Enduring Relationship, Forging Ahead Together

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Chapter 1_ 1965-1989 ����-10.indd 22

21/10/2020 13:47

Chapter 1_ 1965-1989 ����-10.indd 22

21/10/2020 13:47


Contents 献词 Messages 4 新加坡贸工部长陈振声 Mr Chan Chun Sing, Minister for Trade and Industry of Singapore 6 中国驻新加坡大使洪小勇 H.E. Hong Xiaoyong, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Singapore 8 新加坡中华总商会会长黄山忠 Mr Roland Ng, President of Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry 10 中资企业(新加坡)协会会长程军 Mr Cheng Jun, President of China Enterprises Association (Singapore)


12 放眼四海——新中关系奠基期 1965-1989 Towards Global Reach – Foundation Years of Singapore-China Relations 1965-1989 22 雏鹰展翅——新中关系起步期 1990-2000 Spreading our Wings – Emerging Years of Singapore-China Diplomatic Relations 1990-2000 76 风起云涌——新中关系茁壮期 2001-2010 Flourishing of Relations – Spurring Growth in Singapore-China Relations 2001-2010 138 腾飞跃进——新中关系飞跃期 2011-2020 Soaring High – Achieving New Heights in Singapore-China Relations 2011-2020 222 共创未来 Forging Ahead Together 224 新加坡中华总商会第60届董事会 60th Council of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry 226 致谢 Acknowledgements



天津生态城转而聚焦可持续增长和发展;最新的政府间 合作中新 重庆)战略性互联互通示范项目,则着力加强 中国西部与东南亚地区的互联互通。除了贸易和投资, 两国广泛的合作领域已拓展至诸如社会治理和领导力建设等 领域,以及数字互联等新兴领域。 新中双边合作依托两国对彼此发展重点的深入了解, 以及两国人民和领导人的高度互信。多年来,新加坡中华 总商会为此发挥了重要作用。两国建交前,中华总商会已 率领了不少商团赴华,致力于推动两国的人文交流。随着 中国改革开放不断深入,中华总商会也紧跟其步伐,与中国


开展了全方位的多元化合作。中华总商会还与新加坡政府密切 合作,通过2007年成立 “通商中国”,以及中华总商会在上海


2010年)、重庆(2017年)和成都(2019年)设立了新加坡企业 中心,为赴华投资发展的新加坡企业提供支持。










在新冠疫情期间合作无间,反映了两国及两国人民的诚挚 友谊和深刻理解,以及多年来因努力实现互利共赢而对









Mr Chan Chun Sing

Our bilateral cooperation is premised upon a deep understanding of each other’s development priorities, and deep trust between the people and leaders of both countries. The Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry (SCCCI) has played an important role in this regard over the years. Before the establishment of diplomatic relations between Singapore and China, the SCCCI was already organising numerous business delegations to China, helping to promote people-to-people exchanges. As China proceeded with reforms and opening up, the SCCCI has kept up and developed all-round and diversified cooperation with China. The SCCCI has also worked closely with the Singapore Government to support Singapore companies venturing to China via the establishment of Business China in 2007, and the Singapore Enterprise Centres in Shanghai (2010), Chongqing (2017) and Chengdu (2019).

Minister for Trade and Industry of Singapore

As early as 1976, Mr Lee Kuan Yew visited China, long before Singapore and China established diplomatic relations in 1990. This was followed by Mr Deng Xiaoping’s visit to Singapore in 1978. Mr Deng Xiaoping was impressed by Singapore’s development, and saw how an open economy had helped Singapore grow. The subsequent exchange of visits laid the foundation for close ties between Singapore and China, which have continued to the present day.

Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, the SCCCI and its members have continued to maintain the momentum of the exchanges with China. They have worked closely together with the Singapore Government to support China in combating the pandemic by donating cash and medical supplies. They have kept our supply chains open and connected to facilitate trade flows and essential supplies. Singapore and China’s cooperation throughout the pandemic reflects the good friendship and understanding between our countries and people, as well as a level of familiarity developed over the years of being able to work together towards mutually beneficial outcomes. I am confident that the SCCCI will build upon this strong foundation and continue to strengthen the ties and friendship between Singapore and China in the years to come.

Through our bilateral cooperation with China, we are glad to be able to play a small role in China’s development journey over the years. Our bilateral cooperation has also evolved and progressed with the times, starting with the Suzhou Industrial Park during the earlier phase of China’s industrial development, to the Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City when the focus shifted to sustainable growth and development, and then the China-Singapore (Chongqing) Demonstration Initiative on Strategic Connectivity (CCI), our latest Government-to-Government project that enhances connectivity between Western China and Southeast Asia. Beyond trade and investment, our multi-faceted cooperation extends to areas such as social governance and leadership development, and new areas such as digital connectivity today.



过去30年,在两国领导人的关心和引领下,中新双方 始终风雨同行、携手并进,走出了一条独具特色的合作 共赢道路。两国建立了副总理级双边联委会和八个地方 合作机制,开创了三个标志性的政府间合作项目,合作 领域不断拓宽,合作成果不断深化。两国在 “一带一路” 框架内的合作起步早、起点高、格局大,为新时期双边 关系发展提供了新动力,也为沿线国家高质量、高水平 共建 “一带一路” 发挥了示范作用。两国文化、教育、


旅游、科技等领域务实合作都取得了可喜进展,为双方 带来了实实在在的利益,也为两国关系再上新台阶奠定了


坚实基础。 今年以来,中新两国在疫情应对中相互支持,携手互助,













H.E. Hong Xiaoyong

Deputy Prime Minister of Singapore and Vice Premier of China, eight provincial business and economic councils, and three Government-toGovernment projects. The areas of cooperation continue to expand, and outcomes continue to deepen. The bilateral cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) features early start, high standard and large scale. This has provided a new impetus for the development of the bilateral relations in a new era and set a fine example for the highquality Belt and Road cooperation among participating countries. The two countries also made new progress in cooperation on culture, education, travel and science, which delivered tangible benefits to both sides and laid a solid foundation for the further improvement in the bilateral relations.

Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Singapore

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Singapore, the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry (SCCCI) published this pictorial to review the historical journey of China-Singapore cooperation. This is a meaningful initiative. I would like to extend my warm congratulations on the publication and sincere gratitude to the SCCCI for making contributions to the cooperation between China and Singapore.

During the outbreak of COVID-19 this year, China and Singapore have given support and assistance to each other, and maintained steady development in various areas. This demonstrates once again the forward-looking, strategic and exemplary nature of the ChinaSingapore relations. We are commemorating the 30th anniversary with real actions, which are highly relevant to the efforts and contributions made by friends from business communities represented by the SCCCI. Let’s use this anniversary as an opportunity to further deepen the mutually beneficial cooperation, and embrace a better future for the China-Singapore relations!

Over the past 30 years, under the guidance of the leaders from both countries, China and Singapore have worked together and created a unique win-win partnership of cooperation. The two countries have set up a joint council headed by the


献词 一个个历史时刻。着眼下一个三十年,我们将继续携手探寻 新的发展机遇。两国政府之间的合作为新中关系打下了夯实 的基础。1994年,新加坡和中国启动首个国家级合作项目: 苏州工业园区。时至今日,已落成的政府间合作项目还有 中新天津生态城和中新(重庆)战略性互联互通示范项目。 不仅如此,新加坡和中国八个省、市也成立了双边经贸 理事会。这些合作机制为两国企业在各领域的多方面合作, 互利共赢创造了巨大的空间,进一步推动双边经贸关系 发展,深化两国人民的友谊。 1966年,建国总理李光耀在写给总商会庆祝成立六十周年的 贺词中曾说:“总商会的历史反映着新加坡的历史” 。这本 画册反映了新中建交以来,总商会从三方面推动新中两地 经贸关系的发展,为两国企业搭建互动平台。一、密切与 中国政商界的往来:参与新中双边合作联合委员会等组织、


组织商业代表团出访中国、总商会管理学院为中国政商 精英量身打造课程;二、积极推动两国企业商贸互动:在


上海、成都设立新加坡企业中心,开设重庆代表处为有意 拓展海外市场的两国企业提供服务、常年举办新中商务 论坛等商务活动、出版新加坡投资指南;三、搭建全球华商




总商会将继续支持两国 “引进来”、“走出去” ,营造更多交流



蓬勃的朝气。在国家发展道路上,新中两国企业家肩负着 推动经济和社会进步的责任。新加坡中华总商会作为本地





在两地得以传承,激励新一代企业家继续为新中两国经贸 发展添砖加瓦。

1978年11月,新加坡总理李光耀和中国副总理邓小平两位 领导人在新加坡会面,为新加坡参与中国的改革开放拉开





两国和区域繁荣发展。 8


Mr Roland Ng

provincial business and economic councils. These platforms of cooperation operate at multiple levels and in various areas, creating vast opportunities for mutual benefit, advancing bilateral trade and investment developments, and deepening the friendship between the citizens of both countries.

President of Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry

In 1966, Founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew said in his congratulatory message to the Chamber at its 60th anniversary, “The history of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce is a reflection of the history of Singapore”. This pictorial illustrates three perspectives in which the Chamber has promoted the development of bilateral trade and investment since ties were formalised. Firstly, the close interaction and exchanges with the public and private sectors of China: participating in the Singapore-China bilateral business and economic councils, organising delegations to China, and conducting customised training by the Singapore Chinese Chamber Institute of Business for China officials and business elites; secondly, actively promoting business and economic interactions for enterprises in both countries: establishing Singapore Enterprise Centres in Shanghai and Chengdu and the Chongqing Representative Office to provide requisite services for those venturing into overseas markets, organising the Singapore-China Business Forum and other business events, and publishing the Singapore Investment Guide; thirdly, forming a global Chinese business network: founding the World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention, and setting up Business China. Going forward, the Chamber will continue to support the policies of “bringing in” and “going global”, creating even more avenues for exchange, and facilitating companies of both countries to venture into even larger markets together.

Singapore established diplomatic relations with China in 1990. Prior to that, the people of both countries had already forged friendly ties, providing mutual support and cooperation for business and social activities. The firmly grounded trade and business relations remain vibrant to this very day. Along the path of national progress, the business communities of both countries have shouldered the responsibility of promoting economic and social development. As the apex organisation of the local Chinese business community, the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry has led local entrepreneurs to wield their respective strengths in contributing to bilateral trade and investments. This positive outcome has benefited the citizens of both countries. In November 1978, Singapore’s Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew and China’s paramount leader Deng Xiaoping met in Singapore and laid the foundation for Singapore’s involvement in China’s Opening-up and Reform initiative. In 1981, trade representative offices were set up in Beijing and Singapore to strengthen trade and investment links between both countries. Enterprises from Singapore and China, through different moments of history, learnt from each other and gained mutually. In the next 30 years, we shall continue to explore new development opportunities together.

Looking back over three decades, businesses of both countries have made bold strides by pursuing excellence with a great sense of responsibility. Their efforts have set a shining example for posterity. I hope the Spirit of Chinese Entrepreneurs would continue to persevere in both countries, becoming a source of inspiration for a new generation of entrepreneurs to contribute towards the business and economic development of Singapore and China.

Cooperation between the governments of both countries has created strong underpinnings for Singapore-China relations. In 1994, Singapore and China initiated its first bilateral collaborative project, the Suzhou Industrial Park. Since then, two more Government-to-Government projects have been set up, namely Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City and the ChinaSingapore (Chongqing) Demonstration Initiative on Strategic Connectivity. Apart from these, Singapore and China have established eight bilateral

The friendship of our nations has remained steadfast over these 30 years of diplomatic relations. Looking ahead, I hope the relations between our two countries would be further broadened and deepened, keeping abreast of the times, and continuing to promote prosperity and progress for both countries as well as the region. 9

献词 先后在上海和重庆设立代表处,努力搭建中新经贸交流合作的 桥梁。不仅如此,作为本地华商的最高领导机构,总商会也积极 担任社会、教育、慈善等领域的责任,推动中新各领域的交往。 中资企业(新加坡)协会是广大中资企业在新加坡唯一的民间 组织机构。自1999年成立以来,在新加坡各界的支持下,在 总商会等友好商协会的帮助下,不断成长壮大,现有会员数量 已超过700家,覆盖贸易、金融、航运、能源、基础设施、 科技通信、文化教育等各领域,致力于为新加坡社会经济发展 和中新经贸合作贡献力量。 今年新冠疫情发生以来,中资企业(新加坡)协会与以总商会为


代表的友好商协会紧密协作,推动两国企业携手抗疫, 共克时艰,充分利用 “国际陆海新通道” 等有利条件,努力确保

中资企业(新加坡) 协会会长

两国产业链供应链稳定畅通,同时积极担当社会责任,全力支持 中新两国抗击疫情,彰显两国工商企业风雨同舟、守望相助的 真挚情谊。

今年是新加坡建国55周年,恰逢中新建交30周年。两国 友谊在共抗疫情、互施援手中持续深化。作为新加坡历史最







合作空间。中资企业(新加坡)协会愿与总商会携手,持续推动 双边企业深层次、多领域、广范围的互利合作,推进国际陆海




国经贸合作的重要桥梁和纽带,为两国企业共同 “走出去” 提供



访问中国,促进两国经贸领域的突破性发展。两国建交之后, 总商会与中国的联系更迈向全方位、多元化发展,积极推动



开创中新合作的美好未来! 10


Mr Cheng Jun

China Enterprises Association (Singapore) is the only private sector organisation in Singapore representing the many China enterprises operating here. Since its establishment in 1999, with the support of many sectors in Singapore, and the assistance of business associations like the SCCCI, China Enterprises Association (Singapore) has continued to expand. Our current membership strength consists of more than 700 businesses, covering trade, finance, shipping, energy, infrastructure, infocommunications, culture and education, amongst others, contributing towards Singapore’s social and economic development and China-Singapore business and trade collaboration.

President of China Enterprises Association (Singapore) This year, the 55th year of Singapore’s independence, coincides with the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Singapore. The friendship between our two countries has continued to deepen with the mutual support rendered to combat COVID-19. The Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry (SCCCI), being the most influential business organisation with a long history in Singapore, has been promoting Singapore’s social and economic development all along, and plays a special role to promote the interaction between China and Singapore.

Since the outbreak of COVID-19 this year, China Enterprises Association (Singapore) has worked closely with the SCCCI to give impetus to enterprises from our two countries to combat the virus, fully utilising the “New international Land-Sea Channel” to ensure an uninterrupted supply chain. Similarly, we have fulfilled social responsibility in wholly supporting both China and Singapore to fight the coronavirus. This truly demonstrates the mutual assistance and sincere friendship between the business communities of both countries.

The SCCCI’s history of more than a hundred years manifests Singapore’s history of development, and reflects the history of cooperation between China and Singapore. Even before our two countries established diplomatic relations, the Chamber had already forged business and trade ties with China’s business community, and organised numerous business missions to China from the 1950s to 1980s, making a breakthrough in this area. After diplomatic relations were formalised, the ties between SCCCI and China became more all-encompassing and diversified. The SCCCI encouraged Singapore enterprises to invest in China and enter into third markets with China businesses, set up representative offices in Shanghai followed by Chongqing, and made tremendous efforts to become a bridge for economic and business exchange and collaboration between China and Singapore. In addition, being the apex business organisation for the local Chinese business community, the SCCCI also fulfils its responsibility in looking after social, education and charitable causes to promote the various exchanges between China and Singapore.

Standing at the threshold of 30 years, leveraging on a new historical era of relations between our two countries, the business communities of China and Singapore look forward to a slew of new development opportunities. We share a natural foundation of cooperation and complement each other’s strengths. Vast opportunities await us in the digital economy and in the third country markets. China Enterprises Association (Singapore) is willing to partner SCCCI in continuing to promote the depth and breadth of mutually beneficial cooperation between enterprises in both countries, advance the construction of the New International Land-Sea Channel, promote bilateral and regional trade and investment cooperation, and build an important bridge for China-Singapore business and trade cooperation, providing exceptional services for enterprises of both countries in “going global”. May the SCCCI’s legacy last far beyond this past century! Let us advance in partnership to create an excellent future for China-Singapore cooperation! 11

Chapter One | 1965-1989

放眼四海 新中关系奠基期 1965-1989


Chapter One | 1965-1989






建立与国际工商界关系,积极主办贸易与投资考察活动, 协助吸引海外公司到新加坡投资,推广现代化高科技在




加强新中两国的经济合作与技术联系,促进新加坡工商界 与第三国对中国贸易与投资的合作。

此时,东南亚华人经贸活跃,亚洲华商积极寻找密切的 商业合作。随着国际局势的发展变化,新加坡与中国往来










两国政府高层频密互访,1981年北京和新加坡互设商务贸易 代表处,促进了两国经贸交流,关系向前迈进一大步。


Chapter One | 1965-1989

Towards Global Reach Foundation Years of Singapore-China Relations



Chapter One | 1965-1989

On August 9 1965, Singapore announced its independence, with a strong focus on developing industry and the economy, advancing towards a period of industrialisation. Singapore placed great emphasis on the development of talent and embarked on attracting foreign investment; it also broadened its reach of foreign affairs and trade in the pursuit of expanding regional development.

official visits to China. Subsequently, Trade Representative Offices were set up in both Beijing and Singapore in 1981 to promote bilateral business and trade ties. As the largest business organisation representing the Chinese community in Singapore, Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry (SCCCI) helps to propel industrial development and strengthen the Singapore economy by building contacts with the international business community, actively organising trade and investment missions, helping to attract overseas companies to invest in Singapore, promoting hi-tech solutions for local enterprises, setting up a Singapore-China Trade and Investment Promotion Committee to bolster bilateral economic and technological collaborations between Singapore and China, and encouraging local businesses to partner with third countries to trade and invest in China.

Towards the end of the 1970s, China made significant economic reforms, centering both on the domestic arena and on opening up to the external economy. During that time, the Chinese community in Southeast Asia stepped up on business activities, and Chinese businessmen in Asia pursued business collaborations in earnest. Against the backdrop of international and domestic developments, establishing diplomatic relations with China was an inevitable move for Singapore. Government officials of both countries made innumerable visits, paving the way for this to take place. In 1975, Singapore’s Foreign Minister S. Rajaratnam visited China at the invitation of the Chinese. The landmark visit of China’s Vice Premier Deng Xiaoping in November 1978 formed the catalyst for Singapore’s involvement in the opening up of China. Founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew followed up with four

SCCCI has always maintained very close business and trade relations with China. As far back as 1965, the Chamber initiated a 60-member Singapore business delegation to China; these business missions to China grew more frequent in the 1970s and 1980s. Many China delegations were also welcomed at the Chamber during this period.


Chapter One | 1965-1989





PM Lee Kuan Yew and his Cabinet firmly believed that industrialisation was the only way for Singapore to survive after gaining independence.

曾开会二次,研究如何发展对外贸易,促进经济繁荣。ˮ During SCCCI’s council meeting on August 31 1965, President Soon Peng Yam said: “We separated from Malaysia and became an independent nation. Our four leading Chambers have held meetings twice to examine how to develop external trade and promote economic prosperity.”


Chapter One | 1965-1989


Chapter One | 1965-1989


From the 1950s to 1980s, the Chamber organised many overseas business missions. After Singapore gained independence, the Chamber stepped up on its trade and investment missions to support Singapore’s industrial development. On October 20 1971, during the visit to Beijing, the Chamber’s President Wee Cho Yaw and Vice-President Tan Keong Choon paid a courtesy call to China’s Vice Premier Li Xiannian.

