SCO In-Formation (Dec 2021)

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THISISSUE ISSUE IN IN THIS Na onal Director’s desk ............. 3 The Schools Sec. Update ............ 5 Volunteering in Schools .............. 6 The HIS Update........................... 8 Na onal Higher Ins tu ons Ex ... 9 The Student Stories .................... 10 SCO Marketplace Ministry .......... 12 SCO Na onal Prayer………………...13 Short Term Experience in Ministry Internship ................................... 15 Staff & NATEX Retreat 2021....... 17

My Staff Experience .................... 17

THE DR RORY PREST MEMORIAL FUND INSIGHT Check highlights of SCO RMPF with our Na onal Execu ve Chairperson, Mr Jack Koma in our 2022 edi on

THE SCO BOOK PROJECT THE SCO MINISTRY IN SOUTH AFRICA, The launching pad of ethical leadership launching 2022. Find out more. >> page 14

PRAYER & PRAISE ....................... 20

Our vision “To build students in South Africa into communities of disciples transformed by Jesus Christ, impacting the School, the University, the Church and society for the glory of God”.

BANKING DETAILS Name: Students’ Chris an Org. Bank: First Na onal Bank

MY STORY IN GOD STORY with Kulani Mhlanga Journey with us as we hear Kulani’s story in God story. >> page 15

Account No.: 501 700 75706 Branch code: 201509





















NATIONAL MONTHLY CONVERSATION 3rd Saturday of every month




Psalms 33: 20 –22


We wait in hope for the L ; he is our help and our shield. In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name. May your unfailing love rest upon us, Oh L , even as we put our hope in you.


Na on-




ear SCO friends and ministry partners,

We are living in the interes ng mes of Covid19 where many aspects of life have changed, and this has placed a challenge on us as SCO to think crea vely on how we can do ministry in these unusual mes. When the world moved into lockdown because of the pandemic, we saw new opportuni es for ministry emerging and SCO had to think of ways to embrace the new normal and part of that meant adjus ng most of the ministry programs. It has not been an easy journey. However, the move gave birth to new programs at the na onal level such as our Monthly Na onal Leadership Conversa on, Tes mony Thursday, and Daily Virtual Prayer Devo ons just to men on few programs that were birthed because of these unusual mes we find ourselves in. Some of our students found crea ve ways of doing virtual ministry while some found it hard to adjust. Pray with us as we think of crea ve ways to support our students, educators, staff, and Associates as we journey with them through these challenging mes. As I write this newsle er the country con nues to be under Na onal Lockdown level with number of Covid cases going up with the new variant (Omicron) causing panic around the world. As result, the Na onal Conference has been moved to virtual space from the 10th December to 11th December 2021. We will use the na onal conference me to also celebrate 125 years of student ministry in South Africa. Let me take this opportunity to reflect on some of the things that have taken place in 2021 of SCO. We started the year of 2021 with week of prayer in January which concluded with a me of Na onal Virtual Prayer where Sammy Njenga gave an encouraging Word of Hope and Prof Kholeka Mlisana gave an informa ve presenta on on Covid-19 ma ers. We con nued to strengthen our partnership with ESWAFES by hos ng a Na onal Zoom Leadership Conversa on and we invited our sister Ana Miriam Peralta, a na onal staff worker with COMPA in Mexico to assist in reflec ng on “Student Ministry Online – Occupying the Social Media Space with the gospel”. What an amazing and educa ve session we had


as we learned from one another. In April, we looked at an important topic “Correctly Handling the Word of God” and our Brother Mukululi Ncube, ESWAFES ND hosted an incredible team of ministers of the Word: our sister Joan Wanjiru from TEFAS, Pastor Merick Habile from Maritzburg Chris an Church and Dr Frank Shayi from Langham Africa. For the first me since Covid started SCO staff meet in Hermanus for staff retreat and Na onal Execu ve Commi ee of SCO joined staff for the weekend of ge ng to know each other, we spent me praying, listening, and reading the Word of God together. Ooh what a blessed me it was, and thanks to SCO associate Stephen Hofmeyr for allowing SCO to use his co age for free and for blessing staff with the second co age and catering at his cost. God bless you for your generosity and partnership with SCO. The second semester of 2021 was fully of on-line ministry ac vi es such as “Monthly Na onal Conversa on, Na onal Council Mee ng, Rory Prest Memorial Lecture and Masiye Virtual Conference”. In this edi on of the year, we will also hear what God has been in doing in SCO schools, HIS, Associates and staff sec ons. As we look forward 2022, we are looking forward to having some of the programs such as; Naonal Council, Leadership Training Programs/Camps, Na onal Leadership Governance Training, Staff Conference, Na onal Strategic Planning Mee ng, Na onal Conference and EPSA Masiye Conference face to face. Thank you, SCO friends and ministry partners, for your con nued giving and prayers which have sustained the ministry and are s ll carrying us during this Covid-19, God bless you. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


Psalms 34: 1-3 I will extol the L at all times; his praise will always be on my lips. I will glory in the L ; let the afflicted hear and rejoice. Glorify the L

with me; let us exalt his name together.

