The Third Mind by William S Burroughs & Brion Gysin

Page 82



The chic-est baboon (sings). Of them all! Them all! Them all!



Ooooh! Doctor! B.G.

From Pitman's Commonsense A rithmetic 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

In the beginning was the word. The word was and is flesh. The word was and is sound and image. Sound travels at the rate of 1114 feet per second. Image travels at the speed of light: 186,000 miles per second. Mr B, at point B', and Mrs D, at point D', are 1114 feet apart. 7. Mrs D is equipped with a penetrating, long-range voice that carries from point D' to point B'. 8. Mrs D screams: " . . . flesh flesh flesh flesh you stinking heel. . ." (She hopes her contempt does not show unprotected margin.) 9. Mr B is equipped with a telescopic-sighted camera and a tape recorder. 10. The camera and tape recorder are synchronized so that when Mr B sights the beginning word on the lips of Mrs D, he takes her picture and begins to record. 11. One second later, he hears and records her words. 12. When he hears her words, he has already taken her picture. 13. Mr B has taken a picture of Mrs D one second before she manifests herself to him in word.

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