独立以后,为协助推动国家工业化发展,本会贸易与投资考察 活动愈加频繁。1971年10月20日,黄祖耀会长、陈共存副会长 率领新加坡中华总商会中国访问团出访北京期间,拜见中国 副总理李先念。


Chapter One | 1965-1989

中国银行代表团1976年6月26日拜访总商会,陈共存会长 (右一) 出席接待。 The Bank of China delegation visited the Chamber on June 26 1976, and was received by President Tan Keong Choon (far right).


Chapter One | 1965-1989

▼早在新中建交之前,中华总商会已经是促进双边 交流的助力。1986年9月16日,总商会接待以中国 国际贸 易 促 进 委 员 会 会 长 贾 石 ( 中 ) 为 首 的 8 人 代表团。

▲新加坡工商联合总会会长林继民 (中) 及新加坡中华总商会会长陈共存 (左二) 率领经济考察团在1984年3月18日起到中国作为期三个星期的访问。 左一为总商会副会长林荫华。考察团先经香港,继而访问中国深圳、汕头、 厦门、上海、天津、北京、广州、福州、南京、苏州、无锡各重要城市, 各省市特区领导甚为重视,双方就宾馆、办公楼、住宅、修船、木材加工、 交通工具、电脑、花岗石开采等具体项目签订了原则性的合作意向书。 Singapore Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry President Lim Kee Ming (middle) and SCCCI President Tan Keong Choon (second from left) jointly led a 3-week trade mission to China from March 18 1984. After the first stop of Hong Kong, the mission carried on with visits to important cities in China like Shenzhen, Shantou, Xiamen, Shanghai, Tianjin, Beijing, Guangzhou, Fuzhou, Nanjing, Suzhou and Wuxi. Mission members paid visits to leaders of the various provinces and cities. The mission witnessed the signing of various Memoranda of Understanding on projects like hotels, office and residential properties, ship repair, wood processing, transport equipment, computer peripherals and granite mining.


Even prior to the establishing of diplomatic relations between Singapore and China, the Chamber already played an important role in promoting reciprocal ties. On September 16 1986, the Chamber hosted an 8-member delegation from China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) led by its President Jia Shi (middle).

Chapter One | 1965-1989

▼1989年,陈共存会长 (右) 接待来访的中国商业部长胡平。 In 1989, Chamber President Tan Keong Choon (right) welcomed a visit from China’s Minister of Commerce, Hu Ping.

▲1988年4月12日,时任中国福建省厦门市委常委、副市长习近平 (左) 率领代表团访问新加坡中华总商会,介绍厦门经济特区。总商会会长 林荫华接待代表团。 On April 12 1988, Xi Jinping (left), then Party Committee member and ViceMayor of Xiamen, headed a delegation to the Chamber to introduce the Special Economic Zone of Xiamen, and was received by Chamber’s President Linn In Hua.


Chapter Two | 1990-2000

雏鹰展翅 新中关系起步期 1990 - 2000


Chapter Two | 1990-2000

1990年新中建交。邓小平在1992年南巡并发表了 “南方


讲话” ,期许广东能按其 “生产力为基础的发展观” 发展






贸易伙伴发展经贸关系,扩大合作范围,积极参与 多边贸易体制,特别是申请加入世界贸易组织。此时,





河北省,成立河北——新加坡中华总商会经贸合作工作 委员会,促成了两地以及与第三方的合作。


海南省,这是与新加坡贸易发展局 (现称新加坡企业


发展局) 联合组织的考察行程。




















Chapter Two | 1990-2000

Spreading our Wings Emerging Years of Singapore-China Diplomatic Relations

1990 - 2000


Chapter Two | 1990-2000

Singapore established diplomatic relations with China in 1990. Deng Xiaoping strengthened China’s economic reformation programme in 1992 during his Southern Tour, which aspired that a productivity-driven economic development for Guangdong province would enable it to catch up with the four Asian dragons within 20 years. China embarked on a new wave of opening up to the outside world with strategies centering on technology and trade, and persevered in developing business and trade ties with major global trade partners. It expanded its peripheries of cooperation and participated in multilateral trade organisations, particularly in applying to join the World Trade Organization. Singapore, then already one of the world’s financial centres, accelerated its development of the external economy. Singaporeans were encouraged by the government to venture overseas to invest and work, with China being one of the favoured destinations.

Linking up with the Chinese business federations: SCCCI also connected with Chinese trade and business associations such as ACFIC or All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce.

Understanding the Developments of China's Provinces and Cities: Fujian Province: One of the first provinces visited by the Chamber, given the close kinship ties with local Chinese community. Hebei Province: A Hebei-SCCCI Economic and Trade Cooperation Working Committee was formed and concluded many Memoranda of Understanding to strengthen trade and investment linking Singapore, China and third countries, and foster global business cooperation. Hainan Province: This was a jointly organised visit with the then Singapore Trade Development Board (currently Enterprise Singapore, ESG). Shandong Province: This business mission was jointly organised in conjunction with the visit of Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew and Deputy Prime Minister Ong Teng Cheong. Malay Chamber: Among the business delegations to China, one included the mission jointly organised with Malay Chamber of Commerce to build up business relations with the Muslim community in China, in order to expand trade between Singapore and Muslim countries in the Middle East.

The Chamber was instrumental in promoting two-way business and trade collaborations between Singapore and China. Before and after diplomatic relations were formalised, the Chamber continued to perpetuate its business networks with a long-term perspective. The interaction between the businesses can be found in three broad directions:

Establishing networking:





Receiving Dignitaries from China:

World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention (WCEC): In 1991, the Chamber founded the inaugural WCEC, providing a platform to strengthen economic cooperation and mutual understanding amongst the Chinese business community worldwide. Training at Singapore Chinese Chamber Institute of Business: Chamber started sharing its Singapore experience in public management, finance and urban planning with Chinese officials.

In the 1990s, Singapore was China’s largest trading partner in Southeast Asia. Prominent China leaders and many China delegations received at the Chamber included Zhu Rongji, then mayor of Shanghai, then Vice-Premier Yao Yilin and then Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Minister Wu Yi.


Chapter Two | 1990-2000


世界华商大会 Establishing systems and structures for networking:

World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention


Chapter Two | 1990-2000

经过两年积极的筹备,首届世界华商大会终于在1991年8月10日在 文华大酒店掀开序幕。新加坡中华总商会成功创立 “世界华商大会”, 在 “和而不同” 的基础上,为世界华商提供加强经济合作、促进相互 了解的论坛,大会从此成为全球华人商界的盛会。 我国内阁资政李光耀在大会开幕典礼上发表了主题为 “中国与海外 华人那不可或缺的亲切感” 的演讲时指出,海外华人社会在经济上 取得的成就,令中国感到鼓舞,并成为中国向前发展的一个强大的 牵引力。来自30个国家/地区约800名代表齐聚一堂,讨论有关华商的 经济和社会文化议题。


After two years of intense preparations, the inaugural World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention (WCEC) held its official opening at Mandarin Hotel on August 10 1991. The SCCCI successfully founded the WCEC to strengthen economic cooperation and promote mutual understanding amongst global ethnic Chinese entrepreneurs and professionals. It has since then become an established platform uniting the Chinese business community worldwide. During the Opening Ceremony, Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew pointed out that “successful Chinese communities overseas are a spur to action in China”, and that “Chinese abroad become a powerful pull factor in China’s evolution forward”. Altogether 800 delegates from 30 countries and regions gathered at the WCEC to discuss economic and social issues relating to Chinese entrepreneurship.

Chapter Two | 1990-2000







和社会课题的全体大会上,以 “太平洋



世纪的亚洲文明” 为题发表主题演讲。



On Day 3 of the WCEC, George Yeo, then Minister for Information and the Arts and Second Minister for Foreign Affairs, delivered a keynote speech on “Asian Civilization in the Pacific Century” at the Plenary Session on Cultural & Social Issues.

The Chamber founded the World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention in 1991. At the 2nd WCEC held in Hong Kong on November 22-24 1993, Singapore was represented by a 116-member delegation from the Chamber.

Singapore’s Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew, Keynote Speaker for the 2nd WCEC in Hong Kong, gave a speech on “Networking to Some Purpose”. It was attended by more than 1,000 Chinese businessmen and professionals from 22 countries and regions.


Chapter Two | 1990-2000


The 3rd World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention was held in Bangkok on December 3-5 1995. The 95-member Chamber delegation was led by Honorary President Tan Eng Joo and Vice-President Freddy Lam. During the convention, the Chamber launched the online business networking platform World Chinese Business Network, in keeping with the theme of the 3rd WCEC – “Strengthening World Chinese Entrepreneurs Network, Working Together for Economic Development & Prosperity”.

举行,总商会名誉会长陈永裕和副会长蓝宏赉率领95人代表团 出 席 。 大 会 上 推 出 总 商 会 投 资 设 立 的 互 联 网 平 台《 世 界 华 商 网络》,体现了该届大会的主题——加强世界华商联系,共谋 经济发展繁荣。


Chapter Two | 1990-2000

◄我国内阁资政李光耀在第二届世界华商大会上倡议,利用网际 网络加强全球华商联系的概念。总商会对此作出积极的反应, 随即展开一系列筹组工作,成立华商网络私人有限公司,以 郭令裕会长为主席。经过一年半精心策划,世界华商网络于 1995年12月8日正式启用。 At the 2nd WCEC in Hong Kong, Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew’s keynote speech envisaged a project using the Internet to strengthen and widen the nexus of Chinese business leaders. Motivated by his message, the Chamber immediately sprung to action and mounted preparations, including setting up the Chinese Business Network Co Ltd with President Kwek Leng Joo as Chairman. After a year of earnest preparations, the World Chinese Business Network was officially launched on December 8 1995.





BG George Yeo, Minister for Information and the Arts and Health, and Chamber President Kwek Leng Joo, presided over the launching ceremony of the World Chinese Business Network.

On August 25-28 1997, the Chamber sent a large delegation to attend the 4th World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention held in Vancouver, as well as the Industry and Trade Fair organised in conjunction with the 4th WCEC.


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Chamber President Tay Beng Chuan led a 65-member delegation to participate in the 5th World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention in Melbourne on October 6-9 1999. Representatives from Singapore Trade Development Board and SPRING Singapore joined the delegation for the first time. Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew delivered his keynote speech via a pre-recorded video. SM Lee emphasised that Chinese who have migrated, being part of a vibrant Chinese community, should give total political loyalty to their new homeland. He also said that the industry of the Chinese, their natural bent for science and mathematics, and their ability to maintain strong networks across the oceans, position them for the knowledge-based economy of the 21st century.

出席澳洲墨尔本举办的第五届世界华商大会。我国 贸易发展局和生产力与标准局首次派代表参加。我国 内阁资政李光耀在开幕典礼上,通过摄像转播发表 主题演说。李资政强调,移居海外的华人应该完全 效忠所属的新家园,展望华商的前景。李资政认为, 华人勤勉,对科学与数学具有天分,同时能够保持在 世界各地的巨大联络网,这使他们能为21世纪的知识型 经济作好充分的准备。


Chapter Two | 1990-2000


新加坡中华总商会 管理学院 Establishing systems and structures for networking:

Singapore Chinese Chamber Institute of Business


Chapter Two | 1990-2000


In the early 1990s, the Singapore Chinese Chamber Training Centre began to conduct courses for China officials and senior management personnel of China’s state-owned enterprises, providing training on Singapore’s experience in public management, finance, corporate management and urban planning.

企业高级管理人员定制课程,提供内容涵盖以新加坡经验为基础 的公共管理、银行、企业管理和城市规划等培训。


Chapter Two | 1990-2000

▲1991年,中国国家级新产品管理人员来新加坡在禧街47号 总商会大厦参加培训班。 In 1991, a group comprising China’s National New Product Management Officials attended a training programme conducted within the Chamber’s building at 47 Hill Street. ►总商会管理学院为中国官员提供的培训课程在推动新中关系上 起着积极的作用。1991年10月,时任中国驻新加坡使馆商务参赞 朱震元说:“中新经贸合作前景广阔,中国和新加坡有着传统的 友好关系。” Training programmes provided by the Singapore Chinese Chamber Institute of Business for China’s government officials played a very useful role in advancing Singapore-China relations. In October 1991, Zhu Zhenyuan, Commercial Counsellor, Embassy of the People’s Republic of China said: “The outlook for economic and trade cooperation between China and Singapore is promising; both countries share a tradition of friendly relations.”


Chapter Two | 1990-2000


Professor Zheng Shaolian was a renowned management scholar in China, a pioneer of China’s modern management in education, and the founder of Fudan University’s management school. On January 18 1994, the Chamber and the Singapore Chinese Chamber Training Centre organised a seminar on “Pearl River Delta Economic Development and the Development of Pudong”. Prof Zheng, then Dean of Fudan University’s management school, and consultant of Shanghai’s government policy, was the guest speaker. He elaborated on the industrial structure of Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang, transport and logistics in the Pearl River Delta, supply of electricity and other topics, and analysed the impact of Pudong’s development on the economic development of the Pearl River Delta, and the outlook of Pudong’s development and reform.

复旦大学管理学院创始人。1994年1月18日,总商会和培训中心 举办《长江三角洲经济发展与浦东开发》专题演讲,主讲者就是 当时的复旦大学管理学院院长、上海市政府决策咨询专家 郑绍濂教授。郑教授从上海、江苏及浙江间工业结构、 长江三角洲交通运输、电力供应等课题切入,向与会者分析浦东 开发对长江三角洲经济发展造成的影响以及浦东开发开放的发展 趋势。


Chapter Two | 1990-2000


联接中国商会组织 Establishing systems and structures for networking:

Linking up with the Chinese business federations


Chapter Two | 1990-2000


On September 16 1994, Jing Shuping (left), Chairman of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce brought an 8-member delegation to visit the Chamber, and was received by Chamber President Kwek Leng Joo.



Chapter Two | 1990-2000

▼左起:中华全国工商业联合会副主席桓玉珊、中国驻新加坡 大使杨文昌、新加坡贸易发展局主席杨至耀、总商会副会长 蓝宏赉为 “中华全国工商业联合会会员企业经贸洽谈会” 剪彩。 From left: ACFIC Vice Chairman Heng Yushan, H.E. Yang Wenchang, Ambassador of the People's Republic of China, Singapore Trade Development Board Chairman Alan Yeo, and Chamber Vice-President Freddy Lam, at the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the business forum.

▲总商会和中华全国工商业联合会分别于1994年10月25日和 26日主办 “国际中国书画博览会94新加坡展” 与 “中华全国工商业 联合会会员企业经贸洽谈会” ,中国人大副委员长、中华全国 工商业联合会名誉主席王光英率领代表团到新加坡来出席开幕 仪式。 On October 25 and 26 1994, the Chamber and All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce (ACFIC) jointly organised the “International China Painting Exhibition Singapore Pavilion” and “All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce Business Forum”. Wang Guangying, Vice Chairperson of the National People’s Congress and Honorary Chairman of the ACFIC, led a delegation to attend the opening ceremony of both events in Singapore.


Chapter Two | 1990-2000


ACFIC’s delegation to the business forum comprised some 80 people representing more than 50 companies, with over 300 projects from Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Henan, Shandong and Hubei provinces, amounting to US$1 billion altogether.

代表团,汇集了江苏、浙江、河南、山东和湖北等开放省市的 300多个项目,总值是10亿美元。


Chapter Two | 1990-2000


All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce Chairman Jing Shuping visited the Chamber on many occasions. On September 15 1996, he led a high-level delegation on a visit to the Chamber.



Chapter Two | 1990-2000

▼1998年3月26日至28日,中国五矿化工进出口商会信息咨询部 主任黄京京率11人代表团访问新加坡,考察东南亚的经济发展 形势,以促进中国和东南亚的经贸联系与合作。3月27日, 代表团访问总商会,向本会了解有关收集和处理经贸信息的运作 情况,探讨合作途径和方式,以加强两地同业的联系。 On March 26-28 1998, China’s Wukuang Chemical Import and Export Chamber’s advisor Huang Jingjing led an 11-member delegation to Singapore, to explore the economic development and trends in Southeast Asia, to promote economic and trade ties and cooperation between China and Southeast Asia. On March 27, the delegation called on the Chamber to find out how to collect and manage trade information and explore possible collaboration to strengthen ties with related businesses in both countries. ▲1996年11月5日,中华全国工商业联合会副主席保育钧率6人 代表团访问总商会,加强两会的联系并签订世界华商网络合作 协议。 On November 5 1996, All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce Vice-Chairman Bao Yujun led a 6-member delegation to the Chamber, to strengthen mutual linkages and sign a Memorandum of Understanding on the World Chinese Business Network.


Chapter Two | 1990-2000

了解中国各省市 发展信息 Understanding the Developments of China's Provinces and Cities


Chapter Two | 1990-2000


On October 18-28 1990, the Chamber led a joint Singapore Trade Mission with Singapore Trade Development Board (TDB) to Shanghai and the cities of Fuzhou and Xiamen in Fujian province. Mission Leader was Alan Yeo, Chairman of TDB and Deputy Mission Leader was Tan Keong Choon, the Chamber’s Honorary President. The mission itinerary included a courtesy call on Shanghai Mayor Zhu Rongji.

贸易考察团到中国上海及福建省的福州与厦门考察,团长为贸易 发展局主席杨至耀,副团长是本会名誉会长陈共存。考察期间, 代表团拜会了上海市市长朱镕基。


Chapter Two | 1990-2000

▼考察团拜会福建省委副书记贾庆林。 Meeting with Jia Qinglin, Deputy Party Secretary of Fujian province.

▲考察团团长杨至耀与副团长陈共存拜会厦门副市长江平。 Mission Leader Alan Yeo and Deputy Mission Leader Tan Keong Choon meeting with Xiamen’s Vice Mayor Jiang Ping.


Chapter Two | 1990-2000


On October 24 1990, the mission met with Fuzhou Party Secretary Xi Jinping.



Chapter Two | 1990-2000


On December 28 1995, the Hebei-SCCCI Economic & Trade Cooperation Working Committee held its inaugural meeting at Raffles City Convention Centre. Chamber President Kwek Leng Joo was the moderator and members of both sides participated in discussions. Hebei Governor Ye Liansong, in Singapore for an official visit on December 26-31, also attended the meeting.

总商会经贸合作工作委员会在新加坡莱佛士城 会议中心召开第一次工作会议。总商会会长 郭令裕主持会议,新中两方成员参加了 会议。12月26日至31日率团访问新加坡的 河北省省长叶连松也出席了会议。


Chapter Two | 1990-2000


After the first Hebei-SCCCI Economic & Trade Cooperation Working Committee held its first meeting at the end of December 1995, the Chamber embarked on the workplans stipulated by the committee for 1996. On May 16-23 1996, President Kwek Leng Joo led a 28-member trade and investment mission to Hebei, for site visits to explore the investment and trade opportunities of Shijiazhuang, Baoding and Langfang. This was the Chamber’s first project focused on promoting Singapore’s trade and investment cooperation with Hebei.

召开首次会议之后,总商会积极展开工作,以落实工委会定制的 1996年工作计划。1996年5月16日至23日,郭令裕会长率领贸易 与投资考察团访问河北省石家庄、保定与廊坊,实地考察这三个 城市的投资与贸易机会。这项考察访问是总商会为促进新加坡与 河北省经贸合作的一系列活动之一。


Chapter Two | 1990-2000

◄28人考察团包括9位澳洲商家。总商会希望通过这样的活动发展 河北省、澳洲和新加坡之间的双边和多边经济网络。 The 28-member mission consisted of 9 from Australia. The Chamber hoped that such activities would develop the bilateral and multi-lateral economic ties linking Hebei, Australia and Singapore.