THE SCHOOLS SECTION To share the Gospel, equip, strengthen, and encourage learners and educators in primary and high schools is our priority, especially during this unusual me and the uncertainty in our lives, along with the many changes that have occurred in schools. Many schools are no longer mee ng during morning assembly and all other ac vi es have been suspended by the Department of Basic Educa on. All these have closed many doors and created challenges for learners to meet for prayers, fellowship and Bible Studies. The good thing is that some educators and learners have come up with other ways of sharing the Gospel in their schools. This is similar to what Paul wrote in 2 Timothy 2:9 "And because I preach this Good News, I am suffering and have been chained like a criminal. But the word of God cannot be chained!" (NLT). A few schools have been able to con nue with morning assemblies, SCO taking turns in sharing the gospel with all learners and educators. The exci ng thing is that in those schools everyone including non-SCO members are hearing the Good News. Other SCO groups are involved in person-to-person evangelism and in small group prayer as they are not allowed to meet inside the classroom. We have created a WhatsApp group for educators na onally where we share resources and important informa on concerning the School Sec on and SCO. Everyday from Monday to Friday at 06h00 we share morning devo ons. Staff, Educators, Pastors and Associates, have had an opportunity to share in the morning. In the next 6 months we want to host monthly Virtual conversa ons where we will be able to pray for schools, have opportuni es to discuss issues affec ng learners and educators and train members on various methods they can use to share the Gospel. The following tes monies highlight the blessing that these devo ons have been: "The SCO Daily devo ons is playing a big role in my life. It strengthens and li s my emo onal and spiritual being. They are also a source of healing when feeling sick and depressed." Mrs Dada, Eastern Cape. “The morning devo ons are assis ng me in these challenging mes to walk by faith and not by sight. There is so much fear that is surrounding our school and you would be surprised how the devo on keeps me in building confidence in the Lord and being kept safe by His word daily and I worry no more than having faith in Him who has called me out of darkness into His marvellous light. I thank God for the devo ons I receive daily from SCO Na onal School leaders. God bless you for keeping us in His word.” Sindi Roberts, Gauteng “Let me take this opportunity to thank all our leaders in SCO Na onal, for taking care of us during these trying mes by pandemic. Since last year we have been receiving devo on and prayer points on a weekly basis. We share this with all SCO Educators in our schools, learners and some ACF members. Everyday we are nourished spirituality. This also encourages learners when gardening in their schools. Furthermore, SCO is kept opera ng in our schools as we use all resources that the office is providing us with. We give glory for all our leaders.” Thandi We also created a WhatsApp group for learners. In this pla orm we share resources that aim to equip and encourage learners during these unusual mes that are stressful and discouraging. We intend to introduce other virtual methods of doing things even though there are challenges in terms of accessibility and affordability regarding data and devices. In all that we do we want to say like Paul that, “the word of God cannot be chained” 2 Timothy 2:9. ...Phumlani Mhlongo


