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The Newsletter - November Edition 2013 - 2014 Event New Staff Member Octoberfest Octoberfest - Gallery Farewell Assembly

Class Activities Grade 3/4 PYP in KG Kokugo

From the Principal Dear Parents, Before I applied for the position of Principal at the Deutsche Schule Kobe/ European School I had never thought of working in Japan. When I was accepted as the principal I was very excited about the opportunities and challenges of coming to Japan and working in a German school abroad. Every step in coming to and living in Japan has been a challenge. It has been an a very interesting challenge and I am enjoying learning many new things. I am very happy to take on this new responsibility for the school. We as students, teachers and parents can work together to achieve our current school goals for this year. We will also be able to further develop and enhance the aims and goals of the school for the future.

Important Information Calendar Homestay request

A key feature will be to develop our international mindedness and the acceptance and respect of all nationalities and cultures. In the time since school started in September it has already had a very busy 2 months, which saw many events and activities, which unfortunately I could not be physically present to participate in but was able to follow the events through the newsletter, website, blog and Facebook. I am looking forward to participating in the upcoming events we have in store for the next couple of months. I am ready to enjoy the Oktoberfest-thank-you Party, Sports Day, Sankt Martin, Osaka Christmas market and the festive events planned for December. In conclusion, I am very happy to join the school and get to know everyone better over the following weeks. I am grateful to the board and especially to my predecessor, Mrs. Dr. Shioji for giving such a helpful preparation in to my new responsibility. Best Wishes, Gerhard Lebherz

Deutsche Schule Kobe – European School 3-2-8 Koyochonaka Higashinada-ku, Kobe 658-0032 Japan Tel.: 078-857-9777・Fax: 078 857- 9775・・


Die Schulzeitung - Oktoberausgabe 2013 - 2014 Veranstaltungen Neuer Mitarbeiter Oktoberfest Bilder zum Oktoberfest Verabschiedung

Unterricht in den Klassen Klasse 3/4 PYP im Kindergarten Kokugo

Wichtige Informationen Kalendar Homestay Wanted Gastfamilie gesucht!

Von der Schulleitung Liebe Schülerinnen und Schüler, liebe Eltern, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen, seit dem ersten November ist die Deutsche Schule/European School mein neuer Arbeitsplatz. Da ich vor meiner Bewerbung noch nie in Japan war, ist jeder Schritt, den ich gehe, für mich neu und eine schöne Herausforderung. Für viele, die diese Schule als Lernort oder als Arbeitsplatz besuchen, ist das keine unbekannte Erfahrung. Jedenfalls freue ich mich Verantwortung an und für die schöne Schule übernehmen zu dürfen und gemeinsam mit euch liebe SchülerInen und Schüler und Ihnen liebe Eltern, und Ihnen liebe KollegInnen den internationalen Charakter und das förderliche Lernklima zu erhalten und weiter zu entwickeln. Die Zeit nach Schuljahresbeginn war geprägt von vielen Aktivitäten, die ich selbst noch nicht erleben durfte; allerdings hatte ich seit dem Sommer Zugang zum Intranet der Schule, sodass ich immer Kenntnis von den Ereignissen in der Schule hatte. Ich schaue mit Vorfreude auf die vielen bevorstehenden Ereignisse, wie die Thank you Party, der Sportsday, Sankt Martin, the Osaka Christmas market und die festlichen Ereignisse, die der Dezember bietet. Es ist mir eine große Freude, zu einem verantwortlichen Teil der Schulgemeinde geworden zu sein und Schüler, Eltern und Mitarbeiter näher kennenzulernen. Bedanken möchte ich mich beim Board und insbesondere bei meiner Vorgängerin, Frau Dr. Shioji für die Unterstützung zur Übernahme der Schulleitung. Mit besten Gruessen Gerhard Lebherz

Deutsche Schule Kobe – European School 3-2-8 Koyochonaka Higashinada-ku, Kobe 658-0032 Japan Tel.: 078-857-9777・Fax: 078 857- 9775・・


