Scribbles: Issue 20

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issue 20 // summer 2020

SACRIFICE SACRIFICE 斷 斷 。 捨 捨 。 離 離 寫意. scribbles.






Made possible by the English Department and the Publications Suite. Cover art Music playlist

Jessica Hu (12G1) Phillip Awong (12P2)

sac·ri·fice | ˈsakrəˌfīs | noun 1. an act of slaughtering an animal or person or surrendering a possession as an offering to God or to a divine or supernatural figure 2. an act of giving up something valued for the sake of something


else regarded as more important or worthy

“Filial Piety” by Brittany Au (10CC)


“Love Delivery” by CeMi Lee (11R1)

Bird Box Karen Lee (12G1)


“Robins” by CeMi Lee (11R1)

THE TABLE Ethan Lau (12R1)

As you sat across that table You asked me why. I stayed silent. The whole room was quiet. There weren’t many around, Because the cafe was closing soon. It really was just you and I. It didn’t matter who else was there. Every time we come here, Nothing changes. The questions you ask I just can’t answer As time goes by, I wonder why. I wonder why, As time goes by. I just can’t answer, The questions you ask. Nothing changes, Every time we come here. It didn’t matter who else was there. It really was just you and I. Because the cafe was closing soon. There weren’t many around. The whole room was quiet. I stayed silent. You asked me why, As you sat across that table.

“Answer” by Jessica Hu (12G1)

Evil Genius Alysa Wong (12B2)

In this story, I am an evil genius who traps you, failed Odysseus, on this illusory island. Only as the first spark lights, and the slightly-too-warm gale prickles your flesh, Do you finally see the pentagram so delicately embossed in this sand. All this Doctor ever needed, was for you to be the sacrifice and her gateway to the devil. “Abandonment� by Jessica Poon (12R2)

By Theresa Hu (09G1) • By Theresa Hu (09G1) • By There-

Ripples Ripples Ripples

By Theresa Hu (09G1) • By Theresa Hu (09G1) • By There-

Ripples Ripples Ripples

The Sinking Ship

By Angela Shi (07Y2)

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“That’s him,” Hunter said pointing to an elderly man with a top hat and holding one of those old-fashioned canes. I snorted in disbelief. “You’re doing an amazing job of convincing me, Hunter.” The man Hunter was pointing to was supposed to be Jaime Burrowway, the man who slept in gold. That man looked more like my math teacher, Mr. Bronsen, who certainly wasn’t very rich. “No really” Hunter insisted. “Davey told me,” I snickered. “Davey?” I mocked, thinking of Hunter’s playful friend, who nobody trusted. “Yes, really. Look, see, he’s got a servant coming now, and he’s heading out of first-class…” Hunter drawled on while I yawned. “Yes, he’s in first-Class and we’re not. Let’s go, Hunter,” I nudged him. “No, I wanna stay. I wanna see what first-class’ like.” Hunter moaned, fidgeting away. “Whatever,” I grumbled. “Probably all full of snobby selfish billionaires like that guy,” I woke up the next morning by an enormous bump. “What’s happening,” I yawned, waking up groggily. My mother looked worried. “I don’t know,” she murmured, I had never seen her more scared. “I’ll check,” She rushed back with an ashen face. “The ships’ hit something,” she yelled. “They’re letting us out in lifeboats.” I and Hunter rushed out of our tiny third-class bedroom. Outside, everybody was yelling and panic was everywhere. “It’s the Titanic!,” screamed a woman. “We’re dead!” yelled another. We all charged out towards the deck where officers were putting passengers on lifeboats. My mother dragged us over, but an officer stopped us. “First-class only, for now,” he grunted. I bit my lip in anger. Just because the passengers had more money didn’t mean they deserved to live more than us! Me, Mother and Hunter were third-class. By the time we were allowed, the ship might be completely underwater! Already almost a fourth of the ship was below the churning waves, and we were knee-deep in water. A man that was just getting in the life-coat jumped out. “No!” he yelled leaping back out. “Put the children in,” With a start, I realized it was the man me and Hunter had been staring at last night. “Are you sure, sir?” the security officer said. “Your life is important. You are Jaime Burroway!” So Davey had been right, for once. Mr. Burroway waved his hand and gave a croaky laugh. “ I am old. I have had my share of life. These children are young, they still have so much to live for. It would be unfair for me to take their lives when I only have a couple more years.” He ushered me and Hunter in. My mouth dropped in wonder, I could not believe a complete stranger was sacrificing his life for me. And to think I thought him snobbish and selfish once! Before I had the chance to thank him, the lifeboat was lowering with us in it. I saw Mr. Burroway ushering more children into lifeboats, and thought of the angel in him. As we sailed away, the ship finally broke in half and went crashing down to the ocean floor. I could still see Mr. Burroway standing on one half, and as he went deep down, I saw him give a wave before the water engulfed him. The ship drowned to the bottom of the ocean, taking with it... An angel, a hero, and a savior to so many.

