MSSC Annual Review 2016-17

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We are a charity that helps launch young people for life today whatever they want to do after school, and helps seafarers to keep learning all their lives.



Our year in numbers



given to 1,330 cadets in bursaries

cadet boating hours = 32 hours on the water per cadet – up 28% in past five years1

18,667 boating qualifications to cadets – up 120% in past five years2

3,168 learners accessed digital maths and English via Learn@Sea

grants for seafarer qualifications

44,973 total qualifications awarded to cadets – up 8% over past five years3

1. Up 28% from 25 hours boating per cadet in first year of recording in 12/13. 2. Up 120% from 8,502 national governing body boating qualifications in 11/12. 3. Up 8% from 41,764 cadet qualifications in 11/12





This will be my final introduction as I stand down this year as Chair and Trustee, a role that has been a huge privilege to hold. This charity has seen huge change since its merger over 10 years ago and I am proud to have been a part of that. It has grown in vision and reach, making determined strides towards being a leading light for young people’s development and seafarers’ lifelong learning. Meeting some of our superb cadets, staff and volunteers at units and events has been both inspiring and humbling in equal measure. There has been great progress in defining and delivering The Sea Cadet Experience – and ensuring that this is provided in an environment where safety and safeguarding are paramount. Adult seafarer support has also undergone a complete overhaul, and the Marine Society’s services are now well integrated into the modern industry structures. The role that they play in helping seafarers achieve their potential is as important now as it has ever been.

Modernisation of the Offshore Fleet, critical to ensuring we provide safe, inspiring voyages for Sea Cadets, has significantly advanced with the delivery of new yachts, thanks to the vital support of the Lord Mayor’s Appeal and other individual donors. Our new flagship TS Royalist has shown her mettle in this year’s Tall Ships Races and our two power vessels continue to develop young people as they navigate around the UK. None of this would be possible without the support of the Royal Navy and the trusts, foundations, individual donors, staff and volunteers who make the charity such a success – thank you. Finally I wish my successor, Robert Woods CBE, and all those involved with MSSC good luck and fair weather for the future. Captain Nigel Palmer OBE MNM Chair of MSSC Trustees 3


From the CEO

We are passionate about helping young people to develop so that they can embrace their potential, and offering lifelong learning to seafarers. Over the past year we have focused squarely on maximising impact for young people and seafarers through lifechanging learning and development opportunities. For seafarers we have dramatically increased the number we can help, reaching 3,168 overseas, helping them upskill and improve their career prospects through the awardwinning online Maths@Sea and English@Sea courses. For Sea Cadets we launched The Sea Cadet Experience, setting out for the first time the extent and depth of experience we wish to make available to every young person throughout their time with us. We have reorganised to more effectively deliver and develop training aligned to The Sea Cadet Experience and provide clear and improved support to our amazing volunteers who make Sea Cadets

happen. And alongside continued investment in facilities and equipment, we have worked to better explain the transformative effect of The Sea Cadet Experience so we become more relevant to more teenagers and more funders. Over the coming year you will see some of this develop further. The platform that we offer youngsters is built on the firm foundations of a Royal Navy ethos and is helping more teenagers to launch well in today’s complex and often overwhelming world. The skills they learn through us help them build confidence, hope and resilience and offer a clear and certain beacon to head for. This treasure trove of opportunity is made possible thanks to the support of our committed volunteers and employees. I hope you enjoy reading this review and learning of our progress over the last 12 months and last five years, as well as first-hand stories of the impact of our work. Martin Coles CEO



My Sea Cadets:

Kate, 15, Salford Sea Cadets “My dad really supported me when I joined Sea Cadets; he was also joining as a volunteer when he had a massive stroke. He lost his speech and some of his mobility. Since then Sea Cadets has helped me – being a place where I can get away from looking after my dad and being at school because that’s hard now my dad’s ill. It also helps as I have my first aid qualifications for caring for my dad at home. It is hard but you make time for things. I’m not at my dad’s every single day but I make sure I’m there if he needs me. He understands if I’m not there all the time. Sea Cadets has been understanding. One of the things I enjoy doing is engineering. My dad is in engineering and I’ve grown up learning about it and going into his work. For that reason Sea Cadets is a bit of a dad figure to me because what my dad gave me before he became ill Sea Cadets now gives me. Going on adventures or learning about engineering are opportunities my dad would have given me and Sea Cadets now does that. I would like to be a weapons engineer officer in the Royal Navy when I am older.

