Sciences of Europe No 76 (2021) Vol. 1

Page 75

Sciences of Europe # 76, (2021)


PETAL REENGINEERING METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION ENTERPRISES PROCESSES Puziichuk A. Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, PhD Student DOI: 10.24412/3162-2364-2021-76-1-75-79 ABSTRACT The scientific task of developing models and methods of the project of reengineering of construction enterprises are set. Emphasis was placed on the need to use a value-oriented approach in the reengineering project. Literature sources on project management, value-oriented management and reengineering are analyzed. The following system was taken as a basis for classification of processes of the construction enterprise: the basic processes, processes of logistics, financial processes, processes of interaction, management processes, auxiliary processes, IT processes. The life cycle phases of a construction company reengineering project are described. The method of petal reengineering for use in reengineering projects of construction companies are proposed. SWOTanalysis of the proposed method are performed. The conclusions of the study are made. Prospects for further research in the chosen direction are highlighted. Keywords: management, project management, construction company, process reengineering, value-oriented management, petal reengineering method. Formulation of the problem. Construction plays an important role in the structure of each country's economy. The growth of the construction industry lays the foundation for the growth of related industries and the economy in general. In the work of construction companies can be divided into several types of activities related to the typical projects. First of all, it is an activity that directly relates to the profile of the enterprise - construction, overhaul, restoration, reconstruction, etc. In addition, the scope of the project approach can be confidently attributed to activities to improve the functioning of construction companies. It is expedient to manage both types of projects taking into account scientific and practical developments of the scientific direction in management concerning management of projects, programs and portfolios of projects. The efficiency of construction companies directly depends on the models, methods, tools and means of managing such companies, their processes and structure. Throughout the history of each enterprise, whatever it may be, typical and atypical problems in the management of systemic and stochastic nature accumulate. The main (but not the only) of such problems are – the use of outdated technologies (both subject area and management), duplication of functions, gaps in the performance of functions (lack of modern management functionality of enterprises). The organizational mechanism for overcoming such problems is the implementation of a process reengineering project. Given the relevance of such projects and the feasibility of the project and the overall innovation of project management, the development of new models and methods of project management reengineering of construction companies to improve the efficiency of these projects is an urgent scientific and practical task. Analysis of recent research and publications. The project approach, within which reengineering will be implemented, is sufficiently developed in modern research. In particular, project management models and methods are presented in recognized international standards. These include the PMBOK Project Management Guide. The previous version of this standard PMBOK6 [1] considered ten areas of knowledge in

project management. Among them are those that will be most involved in the project of reengineering the construction company - project content management, project quality management, project time management, project stakeholder management. Other areas of knowledge that will also be used in the project under study will be of less importance to it - these are communications management, integration management, resource management, cost management, procurement management, risk management. The lesser importance of cost management in a reengineering project should be explained separately. This is determined by the fact that in many cases the project is implemented by the company itself, with the involvement of staff. Such employees work within wages, so the project budget will not be significant in this case. The current version of the PMBOK standard (seventh), released in late July 2021, is somewhat revolutionary and proposes to move from management by knowledge areas to management by principles [2]. In the case of the project under consideration, it is possible to determine the need to apply all these principles to the project of reengineering the construction company. Other classic project management standards [3-6] will also be useful in terms of using some of their tools, in particular the PRINCE2 business case model [6] and so on. The standards of Agile's flexible project management methodology [7-9], which emerged in 2001 and has been developing rapidly since then, should be considered separately. A significant trend in the development of this methodology is that in the beginning it was recommended exclusively for IT projects. Whereas now this methodology is increasingly used in complex technological projects of other industries. A clear example of this fact is that in 2017, together with the sixth edition of PMBOK, a separate edition on the use of Agile was published [10]. Whereas in 2021, Agile approaches are already directly integrated into the PMBOK standard itself, which, in particular, declares a hybrid approach to project management. Such elements should be used in the study project, as will be shown below. Reengineering literature sources also cover the subject quite deeply. In particular, publications [11-13]

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