Sciences of Europe No 76 (2021) Vol. 2

Page 43

Sciences of Europe # 76, (2021) References 1. Агранович Н.В., Ходжаян А.Б. Мотивация повышения психолого-педагогических компетенций преподавателя для обеспечения инновационного подхода непрерывного медицинского образования на современном этапе.// Современные проблемы науки и образования. – 2013. – № 2; 2. Амиров А.Ф. Профессиональная социализация и воспитание студентов медицинского вуза. – Уфа: Изд-во Башкир. гос. мед. ун-та, 2003. – 274 с. 3. Ермолаева Ю.Н. Профессиональная социализация молодых медицинских работников //Фундаментальные исследования. – 2014. – № 5. – С. 37– 41.

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ON-LINE LEARNING AT MEDICAL UNIVERSITIES DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIA Zhukovskyi О. Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine “Bukovinian State Medical University” Chernivtsi DOI: 10.24412/3162-2364-2021-76-2-43-45 ABSTRACT The article presents the main advantages and disadvantages of distance learning in medicine. Certain problems and difficulties in introduction of this teaching method at the pre- and post-graduate levels of medical education are outlined. Keywords: distance learning, medical education. Digitalization of education, implementation of innovative approaches to the educational process have created conditions for the organization of learning courses, applying distance forms of learning. Nowadays distance learning has considerable spread in the whole world. What does distance learning mean? Distance learning means interrelations between the instructor and student at a distance including all the components peculiar for the educational process (objectives, content, methods, organization forms, teaching aids), and it is realized by means of specific measures of internet technologies or other methods assuming interactivity. Distance learning has been widely applied at the post-graduate training – pre-attestation cycles, advanced qualification and professional courses etc. On the one hand, development of distance learning is stipulated by social requirements – intensive technology changes requiring practically uninterrupted retraining of the staff; introduction of complicated systems and technologies with a limited number of instructors; without giving up work by many professionals for a long period of time; necessity to involve a wide range of population into learning and education. On the other hand, development of distance learning promoted a wide range of up-to-date mobile computer technologies enabling to implement it successfully. Distance learning enables to solve effectively urgent educational issues today: continuous learning for life, uninterrupted professional training, “without boundaries” learning in the interactive mode, and effective educational work. The issues concerning implementation of distance learning in the medical educational institutions remains disputable. On the one hand, advantages of distance learning are: possibility to study for a great number of learners at a time, making educational process easier for

individuals with limited physical abilities, technological effectiveness – learning and teaching using up-todate software and technical means make this method of education more effective. Material constituent is of no less value. Analysis of functioning of the world educational systems indicates that expenses on distance learning on an average constitute approximately 50% of those on traditional forms of education. The cost of advanced qualification training at a full-time regimen includes: tuition fee, transport expenses, residing at a hotel, meals, as well as wages charged even when an employee is absent at his/her working place. Moreover, when a professional is not at work his/her job is done by another specialist who receives excess fare for additional load. Expenses on similar training of a specialist by means of distance learning including those on connection, fee for the teaching staff, organization and other expenses mentioned above, are approximately twice as less. Opponents to introduce distance learning in medicine believe that mastering practical skills, which is the main component in teaching future medical specialists, is not possible in this way. An absolute reasonable question arises: “Is it possible to train an individual to have manual skills distantly?” After all, the profession of a doctor includes performing various operations and manipulations. Yet, there is another view that introduction of distance learning in medical educational institutions is not only possible, but essential. Naturally, training practical skills require a traditional face-to-face contact, though all the theoretical training and exercises teaching to make decisions can be organized distantly. In order to distribute the time for distance and traditional

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