802 Bay St, Beaufort. (843) 379-3474 or www.saltusrivergrill.com


Big Bamboo, Coligny Plaza. (843) 686-3443 or www.bigbamboocafe.com

Captain Woody’s, 6 Target Rd., Hilton Head. OR 17 State of Mind St., Bluffton. TuesdaysChris Jones. www.captainwoodys.com

The Jazz Corner, Village at Wexf1ord, Hilton Head. Sundays - Deas Guyz; Mondays - A Journey Through Jazz with The Martin Lesch Band; Tuesdays - Fat Tuesdays: A Swingin' Celebration of New Orleans and Beyond; Thursdays - Lavon Stevens with Louise Spencer. 7/3 Lavon Stevens Quartet with Quiana Parler, 7/5 & 7/6 Zack Stevens Band, 7/10 Bobby Ryder, 7/12 & 7/13 John Lumpkin II & The Covenant honor Women in Jazz, 7/17 Lavon Stevens Quartet with Quiana Parler, 7/19 & 7/20 The Best of Noel & Maria with Noel Freidline and Maria Howell. (843) 842-8620 or www.TheJazzCorner.com

Omni Hilton Head Ocean Front in Palmetto Dunes. Buoy Bar - HH Prime - (843) 842-8000 or www.omnihotels.com


The Music Farm, 32 Ann Street, Charleston. 7/6 Felly; Jackpal; Red Leather 7/7 Puppeteers for Fears, 7/12 Toots & the Maytals; Leba Hibbert, 7/13 Hanna Montana Night, 7/14

Slackjaw; Parris Bridge; Sweet Spine; American Theory, 7/17 Jackyl, 7/18 Jon Langston, 7/19 DIIV; Horse Jumper of Love; Dutch Interior, 7/20 Evan Honer; Leon Majcen. (843) 853-2252 or www.musicfarm.com

ThePourHouse,1977MaybankHwy,Charleston. 7/3 Bombargo, 7/4 & 7/5 Papadosio, 7/6 Sexbruise; Future Joy, 7/11 Operation Irie; Monsoon; Droze; The Draft, 7/12 Sol Driven Train, 7/13 Revival - A Tribute to Dickie Betts featuring members of The Psycodelics; Broken Speakers; Little Bird; Reckoning; The Motown Throwdown, 7/17 House At the Pour House with Oleg Terentiev; Ben Mossman; Slim S.O.U.L; Moonkat Daddi; Joel Schooling, 7/18 The Mike Quinn Super Funk, 7/19 Space Armadillo, 7/20 3rd Annual ELEMENTS Hip Hop Event, . (843) 571-4343 or www. charlestonpourhouse.com

Windjammer, 1008 Ocean Blvd, Isle of Palms. 7/3 Edwin McCain, 7/4 Wyatt Flores, 7/5 Maddie & Tae, 7/6 Doom Flamingo, 7/11 Town Mountain; John R. Miller, 7/12 & 7/13 Midnight City, 7/14 Bumpin' Uglies; Ballyhoo, 7/15 The Disco Biscuits, 7/19 Stop Light Observations, 7/20 The Vegabonds, 7/21 Dispatch; Maggie Rose. (843) 886-8596 or www.the-windjammer.com

Editors Note: Events listed here may be subject to postponement or cancellation. Please check for further information.


Weekends in July: “The Great American Trailer Park Musical” performed by the Sea Glass Stage Company in Coligny Theatre on Hilton Head. Performances Fri & Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm. Tickets $35 each, available at www.sgstage.org/tickets Reduced rates for groups of 10 or more. For

more information, visit www.sgstage.org, email staff@sgstage.org , or call (843) 212-4172.


Now – 7/7, Camera Club of Hilton Head exhibit at the Coastal Discovery Museum at historic Honey Horn,, in the Main Gallery. Admission is free.

Now – 7/19, Land-Escapes: Through My Lens, Lyndsi Caulder photography exhibit at Art League Gallery on Hilton Head. Gallery Walk & Talk Fri 7/21, 12-1pm. Free and open to the public. Inside Arts Center of Coastal Carolina, 14 Shelter Cove Lane, Hilton Head Island, 843-681-5060.