“The volunteers at my unit have been extremely supportive. They are like my second family. They help get you to where you want to be in the right way and the most effective way.”

The volunteers at my unit have been extremely supportive. They are like my second family. They help get you to where you want to be in the right way and the most effective way. Whenever I have been upset about my dad or worried about something they have always been there. Some of my best friends are cadets. One of my best friends in the whole world is someone I know through Sea Cadets. You meet people all the time – new people and people you have met before – and you become friends. They really support you – it’s almost like they are your siblings. Everyone shows respect for each other and pushes each other to do their best.”



Adventure that launches you for life Through a different kind of adventure Sea Cadets helps teenagers develop into young people who can launch well in life so they can cope with today’s world and thrive in it. It’s tough for teenagers. The world is changing, challenges come from every angle. We help all young people regardless of background. With 400 units across the UK, some in the hardest-hit regions of Britain, we offer an exceptional opportunity to learn from one another, building skills, resilience and self-belief. We bridge social divides, we inspire social mobility, we remove barriers to help them see what they can do.

A brilliant team player, a leader people want to follow, feeling more in charge of themselves – confident, motivated, skilled.


Defining The Sea Cadet Experience has helped us target our learning offer; reducing the number of differently named modules and courses from 811 to 209 consistent ones. Learning opportunities are focused on delivering the ‘Experience’ – this vital pathway maps a cadet’s progress through courses, qualifications and boating hours, essential to flourish as a cadet and opening up a world of future opportunities they can take with them when they leave.


Impact – making a difference “Feeling accepted is very important. It lets you try things and learn that you can fail and try again without being laughed at.” Jo, parent Feeling confident and believing in yourself is something all young people have a right to. Sadly, many youngsters find the pressure of modern living overwhelming, some developing risky behaviours to cope or withdraw from their friends and family. Research shows that purposeful activities, like those we offer, can reduce the risk of social exclusion in adulthood,1 increase young people’s aspirations to go to college, encourage young people to establish better relations with parents and act as a predictor of lifelong participation.2 And feedback from parents, cadets and volunteers3 supports this.

66% of cadets said attending

93% of cadets said

Sea Cadets improved their attendance and engagement at school.

Sea Cadets helps them gain qualifications.


of cadets said Sea Cadets provides them with the skills they need for later in life.

In schools teachers reported that young people engaged in cadet activity were: – more organised – had better communication and thinking skills – have higher attendance.


of cadets said being a sea cadet helps them get a job.

1. NPC Outcomes and Measurement framework for Sea Cadets (page seven) cited from Feinstein, L., Bynner, J. and Duckworth, K. (2006) ‘Young people’s leisure contexts and their relation to adult outcomes.’ Journal of Youth Studies 9, p. 305-327. 2. NPC Outcomes and Measurement framework for Sea Cadets (page seven) cited from Feldman, A., and Matjasko, J. (2005) ‘The Role of School-Based Extracurricular Activities in Adolescent Development: A Comprehensive Review and Future Directions.’ Review of Educational Research, 75, (2), p. 159-210. 3. Sea Cadet survey of parents, cadets, volunteers conducted by NPC for Outcomes and Measurement framework for Sea Cadets in 2015.



Belonging “I didn’t talk to people much until here. I wouldn’t put myself forward at all but now I talk to people I don’t know! I feel I can get along.” Megan, 14 The sense of belonging built through the activities and experiences on offer delivered by our army of trained volunteer leaders helps to build a rapport with cadets based on respect and understanding in a place where they feel safe and able to talk. We provide the vital skills, environment and friendships that young people need to thrive in today’s world, and when there are troubles or problems we can step in and get help early on.



Special numbers “I never thought I’d have the qualifications I have got through Sea Cadets. In just four years, it’s completely changed me.” Ryan, 17 Statistics, numbers and facts for us means more cadets are getting the chance to do better at school, stand out when it comes to getting onto a course and finding a job. It’s motivating for us as a charity to see that we are helping them to develop into teenagers who can launch well in today’s complex and often overwhelming world. The more qualifications and courses cadets take part in the more they get out of The Sea Cadet Experience. It’s simple – training via The Sea Cadet Experience heavily subsidised by the national charity and our key partners, the Royal Navy, helps to get teenagers out on the water and geared up for life.

In October 2016 senior cadets participated in the second national cadet conference. Their input helps to shape the charity and keeps us alert to cadet needs. As a result of cadet feedback we’re exploring a Sea Cadet portal. We built a prototype to test that could see cadets plotting their course and progression through the Corps and accessing courses directly, giving them more control over their Sea Cadet Experience.

