SCS Magazine 2022 Issue 1

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THE IT SOCIETY / Issue 01/2022

The Ugly and Good of Technology

GRACE CHNG Tech Journalist, Author and Content Consultant

Technology is neither good nor bad. But it is a double-edged sword. Its use provokes a broad spectrum of hopes and fears. It is indisputable that technological innovations have brought major gains to organisations and society. And I believe, it will continue to do so.


f someone told me many years ago that I was going to spend 10 to 12 hours most days in front of a computer to do my job, I would have scoffed at the statement.

It turned out to be true. Most jobs these days require constant computer use and to be constantly online. Technology is proving to be crucial to everything. It is seeping into every aspect of life, from manufacturing to healthcare and transport to commerce, from homes to cars and offices to parks. But we do not seem to mind the intrusion. Technology has empowered us to communicate with others all over the world – in seconds. It has also made it possible for us to do our jobs – from anywhere.

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