Sacrificial Friend Valerie Wong (08G2)

She was my best friend, my accompaniment, We were like sisters, playing everyday. Until betrayal arrived and tore us apart. My heart broke and so did our friendship. The sacrifices I made for us Seemingly all for nothing. The girl I hate is now seen laughing with my friend, While I am home and crying in despair. Sacrifices were made and will never be forgotten, But you and I shall never happen again.

病与毒 ——为一位陌生人的离去哭泣 Grace Ma (12B2) 一只蝴蝶扇一扇翅膀 力量微小,带起几缕风 漪出轻柔的能量。 一只蝴蝶扇一扇翅膀 激起层层叠叠无形的浪 可以扭转一次滔天海啸。 掐灭—— 趁还未起哪怕一层涟漪 ——蝴蝶的翅膀。 地壳蠢蠢欲动 海花翻起白沫 失了翅膀的蝴蝶背后 背负着不尽的鲜活的生命。 蝴蝶无助地燃烧着如此渺小的希望。 却被海啸吞噬了。 淹没在 狰狞苦涩的海水里 永远失去了空气。 那是一只蝴蝶的残骸。 他曾依恋一座城市的秋雨 与一副安稳的未来, 他怕是从没来得及告别舔着露珠的青草与野花 怕还念着漫长聊赖的浪漫,一辈子的那种 牵挂着父母子女 与还在熟睡的胎儿。 一只蝴蝶扇一扇翅膀 本可以筑起一座高高的屏障 本可以挽救更多 不应属于这场灾难的死亡。 本可以—— 为自己留下还未到期的时光。 所谓烈士,不过是一只微不足道的蝴蝶 为了再普通不过的一句话 为了再朴实不过的善良与坚强,所谓烈士。 祭默一个时代的烈士 祭默那些同样坠落的蝴蝶 祭默每一双平凡的膝盖上刻着的 最沉重的悲哀, 每一个平凡人。 愿天堂里 无病也无毒。

“Spring’s Arrival” by Jessica Hu (12G1)

Lacuna By Bosco Choi (11Y1)

Hitched breath captured on your fingertips; Exhalation prolonged into another harrowing breeze, Night sky violently torn apart like a fresh cut wound only because You let me, with the most tender touch, Guide you towards a place and promise we can, if you let me With utmost sincerity, weave another Silent syllable within; Ragged sighI take another deep breath And the stars come rushing in Howling into the sky like a rabid wolf so that field of asphodel your shadow stands in Like a divine God passing judgement sheds a single tear on its translucent cheekIntangible laughter of pain Hollow asphyxiation woven into every glimmering star Forcefully expunged from the throat When it casts that pale moonlight onto your face; Remember that this pale sheen Has been sculpted with the sorrow I have swallowed And spat explosively with a pyrrhic grin on my face Just to prove illuminance can shine forth Even when you have shattered the midnight sky Wide open.


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EXODUS Author: Rita Chun (13G2) Photographer: Rita Hsu (12Y1) Layout: Wee Lee Tan (12B1)

I chained my bike to the rack Stood before the mouth of the cave Where darkness and light beckoned I took off my shirt my bra Discarded my shoes in the sand For the land was holy and I wasn’t I shivered in the cold my body Lay bare before the burning bush It crackled and cackled and He emerged from the flames Killer eyes of sorrow and mercy I bowed my nose in the sand His hand beckoned me to rise Tangled hair covered my nudity As I begged for his forgiveness He thrust his staff upon the ground A cobra bit me harshly there I cried and the rivers ran red with Blood on my legs and white sheets The crocodiles came forth bringing A basket with a babe and a swarm Of locusts that covered us in swathes The sheep died and then the cows And then all the firstborn sons He left me in the parted sea I slept amongst the sharks In the belly of an aquarium I grew tired of waiting for his return So I pushed my way up to shore Trudged my way up the mountain Where I found my rusty bike Which I unchained and rode All the way back home

