Clan | Edition # 136

Page 16

The INNOV8 team enjoying a day at the Apple Store

INNOV8: enhancing digital literacy in Middle School Meet the Middle School INNOV8 Team! Eight dedicated students from Years 6 to 8 who passionately advocate for the effective use of technology. They are driven by their commitment to promote digital literacy, responsible technology usage, and innovation within our school community. As leaders among their peers, they demonstrate exceptional qualities such as initiative, collaboration, and a proactive approach to making positive changes. They aim to inspire their peers and actively contribute to the advancement of technology education both locally and globally. INNOV8ED podcasts

One prominent project undertaken by the INNOV8 Team is their INNOV8ED podcasts which are released fortnightly throughout term on Studio Scotch. This platform allows them to share valuable insights and experiences related to technology integration by interviewing staff members, students, and outside guests. Tech support for their peers

Their contributions extend beyond their podcast, as they actively participate in school assemblies where they showcase their leadership by delivering informative announcements, reminders, and engaging interactions with their peers. Their presence and involvement in assemblies exemplify their commitment to enhancing digital literacy, fostering a tech-positive environment, and encouraging responsible use of technology among students. The team also manage a tech helpdesk to assist their peers three mornings a week during PCG.

Global connections

In addition to their local impact, the team has also ventured into the global sphere through collaboration with the iLeaders, a student tech team advocating for technology in the United Kingdom. This international connection allows them to exchange ideas, share experiences, and discuss potential collaborative projects. By engaging with iLeaders, the INNOV8 Team broadens their perspectives, develops a global mindset, and exemplifies the qualities of global citizenship. “The INNOV8ED podcast is an interesting aspect of INNOV8. Through interviews with various individuals, we share insights on technology integration and foster a deeper understanding of its role in education. This initiative helps us grow personally and empowers listeners to embrace technology for learning and personal development. Joining the INNOV8 Team offers rewarding experiences and valuable learning opportunities, including overcoming challenges, developing communication skills, and demonstrating leadership qualities. I highly recommend getting involved to explore your passion for technology, develop skills, and make a positive impact on your school community while advancing digital literacy.” – Zachary Rumball, Year 8 “My favourite part of INNOV8 is doing the Podcasts. I love this as I am passionate about speaking to other people and sharing my opinions with them. One thing that I have found rewarding is the confidence I have gained from participating in the programme and doing the podcasts. I have learnt many cool and helpful tips relating to tech and our iPads.

These help, not only me, but many others with their learning. I would recommend getting involved with this programme as it is extremely fun and exciting.” – Henry Dove, Year 7 “My favourite part of being on the INNOV8 team is that we have a chance to help people and feel great after. One thing I have found rewarding is our yearly excursions. This year we visited the Apple Store and participated in a photography workshop. We discovered a new point of view on photographing buildings, architectural details and structures with iPads. We looked at how to combine angles and lines to create perspective, add textures and shapes, and set the composition.” – Oscar Unmack, Year 7 “We recently connected with a school in the UK called Sneinton Church of England Primary School. I found it really interesting to learn and connect with them over our common interest in technology. I love the fact that with tech you will always have challenges, but we figure out how to overcome these and it is rewarding. I have learnt so much about how their tech team functions. I would 100% recommend INNOV8 to anyone. It’s an amazing team to be a part of, the teachers involved are amazing and the activities and opportunities are fantastic.” – James Ackerman, Year 7 Phoebe Behiels and Irene Louden ILT Education Specialists

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Articles inside


pages 52-54

Building a Tradition

pages 54-55

What have they been up to?

pages 51-53

OSC Events

pages 47-50

Farewell to Basil Balme

page 46

Medal of the Order of Australia for OSC David de Vos

page 45

OSC launches the Members Assistance Programme

page 44

The Career Accelerator Programme – bridging the skills gap

page 43

Build bridges of empathy and compassion

page 42

Once a Pipe Band parent, always a Pipe Band parent!

page 41

A boarding journey that turns into a community for life

page 40

Community service in Year 10

pages 38-39

Small acts of charity. A powerful force for good.

page 37

All hands on deck!

page 36

JPSSA trophies for Junior School

page 33

Sport: It’s a wrap

page 32

Sullivan Moody, 1st XVIII football Captain, interviews Coach Steve Malaxos, and Assistant Coach and Manager, Matt Jahn

page 31

The Scotch Community welcomes back Dr. Duncan Picknoll, Head of Outdoor Learning and Adventures

page 30

Studio Scotch

page 29

Challenges and fun through the Enrichment Programme

page 28

The World Scholar’s Cup Global Round – Seoul

page 27

Reconstructing the past at The World Scholar’s Cup

page 26

Scotch productions take centre stage

pages 24-25

Jazz Night

page 23

The Australian Combined Schools Music Festival

page 22

Music and brain development; it’s unequivocal

page 21

A sense of purpose. A vision for the future.

page 20

Education as process, not content

pages 18-19

Vertical system in action – Virginia International Tattoo

page 17

INNOV8: enhancing digital literacy in Middle School

page 16

Overcoming challenges. An ever evolving journey.

page 15

Leaving nothing to chance with data, data, data

page 14

Developing emotionally intelligent boys

page 13

Start strong in Junior School

page 12


pages 10-11

The final stretch

page 9

Built Upon a Culture of Giving

page 8

A strong strategic plan for the future

page 7

NAIDOC and Indigenous spirituality

page 6

Single gender boys’ education. Why?

pages 4-5
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