Volunteering in Schools >> Letson Kamwana

It has been more than ten years since I joined SCO as a volunteer in Masiphumelele area which is situated five kilometers away from Fishhoek. While at High School, I was a member of SCOM (Students Chris an Organisa on Of Malawi) and even when I finished my Matric, I had a passion to serve fellow students. My role as a volunteer is to preach the gospel during Assemblies at High schools and Primary schools; conduc ng Bible studies; life skills and par cipate in any ac vi es related to SCO at provincial or na onal level such as prayer mee ngs, camps, conferences etc. However, the joy of ministry is to walk alongside with learners through discipleship, mentoring and to assist them to discover their poten al careers. The freedom of stepping in any me at both schools is based upon a solid rela onship built for past years with both principals. My willingness to respond to any crisis regardless a teacher or student is my greatest joy to serve God’s children and the community of Masiphumelele at large. Having said so, to overcome my culture barrier due to language, learners teach me how to pronounce words and formulate phrases and I took ini a ve to know parents of SCO members finding ways of reaching out to them also, should they not be knowing Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. One day I took somebody at False Bay Hospital and when the doctor called the name of the pa ent, his eyes caught my a en on and he asked: “ Are you not brother Letson?” To my surprise I said yes, and he asked me if I s ll con nue conduc ng devo ons at school during assemblies. I was shocked to be known by this doctor and he disclosed himself that he was at Masiphumelele High eight years ago and s ll have memories of me and did recall some of my sermons. Why Volunteering with SCO? 1. It is a pla orm of star ng exercising God given gi s while interac ng with learners who need role models, mentors and why not discipling them! As Paul mentored Timothy, (2 Tim 4: 1-8; 4:6-7) so SCO as well has a task to impact tomorrow’s leaders, to train, equip them to be effec ve in fulfilling the calling as God did with Abraham (Gen 12:1). 2. Not only that but also to learn the diversity in cross culture within and outside the Organisa on as we aim to reach students for Christ. 3. As we all faces difficul es, challenges, problems which are part of life, therefore SCO as a Chris an Organisa on believe that by faith through prayers, reading scriptures and trus ng God to give us victory through Jesus Christ by the Power of Holy Spirit. SCO is an Organisa on that will provide training depending on your calling and to channel new graduates into STEM program, etc. Working as a volunteer with SCO, I have found a family of believers full of love, kindness, passion, and heart to embrace anybody irrespec ve of background, race, age, and culture. SCO is not looking for qualified people but those who are available to serve God at all cost. Total No. of public Schools in SA: 21,517 Total No. of affiliated schools with SCO: 105




Psalms 47: 1-2 Clap your hands, all you nations; shout to God with cries of joy. For the Lord Most High is awesome, the great King over all the earth.

THE HIGHER INSTITUTIONS SECTION >> Vuvu Masindi, Na onal Higher Ins tu ons Director Campus life as we know it has changed since the start of the pandemic. This has also meant that SCO ac vi es on campus cannot go on the same way. We have had to find new ways of ministry and learn to use different online pla orms. Things have changed but Jesus is s ll the same. We s ll long to see Students built into communi es of disciples transformed by Christ, even if the Mrs. Masindi & her family means have to change. Online ministry has both challenges and opportuni es as we con nue to "Reach Students for Christ". We are grateful for the opportunity to reach more students. Students who might not have been willing to a end an event in person are more open to watching a Facebook Live or Zoom event. This gives an opportunity for more students to hear the gospel. Some of the ac vi es hosted online include: Na onal Students Prayer Day, Na onal Students Leadership Training, Online campus Bible studies and other Branch ac vi es. Going virtual has also given me the opportunity to interact with more campuses na onally without having to travel to them. It has been a blessing to see what the Lord is doing as we all move out of our comfort zones and embrace online ministry. We s ll have a lot to learn going forward and we will con nue with online ministry even a er covid has le us. The Na onal Higher Ins tu on Execu ve The Na onal Higher Ins tu ons Execu ve Commi ee (NATHIEX) works closely with the HIS director to oversee the work of Higher Ins tu ons. The Commi ee usually consists of the Chairpersons of HIS provincial chairpersons and its term is 2 years. Due to certain challenges, in 2021 an Interim commi ee was appointed to lead un l the Na onal conference. The Interim team was led by Akani Makubela (TUT) as Chairperson and Lesego Sco (UWC) as secretary. I would like to thank the Interim commi ee for their service and wish them all the best for the future. Aim four of SCO is "To be ac vely involved in issues facing students in their respec ve campuses". One of the ways our branches fulfill this aim is by ge ng involved in Student Governance including SRC, House Comms and Student Parliament. Campuses contested and obtained sits in 2021/22 SRC Elec ons : Tshwane University of Technology( 6 branches), Limpopo University and Walter Sisulu University. We will con nue giving support and training to these student leaders throughout their term of office, to equip them to lead with integrity and shine the light of Christ in their ins tu ons. Please pray for courage, humility and strength as they face many challenges and tempta ons.

My God Story in SCO I am Makhosonke Mazibuko, from Durban University of Technology Midlands Campus I was introduced to Christ in February 2018 by a brother on Campus. He was pa ent enough to listen to all my ques ons as I did not know Christ before. Coming to Christ was a sobering experience for me. I got to understand the depth of my sin and my need for a Saviour.

Moreover, coming to SCO was a privilege for me because I got to know Christ even on a greater scale as I was taught how to live a life that is pleasing to the Father in heaven. Also, mee ng other young people in SCO was helpful as it made me realize that it is possible to live a Godfearing life. Fellowshipping with other believers on campus encouraged me and truly saved me from the oppressions of the devil, just the Word of God says in John 8:36.


