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The Newsletter - January Edition 2013 - 2014 Events St. Nikolaus Christmas Market Christmas Market Gallery

Class Activities EY - What’s a story? EY - Tulip Bulb Planting Music in Preschool and Grade 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 P.E. Sportfolio

Important Information Calendar PE Saturday School

From the Principal Dear members of our school community, December is the month where in most places in the world and of course as well as in our school a time of emotions, wishes, tranquility and contemplation take place. As a European school, we feel dedicated to invite all members of the school, family members and friends to participate in a world of traditions, which are meaningful to our pupils. November with the Christmas market in Osaka and December with St. Nicholas and our Christmas party are vivid steps to understand, that Christmas time is much more than presents. In terms of school, December is a very short month with more time for family and visiting friends. For the year 2014 I expect a growing number of pupils for all areas the school has to offer (Pre-Kindergarten - Grade 6, Saturday school, Afternoon programs, Summer school). At the moment we are advertising another teaching position for our kindergarten. The result of PTA’s survey on middle school, is an opportunity to think about solid and intelligent school development. With all the support of our active parents and committed teachers I foresee further headway of our school that is worthy of a Year of the Horse. I hope you had a festive time together and I wish you a happy, successful and fulfilling year 2014. The year 2013 was a year of transition and of success. The school has become more and more attractive and that is because of the strong support of the parents, highly motivated learners and a very committed staff. When things run well, everybody praises the head. But it is you, who made it possible and I want to express my thanks. Best wishes Gerhard Lebherz, Principal

Deutsche Schule Kobe – European School 3-2-8 Koyochonaka Higashinada-ku, Kobe 658-0032 Japan Tel.: 078-857-9777・Fax: 078 857- 9775・http://www.dskobe.org/・mail@dskobe.org


EVENTS - ST NIKOLAUS What happened on Friday the 6th of December? Every student found a little present in their shoes. But who put it there? Maybe the story of St. Nikolaus helps us to understand...

Deutsche Schule Kobe – European School 3-2-8 Koyochonaka Higashinada-ku, Kobe 658-0032 Japan Tel.: 078-857-9777・Fax: 078 857- 9775・http://www.dskobe.org/・mail@dskobe.org


EVENTS - CHRISTMAS MARKET The Christmas Market opened with a series of performances from the students. Early Years shared festive songs of ‘Jingle Bells’ and ‘Little Snowflake’ with us all. The Preschool class performed ‘Santa Claus is coming to Town’ The upper grades presented ‘Rudolf the Red-nosed Reindeer’, ‘Weihnachten’. Finally, the concert by ended with the John Lennon Song ‘Happy Christmas - (War is Over.) They were accompanied by Ms. White on the drums and Mr. O’Neill on the guitar and harmonica. Check the School Gallery Page for more photographs. http://dskobe.org/event-gallery/

Deutsche Schule Kobe – European School 3-2-8 Koyochonaka Higashinada-ku, Kobe 658-0032 Japan Tel.: 078-857-9777・Fax: 078 857- 9775・http://www.dskobe.org/・mail@dskobe.org



Deutsche Schule Kobe – European School 3-2-8 Koyochonaka Higashinada-ku, Kobe 658-0032 Japan Tel.: 078-857-9777・Fax: 078 857- 9775・http://www.dskobe.org/・mail@dskobe.org



Money Raised School Christmas Market and the PTA Cake and Coffee Sale = 91,400 Yen for Charity

Deutsche Schule Kobe – European School 3-2-8 Koyochonaka Higashinada-ku, Kobe 658-0032 Japan Tel.: 078-857-9777・Fax: 078 857- 9775・http://www.dskobe.org/・mail@dskobe.org



Deutsche Schule Kobe – European School 3-2-8 Koyochonaka Higashinada-ku, Kobe 658-0032 Japan Tel.: 078-857-9777・Fax: 078 857- 9775・http://www.dskobe.org/・mail@dskobe.org


Class Activities - EARLY YEARS What is a story? The children were asked this question and they shared their interesting ideas.