Now – 7/28, What Dreams are Made Of . . . an exhibit of art by Anthony Collichio at the Society of Bluffton Artists gallery. Opening reception on 7/12 at 6pm. 6 Church St, Old Town Bluffton. www.sobagallery.com

Now – 7/30, Low Country Egrets in Flight, the art of John Meckley featured at the Beaufort Art Association Gallery. 913 Bay Street, Beaufort.

Now – 9/20, A Gathering of Artists, a new show by the Artists of Sea Pines. Sea Pines Center, 71 Lighthouse Road, Hilton Head.

Now – 1/14/25, ‘Timeless Treasures,’ student artwork created at Camp Conroy on exhibit Beaufort Art Association Gallery. www.beaufortartassociation.com

Now – 2/22/25, Language of Clay: Catawba Indian Pottery and Oral Tradition at Morris Center for Lowcountry Heritage, US 17, Ridgeland. www.morrisheritagecenter.org

7/16 – 10/6, ‘Imagine’ Art Quilt Exhibit at the Coastal Discovery Museum at historic Honey Horn on Hilton Head. opening reception on Thurs 7/18, from 5 to 7 pm. www.coastaldiscovery.org

7/23 – 7/30, Halfway Home, exhibit of Sea Turtle art at Art League Academy, 106 Cordillo Parkway, Hilton Head. Closing reception Tues. 7/30, 5-7pm.

7/23 – 8/23, Painting the Stories, the Gullah Geechee art of Samantha Claar at Art League Gallery. Opening reception Wed 7/24, 5-7pm. Inside the Arts Center of Coastal Carolina, 14 Shelter Cove Lane, Hilton Head. 843-681-5060.


Thur 7/11, Open Mic Night at Pat Conroy Literary Center, featuring teenaged novelist Rebecca Thompson (The Girl of the Tree). 6-7:30pm. Other writers interested in reading should sign up in advance via contact@patconroyliterarycenter.org

Fri 7/12, Neil Gordon and Mike Petchenik will sign copies of their new book Trial Watchers at McIntosh Book Shoppe (917 Bay St.) from 1-4 pm and at the Beaufort Bookstore (2127 Boundary St.) from 5 - 6:30 pm. For more information visit www.trialwatchers.com

Sat 7/13, Evening with Jo Angela Edwins, Poet Laureate of the Pee Dee ( A Dangerous Heaven ) at the Pat Conroy Literary Center, 601 Bladen St., Beaufort, at 5pm. Free and open to the public. Books available for sale and signing. Please call to reserve your seat: 843-379-7025.

Sat 7/27, Author Kerry Peresta (Olivia Callahan Suspense series) book signing event at Barnes & Noble on Hilton Head Island, 1-4 pm.


Now – 7/28, School Supplies Drive to benefit St. Helena Elementary School. Sponsored by DAYLO: The Diversity Awareness Youth Literacy Organization, the Pat Conroy Literary Center, and the Storybook Shoppe. Donated supplies can be dropped off at the Conroy Center (601 Bladen St., Beaufort) or the Storybook Shoppe (Tanger 2, A190, 1414 Fording Island Rd, Bluffton).

7/12 - 7/21, 68th Annual Beaufort Water Festival in Waterfront Park. For more information and a full schedule, visit www. bftwaterfestival.com

First Saturday of the Month, Teddy Bear Picnic Read-Aloud at Port Royal Farmers Market. DAYLO students and other volunteers will read to young children between 9am and noon. Children are encouraged to bring their favorite stuffed animal.

Tuesdays, Tours of Hunting Island sponsored by Friends of Hunting Island Keeper Ted and his team. For info call the Nature Center at 843-838-7437. Tours free are and park entry fees apply.

Third Thursday, TECHconnect is a monthly networking event for professionals working in and around technology. Come and join on the for the conversation at BASEcamp 500 Carteret 5:30-7:30pm. 843-470-3506. www.beaufortdigital.com

Thursdays, History Tours of Fort Mitchell by the Heritage Library, 10am. $12/ Adult $7/Child. 843-686-6560.

Ongoing, Beaufort Tree Walk by the Lady’s Island Garden Club through the historic Old Point enjoying some unique and noteworthy trees. Takes about an hour and is a little over a mile, starting at the corner of Craven & Carteret Streets and ending in Waterfront Park. Booklets with a map and info about each tree available FREE at the Visitors Center in the historic Arsenal on Craven Street.

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