NATIONAL HIGHER INSTITUTIONS EXECUTIVE >> Makhubele Akani Tyrone ( TUT Pretoria Campus) NATHIEX Chairperson When I first joined SCO Nathiex Commi ee, I learned that if one wants to achieve a goal, they must see it in their mind before they actually achieve it. This sparked a desire to reach out to students from all branches in order to accomplish the divine commission, which the SCO has been fulfilling for years through outreach and various forms that have assisted students in experiencing the victorious life of Jesus Christ and living a purposeful life. Being the NATHIEX Chair let me recognize and comprehend that I carry and clothed with the organiza on's integrity, when we as a team received leadership training that qualified us to administer the Higher Ins tu on Sec on without fear or uncertainty. This gave the impression of being responsible and accountable for the organiza on's intended outcomes of the assigned role and obliga ons. When it comes to the Nathiex Chair, When my team and I get together, the goal is to support, reinforce, correct where required, and teach our fellow students about the organiza on's goals, vision, statement of faith, and mo o, as well as all other cons tuonal topics. So that we can do much more for the students in terms of their understanding and truly grasping what we are for, and for the Lord in terms of us fulfilling God's call on our everyday life as students. We have brought SCO's divine presence to the students with indisputable evidence of Jesus Christ's power and glory through a few virtual sessions (Youth Month) where students were taught the infallible word of God and sharpened in how to accomplish their divine purpose in Christ as the Nathiex commi ee. To enable growth, a leader needs to understand their branch “soul” and be willing to prune anything that doesn’t contribute to its thriving, I highly recommend that Associates be more involved in ensuring that our students from their first year moment understand and know the value of the organiza on by being deployed into various ins tu ons per their proximity. Designing a sustainable branch does, indeed, require financial capital, as well as human, intellectual, service and network


capital. So our associates can assist students by strengthening the ability to acquire financial capital through all possible measures that will help sustain our students even during this difficult mes of the pandemic. Branches with that clear sense of purpose can more wisely decide what needs to be pruned and what needs to grow to enhance the branches, by implemen ng the use of virtual pla orms for their ongoing services in ins tu ons where they are unable to host contact sessions. Digital marke ng is becoming more popular in every industry, so it is no surprise that branches can adopt it as they did with their universi es just like we did from the Na onal office to expand the organiza on. It's clear evidence that most of our students' local Churches can use live and on-demand hos ng to create marke ng content outside of their typical online church services. This can help build an online community that can serve as a safe place for our student to connect. You can also mone ze this online community to raise funds for our branches that can assist them in taking care of the disadvantaged students and learners from our schools.

The Higher Institutions Sections

My Story in God Story I am Lesley Monama (Gauteng) a 4th year LLB Student at Unisa. I decided to join the team as a full me member of SCO and a er few weeks I was appointed by the UNISA SCO Commi ee to be part of the en re commi ee and serve under the Coordinator por olio. Well, I was extremely excited to be part of the SCO and join hands to expand the work of God around the Campus, organise more conducive services/sessions and introduce Jesus Christ to other students who haven't got born again and impact their lives in all aspects. The commi ee discovered the passion I have for God and decided to appoint me to the Evangelism por olio, to cul vate change and win more souls together with the en re team around the campus. I was so happy for that por olio, because evangelism is who I am, my iden ty, and my lifestyle. Believe me we had a powerful team and it is s ll powerful, winning many souls around the Pretoria Sunnyside Unisa Campus. So, I learnt a lot and I am s ll learning a lot from SCO at large. I can say SCO changed my perspec ve about Chris anity as a whole; I am so open minded now and see Chris anity as more holis c, which means to me now Chris anity is not only about the spirit-man within me but about all of life. I was taught to balance all areas of life, not to advance only spiritually while other areas are suffering as a result. I learnt this from SCO, and being appointed in the above men oned por olios gave me more courage and taught me to be more responsible. I realised that SCO moulds students to the best version God wants. It creates more opportuni es for students to grow in the knowledge of God and educate others about the life that is pleasant and unpleasant to God. Lesley My name is Siyanda Ndabandaba (KZN), born again Chris an. I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour when I was doing grade 9. As a Chris an I decided to visit the SCO group in my school and I became a member. Being an SCO member has helped me a lot in my life: I have found my purpose and I am growing spiritually because of the exposure I got during fellowship in SCO ac vi es. As a result, today I am not afraid to share the Gospel with people and to tes fy because of the founda on that was built while I was at school. It is where I received a pla orm to develop leadership skills because I was a chairperson of the branch. Today I don't struggle in the leadership posi on I am in because I have a background of leadership. A ending leadership trainings, camps and conferences also added a lot to my growth. It is where I recognized the calling of God upon my life: that I am called and I have a task to do in this world which is to preach the Good News and help others who are in darkness make them Jesus’ disciples and to teach them according to Ma hew 28:18: Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore, go and make disciples of all na ons, bap zing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age.''


