4 Benefits of Juggling that Every Soccer Player Should Know

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4 Benefits of Juggling that Every Soccer Player Should Know

Juggling. Quickly share the first thought that comes to your mind. Perhaps, you must be remembering the roadside entertainer who performed this act to draw the public’s attention the other day. Or, watched people showing off their exceptional juggling skill and posting videos to get huge likes on Instagram or YouTube. There’s no doubt that these boys and girls can do some fascinating tricks with the ball, but how far is it useful for the real game? Players training at a football scouting agency often ask the importance of juggling. Well, if you

have observed professional players, they share a lot of things in common and the ability to juggle the ball is one of them. If there is anything called ‘the greatest skill’ for soccer players, no, surprisingly it is not shooting the ball but juggling. Juggling reflects how good you are with your technical skills for the game. You can do many things with the ball but if you are an amazing juggler, it shows your comfort level. But that’s not all; we’ll take a closer look to know how juggling helps to improve you as a soccer player. Ways Juggling Improves a Soccer Player 1. Develops timing and body control: You cannot juggle the ball unless you time your touch correctly. Only then can you keep the ball in the air with good touches. The key to successful juggling is understanding the trio connection – body, ball and time. If you want to continue taking good touches, then balancing your body while controlling the ball is important and you’ll learn this with more and more practice. 2. Improves your aerial control: Controlling and touching the ball on the ground is an easy game. But what happens the moment the ball is in the air? It’s a different story altogether! Playing the ball on the ground is the most important rule of soccer but you also need to work on how to control the ball when it is in the air. Think about the times when the ball came at you diagonally or it was in the air off a goal or corner kick. This is when juggling comes to the action! According to the coaches at a soccer scouting agency, a player who is a good juggler can quickly get the ball on the ground off the air and help the team to take the next course of action. 3. Makes your strong foot stronger: Every soccer player has a strong foot which he/she constantly uses to keep balance, shoot the ball or position the body correctly. Juggling everyday increases the strength of the leg, knees and ankles while improving your balancing ability. And when you have a powerful foot that can do all of these perfectly, add your soccer techniques, touch and create the perfect combination!

4. Improves your confidence: Playing football requires confidence at every step. Whether you are passing the ball, shooting or dribbling, you cannot

do any of these appropriately if you lack confidence. Becoming a good juggler means your relationship with the ball is amazing. You can do practically anything with the ball once you’re on the field because you have that level of confidence. So, how about joining a football scouting agency and boosting up your juggling ability? Conclusion: Juggling helps a player immensely. Besides developing timing and body control, confidence, aerial control and strengthening the foot, juggling allows you to become more creative on the field and explore your ability to change games. Not all good players are great jugglers and not all great jugglers are good players. But if you want to enhance the ability to control the ball quickly, receive or pass the ball in the air and boost your confidence, get started with juggling right now. Scout Beyond is a reliable football scouting agency that aims to bridge the gap between football talent and opportunities. Should you wish to connect to soccer talent scouts and football coaches, reach us on https://scoutbeyond.com/how-it-work

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