446,629 cadet boating hours, an average of 32 hours boating per cadet, up 28% in the last five years.1



days of international cadet training, up 121% over the last five years2 visiting Australia, USA, Sweden, Bermuda, Canada, Netherlands, South Korea, Japan, Bulgaria and Hong Kong.

£249,000 given to 1,330 cadets in bursaries to ensure all young people have the chance to take part.

44,973 total qualifications awarded to cadets, up 8% over last five years.4

1. Up 28% from 25 hours boating per cadet in first year of recording in 11/12. 2. Up 121% from 1,251 cadet international training days in 11/12. 3. Up 15% from 79,461 cadet training days in 11/12.

days of cadet training outside of units funded by national charity; up 15% over the last five years.3


boating qualifications awarded to cadets, up 120% in last five years.

2,933 BTEC qualifications awarded to cadets, up 6,418% over last five years.5


Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards qualifications awarded to cadets, up 114% over the last five years.6

4. Up 8% from 41,764 cadet qualifications in 11/12. 5. Up 6,418% from 45 cadet BTEC qualifications in 11/12. 6. Up 114% over last five years from 11/12.



Working in communities We have a rich history but we are not predictable – we adapt for life today. We are invigorating a core specialisation, Marine Engineering (ME), and gave it a new lease of life for a new generation. Working with our partner, Seafarers UK, we launched an innovative UK-wide Marine Engineering project to develop mobile engineering pods to inspire STEM careers in youngsters. The first session at Teignmouth Community School, Devon, worked with 14 students. Since then 922 youngsters have taken part. 52% said they hadn’t heard about ME before the workshop and 55% said the workshop would inspire them to think about engineering as a career.

94% rated the session as excellent or good.


said they would recommend the session to others.

Over summer 2016 we delivered Saturday Club, working with local schools in the London Borough of Newham and our boat station at Royal Docks. It offered 10-18 year olds from economically disadvantaged areas the chance to get out on the water and earn nationally accredited qualifications. The sessions had a huge impact on behaviour. As the participants’ relationships with their peers and instructors developed many realised how their behaviour was impacting on the enjoyment of others. 1,732 90-minute sessions were delivered to 202 young people, and 30 went on to join their local unit.

“Each child is different and Sea Cadets gives each of them different things.” Kimmi, a parent of three siblings who attended Saturday Club

Project Semaphore with the Royal Naval Association (RNA) saw our units and cadets working with Royal Navy veterans to get them digitally switched on, rolling out iPads to enable digital inclusion, combatting exclusion and creating community connections that support one another.

CADETS IN SCHOOLS We now have 16 new school units (part of our collaboration with MOD/DfE Cadet Expansion Programme) and this year had seven approved, of which two are already fully up and running with another eight committed to opening over the next two years.

SOCIAL ACTION A project funded by the UYSAF (Uniformed Youth Social Action Fund) aimed at recruiting cadets and volunteers delivered 783 cadets (target 700) and 331 volunteers (target 105). 400 cadets from this group also took part in social action. Six units won their area social action award and the winning entry from these was presented with a trophy and certificate for the best team effort nationally from all Youth United members at Buckingham Palace. Congratulations to Newham Cornwell VC Sea Cadets Unit for winning this national award. We ran five NCS (National Citizen Service) pilots, aimed at 15-17 year olds, from across the UK. This Government initiative encourages young people to develop through activity, personal development and social action. Each group identified a need and charity to support – one worked with Church Housing Trust in London to create bag meals for 175 rough sleepers and another raised funds for GOAL for the Gambia which offers scholarships to children in need and takes local kids to the seaside for a day – most had never seen the sea.

50 NCS awards to cadets (first year).


20,000 cadet days of community engagement.


My Sea Cadets:

Acting Sergeant (SCC) Stewart Bryant, Uniformed Instructor, Hastings Royal Marines Cadets

“The best thing about Sea Cadets is a sense of belonging to such a prestigious youth charity that gives young people a variety of practical and life skills. As an instructor I also get to develop new skills and renew old ones. Being part of Sea Cadets has also given me the will to get my own fitness on track again which is great. Having spent some time as a royal marines cadet in the 80s and having been a police instructor and cadet/police officer with Sussex police, I thought I would be able to pass on some of the skills and experiences I have acquired over the years. The first day I walked into the unit for my interview with the officer in charge I was introduced to the team, heartily welcomed and made to feel part of the team. I believe this is something the Sea Cadet Corps does very well and the support from the team in the short time I have been there is inspiring.

