Four years residence in the West Indies. Vol. 2

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“ Grenada is perhaps the most beautiful of the Antilles * * * “ her features are soft and noble without being great and awful.” Coleridge.

I WAS never so much delighted with any scenery as with that of the approach to Grenada. All along the coast it was beautiful; the little bays, the evergreen hills, the cultivated valleys, and the pretty town or village of Gouyave, with the merchant ships lying before the estates where they were loading, presented, as we passed them, an appearance far more lovely than I expected; but when the balmy gale of the morning freshened into a lively breeze, and our little sloop scudded into the bay; then the scenery that burst upon our view was such as to defy the powerful skill of the artist, or the vivid imagination of the poet. George Town, as seen from the bay, appeared more beautiful and well built than any other of the West India towns I had witnessed; it was surrounded on all sides by a hill, and the streets ran regularly up from the bay to its summit. On the right this hill extended towards the sea, where it rose into a round and rocky eminence that fell abruptly off, and formed

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