13 minute read


Sciences of Europe # 75, (2021) вання Р2 і Р1 у руховому режимі та Р1 і Р0 у генераторному режимі. Також, з метою підтримки струму, можна використовувати і метод hard chopping – чергування режимів Р2 і Р0. У цьому випадку або зростає частота перемикання ключів, або збільшується амплітуда пульсацій струму, що призводить до помітних втрат у силових ключах.

Висновок. З аналізу наведених схем силових перетворювачів і алгоритмів їх роботи випливає, що ВІД принципово не може працювати без електронного управління ключами, а невірний алгоритм управління здатний нівелювати усі переваги ВІП. Саме тому алгоритм управління, який є одним із вирішальних факторів забезпечення високих технікоекономічних показників ВІП у складі різноманітних суднових, у тому числі допоміжних механізмів, може бути ефективно створений і досліджений тільки методами математичного моделювання, зокрема, у середовищі Матлаб.



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Эртман Ю.А.

доцент Тюменский индустриальный университет, г. Тюмень

Петрушина Н.В.

Тюменский индустриальный университет, г. Тюмень


Ertman Y.

Associate professor Tyumen Industrial University, Tyumen

Petrushina N.

Tyumen Industrial University, Tyumen DOI: 10.24412/3162-2364-2021-75-1-49-52


Статья посвящена проблеме обеспечения эффективности и безопасности дорожного движения в городах страны, улучшения деятельности по организации дорожного движения. В данной статье определена роль влияния организации дородного движения на экологическое состояние городов.


The article is devoted to the problem of ensuring the efficiency and safety of road traffic in the cities of the country, improving the organization of road traffic. This article defines the role of the influence of traffic management on the ecological state of cities.

Ключевые слова: источник загрязнения, транспортное средство, организация дородного движения.

Keywords: source of pollution, vehicle, traffic management.

Currently, the problem of ensuring the efficiency and safety of road traffic in the country's cities requires a radical improvement in the organization of road traffic. In recent years, methodological, algorithmic and software support for practical measures for organizing traffic at local intersections and on certain sections of urban roads has been developed and applied. The intensity and composition of the traffic flow on the corresponding elements of the road network are used as the main source data. The actual transport load largely determines the possibility of ensuring the safety and efficiency of traffic. At the same time, the distribution of traffic flows on the road network depends on network control actions. The methods described in the special literature for optimizing the distribution of traffic flows do not take into account significant factors, and, most importantly, they are not focused on the specifics of the implementation of control actions by practical methods of traffic management and environmental criteria.

The most important measures to improve the organization of road traffic in cities should now be considered as part of the design and implementation of integrated traffic management schemes. The methodological support of this activity needs further development. One of the important tasks in this regard is the development of methods for solving network problems related to the redistribution of traffic flows on the road network, assuming an updated forecast of changes in traffic conditions on stretches and intersections when changing the road chain organization schemes. In particular, the task of optimizing the permitted traffic directions at intersections is relevant, taking into account traffic safety, economic and environmental factors.

The main sources of atmospheric pollution in the region are industrial enterprises and motor transport. The share of pollution due to motor transport is constantly increasing.

Road transport is a source of emission of harmful substances that pollute the atmosphere of the city. The share of automobile emissions accounts for 60-85% of all objects of the motor transport complex. Every year the population in the city increases, therefore the car fleet also increases. The continued growth of cars has a negative impact on the environment and human health. The main source of environmental pollution is the internal combustion engine of cars, which emits exhaust gases into the atmosphere.

Zones of atmospheric air pollution with substances such as carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide, formed by emissions from road traffic, can be characterized by a high concentration of maximum permissible concentrations, and cover quite large territories. The greatest value of the maximum surface concentrations of harmful pollutants in the atmospheric air is formed near highways and their intersections, along which motor traffic flows move with different intensity, density and speed.

Highways and intersections are a source with nonstationary emissions in time, and cars moving along the highway are sources of harmful emissions into the atmospheric air.

With a high density and intensity of traffic flow during "rush hours", unfavorable meteorological conditions and unsuccessful development of neighborhoods adjacent to highways that prevent natural air purification from harmful automobile emissions, an unfavorable situation may arise for people whose life activities take place in the immediate vicinity of highways.

Depending on the structure of the composition and intensity of traffic on motorways and in the area of intersections, fields of maximum single concentrations of harmful substances are formed in the atmospheric air under unfavorable meteorological conditions. [10, p. 1]

The state of atmospheric air pollution in the cities of the Russian Federation is determined on the basis of instrumental monitoring, including monitoring of atmospheric air pollution and additionally with the help of mobile laboratories. Pollution of the measured concentrations of pollutants at the observation point, the level of atmospheric air pollution is recorded without identifying the sources of pollution. To determine the share of motor vehicle sources of pollution, it is possible to calculate the assessment of atmospheric air pollution, with the help of which it is possible to simulate a specific situation and give forecast estimates of the state of atmospheric air, taking into account the improvement of the environmental characteristics of vehicles, the development of road networks and other factors.