Already, in my short time here, I have made some good friends. It has given me a sense of belonging which I haven’t felt since my police service and the fine work done by the Sea Cadets is inspiring, especially all the time that is given by volunteers and cadets unpaid to run the Sea Cadet Corps. One of my favourite things about Sea Cadets is seeing young people develop from being shy and lacking in confidence to teaching a class of peers and feeling part of something bigger by learning new skills and developing existing ones. I believe there is something for everyone within Sea Cadets.”



Investing for growth “We get quite a few cadets who say they’re not happy at home. People can talk here. It’s not home or school. We’re here to help.” Bonnie, 24, volunteer

SUPPORT FOR VOLUNTEERS AND UNITS We’re getting clearer on the skills we need and committed to helping volunteers achieve them to ensure they have the right training to deliver The Sea Cadet Experience. We began work on a competence framework identifying training needs for leadership and management skills for instructor volunteers. More work is on the horizon in the coming year. We introduced new e-learning modules to support the new induction process – updated to ensure our volunteers are more familiar with our charitable purpose and better prepared to play their part in delivery. We helped 400 volunteers become qualified instructors across the five boating activities. While we have provided this training for many years, from 2016 it became essential for any unit wanting to offer boating to have a qualified instructor in place, so that more boating could be delivered to cadets at unit level.

“I qualified as an RYA Dinghy Instructor two years ago. I’d say to anyone thinking about training as a boating instructor, absolutely go for it. You will get to practise your skills, at world-class facilities on the modern and excellent Sea Cadets fleet.” PO (SCC) Gary Harborow, Tamworth & Lichfield


We saw greater joint working as units and districts shared assets and knowledge. We established regular activity at our new district boat station at Severn District Sailing Centre. We brought units together to share locations and kit. For some units, accessing good water can be challenging. By linking units together we’ve found sharing knowledge and skills is reaping benefits for cadets. So far we’ve rolled out five boating hubs.


Building support “Shaun and I are both young carers. When I come here, it’s the one place that hasn’t changed in my life. It’s a secure place, a home away from home.” Kate, 15 Infrastructure is critical to helping cadets like Kate. They need somewhere to meet that is safe and warm and equipped with the kit they need to learn and develop. Over the last five years we’ve committed £3.4m which, when geared up by units, is a total investment of £14m for the maintenance and upgrade of the places they meet – our units. We have a portfolio of 400 units and 12 national boat stations and training centres with plans in the pipeline for more. Demand for what we do is growing and we need to be there to meet it. In the past year, we helped 197 units directly with advice and professional in-house support from our property advisers and the fundraising team with premises upgrade and maintenance grants totalling £641k. At Sheffield Unit the existing building was sold and, with our support, it negotiated for a new site, while Exmouth Unit, which leased land from the local authority, had to relocate when its site was up for development. The project received a boost when Admiral Sir Mark Stanhope, GCB OBE DL, MSSC president, who lives locally, gave his support, helping to complete the fundraising. The scheme cost £635k. The charity has helped with the cost of professional fees and has supported Exmouth Unit with funds from the capital building fund. We want to continue to help units to define their strategies for projects, identify local professionals to advise, navigate the negotiations with third parties and enter into contracts, and to fundraise both locally and nationally. National assets such as training centres and boat station upgrades have had £4m committed, including the formal opening of Welsh Harp Boating Station in May 2016, practical completion of the Royal Docks Boating Station and design work for the new Port Edgar Boating Station.



Boats support “The RS Quest has brought Sea Cadets into a new age of sailing. It performs just as well as a beginner training vessel or in the racing environment, and our cadets are readily stepping forward to take the helm!” Bridge of Don Sea Cadets 2016 has seen the rollout of the new RS Quest, our new sailing dinghy, that makes learning to sail so much easier. We match-funded 110 and secured £2.25m over three years from the Chancellor of the Exchequer’s LIBOR grant with 167 RS Quests already delivered to 105 units and more boats for Southern Area, Port Edgar, Severn District and Derwenthaugh Boat Stations. The first of our new offshore yachts was completed at the end of the year, funded by the City of London Lord Mayor’s Appeal, with formal naming by Lady Mountevans and commissioning in May 2017 at Royal Cornwall Yacht Club. The new Rustler 42 yacht has 25% more capacity than the older Tradewinds, meaning more youngsters can get away to sea. We also contracted for the second Rustler 42 yacht, which is currently in build. This takes the charity’s total committed investment in boats over the past five years to £8m.


cadets from 280 units enjoyed a voyage at sea on one of our fleet of five vessels.