NEW STAFF MEMBER - Lance Brabant Early Year’s Coordinator

My name is Lance Brabant. I am a cer2fied elementary and high school teacher from a small town between O<awa and Montreal, Canada but have called Japan home for most of my adult life. I taught in Osaka for twelve years, eight of those as a Kindergarten teacher at Interna2onal Schools, and 5 of those eight years as a lead teacher. I spent the last year and a half travelling around Australia, Cambodia and Vietnam. In Vietnam I fulfilled one of my dreams to work in Scuba diving but am now looking forward to returning to Japan to teach your children at Deutsche Schule Kobe / European School. In my spare 2me I enjoy diving, travelling and pain2ng and hope to inspire a sense of explora2on, discovery and crea2vity in my students. Although I don’t speak German, I do speak English, French and Japanese (Osaka-­‐ben) so I’m sure we can communicate somehow! I can’t wait to get to know all of your children and you! 宜しくお願いします! Deutsche Schule Kobe – European School 3-2-8 Koyochonaka Higashinada-ku, Kobe 658-0032 Japan Tel.: 078-857-9777・Fax: 078 857- 9775・・


EVENTS - OKTOBERFEST Oktoberfest is the biggest event hosted at the Deutsche Schule Kobe / European School and this year it celebrated it’s 61st anniversary making it one of the oldest Oktoberfest festivals in Japan. The Oktoberfest Team, PTA, Teachers, Volunteers, Bands and Sponsors all worked extremely hard to put together a fantastic venue. Despite the drizzly weather improvised tarpaulins and use of tents ensured that people could eat, drink and enjoy the festivities without getting wet. The Bayern Brass Band offered amazing traditional German songs, throughout the day. ‘The Harolds’ offered an indie groove of J-Pop and finally ‘Simons Salty Nuts’ gave some great classic pop songs......Please ensure you check out the event gallery on the school website here.

Deutsche Schule Kobe – European School 3-2-8 Koyochonaka Higashinada-ku, Kobe 658-0032 Japan Tel.: 078-857-9777・Fax: 078 857- 9775・・



Deutsche Schule Kobe – European School 3-2-8 Koyochonaka Higashinada-ku, Kobe 658-0032 Japan Tel.: 078-857-9777・Fax: 078 857- 9775・・


EVENTS - FAREWELL ASSEMBLY Mrs. Fukae hosted the special assembly for two very important people at our school. Mrs. Shioji and Mrs. Nomura were invited to join us and I am sure they were very surprised. Mrs. Fukae expressed for all of us our admiration for all our honoured VIPs had achieved for the school and they will be sorely missed.

All the children joined Grade 1/2 on the stage to share two favourite songs...‘When you are happy and know it’ and ‘You are my sunshine’. Mr. O’Neill accompanied the students on the guitar. We had a small gathering of parents who were able to attend.

Mrs. Shioji and Mrs. Nomura were presented with a gift from the whole school and they also received a bouquet of beautiful flowers from the Parent Teachers Association. We offer our whole hearted thanks to all the hard work and support they have given the school over the years. We wish them well in the future paths they may take and extend to them a warm welcome to them whenever they want to visit us in the future. Deutsche Schule Kobe – European School 3-2-8 Koyochonaka Higashinada-ku, Kobe 658-0032 Japan Tel.: 078-857-9777・Fax: 078 857- 9775・・


Class Activities - GRADE #3/4 The grade 3/4 class just completed their first UOI, Who we are. In this unit, the students looked at the central idea, what we believe is a part of who we are. This was a challenging unit for all students, but they all did a great job! Students researched and mapped the location of some of the major religious groups in the world.



The class visited several places of worship in the Kobe area and spoke to experts about beliefs of their religion. The students had some very difficult questions.

After studying different religious groups and reflecting about their own beliefs the students were curious to know what others believed in. The students created a beliefs survey that was sent home to all parents.


Students looked at festivals, celebrations and traditions. They chose something that was meaningful to them and shared it to the class in the form of a dramatization.


Deutsche Schule Kobe – European School 3-2-8 Koyochonaka Higashinada-ku, Kobe 658-0032 Japan Tel.: 078-857-9777・Fax: 078 857- 9775・・


Class Activities - PYP in KG Pre Kindergarten and Kindergarten

PYP: Who we are The students of the Early Years made an inquiry into the nature of how they express their feelings to their friends. Can you guess what kind of feelings they are expressing?