Psalms 107: 1-3 Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story— those he redeemed from the hand of the foe, those he gathered from the lands, from east and west, from north and south.


The vision of SCO Marketplace Ministry (MM) seeks to serve SCO associates in Senior Leadership posi ons by crea ng a safe space for sharing challenges and successes, providing peer support counselling and mentoring through monthly prayer mee ngs and other programmes. This ministry seeks to enhance the emo onal and spiritual wellbeing of its members with the aim of strengthening Christ led leadership who dedicate themselves to truly serving God in the Marketplace into which they have been called by building and promo ng a biblical world view within the ministry Target group and membership: Marketplace ministries vary in their approach and target market given that the concept may refer to believers who are ac vely engaging in ministry and evangelism beyond their church ac vi es. It is therefore understood that to gain impact resonance there is a need to clearly ar culate that the SCO Marketplace ministry has as its target group various industry leaders such as those is Business, Academia, Local, Provincial and Na onal Government and Corporate Organisa ons. The targeted group is more specifically defined as those who are in execu ve posi ons, director, deputy director, senior manager and higher roles. As such, while invita ons to par cipate will be circulated to all SCO Associates and Alumni, membership will be limited only to those that are assessed by the commi ee to be meet the criteria and are or have been part of the SCO (including SCM and SCA). Aims and Objec ves In order to truly build a safe space for the support and reinforcing of Christ centered marketplace ministry leadership this ministry seeks:

To ins tute a monthly prayer and sharing mee ng where members will be encouraged to share pain points and address the same with progressive acons anchored in prayer. The celebra on of milestones, new members and new appointments in the spirit of building a safe space to grow and share tes mony of victories so there are shared joys in the group; To create an environment where the sharing of personal journeys, stories and experiences is encouraged and welcomed as a means of owning our individual callings, missteps and misgivings in order to stand firm in our convic ons and build on our strengths and learn from mistakes as a necessary step to growth To iden fy and support one on one mentorship and coaching opportuni es and partnerships that will enhance leadership capacity and increase resilience and to build a mentorship programmes for iden fied groups, such as young execu ves, Senior Managers, Execu ves and poli cians; To ac vely build collabora on with other similar ministries such as TEASA and MMI as sister movements whose targets may be different but whose aims are to service the marketplace too To deliberately engage students through outreach programmes that introduce, promote and teach about the marketplace ministry To increase knowledge and awareness of MM through training and informa on sharing within the team To support and give back to the SCO as an organisa on through fundraising at an annual Golf Day which will also be an opportunity for face to face mee ng, networking and fellowship. The golf day will be open to all members of the SCO

Con ... Commi ee: The commi ee will be sponsored by the NATEX Deputy Chairperson and will have as its secretary the Associates Deputy Chairperson. The commi ee will appoint up to 5 members whose por olios will be determined by the commi ee itself. The newly appointed commi ee will also elect a convenor who will guide and direct the ac vies of the ministry. A member from each of the iden fied sectors should be represented in the commi ee. Responsibili es of the commi ee The commi ee is responsible for building and execu ng the programmes of the MM as well as defining evalua ng the direc on and structure as a way of ensuring the ministry achieves its set objec ves. Reading the environment of the execu ves, the commi ee will also need to determine if addi onal focus areas are required and thus will be vital in determining the strategy as well as in implemen ng it. In the current commi ee these por olios will be handled by 1. Programs Lead: Chairperson- Gugu Xaba 2. Prayer and Counselling Co-ordinator coordinates prayers: Bheki Gama 3. Mentorship and coaching Co-ordinator: Rocky Ralebipi- Simela 4. Research and Training Co-ordinator : Luthando Dziba 5. Students Outreach Coordinator: Absalom Maluleke 6. Networking and Resource Mobiliza on Co Ordinator: Yalekile Lusibane The Marketplace ministry members meet once every month on a Friday at 18H00. You can register to be a member with Mr Absalom Maluleke at OR

SCO NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER The SCO Na onal Day of Prayer was on 30 May 2021 at the end of the SCO Month of Prayer. The purpose of the virtual mee ng was to wrap up the month of Prayer by bringing together the en re SCO Family in prayer and Thanksgiving to the Lord. Students, Staff and Associates were all involved in leading prayers. We were also joined by Local Church Pastors who support SCO. Lesego Sco , University of the Western Cape student had this to say: “The Na onal Day of Prayer, the second to be held virtually was a very inclusive way to end the month of Prayer for SCO. As compared to last year, a endance


this year was rela vely higher and the involvement of various genera ons of SCO, especially the senior ones was en rely encouraging to see, as it highlights that being a member of SCO does not cease with years of being a student. HIS branches were however not fully a endant, perhaps a seeking of an understanding of the barriers will prove helpful for events to come and next year’s Na onal Day of Prayer. Overall, the team responsible for organizing the event did excep onally well in ensuring every panelist was there and each item was covered.’’