▲访问河北省期间,总商会代表会晤了当地领导,就新中经贸 合作的课题进行了坦诚的交流。

Mission members met up with Hebei business counterparts on areas of cooperation.

During the trip to Hebei, the Chamber’s delegates entered into a candid discussion with government leaders on two-way economic cooperation between Singapore and China.


Chapter Two | 1990-2000

▼1997年9月22日至25日,在总商会前会长、贸易发展局副主席 郭令裕 (前排左三) 率领下,由总商会与贸易发展局联合组织 23人贸易与投资考察团,访问中国河北省秦皇岛市、唐山市和 天津市。考察团成员还包括8名澳洲和1名以色列企业代表。 On September 22-25 1997, Chamber’s Immediate Past President and Deputy Chairman of the Singapore Trade Development Board (TDB) Kwek Leng Joo (front row, third from left) led an investment mission to Qinghuangdao, Tangshan and Tianjin. This 23-member mission was jointly organised by the Chamber and TDB. Mission members included eight Australians and one Israeli business delegate.

▲考察活动促成了多项合作协议书或合同的签署:亚太投资控股 有限公司代表6家企业与河北公路开发公司签署6项合同,本会 董事魏成辉与河北保定食品公司签署促销协议书,本会董事 耿信生与河北方面也签署了更新工厂设备及提供培训谅解 备忘录。此行加强了新加坡、中国与澳洲之间的经贸合作关系, 为三国未来更密切的商业合作敞开大门。 The mission resulted in clinching contracts for numerous projects: Pan Pacific Capital Holdings Pte Ltd, representing 6 companies, signed contracts with the Hebei Highway Development Company; Goi Seng Hui of Tee Yih Jia signed an agreement with Hebei Baoding Food Products Company; Paul Keng of Well Join Investment Pte Ltd signed a Memorandum of Understanding to upgrade the Hebei Wuyi Foreign Trade Woodcraft Factory’s equipment and provide training. This was a mission that strengthened the economic and trade bonds of all three countries – Singapore, China and Australia – paving the way for closer business cooperation.


Chapter Two | 1990-2000

▲考察团出席唐山市开发区介绍会。 Delegates attending the Tangshan Development Zone briefing.

9月23日,考察团参观了秦皇岛 港口,出席了秦皇岛开发区与 山海关开发区商业情况介绍会。 On September 23, the mission was brought on a site visit to Qinhuangdao port, and attended a briefing on the business environment of Qinhuangdao Development Zone and Shanhaiguan Development Zone. ▲河北省与新加坡中华总商会经贸合作委员会召开第三次会议,讨论 双方的经济合作。 The third meeting of the Hebei-SCCCI Economic and Trade Cooperation Working Committee in Singapore.


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▲1999年1月8日至10日, 河北省人民政府副省长






加强新冀两地金融方面和中小企业之间的合作, 吸引新加坡企业和在新加坡的跨国公司到河北省







Besides attending the briefing on Tianjin Economic & Technological Development Zone, the mission also visited enterprises within the zone to gain insights into the scenario for foreign enterprises investing in manufacturing plants in Tianjin.

On January 8-10 1999, Hebei’s Vice Governor Cai Limin brought an 8-member Economic & Trade Delegation on a 3-day visit to Singapore. The delegation visited the Chamber on January 9. The objective of the trip was to strengthen relations between Singapore and Hebei in the areas of finance and SME cooperation, as well as to attract Singapore enterprises and MNCs to invest in Hebei. That same day, the Hebei-SCCCI Economic & Trade Cooperation Working Committee held its fourth meeting, which was jointly moderated by Vice President Freddy Lam and Vice Governor Cai Limin.

During the 6-day mission, Singapore joined businessmen from several other countries to explore bilateral and multilateral cooperation with provinces in China.


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On April 9-14 1991, the Chamber jointly organised a 41-member Trade and Industry Mission to Hainan with the Trade Development Board. It was headed by Mah Bow Tan, Minister of State for Communications and Trade and Industry.

考察团在新闻部兼贸工部政务部长马宝山带领下,访问中国 海南省。


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The mission itinerary to Hainan included the two principal cities of Haikou and Sanya. While in Haikou, mission members participated in a seminar organised by the Hainan government.



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◄考察团勘察海南省商业与投资的潜在商机。 The mission explored business and investment opportunities in Hainan province.





Sanya, located between the mountains and the sea, is a popular tourist destination in Hainan. Its many investment opportunities in tourism development were identified by the Hainan Tourism Bureau.

In the short 5-day visit, mission members gained awareness of Hainan’s development opportunities and vast resources.


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On July 4-10 1993, a 123-member Singapore business delegation visited the Singapore Comprehensive Industrial Zone in Qingdao, as well as the other cities of Yantai and Weihai in Shandong province.



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The business mission was part of a high-level delegation led by Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew and Deputy Prime Minister Ong Teng Cheong to Shandong province.



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▼考察团这次访问山东省达到了预期的目的,成功加强了 新加坡和山东省的联系,为两地之后的经贸合作奠定了基础。 The business mission to Shandong province succeeded in strengthening linkages between Singapore and Shandong, setting the foundations for future bilateral cooperation.

▲考察团团长郭令裕、顾问陈共存及团员们出席了威海经济技术 开发区政府主持的新加坡综合工业区推介会。 Mission leader Kwek Leng Joo, Advisor Tan Keong Choon and mission members attended a briefing on the Singapore Comprehensive Industrial Zone hosted by the Weihai Economic & Technological Development Zone.


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80年代,新加坡中华总商会与新加坡 马来商会首次携手访问中国。除了北京和 秦皇岛,也访问了宁夏回族自治区,通过和中国 回教社群建立商业关系,以扩大新加坡和中东 回教国家的贸易。1990年1月31日,总商会和 新加坡马来商会召开会议,探讨进一步加强 合作。会上,双方同意联合作为宁夏回族 自治区出口商品展览会的赞助单位,促使宁夏 回族自治区1990年3月在新加坡世界贸易中心的 第一次出口商品展览会成功举办。 In the 1980s, the Chamber joined hands with the Malay Chamber of Commerce for the first time in venturing into China. Apart from Beijing and Qinhuangdao, the delegation also visited Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region to foster business connections with the Muslim community in China and expand trade between Singapore and Muslim countries in the Middle East. On January 31 1990, the Chamber held a meeting with the Malay Chamber to strengthen collaboration. During the meeting, both sides agreed to be supporting organisations for the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Export Fair, thus helping Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region to successfully stage its first Export Fair at Singapore’s World Trade Centre in March 1990.


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▼华巫控股主席 Haji Abdul Jalil Bin Haron。 Chairman of Sing-Hui Enterprises, Mr Haji Abdul Jalil Bin Haron.

▲总商会和新加坡马来商会组成的新加坡华巫投资控股私人 有限公司与中国国际商会宁夏商会签署了两项意向书:(a) 关于 在新加坡合作经营穆斯林中餐馆意向书;(b) 关于地毯等四种 商品出口代理意向书。 The Sino-Malay Investment Cooperation Co Ltd jointly formed by the Chinese and Malay Chambers signed two Memoranda of Understanding with Ningxia International Chamber of Commerce: (a) one regarding collaborations on a Chinese Muslim restaurant in Singapore; (b) and the other on representing four export products, including carpets.


Chapter Two | 1990-2000

▼研讨会上,郑民川会长作为主讲者之一,就 “新中经贸关系历史发展” 课题发言。 Chamber President Tay Beng Chuan, one of the seminar speakers, addressed participants on “The Historical Development of Trade Relations between Singapore and China”.

▲2000年,新中建交十周年。总商会作为协办 机构,9月18日与中国驻新加坡大使馆在文华 酒店联合举办 “新中建交十周年回顾与展望 研讨会” 。协办单位也包括新加坡报业控股、 新中友好协会、东亚研究所和新加坡文华酒店。 Singapore and China marked the 10th Anniversary of establishing diplomatic ties in 2000. The Chamber was a supporting organisation of “Review and Prospect – Seminar on the 10th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Diplomatic Relations between China and Singapore” organised by the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China on September 18 at the Mandarin Hotel. The seminar was also supported by Singapore Press Holdings, Singapore China Friendship Association, East Asian Institute and Mandarin Hotel.


Chapter Two | 1990-2000


China’s former Premier Zhu Rongji once said: Shanghai’s hope lies in Pudong. On June 17 1990, then Shanghai Mayor Zhu Rongji (left) led a business delegation to the Chamber. He was received by President Tan Eng Joo (middle) and Honorary President Lien Ying Chow (right).

希望,在浦东。1990年6月17日,时任上海市 市长朱镕基 (左) 率领上海市经济考察团访问 总商会。总商会会长陈永裕 (中) 和名誉会长 连瀛洲 (右) 出席接待。


Chapter Two | 1990-2000

▼1990年12月21日,中国驻新加坡首任特命全权大使张青到 总统府向我国黄金辉总统呈递国书。张青大使当天下午莅临本会 访问,迎接张青大使的本会董事包括连灜洲名誉会长、陈共存 名誉会长、林荫华前任会长、陈永裕会长、梁庆经副会长、 林再钦副会长以及众多董事。 On December 21 1990, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China Zhang Qing presented his credentials to President Wee Kim Wee at the Istana. In the afternoon, H.E. Zhang Qing paid a courtesy call to the Chamber, and was received by Honorary Presidents Lien Ying Chow and Tan Keong Choon, Immediate Past President Linn In Hua, President Tan Eng Joo, Vice-Presidents Leong Heng Keng and Lin Chai Chin, and many other council members.

▲总商会为配合上海市经济考察团的到访而举办《上海浦东开发 简介》座谈会。朱镕基在会上介绍上海浦东区的发展计划时, 分享了浦东的优越天然条件和巨大潜能。 In conjunction with the visit of the Shanghai Economic Delegation, the Chamber organised a seminar on “Investment Opportunities in Pudong New Area”. During the seminar, Zhu Rongji introduced the development blueprint of Pudong New Area, elaborating on its excellent conditions and vast potential


Chapter Two | 1990-2000

▼中国国务委员兼财政部长王丙乾1991年5月19日至23日访问 新加坡。王丙乾及随团官员于22日晚上拜访总商会。 Wang Bingqian, China’s State Counsellor and Minister of Finance, visited Singapore on May 19-23 1991. He and his accompanying officials paid a courtesy call to the Chamber on the evening of May 22.

▲张青大使出席了本会为他所设的欢迎晚宴。 H.E. Zhang Qing attending a welcome banquet hosted by the Chamber.


Chapter Two | 1990-2000


Minister Wang was greeted by the Chamber’s Honorary President Lien Ying Chow and President Tan Eng Joo at the VIP Room.


Chapter Two | 1990-2000

▼总商会名誉会长黄祖耀 (左一)、陈共存 (左二)、多位董事及 本地工商界针对新加坡商人到中国投资事宜和姚依林副总理进行 坦诚对话。右二为中国驻新加坡大使张青。 Chamber’s Honorary Presidents Wee Cho Yaw (far left), and Tan Keong Choon (second from left), together with many other council members, engaging in frank discussions with Vice-Premier Yao Yilin on issues regarding Singapore businessmen investing in China. Second from right is Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China, Zhang Qing.

▲1992年8月16日,中国国务院副总理姚依林、外经贸部部长 李岚清、外交部副部长徐敦信访问总商会。 On August 16 1992, China’s Vice-Premier Yao Yilin; Li Lanqing, Minister of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade; and Xu Dunxin, Vice Minister of Foreign Relations, visited the Chamber.


Chapter Two | 1990-2000

◄陈永裕会长接待姚依林副总理时说:改革开放后的中国给 新加坡工商界带来许多经贸合作的机会。 During Vice-Premier Yao Yilin’s visit, Chamber President Tan Eng Joo said: the opening up of China’s economy presents a whole host of business opportunities for the Singapore business community.




Jia Qinglin briefing the Chamber on the economic outlook of Fujian province.

On December 12 1992, Fujian Governor Jia Qinglin led a Fujian government delegation to the Chamber.


Chapter Two | 1990-2000


Xi Jinping, then Fuzhou Party Secretary, led an 8-member delegation to Singapore on April 9 1993.



Chapter Two | 1990-2000

▼记者会上,习近平介绍在福州设立开发区供新加坡中小企业 投资的可能性,以吸引本地及本地区中小企业到福州投资设厂。 During the press conference, Xi Jinping mooted the feasibility of setting up a development zone in Fuzhou for local SMEs to invest in, and for local and regional SMEs to invest in its manufacturing facilities.

▲习近平和郭令裕会长及董事畅谈。 Xi Jinping in conversation with President Kwek Leng Joo and council members.


Chapter Two | 1990-2000

▼总商会在威信大酒店设午宴接待吴仪部长。吴仪在午宴上发表 讲话,她赞许总商会在新、中经济贸易发展上起着带动的作用。 At the welcome luncheon for Minister Wu Yi at the Westin Hotel, she commended the Chamber on playing an instrumental role in advancing economic and trade development between Singapore and China.

▲1993年5月13日,中国对外贸易经济合作部部长吴仪率领 60余名中国高级官员和商界领袖访问新加坡。 On May 13 1993, China’s Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Co-operation Wu Yi led a high-level 60-member government and business delegation to Singapore.


Chapter Two | 1990-2000

◄中国对外贸易经济合作部副部长石广生1993年8月12日至17日 访问新加坡。 Shi Guangsheng, Vice Minister of China’s Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, visited Singapore on August 12-17 1993.

▲河南省省委书记李长春率领高层代表团,应我国新闻及艺术 部长兼卫生部长杨荣文邀请,于1994年1月24日至31日访问 新加坡。配合李长春书记访新活动,总商会于1月27日在莱佛士城 会议中心主办《河南省对外经济合作及投资环境》说明会。本会 名誉会长陈共存主持说明会,李长春书记在会上介绍河南省经济




Henan Party Secretary Li Changchun led a high-level delegation to Singapore on January 24-31 1994 at the invitation of George Yeo, Minister for Information and the Arts and Health. In conjunction with his visit, the Chamber organised a forum on “Henan’s Foreign Economic Cooperation and Investment Environment” on January 27 at Raffles City Convention Centre. The forum was moderated by Honorary President Tan Keong Choon.

交换意见。 On August 16, Vice Minister Shi Guangsheng and his delegation paid a courtesy call on the Chamber. He exchanged views with President Kwek Leng Joo and Honorary Presidents Soon Peng Yam and Tan Keong Choon on economic and trade relations between both countries.


Chapter Two | 1990-2000

◄1995年,接待到访的中国国务院副总理邹家华 。 Receiving Zou Jiahua, Vice-Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China in 1995.

▲2000年11月中旬,中国国际贸易促进委员会会长俞晓松访问 新加坡,为促进两地经贸联系与合作关系。访新期间,俞晓松一行






In mid-November 2000, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) Chairman Yu Xiaosong visited Singapore to foster bilateral economic and trade cooperation. During his trip to Singapore, he visited the Chamber on November 11 and was received by Chamber’s Vice-President Freddy Lam. Both sides exchanged views on the preparations of the 6th World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention to be held in Nanjing the following year.

经贸合作进行广泛的交流。 On August 5-10 1996, Fujian Governor Chen Mingyi headed a 9-member high-level delegation to Singapore. The delegation visited the Chamber on August 7 and discussed wide-ranging issues on economic and trade cooperation with the Chamber’s Honorary President, President, Vice-President and council members.


Chapter Two | 1990-2000

▼中 国 海 峡 两 岸 关 系 协 会 会 长 汪 道 涵 伉 俪 2 0 0 0 年 1 月 到 我 国 进行10天私人访问期间,于1月24日拜访晚晴园——孙中山南洋 纪念馆。 Wang Daohan, Chairman of the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits, came to Singapore on a private visit in January 2000, and visited Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall on January 24. ▲1993年4月27日,中国海峡两岸关系协会会长汪道涵和台湾海峡 交流基金会董事长辜振甫在新加坡举行举世瞩目的 “汪辜会谈” 这是海峡两岸自1949年以来首次正式接触。时任新加坡内阁资政 李光耀在促成此次历史性的会谈中扮演了重要角色。汪道涵28日 访问总商会,与郭令裕会长会晤。 On April 27 1993, Wang Daohan, Chairman of the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits, and Koo Chen-fu, Chairman of the Straits Exchange Foundation, held the Wang-Koo Summit in Singapore. It was the first direct talks between Taiwan and Mainland China since 1949. Then Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew played an important role in this historical summit. Wang Daohan was at the Chamber on April 28 to meet with President Kwek Leng Joo.


Chapter Two | 1990-2000


Wang Daohan was welcomed by many of the Chamber’s Standing Committee members.


Chapter Three | 2001-2010

风起云涌 新中关系茁壮期 2001-2010


Chapter Three | 2001-2010








成立通商中国以加强新加坡与世界和中国的文化、商务的 中国2001年加入世界贸易组织之后,虽然面对许多挑战,



南大市长班,总商会每年为南大 “市长班” 修读公共管理

参与经济全球化,“走出去” 步伐加快了。中国对外贸易



“学业优异奖” 金牌奖。




继续为全球华商提供加强经济合作、促进相互了解的平台。 设立上海代表处加强与中国商会组织的联系。





转化,推出 “21世纪科技企业家策略” 。一方面,协助本国 优秀企业加强实力,培养高增长创新型中小企业。通过税收


优 惠 、 签 署《 投 资 保 障 协 议 》避 免 双 重 征 税 等 , 以 吸 引






促进经济增长,大力推行 “区域化经济发展战略” 。

持续发挥作用,促进两地经贸互动。 辽宁省,配合教育部代部长尚达曼率团出访辽宁省,总商会



经济、社会、文化深入交流,经贸合作成果显著,贸易额 攀升,战略合作关系进一步升级,政治上建立了互信,经济上



在21世纪的第一个十年,多位中国高层领导访问新加坡。 总商会接待的中国的贵宾包括习近平、胡锦涛、温家宝、






Chapter Three | 2001-2010

Flourishing of Relations Spurring Growth in Singapore-China Relations



Chapter Three | 2001-2010 The Asian financial crisis of 1997 and the SARS outbreak in 2003, followed by the global financial meltdown of 2008 – put brakes on the vigorous growth of the Asian economy. Strategies adopted by Singapore and China to restructure and reform their respective economies succeeded in overcoming these trials and tribulations.

Singapore way, Chamber moved to cement the relationship with new agreements, organisations and more exchange of delegations. The expansion of people-to-people ties grew in three major ways:

Whilst China encountered a host of challenges after its entry into the World Trade Organization in 2001, the beneficial global economic environment that was created helped to facilitate China’s participation in the global economy, hence accelerating its “going out” policy. China’s external trade system gradually grew more unified and open, fulfilling multilateral obligations, and deriving mutual benefits with its trading partners. The series of economic measures adopted to stimulate the economy in the wake of the financial crisis expanded domestic demand and stabilised import and export regulations.

Business China: Spearheading the establishment of Business China to develop a cultural and economic bridge linking the world and China. NTU Mayors’ Class: Awarding gold medals annually to the top graduates in Nanyang Technological University’s Master of Public Administration (MPA) and Master of Science in Managerial Economics (MME). World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention (WCEC): The biennial Convention continued to provide a platform for world Chinese entrepreneurs to strengthen economic cooperation and mutual understanding. Shanghai Representative Office: Establishing the Shanghai Representative Office to strengthen relations with China’s business organisations. Bilateral Cooperation Agreements: The Chamber also participated in bilateral forums and meetings such as the Joint Council for Bilateral Cooperation.