去骨鸡翼 Grace Ma (12B2) * 小公鸡迷迷糊糊睡了一觉醒来, 却已经遍体鳞伤了。它记不清是 怎么受的伤,只记得在梦里自己 的身体被其他动物不断地撕扯 着、践踏着,好像它已经成为了 鸡肉一般。好痛啊,好痛啊,它 嘶吼着,却发不出一点声音。 “嘿,小公鸡,你右边的翅膀真 漂亮,送给我正好。”狮子对它 说道。他早就看上这只翅膀了, 虽然沾染了一些黏糊糊的血液, 羽毛也说不上精致,但是可以隐 约看到它鲜艳的橘红色之间,透 着点靛蓝,有着一种与众不同的 韵味。要是能得到这只翅膀,必 振我雄威!狮子心想。 可是啊,小公鸡怎么舍得把自己 的翅膀送出去!它委屈级了,心 里默默地念着,不要啊,不要 啊,却知道它根本不是这些动物 的对手。 于是,它同意了,翅膀任他人生 生地割了下来,很快又被狮子别 到了自己的鬃毛上作为装饰,更 加威风了。牺牲了肉体,牺牲了 尊严,才得以换来片刻残喘,它 望着伤口汨汨地淌着血——好痛 啊,好痛啊。 撕心裂肺。 ** 我是谁?翅膀问。 你是我的一部分。狮子回答。 我是鸡的翅膀,怎么是你的一部 分呢?翅膀愤愤道。 我说是就是!你属于我,所以也 要听命于我,不可质疑我。 翅膀记得最初它的意识是在疼痛

下被唤醒的,满眼都是被割下的 一片片残忍,它曾经属于另一个 生命,不需要被迫清醒,不需要 被动思考。现在,它存在了,它 有过选择吗? 但是它不再追问。 在狮子的打理下,翅膀越来越美 了。它的羽毛浓密,每一根都油 亮油亮的,色彩也愈发鲜艳,像 是抹了油彩一般。狮子从未问过 它喜不喜欢这幅模样,而它也渐 渐开始麻木了,也觉得似乎自己 就该如此。一个繁荣的表象。 直到有一天,小公鸡出现了。 不,现在它应该是大公鸡了。它 变了很多,挺着胸脯,走路的时 候一撅一撅地,早已褪去了狼狈 的模样,曾经的伤口,来自别人 的、自己的,被时间化作了一条 条疤。 大公鸡对狮子说:“把翅膀还给 我。”它已经不再是曾经的那只 无助的小公鸡,浑身持着一种骄 傲与坚持,教人不敢小觑。狮子 同意了。 直到实行摘除翅膀的时候才发 现,狮子的鬃毛早早已经长进了 翅膀,一缕一缕地织入了它的神 经,于肉里扎根,盘缠。于是, 几只动物拿来了一把大剪刀,剪 去了那几根鬃毛。狮子对于自己 的鬃毛被剪觉得不痛不痒,这件 事也就过去了——交易结束。 大公鸡终于一雪前耻,神气了 起来。 翅膀感觉自己的筋被一根一根地 扯出来,粘着血与绒毛,逐根被 挑断,仿佛连灵魂都随之破裂。

己不知道怎么把翅膀接回去。它 想了想,觉得将它别在身上,它 不久便会慢慢长回去的,毕竟是 自己的肉。这不,过了几日,翅 膀的组织渐渐地融进了它的皮 肉,大公鸡的神经也缓缓探入了 翅膀里,融为一体,好像从未失 去过一样。只不过,翅膀的色调 与大公鸡的羽毛已经偏差了,显 得有些突兀,自然是不可能一下 子融合的。 “我是谁?”翅膀问。 “你是我的一部分,你本来就 是。”大公鸡说到。 翅膀不做声了。它静静地顺从着 这一切,渐渐地看着自己的身体 溶进去,溶进去。刚开始的时 候,它尝试着适应,告诉自己只 不过是换了一个宿主,一切都还 是原来的模样。 直到有一天,它突然发现自己的 意识正在一点点地消散。取代而 之的,是麻木地跟随另一个大脑 的指令,是一系列基础的代码, 是开始下意识地以为自己不再 是“翅膀”,而是“鸡翅膀”,甚至 是“鸡”——仿佛这才是理所当然 的,“翅膀”只不过是一个意外, 应被抹去的意外。 它开始害怕,开始恐慌,它本能 地作出反抗。它拼命地挣扎着, 不再服从大公鸡的命令。就这样 了吗?它问到。我生来是你的, 就注定是你的了吗?翅膀想想, 觉得有些不甘,它隐隐觉得,自 己也是个体,也是有自己的思想 的,不应是一个别人的附属,它 要靠自己活着。 “你怎敢反抗我!”大公鸡怒到。

