By Tina Cauller
There’s beauty in a job well done, regardless of a structure’s design or purpose
Corbin Park Parking Garage, Overland Park, Kan. Class I (up to $500,000) Erector, Fabricator, and Detailer: Flawless Steel Welding LLC Architect and Structural Engineer: Bob D. Campbell and Company According to one judge of the Prism building, "Planning was the key to safely navigating the urban setting, with limited laydown area, and proximity to occupied residential units, and rooftop pool visitors." Photo credit: DenverInfill
GC: Carson Development Inc. Contract Value: $498,000 Tons of Steel: 637
F Prism Building, Denver, Colo. Class II (Over $500,000 to $1 million) Erector: Derr & Gruenewald Construction Fabricator and Detailer: Midwest Steel Structural Engineer: S.A. Miro Architect: Davis Partnership
our structural steel erection projects by three SEAA member companies were recently presented with Project of the Year awards. One job in each of four steel contract value classes was chosen by an independent panel of judges. The projects showcased an array of knowledge and difficulty, while maintaining safe work sites. One job included taking over the fabrication process, another involved the precision needed to follow a crinkle wall design, and two had to deal with the pressures of sizable jobs at functioning international airports. Awards were presented at SEAA's 2019 Annual Convention, held in April in Concord, N.C. Featured here are the Class I (erection contracts up to $500,000) and Class II ($500,000 to $1 million) winners. One project is plain—a pragmatic parking garage. The other is fancy—a one-of-a-kind boutique office building. Yet quality workmanship and expert project
GC: GE Johnson Contract Value: $817,000 Tons of Steel: 650 Prism Building Photo Credit: DenverInfill
Tina Cauller is a graphic designer and freelance writer with 30 years of experience reporting for trade and technical publications in building construction and real estate markets. She can be reached at tinacauller@
management are evident in the successful completion of both projects. Watch the Fall Issue for information on Class III and IV winning projects by Williams Steel Erection Co., Inc., and Derr & Gruenewald Construction.
■■Delivering Valet Service on a Stalled Project Flawless Steel Welding (FSW) was awarded Project of the Year for Class I (under $500,000) for taking a parking garage project that had been “parked” in more ways than one to