Queen's College Preparatory School

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Queen's College Preparatory School

A VERY WARM WELCOME Queen’s College Preparatory School is a school where girls enjoy life and enjoy learning. One of Central London’s leading independent day schools, we combine very high academic standards with fun, excitement, stimulation and plenty of encouragement. Our staff work closely with each and every girl, finding individual strengths, developing individual skills and interests, and truly caring about her wellbeing as well as her success. At the end of their time here, Queen’s girls move on to leading Senior Schools and take with them confidence, capability, energy and enthusiasm. We take great pride in matching each girl to the school that will be best for her as an individual, and we have an enviable record of admissions and scholarship success. Do come and visit us. You will be most welcome. MRS EMMA WEBB, HEADMISTRESS

AN EXTRAORDINARY HISTORY Queen’s College is a remarkable school with an extraordinary history. Founded in 1848, a Royal Charter from Queen Victoria in 1853 recognised the school as the pioneer of women’s education. For the very first time in Great Britain, we gave young women the opportunity to gain academic qualifications. Today we continue this forward-thinking tradition and our Patron is Her Majesty The Queen. While our building in Portland Place looks grand from the outside, it is warm, friendly and busy inside – and deceptively spacious. Classrooms are very well equipped and specialist facilities are constantly being enhanced. In 2017 we added a science and technology hub and a new Dance Studio, along with substantial further investments in IT.

A FIRST CLASS EDUCATION Queen’s College Prep provides an exceptional, rounded education which harnesses the very best of traditional values with a thoroughly modern approach to education. The curriculum is very broad, designed to promote excellence and to give the girls as many opportunities as possible to identify their strengths and expand their horizons. Our staff create an inspiring and nurturing environment in which every girl is challenged, and supported, to reach her full potential in all areas of school life. Girls are encouraged to think for themselves, to be ambitious, to be resilient and to be resourceful. Exceptional specialist teaching, first class facilities and high quality pastoral care combine to ensure the girls grow into confident, accomplished, creative young women with emotional intelligence and high personal standards.

“Pupils attain high standards and are extremely well educated, fully achieving the school’s aim to enable pupils to know how to think, rather than what to think.” REPORTING INSPECTOR, ISI

CHARACTER-BUILDING IN A 21 st CENTURY EDUCATION We understand that our job is to prepare your daughter for the future, not just to get her through the present. Our focus on the development of character, motivation and self-confidence provides skills and attitudes that will adapt as the world continues to change. Alongside this, our curriculum combines core subjects with the humanities to give knowledge, understanding and a sense of perspective. Our science teaching extends across technology, creativity, research and exploration, building real skills for real life, both at senior school and beyond.

PASTORAL CARE, COMMUNITY & AN INTERNATIONAL OUTLOOK Throughout the school we foster a strong sense of belonging. Pastoral care is at the heart of everything that we do. The school is a happy, safe and exciting place where every girl is an important individual. Emphasis is placed on concern and respect for others, and on our responsibilities as members of a global community. Through strong, trusting and mutually respectful relationships with their teachers and each other, the girls develop a wide range of interests and grasp the opportunities available to them. By the end of their time with us they have grown into compassionate, accomplished and well-rounded young women who appreciate and respect diversity.

CREATIVITY, PERFORMANCE & THE ARTS The Creative Arts are a vital part of the curriculum and the cultural life of the school. Through music, dance, art and drama the girls mature physically, emotionally, socially, and cognitively, discovering new talents and reaching high standards. From the very start of Reception, the girls are expertly taught by specialists who are passionate about their subjects. Our bright and spacious art studio, dance studio and suite of music rooms provide an inspiring and enriching environment for them to explore their creativity. In every year group our girls develop confidence in performance, enjoying regular opportunities to participate in festivals, concerts, shows and proms. The cultural and creative opportunities afforded by our Central London location are exploited to the full, and the girls regularly visit museums, art galleries and performances to reinforce their learning in school.

SPORT & OUTDOOR PURSUITS The girls lead healthy active lives, with a rich and varied physical education programme that gives everyone the chance to develop competence and confidence. We offer a very broad range of individual and team sports and of indoor and outdoor activities. Just a few minutes from Regent’s Park, we have plenty of space and access to some excellent facilities. As well as valuing individual effort and achievement, we have plenty of team and House competitions and matches. All this helps build character and embeds our values of fairness and respect, as well as a healthy competitive spirit!

LEADERSHIP, SUPPORT & CHALLENGE Naturally we understand that each girl needs differing amounts of encouragement, challenge and support, and that this will change over time. The teaching staff go out of their way to work with every girl to help her reach her full potential in every way. We work closely with parents and encourage you to discuss your daughter’s progress and any concerns you may have. Leadership roles give very important personal development opportunities and begin in Form I through the School Council. Our Form VI girls are all Prefects and provide pupil leadership in a variety of ways, from our Charities programme to Ecoinitiatives to the House system. The unique Leavers’ Programme provides further opportunities in preparation for life beyond QCPS.

READY TO FLY Days at Queen’s College Prep are full and varied; as you will have seen, the girls have great fun and grow into confident, articulate and successful young women. They are exceptionally well prepared for the 11+ entrance examinations and for the challenges and opportunities of Senior School. Our senior school, Queen’s College London, shares our ethos, but we work closely with parents to provide expert guidance and advice and to find the senior school that is truly best for each girl. That school may be single-sex or co-educational, in London or elsewhere. We have an enviable track record of success at gaining places and scholarships. When the girls leave us at the end of Form VI, they are sorry to say goodbye but excited about their senior schools – which is exactly as it should be!

“Pastoral care is outstanding. Pupils thrive in the established family atmosphere, where mutual courtesy and consideration of the feelings of others is the norm.” REPORTING INSPECTOR, ISI

NEXT STEPS Do contact us to organise a visit and experience all we have to offer. We would be delighted to meet with you to discuss your aspirations for your daughter and to show you QCPS ‘in action’; you can be sure of a very warm welcome.

Queen’s College Preparatory School 61 Portland Place London W1B 1QP t: 020 7291 0660 e: info@qcps.org.uk

“We shall be glad to improve our practice every day, not alter our principle.” F. D. MAURICE, FOUNDER OF QUEEN’S COLLEGE LONDON, 1848

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