Strengthening the infrastructure for bilateral development:

Over these ten years, Singapore advanced towards a knowledgebased economy, with its restructuring anchored on new hi-tech industries and modern services, transforming and applying the results of R&D, and spearheading the Technopreneurship 21 initiative. While it helped to deepen the capabilities of excellent enterprises, the other objective was to groom a corps of high valueadded and innovative SMEs. Tax incentives, plus the signing of the Investment Protection Agreement for double taxation avoidance, attracted foreign investments. The other strategy was to intensify overseas investments, actively pursue economic projects abroad, gradually target emerging economies to promote economic growth, and drive the Regional Economic Development Strategy.

Deepening our understanding of China’s Provinces and Cities: Guangdong Province: The interaction with Guangdong province started with a Forum on economic and technical exchange. Hebei Province: The Working Committee continued to make useful contributions to developing business and trade ties with Hebei province. Liaoning Province: Forming a business delegation in conjunction with Acting Minister for Education Tharman Shanmugaratnam’s landmark visit to the north-east region of China.

Singapore and China made mutual steps to transform and expand its frontiers, and relations of both countries flourished. There was noticeable progress in economic, social, cultural exchanges, added to collaboration in trade and investment; trade volumes and strategic cooperation continued to be on the rise. Mutual trust was fostered at the political level; going forward, the upcoming China-Singapore Free Trade Agreement would provide both countries with much greater room for expansion.

Receiving Dignitaries from China: In the first decade of the 21st century, Singapore was a focal point for visiting Chinese dignitaries with Xi Jinping, Hu Jintao, Wen Jiabao and Zhu Rongji visiting on various occasions. The Chamber and its subsidiary Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall also became destinations included in the itinerary for these important visitors.

In the second decade of Singapore’s diplomatic ties with China, the Chamber made strides to deepen its China network. In the typical 79

Chapter Three | 2001-2010


通商中国 Strengthening the infrastructure for bilateral development:

Business China


Chapter Three | 2001-2010


Centering on the opportunities generated by China’s burgeoning economic development and the deepening of ties between Singapore and China, Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew mooted that the Chamber could set up a Mandarin-speaking networking platform to nurture an inclusive bilingual and bi-cultural group of Singaporeans through extensive use of the Chinese language as the medium of communication, so as to sustain our multicultural heritage, and to develop a cultural and economic bridge linking the world and China. On November 19 2007, with MM Lee as Patron, the Chamber spearheaded and officially launched Business China. China’s Premier Wen Jiabao presided over the launching ceremony.

发起的一个非盈利组织,这个组织由李光耀资政倡议,其主要 目标是建立一个以华文华语为主要交流媒介的平台,造就一批 双语双文化的中流砥柱,在保留新加坡多元文化的同时,促进 世界各地与中国经济和文化领域的双向交流。2007年11月19日, “通商中国” 正式启动。中国总理温家宝和李光耀资政出席启动 仪式,李光耀为 “通商中国” 创会赞助人。


Chapter Three | 2001-2010

►李光耀以通商中国赞助人的身份发表演讲。他 说,要成功同中国经商,就需要三个条件,即能说 流利的华语;对中国传统文化有所认识;对中国从 农业经济社会过渡到工业经济社会,不断改变的 社会、经济、政治情况,以及生活方式有所了解。 他指出,新加坡要成功培养能够与中国交流的 双语双文化人才,通商中国必须与社会各阶层紧密 配合,从根本做起。

▲中国总理温家宝访问新加坡并专程出席通商中国启动 仪式。通商中国主席蔡天宝致词时说,通商中国是一个 凝聚政界、商界和民间力量的非盈利组织。他希望这个 崭新的平台能把握中国经济发展的机会,激发和鼓励 新加坡年轻一代热爱中华文化,熟悉使用华语。 China’s Premier Wen Jiabao came to Singapore to attend Business China’s launching ceremony. As he delivered his speech during the Gala Dinner in Premier Wen’s honour, Business China Chairman Chua Thian Poh said that Business China was a non-profit organisation that congregates the strength of the public and private sectors. He hoped that this newly established platform could leverage on opportunities in China’s economic development, and moreover stimulate and encourage the younger generation of Singaporeans to embrace Chinese culture and familiarise themselves with the Chinese language.

Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew, in his capacity as Patron of Business China, said that Singaporeans need three capabilities to do business in China: “fluency in the Chinese language, knowledge of China’s traditional culture and an understanding of the ongoing changes in the social, economic and political conditions of a society with changing lifestyle that is transiting from an agricultural to an industrial economy.” He pointed out that in order to successfully groom a critical mass of bilingual and bi-cultural Singaporeans with the ability to communicate effectively in the China market, Business China would need to engage closely with all sectors of society.


Chapter Three | 2001-2010


Chapter Three | 2001-2010

▲温家宝总理在大会上发表专题演讲说,对外开放是 新加坡和中国双双成功之道,新加坡与中国相互开放 兼容使新中两国的合作突飞猛进。新加坡与中国发挥 各自优势,相互借鉴,密切合作,实现了互利共赢。

►黄根成副总理向温总理颁赠纪念品。 Deputy Prime Minister Wong Kan Seng presenting Premier Wen Jiabao with a token of appreciation.

Premier Wen Jiabao said in his keynote speech at Business China’s official launch that mutual opening up and inclusiveness have led to rapid growth in cooperation between both Singapore and China.


Chapter Three | 2001-2010


Chapter Three | 2001-2010


南大市长班 Strengthening the infrastructure for bilateral development:

NTU Mayors’ Class


Chapter Three | 2001-2010

▼2006年1月4日,总商会在莱佛士城会议中心主办南大 “市长班” 联谊晚宴,为学员和本会董事提供交流、联系的平台。 On January 4 2006, the Chamber held a networking dinner at Raffles City Convention Centre, enabling graduates in NTU’s MPA and MME programmes to mingle with key council members and trade association members.

▲2006年1月起,总商会每年为南大 “市长班” 修读公共管理硕士 学位及管理经济学硕士学位的最优秀学生提供两份 “学业优异奖” 金牌奖,鼓励他们学成归国之后,协助促进新中两国商贸交流和 友好关系蓬勃发展。 From 2006, the Chamber began to award gold medals to the top graduates in Nanyang Technological University’s Master of Public Administration (MPA) and Master of Science in Managerial Economics (MME). Upon their return to China, the Chamber hoped these future leaders would champion the continued bilateral business ties between China and Singapore.


Chapter Three | 2001-2010


世界华商大会 Strengthening the infrastructure for bilateral development:

World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention


Chapter Three | 2001-2010


On September 17-20 2001, President Kwek Leng Joo headed a 197-member delegation to participate in the 6th World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention hosted by the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce in Nanjing. Singapore Trade Development Board also sent four representatives to be part of the delegation.

南京,参加由中华全国工商业联合会举行的第六届世界 华商大会。我国贸易发展局也派4名代表给予支持。 中国全国政协主席李瑞环在开幕致词时说,广大的华人 身居世界各地,之所以能在艰苦的环境中创基立业,在

During the opening ceremony, Li Ruihuan, Chairman of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), said in his speech that a vast number of overseas Chinese communities live in all parts of the world. They have been able to take root and establish businesses in adverse overseas environments, and many have risen from obscurity out of fierce competition and become outstanding representatives in various sectors, mainly because they have had a global vision, kept abreast of the times, and have been good at seizing opportunities in developing themselves. He pointed out that many of China’s import of foreign funds, exports, trade and exchanges with other countries and regions depend on these overseas Chinese. He also hoped that the 6th WCEC would help overseas Chinese entrepreneurs to understand how things stand in China, and seek business opportunities for cooperation.

激烈的竞争中脱颖而出,成为各行业的佼佼者,多因为能 放眼世界,跟上时代,善于抓住机遇发展自己。他指出, 中国的引进外资、出口贸易和对外交往,许多都是依靠 华人和华侨。他希望各个国家地区的华商,借华商大会 之便,进一步了解中国的情况,并寻找合作的商机。


Chapter Three | 2001-2010

▼9 月 1 9 日 , 中 国 国 务 院 总 理 朱 镕 基 在 世 界 华 商 大 会 举 行 的 “中国经济论坛” 中发表演讲时引述邓小平的一句话说: 几千万华侨华人是一支了不起的力量,是中国大发展的独特 机遇。朱镕基说,长期以来,广大海外华侨华人以不同方式 热心支持和参与中国的经济建设。中国经济取得的辉煌成就, 海外华侨华人功不可没。 On September 19, China’s Premier Zhu Rongji addressed the 6th WCEC delegates at the “China’s Economy Forum” and quoted Deng Xiaoping as saying that “tens of millions of overseas Chinese are a great force and they offer unique opportunities for the vast development of China.” Premier Zhu said: “Over the years, overseas Chinese have enthusiastically supported and participated in China’s economic development in various ways. They have made indelible contributions to China’s remarkable economic achievement.”

▲在闭幕式上,中国全国政协副主席、全国工商联主席、本届 世界华商大会组委会主席经叔平 (左) 将会旗交给主办第七届世界 华商大会的马来西亚中华工商联合会会长林源德 (右)。 During the Closing Ceremony, Jing Shuping (left), Vice Chairman of CPPCC and Chairman of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, handing over the WCEC flag to the Lim Guan Teik (right), President of the Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce & Industry of Malaysia, host of the 7th WCEC.


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▼2005年10月9日至12日,蔡天宝会长率领90人代表团,出席 韩国首都首尔举行的第八届世界华商大会。韩国总统卢武铉在 开幕式上致辞说,华商已经成为对全球经济影响极深的经济体, 作为全球性商业庆典活动的第八届世界华商大会在首尔召开, 具有深远意义。卢武铉说,韩国需要在加强与中国合作的同时, 将合作领域扩大到海外华商的范围,他期望大会能够成为世界 华商与韩国企业家一起迈向国际舞台的契机。 On October 9-12 2005, President Chua Thian Poh headed a 90-member delegation to take part in the 8th World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention held in Seoul. In his keynote speech, President Roh Moo-hyun mentioned that overseas Chinese entrepreneurs have emerged as most influential players in the global economy, and that it is a cause for celebration for Seoul to be hosting this significant event. He also said that while South Korea continues to strengthen ties with China, it is necessary to extend ties of cooperation to the overseas Chinese community as well. He hoped the 8th WCEC would provide an occasion to bring Chinese business leaders and South Korea closer together so that both sides could grow hand in hand in the global community.

▲2003年7月27日至30日,总商会郭令裕会长率领88人代表团出席 在马来西亚雪兰莪州举行的第七届世界华商大会。马来西亚首相 马哈迪医生在大会开幕致词时指出,中国已证明是新兴经济超级 力量,全球华人企业家凭他们与中国既有的联系,所能得到的商机 是无可限量的。他说,尽管这项盛会不仅是专讲中国的大会,但 它在各方面却是与中国息息相关。马哈迪首相说,大部分海外华商 实际上在他们移居的国家都取得成功。作为这些国家的公民,他们 依然保持本身的特征,他们也忠于本身的宗教团体和家庭。 On July 27-30 2003, Chamber President Kwek Leng Joo led an 88-member delegation to participate in the 7th World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention held in Selangor. Dr Mahathir, Prime Minister of Malaysia, said in his keynote speech that the emerging economic super power that China has proven to be presents limitless opportunities to the world’s Chinese entrepreneurs. He said that although the 7th WCEC is not about China, yet it has everything to do with China. Most overseas Chinese have become successful in practically all the countries they have migrated to. Despite being citizens of these countries, they have maintained their identity. They have also remained largely loyal to their clan and family links.


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President Chua Thian Poh led a 94-member delegation from the Chamber to participate in the 9th World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention held in the cities of Kobe and Osaka on September 14-17 2007. The theme of the 9th WCEC was “Win with Peace, Harmony, and Cooperation and Benefit the World”, showing Japan’s integral concept of establishing harmony and prosperity with the global Chinese business community.

中心举行。蔡天宝会长率领94人代表团出席大会。大会以 “和合 共赢,惠及世界” 为主题,体现日本和全世界华人寻求和谐共荣的 核心理念。 中国全国政协主席贾庆林代表中国政府向大会表示祝贺。他向

Jia Qinglin, Chairman of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, represented China at the convention. His message had five key thrusts: peaceful co-existence, actively promoting China’s development and advancement; hearkening to kindred spirits and earnestly participating in China’s modernisation; strength in unity, actively promoting China’s industrial strength; mutual learning and exchange, taking active steps to promulgate Chinese culture; and cultivation of harmony, facilitating friendly ties between China’s citizens and the global community.

出席者提出五个希望:第一、和睦相处,积极推动住在国 发展和进步;第二、情系桑梓,积极参与中国现代化;第三、 众志成城,积极促进中国统一大业;第四、交流互鉴,积极传播 中华文化;第五、敦信修睦,积极推动中国人民和世界各国人民 友好交往。


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On November 19-22 2009, Chamber led a 121-member delegation to attend the 10th World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention in Manila, capital of the Philippines.

菲律宾首都马尼拉举行的第十届世界华商大会。 菲律宾总统阿罗约担任大会贵宾,她盛赞华侨华人对菲律宾经济

Gloria Arroyo, President of the Republic of the Philippines, was the guest of honour for the 10th WCEC. She commended the role of Chinese entrepreneurs around the world and their contributions to the Philippine economy. She went on to say that Filipino-Chinese entrepreneurs possess a sharp business sense, the keen ability to discover opportunities to offer goods and services that improve lives, the courage to take risks, the work ethic, focus and determination to attain their goals.

社会发展所做的巨大贡献。她指出,华商有很强的商业意识和 捕捉商机的能力,能为当地提供所需物品和服务,改善当地人民 的生活。她评价说:“他们有勇气、能抓住风险,有很好的职业 道德,意志坚定。”


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Chapter Three | 2001-2010

◄张松声会长 (右四) 在我国外交部长 杨荣文 (右三) 的见证下,从大会东道主 菲华商联总会手中接过世界华商大会的 会旗,负起2011年在新加坡举行的 “第 十一届世界华商大会” 的重任。世界 华商大会另外两家召集人组织:香港 中华总商会会长蔡冠深 (右二) 和泰国 中华总商会主席吴宏丰 (右一)。 Chamber’s President Teo Siong Seng (fourth from right), accepting the WCEC flag from Federation of Filipino-Chinese Chambers of Commerce & Industry, host of the 10th WCEC, to shoulder the responsibility of hosting the 11th WCEC in Singapore in 2011. The Handover Ceremony was witnessed by Foreign Affairs Minister George Yeo (third from right). Representing the other two WCEC Founder Members were Jonathan Choi (second from right), Chairman of The Chinese General Chamber of Commerce; and Suthee Meanchainun (far right), President of Thai-Chinese Chamber of Commerce. ►我国外交部长杨荣文在论坛上呼吁 世界华商组织多关注社会课题,他提议 今后的世界华商大会把社会课题与鼓励 乐善好施精神的讨论列入议程。他以 菲律宾杰出企业家吳奕辉、陈永栽和 施至成等人为例,指出透过慈善事业, 华族能够让所生活的地方更加繁荣进步。 他说,要社会和谐,发展必须平衡,跑在 前头的都有义务协助落在后头的人。


Singapore’s Minister for Foreign Affairs George Yeo, one of the distinguished speakers of the 10th WCEC, hopes that future WCECs would include social issues and helping others into the agenda. He cited the example of ethnic Chinese businessmen in the Philippines like Lucio Tan, Henry Sy Sr and Go Kong Wei, who have contributed to Filipino society not only in the economic field but also through their philanthropic work in education, healthcare and poverty alleviation. Minister Yeo also said that for there to be social harmony, development must be balanced and those progressing faster have a duty to help those having trouble keeping up.

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上海代表处 Strengthening the infrastructure for bilateral development:

Shanghai Representative Office


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◄中华总商会上海代表处得到企发局和标新局的大力支持。 左起:新加坡驻中国大使陈燮荣、卫生部长许文远、总商会会长 张松声、贸工部兼人力部政务部长李奕贤。 SCCCI’s Shanghai Representative Office was supported by International Enterprise Singapore and SPRING Singapore. Presiding over the launching ceremony were, from left: Chin Siat Yoon, Singapore’s Ambassador to the People’s Republic of China; Minister for Health Khaw Boon Wan; Chamber’s President Teo Siong Seng; and Lee Yi Shyan, Minister of State for Trade and Industry and Manpower. ▼为到中国发展和投资的新加坡企业提供资讯服务,为新中企业 牵线搭桥,总商会于2010年10月20日在上海设立首个海外代表处。 SCCCI established its first overseas centre with the official opening of the Shanghai Representative Office on October 20 2010, offering pertinent advice and assistance to Singapore enterprises keen on venturing into China.


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双边合作协议 Strengthening the infrastructure for bilateral development:

Bilateral Cooperation Agreements


Chapter Three | 2001-2010

2001年5月11日,广东省人民政府假文华大酒店举办 “中国

The Guangdong-Singapore Economic & Technology Cooperation Conference, co-organised by the Chamber and the Singapore Trade Development Board, was held on May 11 2001 at the Mandarin Hotel. Many joint projects between Singapore and Guangdong were inked during the conference. BG George Yeo (back row, far right), Minister for Trade and Industry, was the guest of honour. Other important guests invited to the conference included Dr Yeo Ning Hong, Chairman of Port of Singapore Authority, Chamber’s President Kwek Leng Joo and council member Stephen Lee.

广东——新加坡经济技术合作交流会” 。总商会和新加坡贸易 发展局是此次交流会的协办机构。交流会上签署了多项新广 合作协议。我国贸工部长杨荣文准将 (后排右一) 为交流会贵宾, 出席者包括新加坡港务集团主席杨林丰博士、总商会会长郭令裕 及董事李庆言。


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When we stepped into a world transformed by infocomm in the new millennium, the Chamber spurred into action, providing member companies with effective IT channels, such as e-payment facilities, and an SMS solution, including collaborating with marketplace with the globally renowned B2B Alibaba.com. On June 17 2002, the Chamber held discussions with Alibaba.com founder Jack Ma, on jointly developing an e-marketplace to further enhance the World Chinese Business Network (WCBN). As international advisor for the Chamber’s Information Technology Committee, Jack Ma offered pertinent suggestions relating to the Chamber’s various IT initiatives. Vice-President Freddy Lam chaired the meeting. He was in Singapore for the IX2002 Conference held on June 17-18 2002.

提供有效的资讯管道,推出网上支付系统和简讯服务系统,并与 国际知名B2B网站Alibaba.com建立合作关系。2002年6月17日, 总商会和阿里巴巴创办人马云举行会议,讨论WCBN-Alibaba联合 品牌网站的前景。作为总商会资讯科技委员会的国际顾问,马云 对总商会各项资讯科技活动项目提供意见。总商会副会长蓝宏赉 主持会议。马云是于2002年6月17日至18日来新加坡出席IX2002 大会。


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▼2005年9月20日,蔡天宝会长和中国对外贸易中心主任胡楚生 在香格里拉大酒店签订合作协议,双方同意通过宣传、互访、 展览、商旅、咨询等形式,共同研究,并采取有效措施,积极 加强新中两国间的商业合作。签约仪式由新加坡副总理黄根成 以及中国国务院副总理吴仪见证。 On September 20 2005, President Chua Thian Poh and Hu Chusheng, Chairman of the China Foreign Trade Centre, held an MOU signing ceremony at Shangri-La Singapore. Both sides agreed to collaborate in the areas of promotional activities, exchange of visits, exhibitions, business tourism and consultancy, and to explore effective measures to fortify bilateral business cooperation. The signing ceremony was witnessed by Deputy Prime Minister Wong Kan Seng and China’s Vice-Premier Wu Yi. ▲2005年9月5日,中国出口商品交易会副主任兼秘书长,中国 对外贸易中心主任胡楚生率领广东代表团到访。 Hu Chusheng, Deputy Director & Secretary-General of the Chinese Export Commodities Fair cum Chairman of the China Foreign Trade Centre, led a Guangdong delegation to the Chamber on September 5 2005.


