Santo Domingo past & present with a glance at Hayti. Partie 1

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terrauean formations found in them; and St Domingo shares largely in this peculiarity, for they are to be met with in every part of the island. On the east bank of the Ozama, some two miles distant from the village, there is a curious cave known as a " Cueva de Agua " or water-cave, where there is to be seen a natural lake formed in a rocky cavern, in which are many stalagmites of curious form. The most noted of these caves, however, are those of Santanna, reputed to be one of the places of resort for the aborigines of the island, who came here to worship their zemes or gods. To this cave our party directed its way, after having made the circuit of the town; and passing out by the western gate, and in front of the large cemetery, which lies bare and desolate just outside the city walls, we soon reached the thick scrub-covered rolling plain beyond the city, till, striking a bridle-path directly through the woods, we were protected from the sun by the dense foliage, which, meeting just above our heads, formed in many places a natural arch, under whose protecting shades we seemed as though shut out from the world, while turns in the path gave us lovely vistas of palms, and cocoas, and graceful flowing vines, and blossoming bush, that were charming; while the aroma and fragrance of the vegetation, on which still clung the morning dew, was especially delicious. Here, too, we met with the hedge of maya, upon which was now ripe the small yellow fruit, which, eaten sparingly, acts as a gentle purgative. At one of the houses, after we had ridden some distance, we picked up our guide, a negro boy, who, with only a pair of pants on, wan drawing water, his back exposed in all its nakedness to the hot sun, which he did not seem to mind. Coming to a high fence, which we could neither go over nor let down, we actually took the difficulty by the horns; that is, we rode our spirited little horses, after a small

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