The Launching pad of ethical leadership Discussions to historicize and chronicle the role of SCO and its impact in nurturing ethical leaders in South Africa has been on the corridors for a while. In 2018, the Na onal Execu ve (NATEX) developed an implementa on master plan intended to bring this dream to the fore. In 2020, NATEX established an editorial task team under the stewardship of Pastor Makhukhu John Tladi (a renowned publisher) comprised of seasoned SCO alumni from various fields. This book is subdivided into eight chapters. It gives a complete historical account and explains the mul ple phases underwent by this profound organiza on, followed by a defini on of ethical leadership as a cri cal construct. Its associa on and influence on the former years of two African si ng Presidents, namely, President Cyril Matamela Ramaphosa - President of the Republic of South Africa and President Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera - President of the Republic of Malawi are also narrated. Lenses and voices of successful professionals and gurus opera ng in the different sectors in the marketplace and, most importantly, a ribu ng their successes to the role of SCO is also scripted. Not only does it provide significant milestones such as the 1997 merger, in its conclusion, it further offers strategies and tac cs geared to nurture future ethical leaders. We are thrilled to announce that this project is final and will be available in the first quarter of 2022. Plans to have an official na onal launch followed by provincial launches are advanced. Would you please prepare your evening dresses and boo es? Please be on the lookout for more informa on. Plans for more publica ons are in the pipeline. Price: So cover – R300 & Ebook – R150 To pre-order your copy, please contact Ms. Mary Mononela at or Mr Motseki Sosibo at >> Mokgophana Ramasobana

"This book will not just be a source of encouragement, it will be a discipleship and leadership development tool for the SCO family and will benefit the body of Christ as a whole as well as the country at large" Mr Jack Koma - NATEX Chairperson.

SHORT TERM EXPERIENCE IN MINISTRY The Short-Term Experience in Ministry (STEM) Program had two Interns who finished last year amidst COVID-19 challenges. We then took a break from recrui ng to focus on rebuilding the program and prepare to relaunch at the 2021 Na onal Conference. The relaunch process will start in July with STEM graduates sharing their Experiences on Tes mony Thursdays. Applica ons are open for 2022 and final year

students are invited to apply. STEM interns serve in SCO for a year in the ministry department of their choice: Schools, Higher Ins tu ons, Administra on, Media, or Events Management. STEM is a great opportunity to serve God while gaining skills and ministry experience. For more informa on and applica on forms, please email Vuvu Masindi at


The Associates Christian Fellowship

MY STORY IN GOD STORY >> Kulani Mhlanga

Whenever I am asked to share a bit about the story of my life and where I am today, I cannot help but be reminded of a Friday evening in October 2009. It was a youth mee ng at church and the Pastor of the Church Sharon Schrimmenger, gave each one of us a pen with a scripture on it, mine read as follows “Proverbs 16:3, Commit your ac ons to the LORD, and your plans will succeed. (NLT)” I knew from reading that, that such is the answer to how my dream will become a reality. The dream, on one Thursday night in 2008, right a er Genera ons on SABC 1, I could not help but be inspired by the passion for law as displayed by the Sokhulu brothers on the series called Sokhulu & Partners. Right Infront of the TV screen, I had a dream, and my dream was to one day be a Lawyer that will change lives through the law. Since then, I became a dream chaser.

In my journey of chasing the dream, I was admi ed to study my LLB degree at the University of the Western Cape (UWC) in 2014, where I joined the Students’ Chris an Organisa on (SCO). I found what in social terms is described as a “child headed family”, the reason I am saying this, is because it felt like I am in a house le with my siblings only and no parents around. It was just fellow students who were taking responsibility for one another’s progress, it be spiritually, socially and most importantly academically. It was through SCO where 2 Timothy 1:7 “for God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind” became my go to “If there is a man to pray there is definitely scripture. We encouraged one another to conquer a God to answer” Kulani the campus for Christ, in all aspects of our student life. In so doing I got an opportunity to be a leader in several Student leadership structures on Campus I had another life changing moment in the 2018 SCO camp which was and in SCO as well. Through my involvement in such leadership structures, themed, the call of duty, it was at this camp where I took an L from my I got presented with opportuni es to travel abroad on a couple of occafellow brothers and sisters on how to be er treat them and the imsions as a conference delegate at certain occasions and facilitator on other portance of how words can indeed build or destroy a person. In August occasions. 2018, I graduated with my LLB and I could not wait to fly a fellow SCO My journey academically was not a perfect one, in 2017 I FAILED one final year ELECTIVE module, that obviously meant that I couldn’t graduate and had to extend my degree by a semester, “Dream delayed I know, but not denied, so I told myself.” It was the lowest moment of my University career, as I’ve never failed a year before, I was very stressed and of course I had Ques ons for God, hence I had never ending conversa ons with him and also made use of counselling services that were available on campus. It was in my lowest moment, where my crea vity shaped a tool that would inspire and encourage my fellow brothers and sisters, I wrote a mini play called REBIRTH, it was performed over 3 episodes during SCO Sunday services by SCO members, it spoke into the challenges faced by students within the organisa on and how they can overcome such challenges.


