Sciences of Europe No 75 (2021) Vol. 2

Page 52


Sciences of Europe # 75, (2021)

SOCIAL SCIENCES HELPING PHILOSOPHY IN THE CONTEXT OF PARADIGMATIC CHANGES Firsov M. Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Deputy Dean for Science of Psychology Faculty, Russian State Social University, Moscow Chernikova A. Junior researcher, Institute for Demographic Research of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow DOI: 10.24412/3162-2364-2021-75-2-52-53 ABSTRACT The articles analyses helping philosophy in the context of paradigmatic changes. The authors stressed the process of global aid institutionalization. Keywords: social work, helping philosophy, paradigmatic changes. The practice of assistance has developed throughout the history of humankind. It has no end, and as the analysis of the society development in civilizational space shows this process does not have constant changes both in a separate historical period and during the reign of a particular historical figure. In order to comprehend the process of global aid institutionalization and support to a person from the early stages of registration, archetypal, to the present, pandemic, COVID-19, we need to choose a system for describing these processes in order to identify the features of the dynamics of changes at the level of the main trends. The first element in the description system will be the Human. In humanitarian knowledge, there is a certain tradition when a person is interpreted from the standpoint of those systemic qualities and properties that determine his main characteristics in the logic of the described processes. So, you can recall the approaches to Homo sapiens K. Lineay, Man playing Homo ludens J. Huizing, Economic man - Homo oeconomicus M. Foucault and other approaches [1]. Each area of knowledge opens up its own facet of understanding the phenomenology of the man. In the modern psychosocial theory of social work, a person is conceptualized as a “person in the environment”, in the discourses of a systemic-ecological perspective, where the process of assistance is considered in the context of current everyday life, a specific time, in a situation “here and now”, and the synchronous logic of cognition. Moreover, in modern concepts of the social work theory, a person is inextricably linked with the environment, is a part of it, a continuation, just like the environment, in turn, is a part of his subjectivity. We will use this established approach on the basis of the describing tasks of the processes of institutionalization assistance processes, which were broken off at large historical time intervals, which will change the direction of the existing reflection. First of all, the processes of comprehending and describing the processes of assistance will be described based on the change in the attitudes of temporary discourses, but not from the standpoint of "here and now", the synchronic logic of cognition, reflecting the situation in the real current everyday life of a person, but

from the standpoint of "there and then", diachronic logic descriptions of the historical past of past events. This approach requires different generalization and typing principles. In this regard, the "environment" will reflect a certain historical time and cultural-historical space in its unity and integrity, as the Russian philosopher M. Bakhtin would say, in the logic of the "chronotope" in its uniqueness and originality [4]. A generalized approach to the Human will also be, which we will define in the context of social work problems, as a subject and object of historical models of assistance, defining only the essential, distinctive qualities of subjectivity, such a generalized subject / object of assistance, a “generalized substance” will be a person in need of assistance - Homo indigus opis. In this regard, “a person-in-the-environment”, or rather “a person in need of help-in-the-historical environment,” will be conceptualized as “built-in”, according to the American historian G. Elber, into a specific time continuum, transferring a historical pattern with “unique experience, stereotypes of behavior, norms and values”. A person in need of help is seen as a subject/ object of concern, concern of society, in relation to a specific historical environment. Moreover, in the historical practice of support, a person in need of help was comprehended in various contexts. As a person who could not independently carry out life activities in the environment without outside help, which determined some discourses of understanding of care. On the other hand, a person could have the resources and capabilities to fulfill his needs, but he did not. In this regard, the environment formed the concept of "concern", concern about a person in need of help. In the first case, references to help are comprehended in the discourses of a person asking for help, and in the second, those in need of help. It can be noted that the references of the person "asking for help" will be modified over time and, moreover, significantly, this will be connected with the changing needs of the person himself in the historical perspective, understanding in society of the special problems of a person who needs help, changing approaches to the quality of human life, individual and social welfare.

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