Observations and advices for the improvement of the manufacture of muscovado sugar and rum

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qustionable improvement which filtration makes, in the clearness, colour, and curing of the fugar. The refiner will look to his own (kill and interest, in his valuation of filtrated and unsiltrated fugar, from the fame j uce; but the consumer of Mufcovado fugar will undoubtedly choose the cleaned; and no man, who contemplates the process of curing or of drying the sugar, by the mere drainage of the melasses, can doubt Whether the cleaned fugar cures the bell, or whether the hell cured will lose the lead, by drainage and leakage, in the transpoitation. The moll easy and satisfactory comparison of filtrated fugar, with the unfiltrated, of equal juices, in regard to the cleannefs, is made by dissolving a quarter of an ounce or an half ounce of each, in half a pint of water, in a drinking' gluts, to represent the quantity generally ufed to make liquors palatable : The difference in the cleannefs of the solutions will appear greatest, in sugars made from the word juices, Of the lesser advantages of the filtration of such juices, we need mention Only two. By preventing the filth from palling forward to the second and first teach where it is apt to be charred by the greater heats of boiling syrup and fused fugar, and to form black ineruditions, highly pernicious, we enable thefe vessels to work for a double or triple time, before they require the scraping and scouring, which is always attended with a long interruption of the proper work of the boilinghouse, and a great wade of fire in the chilling of the furnaces. f iltration operates also with great effect, to make the produce of night work equal in quality to that; of the day; becaufe, the consequences which usually follow H

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