*** 大公鸡拿到了翅膀,才意识到自


“silence” by Jessica Hu (12G1) 大公鸡见本来属于自己的东西居 然要如此大胆,便愤恨地抽走了 翅膀的骨架,只剩下它一滩肉, 无法动弹。看看,看看,你还能 做什么呢,小翅膀?你再也无法 攻击我了,你只能等待你的命 运,你是我的。 翅膀只有最后的一个武器了。它 在自己的身上划了一道一道伤, 仿佛这就能给大公鸡注射痛苦; 成帘的红色欢畅地流着,也不知 是谁的了。 多么无力啊,这种反抗,全凭着 一股倔强沙哑地呐喊。它恐怕根 本就没有过主宰自己的力量,不

过是一生作了其他动物的装饰, 被包上了华丽的衣裳,连骨架都 丢了,任由他人塑捏成型。它太 弱小了,没有肺腑,没有心脏, 走不了,飞不了,连养分都无法 汲取;依赖狮子,依赖公鸡,依 附于另一个生命。认命吧,认命 吧,你本就不应该出现,本就不 应该存活。只要思想消失,痛也 就会麻木了。 好吧,就这样吧,我累了。我认 命了。 一阵大风吹来,翅膀上的羽毛被 成片拔了起来,拽也拽不住,眨 眼间,漫天飞舞。一根根的羽毛 在风中打着滚,橙的、红的、黄

的、靛蓝色的,像是落日余晖下 的一串串风滚草,往上滚,往下 滚,冲入云间,落入泥壤。 我是谁?一根羽毛问。 我是谁?另一根也问。 我是谁?我是谁?我是谁?我 是谁?我是谁?每一根羽毛都 在问。 我是谁? 生也不是,死也不是,非他,非 你,亦非我。从头到尾,只不过 是一个牺牲品罢了。

Resignation Karen Lee (12G2)

Sea waves blue, smooth as a silk sheet are gently lapped by chilly December air, a prickle on my skin the air leaves, goosebumps on my bare arms. I try to Ignore them as the frosty gale bites into my clothless skin. Boats are tethered to shore, no longer Roaming far at sea, they have a home at least Though only temporary, but a safe sanctuary I wonder Where the people are, perhaps safe and warm and cozy In the comfort of their fireplaces and families. I lay down on the barren grass, now mere stubs that too Prick my skin, they were once lively and green under the shade of a Once blooming tree, now limbless and leafless, A mere trunk of wood that stands stubbornly on a patch of forgotten weed. As nighttime falls the boats lights come on, setting patches Of deep blue ablaze, like a fire it spreads and spreads until you can no longer see the depths of aqua marine, And maybe just maybe pretend to yourself that they Never even existed. Maybe grass needs to be barren before spring brings shrubs and Trees decapitated before they can bloom again, Maybe matches need to be lit And places burnt to ashes Before the past can fall away like a brittle husk. I look up to the cloud filled sky, blue dotted with specks of white and Perhaps there is no heaven beyond those clouds, No god near welcoming doors, and If all prayers are just a shout into the empty void Then perhaps all we can do is Shout.