A seafarer’s view: Steven Rogers

“After 33 years as a fisherman, I decided it was time for a change. I had wanted to progress to an officer of the watch for a long time but without financial support this was not possible. The Marine Society’s Slater Fund has enabled me to pursue and complete this goal. The application was quick and easy with only a few short tests that took no longer than a weekend and could be completed from my home. Four years later I have completed all requirements for the qualification and have made a major career change that has benefitted me and my family. Now I work as a marine surveyor for the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA). My experience with the Marine Society has been nothing short of exceptional. Their advice has been friendly and professional throughout the entire process. I could not recommend them more highly and would encourage anyone to get in contact for more information.

“My experience with the Marine Society has been nothing short of exceptional. Their advice has been friendly and professional throughout the entire process. I could not recommend them more highly and would encourage anyone to get in contact for more information.”



Helping seafarers We refreshed the learning offer in line with findings from our 2015 seafarers’ survey, introducing new bite-sized modules to support and enhance the experience – for example via online courses with ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants).

We awarded over

£2m in funding to seafarers working towards professional qualifications.


information, advice and guidance queries were handled.


of GCSE and A-Level learners who sat exams with us and achieved a pass.


of our Slater Scholars passed their oral exam and received their certificate of competency.


learners accessed digital maths and English courses through Learn@Sea.

GOING GLOBAL Learn@Sea, sponsored by The International Foundation for Aids to Navigation (IFAN), is an innovative project helping us upskill seafarers globally. Online marketing has helped us break down barriers and reach new seafarers – in all 3,168 over the year. The Philippines is now a key audience and we are working with a college in the country so that seafarers can sit an exam and gain a certificated qualification through the @Sea programme.

LIBRARIES AND BOOKS We are transforming our ships’ libraries from exchange libraries to paperback non-returnable libraries. Now 38,000 seafarers have access to Marine Society libraries. We supplied 137 libraries with 8,460 books.

BOOKSHOP We’ve expanded the range of titles stocked by 20% to reflect the educational, technical and regulatory requirements of maritime customers. And in doing so we have sold 1,362 books. 16


Working together Support for employees is critical. Over the year we’ve launched a series of initiatives to get staff working better together, sharing ideas and developing themselves. A staff survey and conference helped us to hear views and our refreshed Values have helped to move closer to one shared way of working where, as one team, we achieve our goals to maximise the impact on our beneficiaries. We made key changes to our national team to align how we operate and to offer more focus on development and training delivery, operational assurance and volunteer support. The new staff intranet and focus on internal communications means we can be clear and focused in staff communications as well as having a place to share news and opportunities. We re-visited and updated our equality, diversity and inclusion policy, agreed our diversity statement and goals, and ran a workshop at our staff conference with input from cadets and volunteers.

FUNDRAISING The significant input of the Royal Navy remains vital to our work with Sea Cadets. We thank them for their vision and support and ongoing investment in our work. We are grateful to funders Seafarers UK for their multi-year support in our Marine Engineering schools project (p10) and to IFAN for another life-changing initiative for seafarers worldwide (P16). Long-term supporters Trinity House continue to help our work by providing essential funds for units to help with vital repairs and improvements. Cadets in Schools funding helped the charity reach 16 new schools (p10) and a successful LIBOR grant from the Treasury meant new dinghies across 400 units and six national training centres.

We were really excited to launch new ways to support the charity and units. We have partnered with easyfundraising, an online shopping portal which has raised over £25k for units since the programme began. We have started our raffle programme and partnered with Unity Lottery to offer supporters an online lottery. Both programmes are helping us to raise vital unrestricted income for cadets and units who need it most.

LEGACY We had some magnificent legacies to be used nationally and for units. This vital source of income is one of the ways we can plan for the future to ensure the amazing opportunities we subsidise for cadets continue to be available, like a voyage on our flagship. We have partnered with The Goodwill Partnership offering supporters a home will-writing service. We also launched our Name a Boat product which enables donors to add names of a loved one to a boat, either in memory or in celebration of the fantastic support they have given the charity. At the end of June we held our first In Memory Celebration for Admiral Sir Peter Abbott GBE KCB, former President of the charity, who sadly passed away recently. His family honoured his memory with a boat named after him at Plymouth Unit.