alumni (My Mom) over to Cape Town. In 2019, through the Grace of God, I got accepted to do my ar cles with Legal Aid, in a small town about an hour and 15minutes drive outside Cape Town. I have since completed my ar cles and all the requirements for one to be admi ed as an A orney. Shocking to those who are within the profession and close to me, instead of being admi ed as an a orney, I decided to be admi ed as an Advocate, for reasons to shared on a similar pla orm in the near future…I can say that my journey has not been an easy one, but thank God for SCO, it was a joyful one. Whatever it is that you want to achieve, plan it, pray about it, tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.

Staff & National Executive

Psalms 121: 1-2

I lift up my eyes to the mountains — where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.

SCO STAFF & NATEX RETREAT Staff retreat was held in Wortelgat, Western Cape from the 25th – 30th March 2021. The retreat was a ended by the SCO staff, the SCO Na onal execu ve (NATEX), and Mr Mukululi Ncube, Eswa ni Fellowship of Evangelical Students (ESWAFES) Na onal Director together with his two interns. This served two purposes, to strengthen partnership between two organiza ons and for Mukululi to give input into the training.

Naw Dawson, IFES EUROPE (Engaging students with the gospel online), Pastor Carl Brook, ESSA Principal (Ministry & Rest), and Duncan Chiyani, IFES -EPSA Region (Calling and Serving in Student Ministry) also joined in on zoom to lead some of the sessions.

The following are some of the reflecons from the staff retreat delegates:

effec vely deliver on my role and responsibili es. The best lesson for me was that all the co-workers (Board, staff, STEM, associates and students) need each other as a movement to effec vely preach the Gospel and train students for their evangelis c mission within ins tu ons, hence teamwork is essen al. Thank you for extending the invite to allow for stem par cipa on and being such warm and friendly hosts not forge ng the pleasure of enjoying the tranquil Wortelgat environment and its friendly staff. Yours Truthfully Nkazimulo Nhlabatsi.”

Simo (ESWAFES Intern) says: “I really thank God for being part of the Staff & NATEX Retreat 2021. I really learnt a lot from God through the amazing people that I was with, the refreshing devo ons that we had and the overall program which was very rich and relevant to our current experiences. I love the way we prayed together, it was prayer a er prayer, the way we laughed together and of course the way we ate, the food was so scrumpous. I also enjoyed our learning sessions, I really enjoyed all the topics that were covered. The one that stood out for me was: "Doing ministry in a me of crisis". I found it to be the most relevant to our current circumstances. I also like the way we were helped to see the Covid-19 crisis as an opportunity to embrace a new perspec ve of who God is.” Nkazimulo (ESWAFES Intern) says: “I am very grateful to have been part of this retreat since I learned such invaluable knowledge about the opera ons of IFES, SCO as well as how a board such as NATEX func ons. The strategic presenta ons and interac ons with staff and NATEX during the retreat provided enrichment to my Short Term Experience in Ministry (STEM) journey and understanding of how best to navigate various circumstances in order to


This staff retreat served to provide me of fellowship, prayer, team building, rest, personal and ministry reflecon, me to listen to God and personal development.

Magdaline (NATEX member) says: “I was equipped and developed and the following sessions stood out for me: ‘Doing ministry in mes of crisis, engaging students with the gospel on-line, calling and serving in student ministry.’ A ending these sessions and interac on with other members had added mo va on to me to serve our Lord Jesus even in difficult mes like this. Precious moments, revival, coming together especially a er many months of the lock down. It was really a great me of fellowship, prayer and planning for the organiza on. We had me to reflect and pray for one another. I personally learnt a lot from various speakers. What an enrichment! I felt privileged to spend me together with the Big Family. I will never forget the laughter, joyful moments as well as learning in God`s presence. Finally walking down to the beach. Wow! the noise. Above all, God’s mercy!”

