The Best Surfing Quotes for Life

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The Best Surfing Quotes to Live By

Surfing has been described as akin to riding the perfect storm. A simultaneous occurrence of events that provide an opportunity to become one with nature while experiencing the magical feeling of flying we imagined as kids along with the sense of achievement that we crave as adults. Total fulfillment on all levels; hence the addiction. Now before you ask what this has to do with life, business, or anything other than surfing, take the following quotes and don’t think of them as simply talking about literal waves and obstacles, but metaphorical ones as well.

“It’s not tragic to die doing something you love.” – Mark Foo “Waves are not measured in feet and inches, they are measured in increments of fear.” – Buzzy Trent "We're all equal before a wave." – Laird Hamilton “My passion for surfing was more than my fear of sharks.” – Bethany Hamilton "There is nothing, nothing, more sad than a surfer who used to surf." – Unknown author "You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf." – John Kabat-Zinn “The best surfer out there is the one having the most fun.” – Phil Edwards Marinate on these quotes and see how they can enhance your life in every arena. Now, if you are a surfer, then you can use them twice as much. And while you’re pondering those immortal words, cruise on over to your favorite surf shop online and grab some new surf accessories like a surfboard bag, a few surfing wetsuits, or if you’re in the market, a brand new surfboard to ride the waves as you contemplate life.

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