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financial issues, but also social, emotional, and family

When it comes to public benefits like Social Security,

issues that seniors struggle with daily. In founding Life

Medicare, and Medicaid, as well as VA benefits, there is

Planning Law Firm, Pillion created a team-based ap-

a lot of misunderstanding that can lead to serious finan-

proach encompassing Elder Law, Estate Planning, Public

cial consequences. “A common question people have is

Benefits, and Elder Care Advocacy and Support.

how they will pay for all of the needed care without run-

“Most people come to us when they are in a crisis. Usually it is because they, their spouse, or a parent has had a significant

ning out of funds, compromising a spouse’s future, or draining funds intended for their heirs or charities,” Pillion says. “Care in a

and life-changing health incident,” he says. “Aging is inevitable

Skilled Nursing Facility can cost $10,000

but a crisis does not have to be.” Having a Life Care Plan in place

a month, and many people are not aware

makes a person’s wishes clear and avoids negative consequences such as Guardianship or family disputes. That’s because it

that Medicare does not pay for long term care. That is up to the individual.” Helping clients find a long term care plan that is

demonstrates a clear plan for care coordination and advocacy,

customized for their needs is part of a Life

financial and health care decision-making, and other support

Care Plan, along with proper Estate Plan-

needed to ensure a senior’s well being at all times. A good Life Care Plan anticipates — and creates contingencies for —

ning, up-to-date Powers of Attorney, designations of Health Care Surrogates, and Advance Directives.

a variety of “What-If” scenarios, Pillion says. In addition to being experienced in Estate Planning, Pillion also is a Certified Public Accountant, and has five years of experience working with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission in Washington, D.C. He received his Juris Doctorate from Georgetown University Law Center and has been practicing law for 25 years. He gained exceptional experience in Estate Planning while working on cases with Steven Winkelman, the prominent Estate Planning attorney and former Adjunct Professor of Estate Planning at Georgetown University Law Center. To deliver life care services, law firms must meet certain requirements, one of which is to have a Social Worker or Registered Nurse on staff. Catherine Csaky fills that role at Life Planning Law Firm. Csaky is the Client Care Advocate whose role is to coordinate the care required for clients’ evolving needs as they age, which provides a significant level of comfort for their children as well, many of whom live out of the area. She has a strong clinical background with a master’s degree in mental health counseling and advanced training in Geriatrics and Gerontology, health psychology, and behavioral medicine. Csaky also has extensive experience with local health care agencies and senior living facilities, which empowers family members with the information needed to make the best decisions for their loved ones.

Life Planning Law Firm

Many also don’t know that certain actions, such as gifting money to loved ones or transferring property titles, can trigger disqualification of Florida Medicaid. That’s where Public Benefits experts Bryson Eubanks and Shannon Feinroth help clients avoid pitfalls and ensure they receive entitled benefits. Eubanks previously worked seven years for attorney Timothy Takacs who is a pioneer in providing integrated care for elderly clients and transformed the practice of Elder Law in the United States. He is completing his second year of law school and has a master’s degree in Gerontology. In addition to her extensive expertise in Medicaid and Veterans Benefits, Feinroth is an Elder Law Paralegal as well as a Certified Elder Care Coordinator. Pillion, who is accredited by the Department of Veterans Affairs, says many veterans qualify for benefits they didn’t know they were entitled to receive. For example, married veterans who served in wartime may qualify for a $2,120 tax-free monthly benefit for long-term care in their homes or at a facility. “These are the kinds of things we can help people access whether they are in a crisis now or for the future,” he says. “Many people don’t want to face the issues we deal with because it can make them uncomfortable, but having a Life Care Plan in place can bring tremendous peace of mind.”

1671 Mound Street | Sarasota, FL 36236 | 941.914.6000 | August 2015




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