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▼10月29日,杭州市人民政府代表和总商会代表见证杭州经济 技术开发区与新加坡叶水福集团签署合作备忘录。 On October 29, representatives from Hangzhou Municipal Government and the Chamber witnessed the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between Hangzhou Economic & Technological Development Zone and Singapore’s YCH Group.

▲2007年10月28至11月3日,总商会和新加坡印度商会联合主办 跨领域商业考察团,由蔡天宝会长和印度商会副会长古伯兰 率领,出访杭州、义乌、绍兴和上海。在访问团顾问企发局局长 张力昌 (后排左三) 的见证下,浙江省工商业联合会会长徐冠巨 和总商会会长蔡天宝签订了 “浙江省工商业联合会 (浙江省商会) 与新加坡中华总商会建立友好合作关系协议书” 。 From October 28 till November 3 2007, the Chamber partnered the Singapore Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry to form a joint business mission to the cities of Hangzhou, Yiwu, Shaoxing and Shanghai. Chamber President Chua Thian Poh and Indian Chamber’s Vice-President Iyengar Vijaykumar Gopalan were joint business mission leaders. Mission Advisor Chong Lit Cheong, CEO of International Enterprise Singapore (back row, third from left), witnessed the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding by Zhejiang Federation of Industry and Commerce President Xu Guanju and Chamber’s President Chua Thian Poh.


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▼10月30日,代表团参观新加坡公司叶水福集团在杭州市的 物流中心。 Delegates touring the YCH Group’s logistics centre in Hangzhou on October 30.

▲10月29日,考察团成员参加由杭州市人民政府主办的 “2007杭州——新加坡经贸交流暨杭州商务环境推介会” 。团长 蔡天宝会长致词时表示,总商会偕同印度商会会员到杭州市考察, 希望通过本会与中国各省各市长期以来建立的良好关系,进一步 促进新加坡多元种族与浙江省的各种贸易及投资活动,共同为新中 经贸发展做出更多的贡献。 On October 29, mission members attended a briefing session on “Economic Development & Investment Policy”. Mission leader, Chamber President Chua Thian Poh, said in his speech that the Chamber came along with Indian Chamber members to Hangzhou, leveraging on the good relations that the Chamber has built up with different provinces and cities in China over the years. This would enable Singapore’s multiracial society to enter into all kinds of trade and investment activities in Zhejiang province, hence making even more contributions to the development of business and trade ties between Singapore and China.


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▲2008年1月,中国遭受罕见风雪破坏,受雪灾影响省 (区、市) 包括安徽、河南、湖南、湖北、重庆、四川、贵州、陕西、甘肃和 新疆。新中两国人民一直保持友好作的密切关系,总商会与多家机构 发起筹款活动,总商会会员、宗乡会馆、社会团体、公司机构和热心 公众给予大力支持,总共筹得71万6千新元义款。2008年3月27日, 蔡天宝会长将首笔66万5千新元义款移交给中国驻新加坡特命全权 大使张小康,赈济雪灾灾黎。第二笔数额5万1千新元义款则于 ▲代表团前往杭州经济技术开发区和新加坡杭州科技园区 进行考察。 The delegation paid a visit to Hangzhou Economic & Technological Development Zone and Singapore Hangzhou Technology Park.

4月28日交给中国驻新加坡大使馆。 In January 2008, China experienced its worst snowstorm in decades and badly affected provinces and municipalities included Anhui, Henan, Hunan, Hubei, Chongqing, Sichuan, Guizhou, Shaanxi, Gansu and Xinjiang. Singapore and China had always maintained very friendly and close relations, and the Chamber immediately rallied behind efforts to collect donations from many quarters, including Chamber’s members, Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations, social groups, companies and members of the public. With this unified support, the Chamber raised a total sum of S$716,000. On March 27 2008, President Chua Thian Poh handed over the first collection of S$665,000 to H.E. Zhang Xiaokang, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China. The second collection of S$51,000 was handed over to the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China on April 28.


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On May 4 2008, President Chua Thian Poh signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in Beijing with He Wenping, Deputy Director of the China Science and Technology Exchange Centre (CSTEC) under the Ministry of Science and Technology; and on May 5, he signed an MOU with Sun Zhaohua, Deputy Director of the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs (SAFEA); Vice-President Patrick Lee signed a collaborative agreement with Ren Jinfa, Director of the China Association for International Exchange of Personnel on a China-Singapore talent exchange programme. The MOU and agreements covered ten key areas, wherein both parties would provide a platform for liaison coordination, information-sharing, bilateral communications and human resource services. The Chamber would provide training and immersion programmes to the China entrepreneurs, management executives and government officials, as well as assist in seeking funding for the short-term training programmes in Singapore. Guests who attended the signing ceremony included Ji Yunshi, Bureau Chief of the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs; H.E. Zhang Xiaokang, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China; and Chin Siat Yoon, Singapore’s Ambassador to the People’s Republic of China .

中心副主任赫文平在北京签署合作备忘录;5月5日,与 国家外国专家局副局长孙照华签署全面合作备忘录; 李国基副会长与中国国际人才交流协会任金发主任签署 中国专才赴新加坡交流合作协议。根据合作备忘录及 协议,双方达成建立联络协调机制、信息共享机制、 双向交流机制及人才服务机制双方还就中方企业家、经理 人员和相关政府官员到新加坡培训与浸濡项目,以及 协助中方在新加坡作短期培训寻求资助等十项内容达成 共识。出席签约仪式的嘉宾包括中国国家外国专家局局长 季允石、中国驻新加坡张小康大使及新加坡驻中国陈燮荣 大使等。


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的 “2008新加坡——江苏经贸合作论坛”。本次


论坛主宾为新加坡卫生部长许文远 (左一)。

彼此的互动数码媒体科技实力,并且促成双方高等 学府、研究机构及企业的合作。本会于3月2日在 华侨银行中心设宴接待代表团。 On March 2-5 2008, China’s Vice-Minister of Science and Technology Cao Jianlin led a Beijing delegation to Singapore, to sign an MOU with Singapore’s Ministry of Information and the Arts on research and development in interactive digital media. This would enable both countries, going forward, to strengthen mutual digital media capabilities through training and information exchange programmes, enabling the cooperation between institutions of higher learning, research institutes and enterprises of both countries. The Chamber hosted a lunch reception for the delegation on March 2 at OCBC Centre.

On November 28 2008, Jiangsu Party Secretary Liang Baohua (second from left), led a delegation to Singapore, to attend the “2008 SingaporeJiangsu Economic and Trade Cooperation Forum” organised by the Chamber. The guest of honour at this forum was Singapore’s Minister for Health Khaw Boon Wan (far left).


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RADM (NS) Lui Tuck Yew, Acting Minister for Information, Communications and the Arts, led a delegation to Guangdong on July 15 2009 for the inaugural meeting of the Singapore-Guangdong Collaboration Council. In conjunction with this visit, Chamber’s President Teo Siong Seng led a 63-member business delegation to Guangdong, visiting the cities of Guangzhou, Jiangmen and Zhuhai. The objectives of the business mission were to obtain updates on latest developments in Guangdong’s business environment; explore and identify key sectors for joint collaboration; facilitate networking with key industry players, senior officials from state government and representatives from Guangdong. The business mission yielded firm results, including the signing of an MOU on “Knowledge City”. Under the MOU, the Chamber will recommend and encourage corporate members to seize opportunities for investment and collaboration in the development of Guangdong “Knowledge City”. It would also provide business management training services for the Guangdong Development District (GDD), while the GDD would organise visits to industries and government agencies for the Chamber.

率领高层代表团出访广东省,并召开新坡——广东合作理事会 首次会议。配合此行,总商会张松声会长率领63人代表团到 广东省广州、珠海及江门考察。此行目的不仅探寻广东省的商机 和潜在合作领域,同时,也与广东省的同业、外资决策者及有关 经贸部门的主要官员建立合作关系,进一步扩大及加强总商会与 中国商会组织的联系网络。考察活动带来一项具实质性的成果, 即签署 “知识城” 三方合作意向书。根据意向书的互利原则, 总商会将积极鼓励会员商家在多个领域参与知识城的建设, 总商会与广州开发区将各自发挥优势,推动两地之间的经贸 交流,总商会管理学院将定期为知识城项目提供培训。


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▼2010年6月7日,“东盟 · 广州经贸周” 系列活动启动仪式。左起:中国驻 新加坡大使魏苇、广州市市委书记张广宁、新加坡新闻、通讯及艺术部 代部长吕德耀、总商会会长张松声。 The Launching Ceremony for the ASEAN-Guangzhou Economic and Business Week was held on June 7 2010. From left: China’s Ambassador to Singapore Wei Wei; Guangzhou Party Secretary Zhang Guangning; Singapore’s Acting Minister for Information, Communications and the Arts Lui Tuck Yew; and Chamber’s President Teo Siong Seng.

▲2009年7月21日,广州开发区管理委员会、新加坡中华 总商会及星桥国际新加坡私人有限公司在新加坡签署共同 推动广东知识城发展的合作意向书。 知识城项目是继苏州工业园和天津生态城后,新加坡与 中国合作的第三项大型项目。2009年3月,在我国国务 资政吴作栋和广东省委书记汪洋见证下,吉宝企业与 广州开发区管理委员会签署开展可行性研究的协议。该 协议下,广州市政府在萝岗区划出123平方公里的土地 供知识城开发建设。 On July 21 2009, the Guangzhou Development District (GDD), the Chamber and SingBridge International Singapore Pte Ltd signed an MOU on a tripartite collaboration for the Guangzhou “Knowledge City”. The “Knowledge City” project is the third major project between Singapore and China after the Suzhou Industrial Park and the Tianjin Eco-City. Earlier in March 2009, Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong and Guangdong’s Party Secretary Wang Yang witnessed Keppel Corporation and GDD Management Committee signing the MOU to explore research areas under the “Knowledge City” project. The Guangzhou government would be allotting a land parcel of 123 sq km in the Luogang District for this development.


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加强经贸交流互动 加深了解中国各省市 Deepening our understanding of China’s Provinces and Cities


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2 0 0 8 年 9 月 1 6 日,“ 中 国 广 东 — — 新 加 坡 经 济 技 术 贸 易 合 作

The China Guangdong-Singapore Business Conference was held in Singapore on September 16 2008. The conference was organised by the People’s Government of Guangdong Province, and supported by the Department of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of Guangdong Province, the Economic & Commercial Section of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China, and the SCCCI.

交流会” 在新加坡举行。交流会由广东省人民政府主办,广东省 外经贸厅、中国驻新加坡大使馆、新加坡中华总商会联合承办。


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▼交流会中,汪洋介绍了广东省经济发展成果和面临的主要问题, 他呼吁广东和新加坡企业进一步加强双方在现代制造业、服务业、 以及科技、教育、文化、人才、旅游和社会管理等领域的合作。 During the meeting, Wang Yang introduced Guangdong’s achievements in economic development and key issues it had encountered, and urged enterprises from Guangdong and Singapore to strengthen their cooperation in modern manufacturing, services, technology, education, culture, human resources, tourism and social management.

▲中共中央政治局委员、广东省委书记汪洋率570多人组成的 广东省代表团出席交流会。图中总理公署部长林瑞生 (左) 与汪洋 (右) 交谈甚欢。 Guangdong Party Secretary Wang Yang, led a huge 570-member delegation to participate in the China Guangdong-Singapore Business Conference held in Singapore. Lim Swee Say (left), Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office (left), in conversation with Wang Yang (right).


Chapter Three | 2001-2010


Lim Swee Say, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China Zhang Xiaokang, Minister of State for Trade and Industry Lee Yi Shyan, and Chamber President Chua Thian Poh, were invited to attend the China GuangdongSingapore Business Conference. That same day, Wang Yang paid a visit to the SCCCI and the Singapore Chinese Chamber Institute of Business.

新加坡贸工部政务部长李奕贤、新加坡中华总商会会长蔡天宝 应邀出席 “中国广东——新加坡经济技术贸易合作交流会” 。 当日,汪洋莅访中华总商会及总商会管理学院。


Chapter Three | 2001-2010


The 5th Hebei-SCCCI Economic and Trade Cooperation Working Committee was held on March 27 2001, and was jointly chaired by President Kwek Leng Joo and Cai Limin, Vice Governor of the Hebei Municipal People’s Government. The meeting pointed out that joint ventures and direct investments by Singapore businesses in Hebei demonstrated a significant increase. This reflected the robust growth arising from relations between both sides; it also showed the positive results of the Working Committee in promoting bilateral economic and trade cooperation.

经贸合作工作委员会在新加坡召开第五次会议。 会议由工委会郭令裕会长与才利民副省长联合主持。 会议指出,新加坡商家在河北省的合作投资,以及 新加坡客商在河北省的直接投资都有显著的增加。 这体现了两地工商界的交往不断地朝向成熟化的道路 前进,同时也反映出工委会在推动双方经贸合作方面 起着一定的催化作用。


Chapter Three | 2001-2010


During the fifth Hebei-SCCCI Economic and Trade Cooperation Working Committee meeting held in Singapore, both sides concluded many collaboration projects and agreed to improve communication. On July 22-26 2002, Chamber President Kwek Leng Joo headed a 22-member delegation to the capital of Beijing and Chengde in Hebei province, to proceed with the sixth Hebei-SCCCI Economic and Trade Cooperation Working Committee. On that mission, delegates had first-hand information on the huge China market and its investment opportunities, particularly in tourism, education and information technology sectors. The trip also helped to advance relations with counterpart Chambers and reinforced the rapport that had been built up over the years.

第五次会议上,双方议定多项合作与加强沟通的事项。2002年 7月22日至26日,总商会会长郭令裕率领22人代表团出访 北京、河北省承德市,召开中国河北省与新加坡中华总商会 经济贸易工作委员会第六次会议。代表团成员在此行亲身体会 到中国广大市场和投资机会,特别是旅游、教育和资讯科技 产业的领域。经过此行,本会与中国对口商会进一步扩大 联系,巩固了双方长久建立起来的合作默契和关系。


Chapter Three | 2001-2010

7月23日下午,代表团出席中方在盛华酒店举行的 “中新企业项目

In the afternoon of July 23, the Chamber delegation attended a “China and Singapore Business Projects Seminar”.

洽谈会” 。


Chapter Three | 2001-2010


On November 19 2003, Hebei’s Deputy SecretaryGeneral Song Zhenhua visited Singapore with his delegation to attend the seventh Hebei-SCCCI Economic and Trade Cooperation Working Committee meeting. Topics discussed at the meeting jointly chaired by Vice-President Freddy Lam and Mr Song ranged from collaboration in human resource training, information technology and tourism.

宋振华率团抵新加坡,召开中国河北省与新加坡 中华总商会经贸合作工作委员会第七次会议。 会议由总商会副会长蓝宏赉和宋振华副秘书长 联合主持。会议讨论课题涵盖人才培训、资信 科技、旅游等方面的合作。


Chapter Three | 2001-2010


On August 20-23 2007, President Chua Thian Poh led a mission to Hebei and Beijing. The itinerary included holding the eighth HebeiSCCCI Economic and Trade Cooperation Working Committee meeting. The workplan discussed during the meeting was mainly centred on management training. The Hebei-SCCCI Economic and Trade Cooperation Working Committee meeting delivered concrete results in being an effective nexus in promoting two-way business collaboration and deepening ties.

考察行程包括召开中国河北省与总商会经贸合作工作委员会 第八次会议。会议议定的工作聚焦在管理方面的培训。河北省 与总商会经贸合作工作委员会,为推动双方经贸交流与合作 发挥了桥梁和纽带作用,互动频密,促成河北省企业在新加坡 上市融资和双方企业的合作,体现了双方经贸往来与合作的发展 势头良好。


Chapter Three | 2001-2010


On June 24 2005, Liaoning Governor Zhang Wenyue led a 32-member delegation to the Chamber, and were received by President Chua Thian Poh and Vice-Presidents Freddy Lam and Chia Ban Seng.



Chapter Three | 2001-2010


Acting Minister for Education Tharman Shanmugaratnam led a high-level multi-agency delegation to Liaoning province on April 17-24 2004, to attend the inaugural meeting of the Singapore-Liaoning Economic and Trade Council. In conjunction with this visit, the Chamber together with International Enterprise Singapore coordinated a business delegation on site visits to Shenyang, Dalian and Fushun. The mission’s primary objectives were to touch base with relevant Chinese government agencies and cultivate important contacts; assist local enterprises in identifying potential areas of collaboration between Singapore and Liaoning; witness the official opening of IE Singapore’s Dalian office; attend the opening ceremonies for Singapore companies’ projects in Liaoning; and participate in Dalian Business Forum. Apart from the 42-member business delegation led by President Kwek Leng Joo, the Singapore delegation consisted of officials from the Ministry of Trade and Industry and the Ministry of Education, as well as members of the Singapore-Liaoning Economic and Trade Council.

出访辽宁省,出席新加坡——辽宁省经贸理事会会议。配合 此行,本会与新加坡国际企业发展局联合组织商业代表团到 辽宁省沈阳市、大连市和抚顺市进行实地考察。此行主要目的 包括与中国政府相关机构建立基础联系并致力于发展关键性 接触、协助我国工商界到辽宁省探寻商机和潜在合作领域、见证 新加坡国际企业发展局驻大连海外联络办事处正式成立、出席 新加坡公司在辽宁省的合作项目启动仪式,以及出席在大连市 举行的商业论坛。除了由郭令裕会长率领的42人经贸代表团 之外,新加坡代表团还包括政府代表、新辽经贸理事会成员以及 教育界代表。


Chapter Three | 2001-2010

►4月19日,代表团成员出席 沈阳市人民政府主办的中国 (沈阳)——新加坡经贸洽谈会, 尚达曼代部长在会上致辞。 Delegates attended the ShenyangSingapore Business Matching Session on April 19, during which Acting Minister for Education Tharman Shanmugaratnam delivered a speech.

◄4月20日,郭令裕会长和蔡天宝副会长应邀出席辽宁省人民 政府主办的新加坡——辽宁经贸理事会第一次会议。会议上, 双方同意重点推进七个和工业园及港口有关的基础合作项目。 On April 20, President Kwek Leng Joo and Vice-President Chua Thian Poh attended the inaugural meeting of the Singapore-Liaoning Economic and Trade Council. At the meeting, both sides agreed to promote seven cooperation projects related to industrial parks and ports.


Chapter Three | 2001-2010

▼4月22日,辽宁省人民政府、吉林省人民政府及黑龙江省人民 政府联合主办 “中国东北三省与新加坡振兴老工业基地研讨会暨 项目洽谈会” 。郭令裕会长在致辞时表示,该洽谈会提供 集思广益的平台,双方可以开展双赢和多赢的增值性工作,为 双边贸易往来和经济合作发挥积极的促进作用。 On April 22, Liaoning Municipal Government, Jilin Municipal Government and Heilongjiang Municipal Government jointly organised a “Forum on the Revitalization of Old Industrial Base and ProjectMatching Session”. In his address, President Kwek Leng Joo remarked that the Dalian Forum was an opportune platform for Singapore businessmen interested in exploring partnering opportunities in China’s Old Industrial Base, as knowledge gained from the forum would surely be beneficial in developing win-win and value-added alliances.

