Sciences of Europe No 76 (2021) Vol. 1

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Sciences of Europe # 76, (2021) d 8. Granek-Catarivas M, Goldstein-Ferber S, Azuri Y, Vinker S, Kahan E. Use of humour in primary care: different perceptions among patients and physicians. Postgraduate Medical Journal. 2005;81(952):126-130. 4.019 40 6 9. Дамулин И.В., Шурупова Р.В. Проблемы и перспективы обучения неврологии в современных условиях. Журнал неврологии и психиатрии им. С.С. Корсакова. 2014;114(11):84-87. [Damulin IV, Shurupova RV. Problems and perspectives of teaching neurology to today’s medical stu- dents. Zhurnal nevrologii i psikhiatrii im. S.S. Korsakova. 2014;114(11):84-87. (In Russ.)]. 10. McQuillen MP. Pearls and pitfalls of ethical issues in neurology. Seminars in Neurology. 2001;21(4):353-358. 11. Pandya SK. Medical ethics in the Neurosciences. Neurology India. 2003;51:317-322. 12. Cardy P. Crossing the line — from neurology to cancer. Practical Neurology. 2004;4(6):318-321.

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EDUCATIONAL AND METHODICAL SUPPORT IN TEACHING THE DISCIPLINE "NEUROLOGY" IN HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS Kryvetska I. Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Nervous Diseases, Psychiatry and Medical Psychology named after S. M. Savenko, Bukovynian State Medical University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine Kryvetskyi V. Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Human Anatomy named after M.G. Turkevich, Bukovynian State Medical University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine Kryvetskyi І. Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assistant of the Department of Clinical Anatomy and Operational Surgery, Bukovynian State Medical University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine DOI: 10.24412/3162-2364-2021-76-1-25-28 ABSTRACT The article reveals the main methodological approaches to teaching clinical neurology at the medical faculties of Bukovina State Medical University, aimed at improving the educational process, its optimization and intensification in order to improve the quality of training university graduates in the field of neurology. Keywords: teaching methods, neurology. Further development of higher education and medicine, in particular, is impossible without a creative search for new ways and methods of improving the educational process, its optimization and intensification. The clinical neurology course at the medical school is designed to train general practitioners, not neuropathologists. Nevertheless, the teaching of neurology should occupy an important place in the education system, especially for pediatricians, due to the importance of the nervous system in the genesis of various diseases and in the normal functioning of the body [16]. At the Department of Nervous Diseases, Psychiatry and Medical Psychology, the names of S.N. Savenko uses technical teaching aids: negatoscopes, film cameras, epidiascopes, graph projectors, multimedia

projectors, computers. There are lecture halls, radio and cinematographic, with projection devices. A training room for pediatric groups was allocated on the basis of the neurological department of the children's hospital, equipped with visual aids (tables, diagrams, X-rays, drugs, transparencies). The educational process is facilitated by equipping the department with computers, the presence of diagnostic rooms (electro- and rheo-encephalography, ultrasound methods, etc.), as well as the fact that the department has a children's neurological department (for 40 beds), an intensive care and resuscitation department, medical rooms (Exercise therapy, IRT). Practical classes are of decisive importance, since students are faced with real medical activities in them, which makes them pay special attention to them when

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