“Gateway” by Nicole Xiang (12R2)

The Sacrifice Written by: Grace Ma (12B2) Artwork by: Wang On Yuen (13P1) Layout by: Wee Lee Tan (12B1)

The men butchered the lamb. Its blood trickled down the road, weaving a totem through the gaps and creases of the pebbled road. The masked figure carved out its organs and placed them on the flat rock. The men chanted. The lamb knew nothing of the personages it was offered to, for it could neither see nor sense them. Its sole knowledge remained that it was killed. Life births death. With death, there must be life. An unbreakable paradox. To die is the worst fear of the living, yet to live is the most horrific curse to the dead. Something brought the spirit to life. The spirit did not know what being alive meant, for it had never experienced such an event. Its reality was one of tranquil, an existence void of matter or self, without the need to understand anything. No purpose. Its universe was sublime, dissipating into the indifferent grandeur, unquivering. There is nothing more sacred than a virgin spirit, yet to taste the crushing burden of a fleshy frame, to be sacrificed to the other side of the heavens. As stillness warped into chaos, what awaited it was endless dreams and bloody turmoil, suffering like how the living suffers death. The spirit knew nothing of the personages it was offered to, for it could neither see nor sense them. Its sole knowledge remained that it was injected with life. Naive sacrifice, what judges your design and your fate? Is the force that drained your blood the same one that shattered your unworldly serenity? Do you weep for your meekness, or do you accept it? And, will you ever be free? You have no idea, do you.


唐山大地震 •

By Jodie Fei (08P1)

河北的夏天从未像今晚一样热过。即使到了傍晚,夏日的微风都还带着温度。天边抹 着几片红霞,火一般的太阳在栋栋楼房中间缓缓落了下去。草丛里的种种昆虫喳喳地 叫着,墙上的电风扇嘶嘶地吹着。程岚的妹妹在床上熟睡着,但程岚自己却怎么都睡 不着。 眨,眨,眨。程岚看着窗外的树,看着树叶随风舞动,看着树枝上下摇动。她的第六 感重复地警告着她,今晚将有大事发生。她努力让自己平静,但却无法抹去心中的一 丝忧虑。程岚转过头,盯着墙上的电风扇出神,又瞄了一眼旁边的妹妹,还看了看正 在晃动的电灯。等等,在晃动的电灯? 程岚猛地坐了起来,环顾着四周。没错,所有的东西都在震动,地上的,墙上的,天 上的……“轰”地一声,墙上的电风扇砸了下来。大地突然间变得天旋地转,天空由黑 变红,再由红变紫…… 仅仅几秒钟,她们的家就已经灰飞烟灭,成为了一片废墟。程岚的身体被水泥钢筋压 住了,虽然自己都喘不过气,但她还是努力地将妹妹摇醒。刚从梦境醒来的妹妹和程 岚一样,被压的很难受,但仅有六岁的她并不懂得忍耐,大声哭了起来。远远地,程 岚看到上夜班的妈妈朝着她们的方向跑来。等妈妈踏进这片废墟,找到姐妹俩的时 候,早已泪流满面了。 旁边的救援人员告诉妈妈,石板无法抬起——砸了這一头,会伤了另一头;砸了另一 头,会伤了这一头。所以说,姐妹俩中只能救一个。但她身为母亲,实在不忍心眼睁 睁地看着另一个女儿死去。程岚虽然年纪并不大,但身为姐姐的她却非常明白并同情 妈妈的处境。她知道,尽管她也想活下去,但为了不让妈妈委屈,为了不让妈妈难 堪,她只能选择牺牲自己,让妹妹活下去。 她努力将沾满了灰尘和血的手伸出去,握住了妈妈的小拇指。她克制着自己的眼泪, 轻声对妈妈说:“救妹妹”。听到这三个字的妈妈却越哭越伤心,晶莹的眼泪顺着脸庞 一滴一滴地滑了下来。程岚又慢慢地拍着妈妈的手,安抚着她的情绪,说:“没关系 的,你们一定要好好活下去”。这时,旁边的妹妹似乎也意识到了什么,停下了哭号, 止住了眼泪,将她的小手伸出去,拉住了姐姐的胳膊。妈妈看着程岚,眼神里充满了 愧疚和悲伤。程岚早已眼泪汪汪,但她用最真诚的眼神望着自己的母亲,说:“去吧” 。只是简简单单的两个字,却充满了程岚所有的遗憾和悲伤。 救援人员没有浪费一分一秒,开始将压着妹妹的石板分块撬起来。妈妈紧紧握着程岚 的手,舍不得将她放开。程岚知道,这样的牺牲并不是妈妈最想要的结局,但只能是 唯一的结局。她希望妈妈能放下内疚,放下悲伤,带着妹妹好好地活下去。妹妹被慢 慢的拉了出去,但当妈妈将她抱起来的时候,却又哭了起来,说:“姐姐呢?姐姐怎么 办?”。妈妈听到这句话,眼泪再一次止不住地倾泻而出。她转过身,又看了一眼被石 板压住的程岚,眼里饱含了许多无法言说的话。但程岚却用尽最后的力气对她大喊一 声:“走!”。妈妈抱着妹妹,转身离开了,留下了一路的泪水。 程岚望着离去的母女二人,缓缓地将眼睛闭上,露出了微笑。