▲4月21日,经贸代表团参观大连软件园。 The delegation toured Dalian Software Park on April 21.


Chapter Three | 2001-2010

▼对话会现场也同时举办中国改革开放三十年图片展,从1978年 11月12日邓小平以中国第一副总理身份访问新加坡开始,通过 一系列珍贵的照片,展示三十年来中国改革开放的成就。 A photo exhibition was on display outside the Shangri-La Ballroom, featuring the 30 years of China’s reform, stemming from the very first visit of paramount leader Deng Xiaoping to Singapore on November 12 1978 till the present day.

▲从1976年第一次访问中国开始到2008年出席奥运会开幕式, 李光耀资政亲眼见证了中国改革开放三十年的进步过程。2008年 12月16日,总商会、中国驻新加坡大使馆及通商中国在香格里拉 大酒店,联合举办 “中国改革开放30年回顾与展望:中国与 亚细安国家及新加坡的关系” 大型英语对话会,由李光耀资政 主讲,巡回大使许通美教授担任主席。对话会中,李资政与听众 分享了他对新中合作的看法。 From his very first visit to China in 1976 to attending the Olympics Opening Ceremony in Beijing, Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew has witnessed 30 years of China’s reform and opening up. On December 16 2008, the Chamber organised a Commemorative Dialogue on “Reflections and Prospects – 30 years of China’s reform and opening up: China’s relations with ASEAN and Singapore” in collaboration with the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China and Business China at Shangri-La Hotel. During the dialogue, which was moderated by Ambassador-at-Large Prof Tommy Koh, MM Lee shared his views on the relations and cooperation between Singapore and China.


Chapter Three | 2001-2010

▼2007年7月9日至12日,中国国务院副总理吴仪率团访问 新加坡。总商会7月11日在香格里拉酒店设午宴接待,我国国务 资政吴作栋 (右三) 是午宴特别嘉宾,其他出席的贵宾包括副总理 黄根成 (右二)、内阁部长、外交使节、总商会董事等。吴仪副总理 是应副总理黄根成的邀请,对新加坡进行四天的正式访问,共同 主持苏州工业园区新中联合协调理事会第九次会议及新中双边 合作联合委员会第四次会议。 Wu Yi, Vice-Premier of China’s State Council, was on an official visit to Singapore on July 9-12 2007. The Chamber organised a Gala Lunch at Shangri-La Hotel in her honour on July 11. Singapore’s Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong (third from right) was the Special Guest, and other distinguished guests included Deputy Prime Minister Wong Kan Seng (second from right), cabinet ministers, members of the diplomatic corps, and council members of the Chamber. Vice-Premier Wu Yi was in Singapore on a 4-day visit at the invitation of DPM Wong Kan Seng, and to co-chair the 9th Sino-Singapore Suzhou Industrial Park Joint Coordination Council meeting and the 4th Joint Council for Bilateral Cooperation meeting.

▲中国全国政协主席李瑞环率60人代表团访问新加坡期间,于 2001年11月19日拜访晚晴园——孙中山南洋纪念馆。孙中山南洋 纪念馆有限公司主席、总商会会长郭令裕、前任会长郑民川、 副会长蓝宏赉出席接待。 Li Ruihuan, Chairman of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, was accompanied by a 60-member delegation on his visit to Singapore. On November 19 2001, Mr Li visited Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall, and was received by Kwek Leng Joo, President of SCCCI and Chairman of SYSNMH, Immediate Past President Tay Beng Chuan and Vice-President Freddy Lam.


Chapter Three | 2001-2010


China’s Vice-Premier Wu Yi was well-known for her wisdom, intellect and tenacity. In recognition of her outstanding leadership qualities as well as her contributions to global trade and championing Sino-Singapore economic cooperation, the Chamber seized the opportunity of presenting Vice-Premier Wu Yi with an “Excellence in Leadership Award”. During the July 11 Gala Lunch, Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong was invited to present the award in the company of President Chua Thian Poh.

杰出的领导才华以及她对世界贸易、推动新中经济关系作出 的贡献,总商会特在7月11日的午宴上邀请主宾吴作栋资政在 蔡天宝会长的陪同下,向吴仪颁赠首个总商会 “卓越领袖” 奖座。


Chapter Three | 2001-2010


During her speech, Vice-Premier Wu Yi advocated that Singapore companies could expand cooperation in modern services with China. She revealed that China’s services industry is set to achieve a value-add of more than 50% to GDP by 2020.

现代服务业合作,并透露,中国设定到2020年服务业增值将占 国内生产总值的比重超过50%。


Chapter Three | 2001-2010

新加坡中华总商会和通商中国于2009年8月25日在Pyramid Club

The Chamber and Business China jointly hosted a luncheon on August 25 2009 at the Pyramid Club to welcome China’s Vice-Premier Wang Qishan.



Chapter Three | 2001-2010


On August 25 2009, China’s Vice-Premier Wang Qishan led a high-level delegation to Singapore on a 4-day visit.



Chapter Three | 2001-2010


His Excellency Hu Jintao, President of the People’s Republic of China, paid a state visit to Singapore on November 11-15 2009 to attend the APEC CEO Summit. On November 12, the Chamber and co-host Business China, together with the support of the Singapore Business Federation, Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (SFCCA), China Enterprises Association (Singapore) and Singapore China Friendship Association, organised a Gala Dinner at St Regis Singapore to welcome President Hu and his delegation. From left to right: Josephine Teo, CEO of Business China and MP for BishanToa Payoh; Ho Kiau Seng, Vice-President of SFCCA; Tan Cheng Gay, Chamber’s Vice-President; Teo Siong Seng, Chamber’s President; H.E. Hu Jintao; Chua Thian Poh, Chairman of Business China and the Chamber’s Immediate Past President; Patrick Lee, Chamber’s VicePresident; Phua Kok Khoo, President of the Singapore China Friendship Association; Thomas Chua, Chamber’s Vice-President; and Jiang Lijun, President of the China Enterprises Association (Singapore).

亚太经合组织会议。11月12日,总商会在协办机构与支持机构的 支持下,在瑞吉酒店设欢迎晚宴接待。左起: 通商中国总裁兼 碧山——大巴窑集选区议员杨莉明、新加坡宗乡会馆联合总会 副主席何侨生、本会副会长陈精毅、新加坡工商联合总会主席 朱良志、本会会长张松声、胡锦涛主席、通商中国主席兼本会 前任会长蔡天宝、本会副会长李国基、新加坡——中国 (新中) 友好协会会长潘国驹、本会副会长蔡其生、中资企业 (新加坡) 协会会长姜立军。


Chapter Three | 2001-2010





联合总会、中资企业 (新加坡) 协会与新加坡——中国 (新中)





During his remarks at the luncheon, Vice-President Xi commented on China’s foreign relations policy. He said that favourable relations between China and ASEAN would be beneficial to its people, and moreover be meaningful in contributing to the regional harmony, stability and prosperity of Asia.

特邀贵宾。 In mid-November 2010, China’s Vice-President Xi Jinping made a state visit to Singapore. In conjunction with his visit, the Chamber and co-host Business China, together with the support of the Singapore Business Federation, Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations, China Enterprises Association (Singapore) and Singapore China Friendship Association, organised a welcome luncheon in his honour at St Regis Singapore on November 15. This special occasion also commemorated the 20th anniversary of Singapore’s diplomatic ties with China. Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong was the Special Distinguished Guest.


Chapter Three | 2001-2010


Chapter Three | 2001-2010

孙中山南洋纪念馆 Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall


Chapter Three | 2001-2010

2006年,中国前副总理李岚清 (中) 访问孙中山南洋纪念馆,

In 2006, China’s former Vice-Premier Li Lanqing (middle) paid a visit to Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall. He was welcomed by Chamber President Chua Thian Poh and Kwek Leng Joo, Chairman of SYSNMH.



Chapter Three | 2001-2010


On April 10 2006, at Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall, the Chamber transferred the bronze statue of martyr Cai Congshi to the Jinan Municipal Government through the delegation of the Jinan International Culture Association. Jinan’s Minister for Promotion and President of the Jinan International Culture Association, Wang Liang, and Cai Gongshi’s son Cai Jinren attended the “Cai Gongshi Bronze Statue Handover Ceremony” held at Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall.

铜像正式移交给中国济南市人民政府——济南对外文化交流协会 代表团。济南市委宣传部长、济南市对外文化交流协会会长王良 率代表团与烈士的公子蔡今任前来晚晴园进行 “蔡公时烈士铜像 移交仪式” 。 蔡公时于清末追随孙中山参加革命。北伐战争时,随国军任外交

Cai Gongshi joined Sun Yat Sen’s nationalist movement towards the end of the Qing dynasty. During the Northern Expedition, he was appointed Commissioner of Foreign Affairs for Shandong province. He was subsequently killed by Japanese soldiers on May 3 1928 during the Jinan Incident.



Chapter Three | 2001-2010


Lu Zhangong (front row, fifth from left), Communist Party Secretary of Fujian and Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Fujian People’s Congress, was on a visit to Singapore, Malaysia and the Philippines on June 16-19 2006 with a 32-member delegation to advance regional economic cooperation and exchange. On June 17, the delegation visited the Chamber, and was received at Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall by President Chua Thian Poh and many council members.

(前排左五) 2006年6月16日至19日率32人 代表团访问新加坡、马来西亚和菲律宾, 以促进区域经济合作与交流。6月17日, 代表团访问总商会,蔡天宝会长及多位董事 在孙中山南洋纪念馆接待代表团。


Chapter Three | 2001-2010

▼刘延东对纪念馆内的收藏赞誉有加。 Councillor Liu was impressed with the extensive collection of historical artefacts displayed at Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall.

▲2009年4月25日,中国国务委员刘延东在总商会会长张松声 陪同下到访孙中山南洋纪念馆。 On April 25 2009, Chamber’s President Teo Siong Seng accompanied China’s State Councillor Liu Yandong on a tour of Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall.


Chapter Three | 2001-2010

During her visit, Councillor Liu praised the Chamber’s efforts to preserve the China Revolution’s history in a Memorial Hall which helped to foster cross-cultural exchanges among different races and promote social harmony.

刘延东对新加坡保留与中国辛亥革命历史有关的纪念馆,同时又 积极促进各种族的文化交流与和谐共处,表示赞赏。


Chapter Four | 2011-2020

腾飞跃进 新中关系飞跃期 2011-2020


Chapter Four | 2011-2020

“引进来” 与 “走出去” 是中国的开放战略,中国政府鼓励




格局变革。2010年,中国与亚细安 (东盟) 自由贸易协定













世界华商大会:世界华商大会无论在任何国家/地区举办, 都能够凝聚全球华商,对国与国之间经贸关系能够发挥有力





朝向自由贸易推进的优越条件。另一方面,新加坡政府也 在努力培育年营业额在一亿新元以上的中小型企业,努力


扶持更多新加坡企业 “走出去” 。

海外市场工作坊协助本地中小企业亲身体验相关行业的海外 市场发展动向,扩大在当地的联系网络,探索合作潜在机会







优势,在中资企业 “走出去” 进程中,发挥作为平台支点的



投资推介会:中国企业 “走出去” ,通过在新加坡举办的 近十年来,新中关系蓬勃发展。新加坡中华总商会从



总商会与中资企业 (新加坡) 协会和中国驻新加坡大使馆






同时都协助承办投资推介会和论坛。2018年接待到访的中国 国务院总理李克强,更是总商会近年来的盛事之一。


Chapter Four | 2011-2020

Soaring High

Achieving New Heights in Singapore-China Relations



Chapter Four | 2011-2020

Singapore Investment Guide is a key Chamber publication which provides essential resources for investors to navigate the Singapore business landscape. The offices of the Singapore Enterprise Centre operating out of Shanghai, Chongqing and Chengdu were established to provide one-stop business consultancy services for Singapore enterprises keen on venturing into China’s southeast, central and western regions. World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention (WCEC): Wherever it is held throughout the world, the WCEC continues to function as a global gathering for ethnic Chinese businessmen to build up their business and trade relations. Business China advances the liaison between Singapore and China, seizing new growth opportunities.

China’s strategy of opening up its economy consists of “bringing in” and “going global”. The China government has been urging its enterprises to get actively involved in overseas investments and engage in business ventures abroad, participating effectively in the global economic order. In 2010, the China-ASEAN Free Trade Agreement came into effect, making 90 per cent of goods tariff-free, and catalysing the growth of two-way trade between China and ASEAN. Competitive goods could enter both China and ASEAN markets freely, meeting demand on all levels. On January 1 2010, the ChinaASEAN Free Trade Area was officially launched, heralding a new chapter of economic relations between China and Southeast Asia. Infocomm Technology is an important part of the Singapore economy in the 21st century. Besides, Singapore’s openness and diversity, coupled with tremendous resilience and adaptability, are all favourable conditions in an economy centred on free trade. On the other hand, the Singapore government is also actively grooming a coterie of SMEs with sales turnover of more than S$100 million and helping even more Singapore enterprises to internationalise.

Visiting China’s Provinces and Cities to promote interaction: Overseas Market Workshops jointly rolled out by the Chamber and Enterprise Singapore help local SMEs to gain a first-hand experience in related industries in overseas markets, broaden their networks there, and explore potential opportunities for collaboration. Seminars and Forums: Increasingly, even more delegations participate in investment seminars and networking forums held in the different provinces and cities in China so that corporate executives from both sides could leverage on face-to-face meetings.

Leveraging on Singapore’s comprehensive collaborative relations with China, businesses from both countries maintained strong ties of development, facilitating the expansion of networks and trade. Being a hub for free trade, logistics and financial services, Singapore plays an important supportive role in China enterprises’ “going out” strategy, helping them to expand into the region and create new markets.

Staging Singapore as the hub for business development:

The last decade saw the flourishing of Singapore-China business relations in three broad directions – consolidating the business network between Singapore and China, arranging for visits to provinces and cities in China to advance business interactions, and using Singapore as a hub to promote economic and trade activities with China. This growth in depth and breadth of commercial linkages between Singapore and China augurs well for the future as Singapore partners enterprises from China to enter the regional markets or explore third- and fourth-tier cities within China.

Investment Seminars: As China companies embark on their “going global” strategy, many are using Singapore as a hub to host their investment seminars and attract interest from the region. Cooperation with China Enterprises Association (Singapore) and the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China: The Chamber also works closely with the China Enterprises Association (Singapore) and the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China on matters of mutual interest and assistance. Receiving Dignitaries from China: Within this decade, the Chamber has been receiving many dignitaries from China and arranging seminars and forums in conjunction with their visits. In 2018, we were honoured to welcome the visit of Li Keqiang, Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China.

Consolidating the business network between Singapore and China: Singapore-China Business Forum: This bilateral business forum series is now a key event in the Chamber calendar where we feature leading Singapore and China companies and discuss current business issues. Singapore Investment Guide: First launched in Chongqing in 2014, the 141

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新中商务论坛 Consolidating the business network between Singapore and China:

Singapore-China Business Forum


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China is a vast market replete with business opportunities. In its efforts to assist local SMEs to venture abroad, the Chamber also helps its members gather more information and resources on China, encouraging enterprises to enter the China market. On April 20 2012, the Chamber organised the very first Singapore-China Business Forum in Shanghai’s Pudong International Convention Centre, with the theme of “Singapore and China – Partnering for Win-Win Collaboration”. Chamber President Teo Siong Seng (middle) delivered the opening speech, while the moderator for the forum was council member Ng Siew Quan (third from left).

走出国门的同时,也帮助会员汲取更多中国资讯,鼓励企业拓展 到中国市场。2012年4月20日,总商会新中商务论坛首次在上海 浦东国际会议中心举办,主题为 “新中携手,共创双赢” 。总商会 会长张松声 (中) 在论坛中致开幕辞。论坛主持是总商会董事吴绍均 (左三)。


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▼中小企业独自到海外发展,势单力薄。总商会鼓励会员商家 互相借力,“以大带小” ,彼此优势互补,一起走向国际,取得 双赢。2014年 “新中商务论坛——借力旗舰项目 扬帆中国市场” 于6月5日在总商会嘉庚堂举办。 SMEs keen on breaking into the China market are encouraged to hunt as a pack, supporting each other, pooling resources to overcome their individual limitations. The 3rd Singapore-China Business Forum was organised on June 5 2014 at the Chamber auditorium, based on the theme of “Riding on Flagship Projects”.

▲2013年11月12日,“ 新中商务论坛——上海自贸区为新加坡企业 带来的商机” 在新加坡洲际城市酒店举行。 On November 12 2013, the Singapore-China Business Forum, based on the theme of “The Shanghai Free Trade Zone – Opportunities for Singapore”, was held at InterContinental Singapore.


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▼本会于2015年6月8日在总商会嘉庚堂举办 “新中商务论坛—— 借力电商平台 拓展中国市场” 。数码时代,电商的崛起,带动 支付平台和物流配送业的迅速发展。 The Chamber organised the Singapore-China Business Forum 2015 on June 8, with the chosen theme of “Venturing into the Chinese Market via e-Commerce”. In the digital era, the phenomenal rise of e-commerce has seen accelerated developments in e-payments and logistics support.

▲论坛也邀请三位不同背景的企业家和参会者作分享。总商会 董事傅国华 (左二) 也是主讲嘉宾之一。论坛主持由本会董事 高泉庆 (左一) 担任。 The 2014 Singapore-China Business Forum also invited three entrepreneurs from different backgrounds to share their experiences. Council member Victor Foo (second from left) was one of the panelists. The session was moderated by council member Kho Choon Keng (far left).


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2016年7月13日,“新中商务论坛——聚焦重庆 拓展西部市场”

The fifth Singapore-China Business Forum was held on July 13 2016 with the distinct theme of “Chongqing: Springboard to China’s Western Region”. Panelists discussed Singapore’s role as springboard to China’s enterprises in their “going global” journey, China and the ASEAN Economic Community, investing overseas, initial public offerings, as well as how China enterprises could enter into overseas investments via Singapore.

在总商会嘉庚堂举办。论坛主讲嘉宾讨论了新加坡在中国企业 走出国门的过程中所扮演的桥头堡角色、中国与亚细安经济 共同体、跨境投资及首次公开募股事宜,以及中国企业如何在 新加坡或通过新加坡进行境外投资。


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▼2017年7月3日,本会在新加坡洲际酒店举办 “新中商务 论坛——携手中资企业 共享一带一路” 。中国国际问题研究院 亚欧研究所李自国副所长应邀出席作主旨演讲,回顾 “一带一路” 四年以来的丰硕成果,展望今后的发展前景。主讲嘉宾也分享了 新中两地的企业如何相互合作,善用 “一带一路” 创造的商机, 共同向周边国家发展。论坛主持由总商会董事谢锦发 (左一) 担任。 The Chamber presented its Singapore-China Business Forum for 2017 at the InterContinental Singapore on July 3. The keynote speaker, Li Ziguo from the China Institute of International Studies, reviewed the positive outcome of the “One Belt One Road” initiative over the past four years and its outlook for the future. Topics raised during the panel discussion included how Singapore and China enterprises could embark on partnerships to leverage on market opportunities arising from the Belt and Road Initiative, to achieve a win-win outcome. Council member Chia Kim Huat (far left) moderated the session.