The students also expressed themselves with their friends through dance and movement. They made a happy dance and a sad dance to share with their friends. Deutsche Schule Kobe – European School 3-2-8 Koyochonaka Higashinada-ku, Kobe 658-0032 Japan Tel.: 078-857-9777・Fax: 078 857- 9775・・


Class Activities - KOKUGO The classes of Kokugo have been busy learning since the new year started!!

Preschool プリスクール プリスクールの子供たちは、「ひらがな」 の学習が終わり、身の回りの言葉をひら がなで書けるようになったり、日本の季節 の言葉や意味などを中心とした学習を頑 張っています。

Grade 1 1年生 7名の1年生は楽しく学習に取り組んで います。教師の発問に対して積極的に 手を挙げ、指名されると大きな声で発表 しています。子供たちは絵を描くことが大 好きで、生活ノートに教科書の物語の文 章を絵とともに書いています。『こたえは なあんだ』では、一人一人が問題とともに ヒントを考え、みんなの前で「なぞなぞあ そび」をしました。

Grade 2 2年生 3名の2年生は、『ふきのとう』を読み、登場人物の 気持ちをかんがえて、自分がその人物になりきって 劇をしました。表現することをとても楽しみながら、 何回も何回もやりたかった『ふきのとう』の学習でし た。

Deutsche Schule Kobe – European School 3-2-8 Koyochonaka Higashinada-ku, Kobe 658-0032 Japan Tel.: 078-857-9777・Fax: 078 857- 9775・・


Class Activities - KOKUGO

選択日本語 1・2年生 Additional Japanese G1/2 選択日本語の1年生は、『ごめんね、ともだち』というお 話を読みました。いつもは仲良しのキツネさんとオオカ ミさんは喧嘩をしてしまい、自分が悪いと思っていて も、素直に謝ることができません。1年生の二人は、オ オカミさん、キツネさんになったつもりで、お互いに宛て て手紙を書きました。

Deutsche Schule Kobe – European School 3-2-8 Koyochonaka Higashinada-ku, Kobe 658-0032 Japan Tel.: 078-857-9777・Fax: 078 857- 9775・・


Class Activities - KOKUGO

選択日本語 3・4

年生 Additional

Japanese G3/4

の大仏様に 生は、奈良東大寺 4年 3・ の 語 本 日 選択 まの寸法当 になって、大仏さ ア ペ 。 た し ま み よ ついて まし た 。 てゲームも楽しみ

/6 ese G5 n a p a J l ditiona 生 Ad 年 6 ・ モマケ 本語5 の『雨ニ 味 わ 治 選択日 賢 、宮沢 読み、 6年生は を じ っ く り と こ の 詩 に の 語 本 この詩 また、 選択日 ま し た 。 になりました。 も ま と め ま し み 読 よう ーに ズ』を もできる 考 え を エ ッ セ 唱 暗 、 い りの 自分な 対する た。

「雨二モマケズ」について    六年 横江里彩 まず最初に、「雨にもまけず」の文を見て驚いたのは全部カタカナだったこと です。カタカナは外来語に使われるのですが、外来語もなく読みにくいなぁと思いま した。 最初の六行は納得でき、私もそういう風になりたいなぁと思いました。七行目 の、「いつも静かに笑ってる」は少し不気味だなぁと思い、そんな不気味なオーラが 出ている人にはなりたくありません。 小さな家に一人で住みたいと言っていましたが、私は嫌です。一人なんて静 かすぎて悲しくなると思います。私は皆と一緒ににぎやかな人生ををおくるほうが 好きです。 東西南北で表現していた所は納得します。私も疲れた人がいれば助けたい し、死にそうな人がいれば一緒にいてやりたいし、けんかをしていればやめさせよ うとしたい。それに、病気の人がいればそばに行って看病してあげたい。人のため に出来ることをしたいと言う気持ちは一緒です。 最後に、「雨二モマケズ」を読んで思ったのは、「完璧だなぁ」です。これは宮 沢賢治さんの理想の人生ですが、私はこんな完璧な人生は嫌です。なぜかという と完璧すぎて学べないことや気づけないことがあると思います。

Deutsche Schule Kobe – European School 3-2-8 Koyochonaka Higashinada-ku, Kobe 658-0032 Japan Tel.: 078-857-9777・Fax: 078 857- 9775・・