They had a great idea that stories come from people and often found in books. But, they are also learning that stories can come from different forms like pictures and songs too.

Deutsche Schule Kobe – European School 3-2-8 Koyochonaka Higashinada-ku, Kobe 658-0032 Japan Tel.: 078-857-9777・Fax: 078 857- 9775・http://www.dskobe.org/・mail@dskobe.org


Class Activities - Early Years Tulip Bulb Planting Wednesday morning our Kindergarten group and our friends from Pre-Kindergarten met early at the Lawn Field on the Island to plant tulips. After a short walk from school, the kids arrived just in time for a nice lesson on tulip planting. Before the group could start, they were taught the basics of tulip planting.

So after the kids knew which side of the bulb goes up, which side goes down, and how much space to leave between the bulbs, the kids got going. We had a big basket full of tulip bulbs that needed to be planted. That was a lot of work! All the kids really enjoyed the little adventure and are really excited to watch their tulips flourish in April.

Deutsche Schule Kobe – European School 3-2-8 Koyochonaka Higashinada-ku, Kobe 658-0032 Japan Tel.: 078-857-9777・Fax: 078 857- 9775・http://www.dskobe.org/・mail@dskobe.org


Class Activities - MUSIC Preschool The students should try to experiment with musical contrasts, like loud and quiet, high and low and also smooth and jumpy. They use the whole body or body parts to respond the music they here.

Grade 5 & 6 The students also work with the Puff Song, but they more difficult goal then just singing. They try to play the song on the recorder. Some of them already use notes to practice.

Deutsche Schule Kobe – European School 3-2-8 Koyochonaka Higashinada-ku, Kobe 658-0032 Japan Tel.: 078-857-9777・Fax: 078 857- 9775・http://www.dskobe.org/・mail@dskobe.org


Class Activities - MUSIC Grade 1 & 2 and 3 & 4 They just began to sing the Puff Song. The aim is to create their own story and find out which learner profile is hidden.

Deutsche Schule Kobe – European School 3-2-8 Koyochonaka Higashinada-ku, Kobe 658-0032 Japan Tel.: 078-857-9777・Fax: 078 857- 9775・http://www.dskobe.org/・mail@dskobe.org


Class Activities - P.E. Video Sportfolio Each student did a really good job in P.E. so far and learned some new techniques. To show what they have actually learned Mr. Seifert just video taped the students in action. First of all it was important for him to assess the students correctly, but he also created a little clip for each student. So every one can check out their skill level at the certain sports. The students and their parents know according to the video and the assessment, which skills are achieved and which need to be improved.

The clips will be posted on the website with a special password for each grade. The parents will receive this password via mail and are able then to check out the clips of their kids.

Deutsche Schule Kobe – European School 3-2-8 Koyochonaka Higashinada-ku, Kobe 658-0032 Japan Tel.: 078-857-9777・Fax: 078 857- 9775・http://www.dskobe.org/・mail@dskobe.org


Important information - Calendar Important Dates in January 6th 29th 31st

Monday Wednesday Friday

First school day after winter break Assembly - Early Years Report Cards

Important Dates in February 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 26th

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Wednesday

3 Way Conference 3 Way Conference 3 Way Conference 3 Way Conference 3 Way Conference Assembly - Preschool

Important Dates in March 19th Wednesday Grade 5/6 17th -­‐ 21st Monday - Friday Project Week 24th -­‐ 28th Monday - Friday Spring Holiday

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Deutsche Schule Kobe – European School 3-2-8 Koyochonaka Higashinada-ku, Kobe 658-0032 Japan Tel.: 078-857-9777・Fax: 078 857- 9775・http://www.dskobe.org/・mail@dskobe.org


Important information

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Deutsche Schule Kobe – European School 3-2-8 Koyochonaka Higashinada-ku, Kobe 658-0032 Japan Tel.: 078-857-9777・Fax: 078 857- 9775・http://www.dskobe.org/・mail@dskobe.org

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