We were honoured to be chosen as a partner for the Lord Mayor’s City of London Appeal which raised over £1m for its charity partners. This has secured our new Rustler 42 yacht and provided us with money towards our second Rustler 42 yacht.



MEDIA ARTICLES Opportunities to see or hear:

376,248,283 Articles about Sea Cadets:




A parent’s view

Tracey Clapson, a parent from Hinckley Unit

Sean very much enjoys the structure and discipline of Sea Cadets. It fits in very well with his rigid ‘autistic’ thoughts and ways. He has become much more confident and mature. He seems to understand his condition now, therefore is more able to manage his feelings. He’s calmer, which I’m 100% convinced is a direct impact of Sea Cadets, and he is more able to concentrate at He has always been interested in ships and the Royal Navy. school. His grades have improved dramatically in the past When my dad was alive Sean spent hours quizzing him as year too. my dad was in the Royal Navy. As soon as Sean was 10 he joined Sea Cadets and has never looked back. This year Large groups and lots of noise will always be a struggle but he decided he wanted to be a royal marines cadet and being part of Sea Cadets has made Sean want to be part of he moved over at Easter. He hasn’t looked back and has a team and to belong. It has made him realise that he needs become more confident than ever. to think of others as well as himself and he now does this very well. I’m not sure where Sean would be without Sea Cadets. He has friends, is part of a team and has people he can talk to. Sea Cadets is great for all kids but for children like Sean with special needs it’s just amazing.” “Sean has ADHD and autism. Before Sea Cadets he had problems socialising and mixing, especially with strangers. He’s gained powerboat, sailing, windsurfing and rowing qualifications as well as qualifications in seamanship and marine engineering. Others believe in him now and, more importantly, he believes in himself.

“... being part of Sea Cadets has made Sean want to be part of a team and to belong. It has made him realise that he needs to think of others as well as himself and he now does this very well. I’m not sure where Sean would be without Sea Cadets.” 18


Looking ahead We are on a journey to understand what teenagers and seafarers are looking for in today’s world and crystallising what our charity can offer. We have a treasure trove of opportunities and experience. We want to spell this transformative effect out and in doing so become more relevant to our beneficiaries – and to more funders. OUR VISION & STRATEGY TO 2021 We’ve focused on two key priorities: 1. Maximise impact of Sea Cadets for young people To have an even greater impact on the lives of young people through The Sea Cadet Experience, improving life chances at school, in work and for the community.

2. Increase learning development for seafarers To increase the learning development impact for seafarers, by inspiring and supporting them to progress and realise their full potential.

By 2021: We want more young people engaged with Sea Cadets so that we can launch them into the best possible future and help build stronger communities across the UK, delivering intermediate and long-term benefits for young people and society.

By 2021: We aim to have more seafarers achieving the best possible lifelong learning and personal development outcomes through a learning offer optimised to the needs of seafarers in the 21st century. This will deliver qualifications through further education and a better quality of life at sea with the ultimate benefit to seafarers and the sector resulting from seafarers realising their full potential.

The complete strategy to 2021 can be read online at or please contact us at our national office for a printed copy.



Financial review 2016/17 HOW WE ARE FUNDED

MOD operating grant in aid £10.1m


Donations, legacies and other income £1.8m

Training income £0.7m

(including units)

£24.2m (*estimated)

Project grants and donations £3.3m

Net investment income £0.6m

Seafarer education and support £0.3m

Sea Cadets units (estimated) £7.4m


Fundraising £0.4m Sea Cadets units (estimated) £6.9m

Promoting Marine Society & Sea Cadets £0.4m

Offshore fleet £2.3m

TOTAL EXPENDITURE* (including units)

£23.6m (*estimated)

Training £5.3m


Seafarer education and support £0.6m

Safeguarding, support and infrastructure £7.7m


Finances of Marine Society & Sea Cadets’ activities Raising funds is vital for supporting our 400 Sea Cadets units, each of which is a charity in its own right. Total estimated income for Marine Society & Sea Cadets’ activity as a whole in 2016/17, including figures for the independent Sea Cadets units (based upon latest available results) was £24.2m, including funds for expenditure in 2017/18 and beyond on capital and other projects. MSSC was also provided with 11 Royal Navy personnel on loan from the Ministry of Defence (MOD), with an estimated value to the charity of £0.5m. Total estimated expenditure was £23.6m, with 94% of this expenditure going on Sea Cadets activity.

