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The statement is reviewed yearly in the Summer Term and the I.E.P. is then updated. Each pupil has an IEP which details the provision made for them at St. Nicholas School, clearly showing the targets and review procedures. Teachers, other professionals, parents and carers and the pupil, as far as is possible, are all involved in the process of deciding the IEP. Some pupils with very complex needs will be part of our “shared goals� project when their IEP will be agreed by all the specialists working with them more regularly to reflect the nature of their learning challenges. Annual Reviews All parents are invited to the Annual Review meeting for their child. It is an opportunity to meet with the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher, class teacher and other professionals in order to review the statement, set future targets, celebrate progress and achievements as well as discuss any concerns. The school has a policy and guidelines for the writing of the Annual Reports and for the conduct of the Annual Review Meeting. Assessment The school has an Assessment, Recording and Reporting Policy. This details the purposes of assessment, the uses to which it is put and the ways in which the pupils may be involved in the process.

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