It is worth noting that every third car has an emission of harmful substances that exceeds the norm by 23 times, which causes significant harm to the environment and our health. In Schedule 1, we can see the age category of vehicles in the Russian Federation. Figure 2 shows the emission statistics for the last years. [9,p. 286]






10,00% 9,20% 9,20% 9,10% 21,60%

16,80% 34%



From the year of issue of which up to 1 year has passed inclusive

From the year of release of which from 1 to 3 years have passed inclusive From the year of release of which 3 to 5 years have passed inclusive From the year of release of which 5 to 10 years have passed inclusive From the year of release of which 10 to 15 years have passed inclusive Since the year of release of which more than 15 years have passed inclusive

Schedule 1. The age category of vehicles in the Russian Federation for 2019, %

When the car is running, various substances enter the atmosphere: nitrogen (N2), oxygen (O2), carbon dioxide (CO2), water vapor, hydrogen (H2), carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbons (CH), nitrogen oxides (NO2), soot, aldehydes, formaldehyde (CH2O), as well as rubber dust formed when wiping tires. When using gasoline with the addition of lead compounds, the car pollutes the soil with this heavy metal [6, p. 13]. Table 1











Emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air according to Rospotrebnadzor

2005 year 2010 year 2014 year 2015 year 2016 year 2017 year 2018 year

Schedule 2. Emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air

Table 1 Dynamics of emissions of the main pollutants from motor transport in the Ural Federal District of the Russian Federation, 2014-2018 thousand tons

Years Total emissions CO NO2 C SO2 2014 1267,30 997,20 142,10 2,40 7,40 2016 1280.00 986,90 143,90 2,50 7,50 2017 1315,30 1014,10 147,90 2,60 7,80 2018 1512,60 1166,2 169,90 3,00 8,90

The greatest amount of pollutants is emitted when the car accelerates, especially when it is fast, as well as when driving at low speed. The relative share (of the total mass of emissions) of hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide is highest during braking and idling, the share of nitrogen oxides is highest during acceleration.

Frequent braking and stopping of vehicles force drivers to use reduced gears, which leads to the engine not working in economical modes. This contributes to the pollution of the atmosphere by products of incomplete fuel combustion and an increase in traffic noise.

The engine operation mode has a great influence on the quality and quantity of impurity emissions. With an increase in the ratio of the mass of air and fuel entering the combustion chamber, carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon emissions are reduced, but the emission of nitrogen oxides increases.

It should be noted that the development of a complex of technical means of traffic management is ahead of the development of management technologies, which in turn causes the insufficiently effective use of expensive traffic management equipment. For example, the overload of individual elements of the road network increases the amount of harmful substances released into the atmosphere. In these conditions, the development of traffic management, taking into account the environmental criterion, is of particular importance. The application of appropriate methods of traffic management should be considered in the concrete formation of complex traffic management schemes and highlighted as an important task of assessing the environmental impact on traffic management.

According to the results of the activities of the Federal Road Agency in 2018 and plans for 2019-2024, an average length of 500 meters and 100% regulation at intersections, which does not take into account the environmental criterion when organizing traffic [8, p. 1], characterize the street and road network. This situation is already typical for citywide main streets of large cities. At the same time, the basic task for urban conditions is to clarify the assessment of traffic parameters, depending on the composition of the traffic flow, traffic intensity, the number of lanes, traffic light control parameters and emissions of harmful substances from cars, taking into account the development of this section.

The analysis of the ecological state of atmospheric air and soil differs in the cities of the Russian Federation. Tyumen is located in the Ural region of the Russian Federation. the main mass of traffic flows is concentrated in the central part of the city, where traffic jams and congestion at intersections are the most congested. After analyzing the previously performed works, it was concluded that in the central part of the city, the concentration value exceeds the permissible values of regulatory indicators.

Indicators with the maximum permissible values of the concentration of carbon monoxide exceed the average concentration of the permissible norm by 8.2% in the morning, and 2.7% in the evening.

NO2 (nitrogen dioxide)values it also exceeds the permissible emissions on the section of the road network. The average concentration of nitric oxide in the morning exceeds the permissible values by 0.43 mg/m3 and in the evening by 0.39 mg/m3 .

It can be concluded that the amount of harmful substances in the atmospheric air at the intersection directly depends on the duration of the forbidding traffic light signal.

From the above, it should be noted that the development of methods for solving network problems of traffic management, taking into account the environmental criterion, is particularly relevant.


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No 75 (2021) Vol. 1 Sciences of Europe (Praha, Czech Republic)

ISSN 3162-2364 The journal is registered and published in Czech Republic. Articles in all spheres of sciences are published in the journal.

Journal is published in Czech, English, Polish, Russian, Chinese, German and French, Ukrainian. Articles are accepted each month. Frequency: 24 issues per year. Format - A4 All articles are reviewed Free access to the electronic version of journal

All manuscripts are peer reviewed by experts in the respective field. Authors of the manuscripts bear responsibility for their content, credibility and reliability. Editorial board doesn’t expect the manuscripts’ authors to always agree with its opinion.

Chief editor: Petr Bohacek Managing editor: Michal Hudecek • Jiří Pospíšil (Organic and Medicinal Chemistry) Zentiva • Jaroslav Fähnrich (Organic Chemistry) Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry

Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic • Smirnova Oksana K., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Department of History (Moscow, Russia); • Rasa Boháček – Ph.D. člen Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze • Naumov Jaroslav S., MD, Ph.D., assistant professor of history of medicine and the social sciences and humanities. (Kiev, Ukraine) • Viktor Pour – Ph.D. člen Univerzita Pardubice

• Petrenko Svyatoslav, PhD in geography, lecturer in social and economic geography. (Kharkov, Ukraine) • Karel Schwaninger – Ph.D. člen Vysoká škola báňská – Technická univerzita Ostrava • Kozachenko Artem Leonidovich, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Department of History (Moscow, Russia); • Václav Pittner -Ph.D. člen Technická univerzita v Liberci • Dudnik Oleg Arturovich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Department of Physical and Mathematical management methods. (Chernivtsi, Ukraine) • Konovalov Artem Nikolaevich, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Chair of General Psychology and Pedagogy. (Minsk, Belarus)

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