Wichtige informationen - Kalender Wichtige Termine im November 4 6 11 15

Mo Mi Mo Fr



27 29

Mi Fr

Erster Schultag nach den Herbstferien (Sporttag, falls es am 26. Okt. regnet) St. Martin Osaka Weihnachtsmarkt (Schulkinder) Keine Nachmittagsbetreuung für Kindergartenkinder Open Day (Tag der offenen Tür) Lunch on the Lawn Field (sofern Wetter und Temperaturen dies erlauben) Assembly PYP Workshop (schulfrei)

Wichtige Termine im Dezember 6 Fr Nikolaustag 13 Fr Weihnachtsmarkt 16 Mo Beginn der Winterferien 16.Dez. 2013 – 3. Jan. 2014: Winterferien 6. Jan. 2014: Erster Schultag nach den Winterferien

Wichtige Termine im Januar 6


Erster Schultag nach den Winterferien

Deutsche Schule Kobe – European School 3-2-8 Koyochonaka Higashinada-ku, Kobe 658-0032 Japan Tel.: 078-857-9777・Fax: 078 857- 9775・・


Important information - Calendar Important Dates in November 4 6 11 15

Mon Wed Mon Fri



27 29

Wed Fri

First school day after Autumn Holidays (Sports Day if it rains on Oct. 26) St. Martin Osaka Christmas Market (school children) No afternoon care for kindergarten children Open Day Lunch on the Lawn Field (weather and temperatures permitting) Assembly PYP Workshop (no school)

Important Dates in December 6 Fri St. Nicholas 13 Fri Christmas Market 16 Mon Winter Holidays begin December 16, 2013 – January 3, 2014: Winter Holidays January 6, 2014: First day of school after the Winter Holidays

Important Dates in January 6


First school day after winter break

lorem ipsum dolor met set quam nunc parum

Deutsche Schule Kobe – European School 3-2-8 Koyochonaka Higashinada-ku, Kobe 658-0032 Japan Tel.: 078-857-9777・Fax: 078 857- 9775・・


Important information - HOMESTAY REQUEST Dear parents, My name is Peter Gallmeister and I am currently volunteering at the Deutsche Schule/European. I am 25 years old and come from Berlin, Germany. I will stay at the Deutsche Schule until July 2014. During the DESK Summer School programme I have taught a class of 7-10 year old kids. Currently, I am working in the Kindergarten so I am used to children of all ages. I am fluent in German and English. I have learnt Japanese in Germany for about 1 ½ years and take Japanese classes twice a week now in Kobe. I am very interested in Japanese culture, people and language. To enhance my experience and to really understand the Japanese culture, I would like to live with a Japanese host family, preferably around Nishinomiya, Ashiya, or Rokko Island. In return to hosting me, I would enjoy to provide a broad cultural exchange. Moreover, your children could certainly profit from my language abilities. I am not allergic to any kind of food, drink or animal. So in case you are interested or like to receive more detailed information about me, please contact me at Thank you very much. ごかぞくのみなさまへ 私はピーター ガーマイスターです。ドイツのベルリンから2013年の7月11日に来ました。25才 の男性です。夏に神戸ドイツ学院の Summer Schoolの先生をしていました。生徒は7才から10才でし た。いま、Kindergartenの先生をしています。2014年の7月までボランティア・サービスで神戸ドイツ 学院にいます。 英語とドイツ語を話せます。日本語も少し話せます。日本語学校で1週間に2日、勉強をしています。 ホームステイを希望する目的は日本文化と日本人と日本語をもっとよく知ることです。この3つにとても きょうみがあります。日本の人と話す経験がしたいです。ホームステイ先はできれば、西宮か


アイランドを希望します。 食べ物・飲み物・動物のアレルギーはありません。 しゅみはスポーツです。アメリカンフットボールが大好きです。音楽や旅行もすきです。 もし、お子さんが英語やドイツ語を勉強したければ、私が教えることができます。 もし興味があれば、E‐メールをください。。日本語のメールでもだい lorem ipsum dolor met set じょうぶです。でも漢字はむずかしいので、ひらがなでおねがいします。よろしくおねがいします。 quam nunc parum

Deutsche Schule Kobe – European School 3-2-8 Koyochonaka Higashinada-ku, Kobe 658-0032 Japan Tel.: 078-857-9777・Fax: 078 857- 9775・・

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