▲总商会副会长黄山忠 (右) 与中新 (重庆) 战略性互联互通示范 项目管理局局长韩宝昌 (左) 签署战略合作备忘录,标志着双方将 在今后进一步加强合作。 Chamber President Roland Ng (right) and Han Baochang (left), DirectorGeneral of China-Singapore (Chongqing) Demonstration Initiative on Strategic Connectivity Administrative Bureau, signed a Memorandum of Understanding to signify strengthening areas of cooperation going forward.


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◄论坛上,吴学光副会长 (右) 代表总商会 与中国银行签署合作协议,期盼发挥各自 优势,加强在金融支持、信息交流等领域的 合作。后排:中为中国中国驻新加坡大使馆 经商处公使衔参赞郑超、右为总商会会长 黄山忠。 During the forum, Chamber’s Vice-President Wu Hsioh Kwang (right) represented the Chamber in signing an MOU with Bank of China to strengthen cooperation in financial support, information exchange and other areas of collaboration. Back row: Zheng Chao (middle), Minister Counsellor (Economic & Commercial Office), Embassy of the People’s Republic of China, and Chamber President Roland Ng (far right). ►2018年8月17日,“新中商务论坛——新一代的中国 制造” 在新达城新加坡国际会议展览中心举行。论坛由 总商会副会长何乃全 (中) 主持。 The Singapore-China Business Forum was held at Suntec Convention Centre on August 17 2018. The theme for the 2018 forum was “China’s Next-Generation Manufacturing”. Chamber’s Vice-President Charles Ho Nai Chuen (middle) moderated the panel discussion.


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In 2019 the Singapore-China Business Forum was held on October 30 at Shangri-La Hotel, under the theme of “Singapore and China Enterprises Jointly Explore Third-Party Market”. The forum discussed the models and trends for collaboration between Singapore and China enterprises; it also explored how the cooperation could be deepened for businesses and products to penetrate the Southeast Asia market. Chamber President Roland Ng (fifth from right) emphasised in his speech that the trend of Singapore-China cooperation was unstoppable, and the Southeast Asian region was a new market for enterprises of both countries to explore. The forum moderator was council member Chia Kim Huat (far left). Council member Zhou Zhaocheng (second from right) was also one of the panelists. The group photograph included Cheng Jun (fourth from right), General Manager of Bank of China Singapore and President of the China Enterprises Association (Singapore); and Zhong Manying (fourth from left), Minister Counsellor (Economic & Commercial Office), Embassy of the People’s Republic of China.

“新中携手,开拓第三方市场” 为主题,讨论新中企业合作的 新模式和新走向,探讨如何深化两地企业合作,将业务与产品 拓展到东南亚市场。黄山忠会长 (右五) 在致辞中强调,中新合作 的潮流势不可挡,东南亚地区是两国企业合作的新根据地。商家 可以一起搭建良性合作生态系统,共同促进跨规模、跨行业的 国际间企业合作。论坛主持为总商会董事谢锦发律师 (左一), 本会董事周兆呈博士 (右二) 也是主讲嘉宾之一 。右四为中国银行 新加坡分行行长、中资企业 (新加坡) 协会会长程军。左四为中国 驻新加坡大使馆经商处公使衔参赞钟曼英。


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新加坡投资指南 Consolidating the business network between Singapore and China:

Singapore Investment Guide


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▲2014年10月29日,首版《新加坡投资指南 2014/2015》在重庆市举行新书发布。《新加坡 投资指南 “借势狮城 扬帆海外:新加坡—— 中国企业走向国际的桥头堡” 》是以中国 企业家为对象,协助到新加坡投资的中国 企业家熟悉新加坡环境并顺利融入新加坡 生活。 总商会于当天举办的“重庆企业走出去:新加坡 及东南亚区域展望与投资前景研讨会”,分享了 新加坡及东南亚区域展望与投资前景。 On October 29 2014, the Chamber held a launching ceremony for the very first Singapore Investment Guide 2014/2015 in Chongqing. The Singapore Investment Guide, written with China entrepreneurs in mind, was intended to be a useful primer to help with their familiarisation with Singapore and integration.

▲第三版《新加坡投资指南》于2017年出版。 The third edition of the Singapore Investment Guide was published in 2017.

The launching ceremony was held in conjunction with a seminar entitled “Chongqing Enterprises Venturing Out: Regional Outlook and Investment Opportunities in Singapore and Southeast Asia”.


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◄ 新加坡投资指南2016》第二版2016年10月29日在重庆举行发布会。总商会副会长 黄山忠 (左四) 主持发布会,董事陈金城也出席了发布会。当日也举办 “重庆企业 走出去:新加坡及东南亚区域展望与投资前景研讨会” 。 The second edition of the Singapore Investment Guide 2016 was launched in Chongqing on October 29 2016. Chamber Vice-President Roland Ng (fourth from left) officiated the launching ceremony, council member Tan Kim Seng also attended the ceremony. A seminar on “Chongqing Enterprises Venturing Overseas” was held in conjunction with the launch of the guide.

第四版《新加坡投资指南》2019/2020。 The fourth edition of the Singapore Investment Guide 2019/2020.


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新加坡企业中心 Consolidating the business network between Singapore and China:

Singapore Enterprise Centre


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The Chamber celebrated its 110th Anniversary on September 23 2016. Singapore’s Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong attended the celebration as guest of honour, and presented the Chamber with a plaque bearing an inscription of - commending the Chamber on Unifying Businesses to Benefit Society. In his speech, PM Lee said that China is Singapore’s largest trading partner, and both sides enjoy mutually beneficial relations. The Chamber has built extensive links both in Singapore and overseas, gathering resources and through different channels help local businesses do business in China. The Singapore Enterprise Centre established by the Chamber in Shanghai would further strengthen Singapore-China cooperation and create even more win-win opportunities.

李显龙作为主宾出席,并向总商会颁赠牌匾 “聚商惠民” 。 李总理在致辞中指出,中国是新加坡第一大贸易伙伴,双方 有着互惠互利的关系。总商会在国内和国外建立了广大的网络, 可以汇集多方面资源,通过各种管道发挥新加坡华商的共同 力量到中国发展。总商会在上海设立的新加坡企业中心,有助于 进一步加强新中两国全方位的合作伙伴关系,创造更多双赢。


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▼2018年10月31日,新加坡企业中心正式入驻 上海虹桥海外贸易中心,并推出临时共享办公 及共用秘书服务,为新加坡企业在中国投资 提供一站式的服务。 On October 31 2018, the Singapore Enterprise Centre@Shanghai relocated to Hongqiao Overseas Trade Centre, and launched short-term shared office space and Shared Secretariat services to provide one-stop services for Singapore enterprises venturing into the China market.

▲2013年11月12日,新加坡企业中心举行揭牌仪式。在新加坡国际企业发展局 (现称新加坡企业发展局) 的全力支援下,总商会上海代表处升级为新加坡企业 中心,以更加明确的定位和鲜明的品牌形象,为新加坡商家拓展中国市场提供 有效的协助。右至左:新加坡国际企业发展局局长张永昌、贸工部兼国家 发展部高级政务部长李奕贤、中国驻新加坡大使馆经商处公使衔参赞郑超和 总商会会长蔡其生。 The Singapore Enterprise Centre was launched on November 12 2013. With the support of International Enterprise Singapore (now Enterprise Singapore), the Chamber’s Shanghai Representative Office was repositioned and rebranded as the Singapore Enterprise Centre, providing effective assistance to local enterprises in their China ventures. From right to left: Teo Eng Cheong, Chief Executive Officer of IE Singapore; Lee Yi Shyan, Senior Minister of State for Trade and Industry; Zheng Chao, Minister Counsellor (Economic & Commercial Office), Embassy of the People’s Republic of China; and Chamber President Thomas Chua.


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▲2017年7月18日,总商会会长黄山忠 (左) 和中新 (重庆) 战略性


互联互通示范项目管理局局长韩宝昌 (右) 为总商会重庆代表处

总商会会长黄山忠 (左一) 致辞时表示:“总商会上海、重庆、






同时,新加坡企业中心也将是中国企业进军新加坡及东南亚市场 的重要桥梁” 。新加坡贸工部高级政务部长许宝琨医生 (左二)

The opening ceremony of the Chongqing Representative Office on July 18 2017 was officiated by Chamber President Roland Ng (left) and Han Baochang (right), Director-General of China-Singapore (Chongqing) Demonstration Initiative on Strategic Connectivity Administrative Bureau. During the ceremony, the Chamber signed Memoranda of Understanding with 38 county districts and development zones of Chongqing and the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) Chongqing branch, pledging even greater avenues of cooperation between Singapore and Chongqing, and identifying mutual business opportunities.

出席了仪式。 Singapore Enterprise Centre@Chengdu was officially opened on May 9 2019. Chamber President Roland Ng (far left), said in his speech that “The Chamber’s three centres in Shanghai, Chongqing and Chengdu are being developed to provide one-stop business advisory services focusing on the southeastern coastal region and the western part of China, to serve Singapore enterprises more effectively in their China ventures. At the same time, the Singapore Enterprise Centre is an important bridge for China enterprises venturing into Singapore and the ASEAN market.” Dr Koh Poh Koon (second from left), Senior Minister of State for Trade and Industry, attended the opening ceremony.


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世界华商大会 Consolidating the business network between Singapore and China:

World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention


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2011年10月5日至7日,时隔二十年,世界华商大会以主题 “新格局

On October 5-7 2011, the World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention (WCEC) was hosted in Singapore again, after 20 years. The theme for the 11th WCEC was “New Global Environment, New Chinese Enterprise, New Impetus”. A Welcome Reception was held for all delegates at Universal Studios Singapore in Resorts World Sentosa.

新华商 新动力” 再次回到新加坡举办。


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Huang Mengfu, Vice-Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and Chairman of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce (ACFIC), declared in his speech on October 6 that these 20 years have seen the continued growth of the WCEC and the expansion of its international influence. It has provided an important platform for the global Chinese business community to establish mutual understanding and strengthen cooperation.

新加坡举办。中国全国政协副主席、中华全国工商业联合会 副主席黄孟复10月6日在大会开幕仪式上致词。黄孟复评价世界 华商大会二十年来不断扩大,国际影响力与日俱增,为全球华商 提供了一个增进相互了解,加强交流合作的重要平台。 总商会会长张松声在开幕式结束后,接受中新社记者专访, 针对海外华商在中国投资、贸易和经济合作说,广大海外华商

After the Opening Ceremony, Chamber President Teo Siong Seng, responding to media interviews, referred to the successful experience of overseas Chinese investments, trade and economic cooperation in China was a significant catalyst in boosting the confidence of MNCs in investing in China.

企业的成功经历也增强了其他跨国公司投资中国的信心,成为 中国吸引外商投资的重要带动力量。


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Singapore’s Former Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew was the Guest of Honour for the Gala Dinner and Closing Ceremony of the 11th WCEC on October 7. At the dialogue, MM Lee shared valuable insights on the role of Chinese entrepreneurs, China’s development, the outlook of the Euro Zone, and Singapore’s bilingual policy. He said that Chinese entrepreneurs all over the world play a crucial role in helping enterprises in China globalise. He added that as Singapore had no natural resources, it depended on the knowledge and skills of its citizens. In this regard he emphasised the importance of bilingualism for Singapore to connect to the world.

中国的发展、欧元区的前景、我国双语政策等课题分享看法。他 认为,中国要创造国际性企业,需要华商的协助。他强调新加坡 没有天然资源,必须靠拥有知识和技能的国民,所以中英双语必须 并重。


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第十二届世界华商大会以 “中国发展,华商机遇” 为主题,

The 12th WCEC, held in Chengdu on September 24-26 2013, was based on the theme of “China’s Development and Opportunities for Overseas Chinese Entrepreneurs. Chamber President Thomas Chua led the 127-member delegation from the SCCCI.

于2013年9月24日至26日在中国成都举行。蔡其生会长率领127人 出席。


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▼第十五届世界华商大会2019年10月22日在 英国伦敦开幕,黄山忠会长率领27人代表团 出席。历届世界华商大会,中国都派出庞大 代表团出席。今天的世界华商大会,实现了为 全球华商搭建互动合作的愿景,体现了新中 经贸关系不断的深化。

▲9月25日,中国国务院侨办主任裘援平出席开幕式并宣读 中国国家主席习近平的贺信。习近平表示,长期以来,广大 华侨华人秉承中华民族优秀传统,艰苦创业,拼搏进取, 积极融入住在国社会,同当地人民和睦相处,在事业上取得 长足发展,为各国经济发展和社会进步作出了积极贡献。 习近平指出,中国改革开放事业取得伟大成就,广大华侨 华人功不可没。30多年来,华侨华人发挥在资金、技术、 管理、商业网络等方面的优势,在中国各地投资兴业,用 自己的智慧和汗水,有力促进了中国经济社会发展,有力 推动了中国同世界的交流合作。 On September 25, Qiu Yuanping, head of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council, attended the 12th WCEC in Chengdu and read out China’s President Xi Jinping’s congratulatory message. President Xi said that overseas Chinese entrepreneurs, with their hard work, and outstanding Chinese cultural traditions, live harmoniously with people around the world and have contributed significantly to the global economy and social progress. He added that overseas Chinese have also made indelible contributions to the success of China’s opening up over these 30 years. With their capital, technology, management expertise and business networks, they helped to promote China’s economic and social development, and facilitated exchanges and cooperation with the outside world.


Chamber President Roland Ng led a 27-member delegation to the 15th WCEC held in London on October 22 2019. Every WCEC has seen the participation of large delegations from China. The WCEC has realised the vision of becoming a channel of cooperation and understanding for the worldwide Chinese business community, and it continues to deepen Singapore-China relations.

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通商中国 Consolidating the business network between Singapore and China:

Business China


Chapter Four | 2011-2020


Since it was founded in 1906, the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry has always played the role of being the apex organisation for the Chinese business community. It has been actively promoting business activities between Singapore and China and is the key channel linking up corporate members with the public and private sector leaders of both countries. In this fast-changing environment, the Chamber and the Greater China region witnessed a dynamic first half of the 20th century and overcome many different challenges. Even in times of political uncertainty, the Chamber’s members could leverage on the many business activities and events that were organised to establish rapport with China. The Chamber has thus become one of the few channels to connect China with the outside world. Over more than a century, the Chamber has continued to perpetuate Chinese culture, establish mutual friendship ties, and provide an effective platform to deepen the relations between Singapore and China.

本分,积极推动新加坡与中国商贸与民间的往来,总商会是会员 商家与新中两地政商界领袖取得联系的主要平台。在瞬息万变的 环境中,总商会和大中华地区一同经历了二十世纪上半叶的动荡 局势,一起并肩跨越多个时代的挑战,即使在政治相对封闭的 年代,总商会会员商家通过业务与商贸活动,维系着与中国的 联系,成为她和外界少有的沟通渠道之一。百多年来,总商会 持续不断推广华人文化、建立双边友谊以及为两国商界提供有效 交流平台,深化了新中两国关系。 2014年11月18日,总商会荣获 “通商中国奖” ,肯定本会一百多年来 与中国建立的稳固关系。

On November 18 2014, the Chamber received the Business China Enterprise Award, acknowledging its efforts of establishing steadfast relations with China over more than 100 years. 165

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拜访中国省市 促进商贸互动:

海外市场工作坊 Visiting China’s Provinces and Cities to promote interaction:

Overseas Market Workshops


Chapter Four | 2011-2020

“物联网:推动中国智慧工业创新升级和跨越发展 ” 海外市场工作坊

Trends of Smart Industry in China – The Development of IoT On May 21-27 2017, the Chamber arranged for its first 35-member group to attend an Overseas Market Workshop in Shenzhen and nearby third and fourth-tier cities like Shunde, Zhuhai and Hengqin. Members of the delegation - SMEs representing a variety of industries - were brought on visits to government agencies, e-commerce and IoT enterprises, smart and knowledge-based enterprises, serviced office space, institutions of higher learning, and space for creative clusters. The workshop enabled them to see how China has utilised IoT to transform an innovative economy and create business opportunities.

2017年5月21日至27日,总商会率领第一批35人 “海外市场 工作坊” 培训学习团,赴深圳参加课程,考察深圳周边诸如 顺德、珠海、横琴等二三级城市。参团会员商家来自各个行业的 中小微企业。考察范围覆盖面广,有政府招商单位、互联网和 物联网企业、智慧化与知识型制造生产企业、服务型办公空间、 高等学府,以及创意众创空间。课程期间,学员目睹中国在利用 物联网方面所带来翻天覆地的创新型经济和商机。


Chapter Four | 2011-2020

“中国配餐行业的发展策略与新思路” 海外市场工作坊 ▼2017年5月28日至6月3日,总商会举办的 “海外市场工作坊” 赴 广州、深圳培训。本次工作坊以行业领域为重点,合作的商团 伙伴是新加坡专业配餐协会,21名学员是该协会配餐业、食品 供应业和餐具供应业会员。在广东省餐饮服务行业协会的大力 支持下,学员考察当地若干家著名餐饮集团。

Development Strategies and New Mindsets of the China Food Catering Industry This Overseas Market Workshop to Guangzhou and Shenzhen from May 28 till June 3 2017 was organised with the support of the Association of Catering Professionals Singapore (ACAPS); the 21 participants were from the catering industry, food supply distributors and kitchen equipment suppliers. The Guangdong Catering Service Industry Association arranged for participants to visit well-known F&B groups.

▲学员体验到中国从工业1.0时代的OEM外包生产,升华到目前 工业4.0的智能个性化生产过程。甚至连政府招商单位也摒弃了 旧时代的短片和PPT介绍,转而采用5D影院等智能设备来烘托出 该城市的优势和亮点。 Workshop participants experienced how China advanced from the Industry 1.0 era of OEM production to the current Industry 4.0 of smart customised production. Instead of the traditional video and powerpoint introduction, the government agencies showcased their cities by using effects of the 5D theatre and other smart applications.


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“中国:新趋势!新思路!新市场!” 海外市场工作坊 ▼2017年9月24日至29日,总商会 “海外市场工作坊” 培训项目在 上海举行。本次工作坊学员拜访多个新兴优秀企业,也在上海 交通大学聆听不同教授及讲师的精辟分享和讲解,了解中国最新 的市场趋势和大环境的发展。

Megatrends, Mindsets and Markets of the New China Economy This workshop was held in Shanghai on September 24-29 2017. Apart from visits to many eminent companies, participants also attended lectures at Shanghai Jiaotong University to understand China’s future growth scenario and how China industries have transformed. ▲考察范围涵盖创新型餐饮孵化+联合办公集成空间、研发 餐饮业智能配件企业、餐饮业生态圈管理公司、中央厨房,以及 餐饮酒店业家具用品市场等。 The visit programme covered innovative catering incubator and co-working spaces, F&B smart systems enterprises, F&B industry eco group management companies, central kitchens, and catering and hotel equipment markets.


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“数码化转型:中国区块链技术和应用的发展趋势” 海外市场工作坊 ▼这个主题的工作坊培训项目于2018年7月8日至13日在杭州 举行,地点特别选定以阿里巴巴为代表的互联网领先城市——中国 杭州,目的为让学员能够更好地体会中国互联网领域的气氛,对 中国区块链技术应用有更好的了解。

Digital Transformation: Trends in China’s Blockchain Technology and Applications Hangzhou, the global headquarters for tech giant Alibaba, was chosen as the destination for this workshop held on July 8-13 2018. The aim of the workshop was to equip participants with a better grasp of Internet trends and blockchain technology applications in China.