Con ... It was great to reconnect again as the SCO staff team in person since Covid 19 started. We thank God for keeping us as the staff team and our families, educators, learners and associates and all that we work and minister with. At this year's staff conference, we were so blessed to have the presence of our na onal board and ESWAFES our sister IFES movement from Eswa ni. A great me was spent in the Word, fellowship, prayer, and equipping sessions on how effec vely do ministry during these challenging mes. Morning devo ons were filled with praise and worship, prayer, me in the Word and hearing different stories from each other on what is happening

and how best we can support one another. We also had different speakers joining us via Zoom pla orm addressing topics such as “how to be relevant and s ll do ministry during these mes”. We also had lots of fun together like going out to the beach and fellowshipping together. The retreat venue was beau ful, l will like to use it again for future mee ngs and the food was awesome. Thanks to everyone who made this possible for us through prayer and gi s of many kinds. May the good Lord bless you all. Casta Zatu (Western Cape Provincial Schools Staff)

NATIONAL LEADERSHIP CONVERSATIONS The last year and a half have thrown us into so many new and unprecedented experiences. The majority of us can safely say we have not spent as much me with our immediate families as when we found the world in forced lock downs for our safety and that of those around us.

The global condi ons as well as the local ones meant that the SCO, much like other organisa ons, had to find ways of reaching out to its communi es in a progressive manner. Enter Zoom conversa ons. The Zoom pla orm allowed us as an organisa on access to our Alumni groups and other interna onal sister organisa ons within the IFES. Through Zoom, we were also able to extend our reach to other social media pla orms such as Facebook and Instagram by live streaming on Zoom while ensuring that the conversa ons and discussion had reach beyond the moment of the conversa on.


We have some way to go as an organisa on in suppor ng our ministries on the ground and establishing prac cal and safe ways to share the gospel far and wide. While access to reliable network and data remains a challenge for many of the HIS and Schools sec ons teams, the Zoom conversa ons provided a way into working with these groups, and we con nue to be excited about the many opportuni es Zoom, and social media have presented to us. Find our conversa ons on our Facebook page – please like and share Sinazo Mboye, Natex deputy chairperson

SCO NATIONAL STAFF Mr Motseki Sosibo Na onal Director Ms Sibongile Maseko Gauteng Provincial Director Mr Phumlani Mhlongo KZN Provincial and Na onal Schools Director Ms Noluvuyo Masindi Na onal HIS Director/ STEM Coordinator Mr Khayalethu “Casta” Zatu Western Cape School’s Staff Ms Nthabeleng Brown Na onal Administrator

MY STAFF EXPERIENCE In 2017 when l was invited by Motseki Sosibo to be a delegate at Masiye Conference I never knew that l would have an opportunity to serve there (more than just being a delegate, as l always serve in every opportunity that I have). This is where my calling to join staff conference became clear and served in Masiye became a preparaon place for joining SCO staff . In January of 2018, l joined the staff Mr. Zatu & his family team, It has been a learning journey and l thank God that through it all l have learned to trust and depend on Jesus for everything. On this journey thus far, l have learned the importance of allowing God to lead, direct and use me in all things that He wants to use me for. I'm grateful to all our SCO family who are partners with me in ministry. I pray that God will bless and keep you all. Casta Zatu


Celebrating 125years of student ministry


Let’s pray for SCO finances , pray for God to open doors and raise people who will support the

Praise and Prayer

vision of SCO with their finances and

Let us thank God for...

resources. SCO staff, pray for God to raise

In the past two years, we have seen the power of corporate prayer. Let us con nue to pray for the ministry of SCO as we come to the end of 2021 and look forward to 2022. Join us in praising and praying for following.

the genera on that will say “Yes” to His calling of serving full- me in SCO as staff STEM – pray for program to be a success and for final year students to respond to God’s call and join the program. Pray STEM finances and resources needed for

the program to succeed Leaders – pray leaders that sold out to the vision of SCO, leaders with a heart of serving. Pray for God to meet the needs of the leaders as they con nue to give of

Praise God for the gi of life on all of us. We say Ebenezer to you, Lord. Praise God for healing and protec on throughout the year.

Praise God for providing for our ministry needs as an SCO family. For providing for staff wellbeing. Praise God for the leadership of SCO at all levels (branch, region, province and na onal), thank God for raising leaders with a heart of servant hood.

themselves to His service

Merry Christmas SCO FAMILY

SCO NATIONAL OFFICE Primary Organisation Address 1 Elloughton House Chapel lane, Rosebank Cape Town, South Africa Phone: 021 685 0942 WhatsApp: 068 469 2330 E-mail:

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