Narrative of a five years' expedition against the revolted negroes of Surinam in Guiana Vol.I (1)

Page 207



Ration, by Colonel Fourgeoud's command. Here we faw CHAP. VII. nothing but water, wood, and clouds; no trace of humanity, and confequently the place had a moll dismal, solitary appearance. On the 10th I detached the Cerberus to her Ration, viz, Upper Patamaca; for which place she rowed immediately, with a long lift of paroles, according to my orders, but which were never of any fervice. We now tried to cook the victuals on board; our furnace was a large tub filled with earth, and we fucceeded, at the expence of having almost fcalded one of my men to death, and at the hazard of fetting the barge once more on fire. As we had no furgeon along with us, this office fell to my lot; and, by the help of a small cheft of medicines, I performed fo well, that in a few days the fcalded marine recovered. To prevent, however, a similar accident again, I fought an opening in the creek above-named, Which having found not very far from the mouth, I ordered my negroes to build a shed, and my men to drefs their victuals below it, placing fentinels around them to prevent a furprize, and in the evening we returned to our ftation. This cooking we continued to perform every day, until the fourteenth, when we rowed down to Barbacoba. Here we built another shed on the 15th, for the fame purpose; and then, the rain already beating through my decks, we rowed down to Devil's Harwar for repair, where I put one of my negroes lick in the hospital. T 2


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