Graduation 2016

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MAP MASTERS PROJECTS SPACE During the academic year, the following 13 Master's Projects were presented in the glass passageway adjacent to the Zwarte Zaal, known as MAP, the Masters Project Space: Master's Project #35 (21.10 – 01.11.15) In Acte I: Phenomena, photographic work by Lore Horré and Elies Van Renterghem (master of photography) became three-dimensional, made-tomeasure for the glass corridor with the help of photo strips on plexiglass and paper, as well as video. Master's Project #36 (05.11 – 22.11.15) Voorbij de begrenzing (Beyond the Barrier) was a work in progress by textile design master student Leda Devoldere. A colourful collage evolved, made of adhesive foil, wood and fabrics, whose reflection reached beyond the barriers of the walls, the floor and the glass.

by Elleke Frijters & Fenna Van Espen took over the MAP space. Their materials and textures contrasted with the grey concrete, the clean glass and the cold steel, as if they had arrived from some other universe. Master's Project #39 (28.01 – 07.02.16) Eva Claus (master of photography) developed her fascination for water, which for Hierro, she attempted to translate into linguistic, photographic and filmic forms, with a quote by Robert Bresson at the back of her mind: ‘Traduire le vent invisible par l'eau qu'il sculpte en passant.’

Eva Claus, poster image Hierro (28.01 – 07.02.16)

Master's Project #40 (12.02 – 21.02.16) Vazengänk took the glass corridor itself, and how we see it, as its subject matter. After sundown, eight vases appeared on eight plinths. Graphic design students Hermine Cooreman, Jade Kerremans, Niek Pladet, Ferre Marnef, Mats Minnaert, Amina Saâdi, Emma Vanhille and Helen Van de Vloet each presented one of the vases. Leda Devoldere, exhibition view, Voorbij de begrenzing (05.11 – 22.11.15)

Master's Project #37 (27.11 – 08.12.15) Reinout Dewulf and Roeland van Trigt, master students in multimedia design, reconstructed the corridor into an artistic miniature golf course, called The Rising Hope. For a few euro coins, visitors could investigate the course, discovering that the four handmade golf courses were conceived more as dysfunctional installations. Master's Project #38 (09.12 – 20.12.15) With Invasie (Invasion), the sculptures

Exhibition view, Vazengänk (12-21.02.16)



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