By Rita Hsu (12Y1)

[ ] Tall

Kings Author: Thomas Foskey (12G2)

Photographer: Nicole Xiang (12R2) Layout: Wee Lee Tan (12B1)

Silent across desolate plains, Swift over violent seas, Eyes set upon great cities of stone, Kingdoms of tall ships and tall kings. It was a darkness that crept upon the land, A darkness of unspoken places. places devoid of all light, Where shadows wander the blackness. And when the cruel flames of war drew near, The will of men would falter. For fear spread like plague, And glinting white walls grew dim. Through broken spears and splintered shields, And fields stricken by death’s mighty hand, One, son of great kings, fought on, Until he lay amongst the stillness beneath the stars. Life fading into nihility, Drifting eyes grew bright once more, Now beneath the starlight, In a courtyard of glimmering stone. At its center burned a silver flame, A light of long forgotten lands, Beyond unfathomable seas. The lost land of Seven Stars, For there stood a White Tree.

Sacrifice • By Tanya Wan (09P2) •

hold my hand and promise to breathe watch the sun-kissed autumn leaves pay no mind to the cliff’s sharp call and close your eyes for this endless fall think of the hours we spent laughing together about everything and anything and nothing at all remember the way we were birds of a feather and how i would respond to your every beck and call i broke your heart and watched it scar you tore mine apart and let it mar we never found those missing puzzle pieces and our hopeless search for it never ceases you were my steady compass and i, your deceiving hourglass counting down the minutes i would spend ruining you and the seconds it would take for me to break too you and i together are a forgotten song the tune too melancholy, the lyrics too long something about it perpetually wrong perhaps together, we do not belong so this time––just this once let me take the fall for you allow me to have this final chance to help, in the darkness, to pull you through the final nail in my coffin the first step in setting you free i am in checkmate; i let you win i pray my sacrifice makes you happy it is nothing near satisfactory my meager, whole-hearted repentance it will never go down in history this short and unfinished sentence i know my easy sacrifice will never, ever suffice for what i put you through but of all i know this much is true: i will always, always love you.


By Brittany Au (10CC)

The Sacrifice Cookie Teri Wong (08G1) You pull out a bag of flour, Plucked from the fields of Pakistan by a fifteen-year-old girl, Stripped from a childhood to help her sick grandmother. You grab a stick of butter, Made from the milk of a broke dairy farmer in New York, Who tore himself apart from his family to work on his business. Followed by chocolate, Planted on the Ivory Coast’s cleared forested land, By an aspiring animal activist. In a robotic motion, You mix it all together, Only to do it again,

“Sharing is Caring” by Angella Ma (09Y2)

To fund one man’s pockets.

“The Boy and His Sacrifice� by Angella Ma (09Y2)

Success is no accident. It is hard work,





and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do. ~ Pele

Playl i


1. Mr Blue - Catherine Feeny 2. Plastic Love - リアムMAZE1981 3. Tired of Being Alone - Al Green 4. GONE, GONE / THANK YOU - Tyler, The Creator 5. Maybe - RICEWINE 6. Night Shift - Lucy Dacus 7. PartyIsntOver/Campfire/Bimmer (feat. Laetitia SadieR, Frank Ocean) - Tyler, The Creator 8. Queer - BROCKHAMPTON 9. Because I’m Me-The Avalanches 10. Jasmine - DPR LIVE 11. Keep You Safe - PHFAT, Mac Motel 12. Super Rich Kids - Frank Ocean, Earl Sweatshirt 13. Hive (feat. Vince Staples & Casey Veggies) - Earl Sweatshirt) 14. Never in My Wildest Dreams - Dan Auerbach 15. I’m Not In Love - 10cc 16. The Great Gig in the Sky - Pink Floyd 17. She - Tyler, The Creator, Frank Ocean 18. SUPERPOSITION - Daniel Caesar, John Mayer 19. Bennie And The Jets - Remastered 2014 - Elton John 20. Dancing in the Moonlight - Toploader




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