BALANCE SHEET Total net assets/reserves of the MSSC charity, excluding units, at 31 March 2017 were £29.5m (2016: £27.2m). Of this £9.4m (2016: £9.2m) was in tangible fixed assets – 73% of which was the offshore fleet. £16.1m (2016: £13.7m) was in endowment fund investments providing long-term income towards the running costs of the charity, and cash balances of £4.8m (2016: £5m) were substantially in restricted funds, for expenditure on projects and activities as specified by the donors, mostly in the coming year. There were £0.5m (2016: £nil) of unit cash funds.


MSSC’s unrestricted investments of £0.7m, debtors and stock of £1.7m and cash balances of £1.4m were offset by creditors of £3.2m, resulting in net working capital or free reserves of just £0.6m (2016: £0.6m).

Total incoming resources of MSSC charity, excluding units, increased to £16.8m (2016: £16.3m). Project grants and donations increased by £0.2m (6%) due to LIBOR funding (funded by the Chancellor using LIBOR funds) and the Yachts’ Appeal. Other income, including donations and legacies, increased by £0.3m (20%) reflecting £0.3m endowment legacy this year. The MOD operating grant increased by just £0.1m (1%).

MSSC does not retain MOD monies as part of its reserves. It remains the aspiration of the charity to increase its level of free reserves to safeguard its activities in the event of any shortfall in public funding. However, the charity remains primarily focused on its ongoing commitments which include, importantly, the continued upgrade of Sea Cadets facilities.

RESOURCES EXPENDED Total expenditure of MSSC charity, excluding units, was £16.7m (2016: £15.6m). Expenditure on Sea Cadets safeguarding, support and infrastructure was up by £0.9m (13%) due to added resources in the form of grants focused on supporting units in particular with Quests funded by LIBOR grants. Sea Cadets training costs were comparable to last year. Offshore fleet costs increased by £0.2m (10%) following the new TS Royalist’s first full sailing season.

This financial review is intended to give an overall summary of MSSC’s financial position for the 2016/17 financial year and is based upon the audited accounts for the year ended 31 March 2017. These are available to download from our website or from the Director of Finance at MSSC’s head office.

TOTAL NET ASSETS/RESERVES INCLUDING UNITS (£30.0M) Endowment funds (£16.1m – 54%) Restricted funds (fixed assets) (£8.6m – 29%) Restricted funds (net current assets) (£3.4m – 11%) Unrestricted funds (fixed assets) (£0.8m – 3%) Unrestricted funds (free reserves/ working capital) (£0.6m – 2%) Estimated unit restricted funds (cash) (£0.5m – 1%)

Thank you to our committee members, volunteers and many other supporters for raising an estimated


to support individual Sea Cadets units



People, honours and committees President Admiral Sir Mark Stanhope GCB OBE DL

Vice Presidents Sir Christopher Benson FRICS JP DL Vice Admiral Sir Tom Blackburn KCVO CB Council members Rear Admiral John Borley CB MA Captain Nigel Palmer OBE MNM (Chairman) CEng MIEE Mr Tony Allen Sir John Bourn KCB Dr Louise Bennett Colonel Paul Cautley CMG OBE DL RMR (Vice Chairman until 23 November 2016) The Reverend Canon Bill Christianson Ms Liz Cassidy Mr Mike Cornish Mr Andrew Davenall Mr Christopher StJ H Daniel MBE FSA Mr Simon Figgis Mr Jim Davis CBE Dr Sheila Fitzpatrick MBE Rear Admiral Sir Jeremy de Halpert Mr Alan Marsh FICS KCVO CB FRIN Mr Alex Marsh Mr Clive de Rougemont Mr Nick Mason Mr Michael Everard CBE BA DSc Sir Alan Massey KCB CBE Commodore Ian Gibb MBE MNM FNI Mr John May MRIN FRSA FRGS Captain Ian McNaught MNM Mr Andrew Given Mrs Kathryn Stone OBE Mr Max Gladwyn Vice Admiral Sir David Steel KBE DL The Rt Hon The Lord Greenway Bt Commodore Bill Walworth CBE MNM RFA Mr Eric Hutchinson Mr Robert Woods CBE Mr David Jeffcoat (Vice Chair from 23 November 2016) Mr George King CBE Commander John Ludgate RD*DL RNR Committees Vice Admiral Sir Fabian Malbon KBE Finance, Investment, Remuneration & Dr Chris May MA DPhil MNM Audit Committee (Chair: Simon Figgis) Dr Peter Nash Policy, Development & Nominations Professor Sarah Palmer BA PhD FR Hist S Committee (Chair: Ms Liz Cassidy) Vice Admiral Sir Neville Purvis KCB Safety, Safeguarding and Risk Committee Dame Mary Richardson DBE (Chair: Dr Louise Bennett until 2 November Captain David Robinson MBE FNI FRSA 2016) (Chair: Mr John May from 1 February The Earl of Romney 2017) Mr Richard Sayer FICS National Sea Cadet Advisory Council Rear Admiral David Snelson CB FNI (Chair: Mr Andrew Davenall) Commodore David Squire CBE MNM FNI FCMI RFA Mr Patrick Stewart MBE LLB WS Mr Peter Swan OBE FCA Vice Admiral Sir Patrick Symons KBE Mr Mike Tapper FRSA Mr Christopher Thornton Mr Henry Thornton Vice Admiral Sir Jonathan Tod KCB CBE Miss Margaret Watson JP Vice Admiral Sir James Weatherall KCVO KBE Mr John Whitworth OBE Mr Colin Wilcox


Executive management Chief Executive: Martin Coles FRICS ACIArb Captain Sea Cadets: Captain Philip Russell RN Company Secretary: Mark Hallam BSc MNI FCA Director of HR: Petrina Brooker Director of Volunteer and Business Support: John Parker-Jones Director of Fundraising and Communications: Samantha Shaw Director of Lifelong Learning: Mark Windsor BSc MA Director of Finance, IT and Trading: Mark Hallam BSc MNI FCA New Year’s Honours 2017 Mr Chris Matthews MBE: For voluntary service to the community, particularly young people in Tyneside

JOIN US! Do you want to help your local Sea Cadets? Then why not join us as a member? You can support us directly or through one of our six branches. Call now to find out more: 020 7654 7000.


Supporters – thank you Every year we receive incredible support from individuals, trusts and foundations, corporate partners, volunteers and members, enabling us to keep doing what we’re doing. While there are too many to list here, please accept our thanks for your continued support. We are extremely grateful for the time you volunteer and the funds you donate which are both vital to us. Our continued thanks to the Royal Navy for its funding and commitment to the charity. Its support through financial investment, as well as the Royal Navy ethos we embody, is critical to our success. It enables the charity to guide young people and, through the training and experiences we offer, give them the opportunity to see a better future.

The Holbeck Charitable Trust International Foundation for Aids to Navigation (IFAN) The Jack Petchey Foundation The Lord Mayor’s Appeal The Michael Uren Foundation National Citizen Service (NCS) The Rind Foundation RNVR Youth Sail Training Trust Seafarers UK Sport England Below are all those who contributed The Square Rigger Club Charity £5,000 or more in the last financial year. (SRCC) The Whirlwind Charitable Trust The Worshipful Company CORPORATE AND of Shipwrights ASSOCIATIONS The WPA Benevolent Foundation Royal Borough of Greenwich HM Treasury LIBOR Grant HSBC Holdings plc Carnival UK Mr Charles Blakey OBE RD JP The Royal Cornwall Yacht Club Sir Thomas Farmer CVO CBE HMS President KCSG FRSE DL The Tower of London

HQ LEGACIES Mr P McArthur Mr C Mayl Mr M Tottle

LEGACIES TO UNITS Mr I Donaldson – Filey Mrs E Sanders – Exmouth Mr H Allen – Margate Mr R Hingley – Sandwell Mr R Pitcher – Wyeside Mr RL Luxton-Jones – Bideford E Scott – Bridport

DONATIONS IN MEMORY Lt P Goddard Mr R Patrick Mr Mitchell Mr R Sweetnam Mr Philbedge

TRUSTS AND FOUNDATIONS Association of Sail Training Organisations (ASTO) The Band Trust The MOD Cadet Expansion Programme (CEP) The Charles Skey Charitable Trust The Corporation of Trinity House The Community Covenant Fund Department for Communities and Local Government The Edith Murphy Foundation The Fort Foundation The Gosling Foundation Limited Greenwich Hospital Hampshire County Council


Produced by MSSC 202 Lambeth Road London SE1 7JW Tel: 020 7654 7000 Visit: Marine Society & Sea Cadets. a charity registered in England and Wales 313013 Scotland SCO37808 Patron: Her Majesty The Queen Admiral of the Sea Cadet Corps: HRH The Duke of York KG President of MSSC: Admiral Mark Stanhope GCB OBE DL

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