“一带一路:善用中国西部经济发展的机遇” 海外市场 工作坊 ▲这次的海外市场工作坊培训项目于2018年6月3日至8日在重庆 举行。总商会重庆代表处带领学员参访重庆多个重点发展项目及 在渝优秀企业,也与多位政府官员会面。除了获取重庆最新的 发展方向及一带一路带来的潜在机遇,学员对重庆最新的发展 趋势和中国西部的发展机会有了更明确的理解。

Tapping into Opportunities from Economic Development of Western China This workshop was held on June 3-8 2018 in Chongqing. The Chongqing Representative Office led participants on visits to key development projects and outstanding enterprises in Chongqing, and they called on government agencies to better understand the city’s latest development trends, as well as potential opportunities arising from the Belt and Road Initiative.


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“ 现代服务业:中国最具发展前景的新机会” 海外市场工作坊 ▼培训项目于2018年12月9日至14日在青岛举行,由总商会重庆 代表处举办。学员除了参访多个青岛优秀的当地现代服务业企业 与机构,也与多位政府官员及行业领导会面。学员除了获取青岛 现代服务业的最新发展方向及潜在机遇,也对山东以及整个中国 最新的教育及家政行业发展趋势有更深入的认识。

Modern Services: China’s Most Promising New Opportunities This workshop, held in Qingdao on December 9-14 2018, was organised by the Chongqing Representative Office. Besides visiting numerous enterprises and institutions of modern services in Qingdao, participants had the opportunity to meet many government and business leaders. In addition to acquiring knowledge of the latest trends and potential opportunities in modern services in Qingdao, participants were able to discover more about the updated trends and developments in the education and household management industries in Shandong and the whole of China.

“中国:新时代 新思想 新征程” 海外市场工作坊 ▲2018年10月14日至19日,“海外市场工作坊” 培训项目在上海 举行。这次上海学习之旅邀请到上海交通大学多位教授及讲师 给予精辟分享和讲解,让学员对中国最新的市场趋势和大环境的 发展有了崭新且深入的了解。

New Era, New Mindset and New Milestone for the New China Economy For this workshop held in Shanghai on October 14-19 2018, participants attended lectures at Shanghai Jiaotong University which enabled them to gain a deeper understanding of the latest trends in the China market.


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“借势中国首个自由贸易港带来的新机遇” 海外市场工作坊

Riding on the New Opportunities from China’s First Free Trade Zone This workshop took place in Haikou and Sanya on March 17-22 2019.



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“中国服务业:新业态·新模式·新产业” 海外市场工作坊 ▼培训项目于2019年7月7日至7月12日在成都举行。21名来自 零售、餐饮、教育培训领域的学员参与了这次的工作坊。四川大学 教授和讲师讲解,内容丰富。讲课、参访以及和当地官员交流让 学员获益不浅。这次行程的成果是,为学员带来与成都早教机构 探讨合作机会的可能性。

China’s Service Sector: New Formats, New Models and New Industries This workshop was held in Chengdu on July 7-21 2019 and had 21 participants who came from retail, F&B, education and training sectors. They attended well-researched lectures by professors from Sichuan University; the lectures, site visits and interaction with local government officials enabled participants to explore the possibility of collaboration with early learning institutions in Chengdu.

▲这次的海口及三亚学习之旅,学员参访多个海南优秀企业, 了解海南在建立首个自由贸易港的过程中,如何为当地企业带来 巨大商机。行程中,学员也与多位政府官员及企业翘楚会面, 获取了海南在建立全岛实验贸易区及自由贸易港方面的最新发展 方向及潜在机遇,也对海南乃至整个中国的经贸发展趋势及潜藏 商机有更深入的认识。 The programme in Haikou and Sanya offered participants the opportunity to visit many established enterprises in Hainan and understand the breadth of business opportunities arising from the setting up of Hainan as a free trade zone. During their stay, participants also met with many government officials and business leaders to learn about the latest developments and potential in setting up this experimental trade zone and free port in Hainan. They were also given a deeper understanding of Hainan, as well as China’s economic and business developments and attendant business opportunities.


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“中国农业领域颠覆创新带来的全新商机” 海外市场工作坊

Disruptive Innovation and China’s Agriculture Sector



Held in Changchun and Jilin on September 1-7 2019, the workshop focused on China’s agriculture sector. Participants learned through visits and interactions with a great number of well-known enterprises how the disruptive innovations and restructuring of China’s agriculture sector have created vast opportunities. During the dialogue, Jilin province mooted the signing of an MOU with the Chamber. Participants also exchanged business information with leaders and members of the Overseas Chinese Federation, examined areas of collaboration, and explored mutual development of business opportunities in Singapore and China.

培训项目于2019年9月1日至7日在长春和吉林举行。这次的学习 之旅,学员参访多个优秀企业,亲身了解吉林和长春在中国农业 领域进行颠覆创新时所带来的巨大商机。行程中,学员与吉林 多位企业翘楚会面。在新中企业家座谈交流会中,吉林省提出 与总商会签署合作备忘录的建议。学员也与侨商联合会领导和 会员商家交换商业信息,探索合作机会,探讨共同发展新中两地 的经贸来往与商机。


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“中国新一代人工智能与先进制造 ” 海外市场工作坊

China’s New-Generation AI and Advanced Manufacturing


This workshop was held in Shanghai and Suzhou on November 17-22 2019. Jiaotong University invited professors and lecturers to address participants on the latest development trends in China’s AI and advanced manufacturing. China’s AI and advanced manufacturing capabilities, based on Big Data, cloud computing, IoT, voice and image recognition skills, is already superlative. Many actual examples and products have been developed and no longer exist only in theory. Hence enterprises could apply these products and skills to upscale their productivity and competitiveness. The 29 participants from different industries found this workshop to be most useful.

交通大学的学习之旅邀请多位不同领域的教授及讲师为学员 讲授有关中国人工智能与先进制造的最新进展和趋势。中国的 人工智能及先进制造在大数据、云计算、物联网、语音及图像 视频识别技术的加持下,已有了非一般的新进展和演变。许多 实际应用例子和产品已经让这些先进技术不再沦为纸上谈兵, 而是能够让企业实际应用并为企业提升生产力和竞争力的必备 手段。来自各行业领域的 29 名学员在此项工作坊中收获颇丰。


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拜访中国省市 促进商贸互动:

赴中国举办 推介会和论坛 Visiting China’s Provinces and Cities to promote interaction:

Organising Seminars and Forums in China


Chapter Four | 2011-2020

▲2012年4月22日至29日,为促进新加坡与辽宁省和吉林省的交流与合作, 为总商会会员商家争取更多商贸与投资机会,总商会会长张松声率领89人 代表团出访沈阳、营口、大连、长春、吉林、长白山。我国卫生部长 颜金勇、国家发展部政务部长李奕贤、新加坡驻中国大使罗家良、企发局 中国司长林瑞光也参与此行。行程中,代表团与辽宁省省长陈政高、吉林省 省长王儒林会面。实地参观和考察中,代表团加强了对东北发展的认识,也 从中看到了潜在商机,团员也参观了 “中国——新加坡食品区工业园区” 。

▲2011年1月25日,总商会与新加坡工商联合总会及 新桥国际联办座谈会 “中新广州知识城商业良机” , 介绍广州最新发展情况与商业前景。 The Chamber, Singapore Business Federation and Singbridge International jointly organised a seminar on “Knowledge and opportunities of doing business in China, Guangzhou” on January 25 2011, to introduce the latest economic developments and investment opportunities in Guangzhou.

On April 22-29 2012, Chamber President Teo Siong Seng led an 89-member mission to Shenyang, Yingkou, Dalian, Changchun, Jilin and Changbaishan. The trip was an opportunity for Singapore to strengthen interaction and cooperation with Liaoning and Jilin provinces and open up opportunities for the Chamber’s members to invest in the area. Minister for Health Gan Kim Yong; Minister of State for National Development Lee Yi Shyan; Singapore’s Ambassador to the People’s Republic of China Stanley Loh; and China group director of International Enterprise Singapore Ignatius Lim, also joined the business mission. During the mission, the delegation met with Governor of Liaoning Province Chen Zhenggao and Governor of Jilin Province Wang Rulin. The various site visits enabled delegates to strengthen their understanding of the developments in Northeast China and discover their potential business opportunities. The mission included a visit to the Yongji Sino-Singapore Food Industrial Park. 177

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On March 23-27 2014, Chamber President Thomas Chua led a delegation to Guangzhou and Zhuhai in Guangdong province. The programme included visits to explore opportunities in the Sino-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City project, Nansha port, and provided an understanding of developments and outlook of Hengqin Free Trade Zone in Zhuhai.

2014年3月23日至27日,蔡其生会长率团出访中国广东省 广州市、珠海市,考察新中广州知识城项目、南沙港口项目, 了解珠海横琴新区的发展和前景 。


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▼3月25日,代表团前往南沙港二期对码头进行了实地考察。 On March 25, the delegation went on a site visit to Nansha port Phase 2.

▲行程中,成员出席中新广州知识城新加坡代表处揭幕仪式。 总商会对于政府扩大腹地战略给予大力的支持,积极举办 座谈会、推介会等,介绍广州最新发展情况与商业前景,让商家 了解广州投资环境与商机。 During the business mission, delegates attended the launching ceremony of the Singapore representative office in the Sino-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City, and gave the government its utmost support by attending seminars and briefings on the latest development scenario and outlook in Guangzhou to understand its investment environment and business opportunities.


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▼3月26日,代表团成员参观了横琴金融中心、中药产业园、 货物检测口岸等项目。横琴新区通过引进新加坡RSP和裕廊集团 先进的规划设计理念,有着完善的基础设施及全面配套的硬件。 On March 26, the delegation toured Hengqin Financial Centre, Traditional Chinese Medicine Science and Technology Industrial Park, Goods Inspection Checkpoint and other projects. Having applied the advanced design concept of Singapore’s RSP and JTC Corporation, Hengqin New Area is well equipped with excellent infrastructure facilities and hardware.

▲南沙经济开发区的代表在介绍该区项目时表示,南沙自贸区的 成立有助于新加坡企业向整个华南地区发展。 In his briefing, the representative of Nansha Economic Development Zone informed delegates that the establishment of Nansha Free Trade Zone would be beneficial for Singapore enterprises in tapping on developments in southern China.


Chapter Four | 2011-2020

新中为两国自贸协定打造 “升级版” ,加上两国正要开展第三个

With the official plan to upgrade the China-Singapore Free Trade Agreement (CSFTA) as well as the imminent launch of the third Singapore and China G-to-G project, these new measures would bring a whole plethora of opportunities for Singapore businesses. Chamber President Thomas Chua (left) headed a business delegation on October 18-22 2015 to visit Beijing and Tianjin. The itinerary included site visits of Tianjin Eco-City; delegates also attended a forum jointly organised by the Chamber and Bank of China, on celebrating the 25 years of Singapore-China diplomatic relations. Delegates had meetings with political and business leaders like Yang Jiechi, State Councilor, People’s Republic of China; Han Qide, Vice-President of the National People’s Congress, People’s Republic of China and President of China Overseas Exchange Association; Qiu Yanping, Director of Overseas Chinese Affairs Office; Wang Qingmin, Chairman of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce; Jiang Zengwei, President of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade; and Gao Yan, Vice Minister of Commerce, People’s Republic of China.

政府间合作项目,新加坡商家对这些新措施能为新加坡企业开拓 更多商机寄予厚望。总商会商业代表团2015年10月18日至22日由 蔡其生会长 (左) 带领出访中国北京及天津考察。行程包括实地 参观考察天津生态城,也参加由本会和中国银行共同举办的 “庆祝中新建交25周年中新企业家交流会”。代表团会见了中国 国务委员杨洁篪、全国政协副主席及中国海外交流协会会长 韩启德、国务院侨务办公室主任裘援平、全国工商联主席 王钦敏、中国国际贸易促进委员会会长姜增伟、商务部副部长 高燕。


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▼2017年6月20日,新加坡中华总商会与上海浙江商会签署战略 合作谅解备忘录。此次活动旨在牵手新中两地历史最悠久, 影响力最广泛,最具代表性的民间商会建立紧密的合作关系, 加强合作并充分利用双方的资源,为两国的经济、文化、社会 等发展做出更大的贡献。左三至左五:总商会副会长吴学光、 名誉会长张松声及会长黄山忠。 On June 20 2017, the Chamber co-organised a business seminar in Shanghai with the Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce Shanghai, during which an MOU was signed with the counterpart Chamber to promote two-way business collaboration, fully integrate and leverage on each other’s resources with a view to enhance our contribution towards the development of both countries in the areas of the economy, culture and society. Third from left to fifth from left: Vice-President Wu Hsioh Kwang, Honorary President Teo Siong Seng and President Roland Ng.

▲2017年6月26日,总商会会长黄山忠率领董事代表团出访北京, 拜访中国商务部、中华全国工商业联合会及中国国际贸易促进 委员会。经会议讨论达成共识,在三个方面进行合作:鼓励更多 新加坡企业进军中国,特别是三、四线城市;鼓励中国企业在 新加坡设立基地,辐射东南亚区域市场;两国企业携手,开发 海外第三方市场的机遇。此次访问取得预期的成果,重申了本会 与中国政商界的友好合作关系,有助于未来更紧密的合作。 On June 26 2017, Chamber President Roland Ng led a delegation consisting of council members to visit Beijing, to pay courtesy calls on China’s Ministry of Commerce, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, and All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce. The Chamber arrived at an understanding with the three agencies on the approach of promoting cooperation between Singapore and China enterprises, and planned to advance cooperation in three areas: encourage more Singapore enterprises to enter into the China market, particularly in the third and fourth-tier cities; encourage China enterprises to establish a base in Singapore as a springboard to the Southeast Asian markets; and encourage enterprises of both countries to partner each other to develop opportunities in third markets overseas. The mission was fruitful and affirmed the steadfast ties between the Chamber and the China government leaders, paving the way for even close cooperation going forward.


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◄2018年3月20日,配合本会向上海市虹桥商务区管理委员会 申请在虹桥商务区设立新加坡经贸促进中心的方案,本会和 上海市外国投资促进中心在上海签署合作备忘录,借此加强新中 两地双向投资工作,推动投资政策、信息及产业动向交流。 On March 20 2018, in line with the Chamber’s application to Shanghai’s Hongqiao Business District Management Committee to establish a Singapore centre to promote economic and trade ties, the Chamber signed an MOU with the Shanghai Foreign Investment Promotion Centre in Shanghai. The MOU would also strengthen efforts to promote bilateral investments between the two cities and facilitate exchange of views relating to investment policies and industry trends.


Chamber President Roland Ng led a 34-member delegation to Chongqing on July 17-20 2017, to meet up with the authorities and the business community to promote two-way collaboration between Singapore and China.



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▲7月18日,黄山忠会长拜会重庆市委常委、重庆市人民政府副市长陈绿平。 On July 18, Chamber President Roland Ng paid a courtesy call on Chongqing’s Vice Mayor Chen Luping. ◄代表团成员参观沙坪坝区的西部物流园区、两江新区的互联网产业园和果园港,以及 渝北区的仙桃数据谷。 Delegates toured the Shapingbei District’s Western Logistics Park, Liangjiang New Area’s Internet Industrial Park and Import Fruit Port, as well as the Xiantao International Big Data Valley in Yubei District.


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▲2018年6月18日至21日,黄山忠会长率团对中国广西壮族自治区 南宁市进行考察,以促进新桂之间的经贸交流、考察一带一路及 南向通道项目的发展进度,为新加坡企业探寻商机。 On June 18-21 2018, Chamber President Roland Ng headed a delegation to Nanning in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. The objective was to promote bilateral trade and economic ties between Singapore and Guangxi, as well as to obtain updates on projects linked to the Belt and Road Initiative and the “Southern Transportation Corridor” to explore opportunities for Singapore enterprises. ▲黄山忠会长会见广西南宁市市长周洪波。 Chamber President Roland Ng meeting with Zhou Hongbo, Mayor of Nanning.


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▼6月20日的 “南向通道之机遇,桂新企业对接会” 的交流 活动上,黄山忠会长与广西壮族自治区商务厅马继宪副厅长共同 签署了合作意向书,为双方今后的合作奠定了良好的基础。 At the seminar on “Opportunities in the Southern Transportation Corridor” held on June 20, Chamber President Roland Ng signed an MOU with Ma Jixian, the Deputy Bureau Chief of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Commercial Bureau, setting the foundation for future bilateral cooperation.

▲黄山忠会长与广西壮族自治区人民政府陈武主席会面。两人对 未来各方面的合作进行了探讨。 Chamber President Roland Ng held a meeting with Chen Wu, Chairman of Guangxi Autonomous Region, to explore opportunities for future cooperation in various areas.

►代表团考察钦州港时,当地代表人员介绍钦州港的发展情况。 Delegates were briefed on developments of Qinzhou Port during their tour.


Chapter Four | 2011-2020

Big Data can transform a city and elevate it to national level, strategically. On June 30-July 5 2019, Chamber President Roland Ng (fourth from left), led a 25-member delegation to Guiyang of Guizhou Province and Kunming of Yunnan Province. The trip was to help Singapore enterprises acquire a better understanding of the investment environment and opportunities in both provinces, particularly in the areas of Big Data, logistics and elderly healthcare. Council members Edward Ang (third from left), and Chris Leong Sin Kuen (second from left), also joined the delegation.

大数据可以改变一个城市的面貌,也可以提升到国家战略 的 层面。2019年6月30日至7月5日,黄山忠会长 (左四) 率领 25人商 务 代 表 团 赴 贵 州 贵 阳 及 云 南 昆 明 进 行 考 察 。 这 一 趟 行程,团员不仅对贵州和云南的投资环境有了新的了解,也在 大数据、物流、医疗养老方面获益不浅。总商会董事翁溫钊 (左三) 和梁善权 (左二) 也参与这次的考察项目。


Chapter Four | 2011-2020

7月1日,代表团重点考察 “中国国家大数据(贵州)综合试验区

On July 1, the delegation visited the “China National Big Data (Guizhou) Comprehensive Experimental Zone Display Centre”, and delegates were enlightened on the application potential and analytical abilities of Big Data. Traditional industries like logistics, manufacturing, healthcare and education, after applying Big Data, could create a larger scope of business opportunities. At the national strategic level, the Guizhou government uses Big Data analytics to integrate the public and private sector, public and social security, providing even more precise measures for the benefit of all.

展示中心” 。这次考察让团员对大数据应用潜力及分析能力 大开眼界。传统行业如物流、制造、医疗、教育等与大数据技术 结合,能够创造出更大的商机。在国家策略层面上,贵州政府 通过大数据将民政、公安、社保等整个民生系统整合起来,通过 数据分析进行精准扶贫的举措。


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The delegation met with Zhao Deming, member of the Standing Committee of the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Guiyang Municipal Party Committee. Chamber President Roland Ng and Secretary Zhao exchanged views on Guizhou’s developments in Big Data and transport infrastructural facilities and the potential business opportunities these would provide.

On July 3, the delegation toured Tengjun International Land Port, to understand how it uses the intermodal railway and highway network to handle one-third of Kunming’s goods, targeting the entire Southeast Asian market.


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▲7月4日,代表团参观云南省著名企业云南白药集团, 参加由云南省商务厅举办的云南新加坡专场推介会, 与云南省政府精心筛选出来的当地20个项目进行精准 对接,详细了解这些项目的发展潜力以及未来规划。 On July 4, the delegation visited the well-known Yunnan Baiyao Group, and participated in the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry Projects Matchmaking Session. The Yunnan government had selected 20 projects to showcase to the Singapore delegation, for which they provided details and future plans.

▲冠病疫情期间,中新互联互通项目联合实施委员会第五次会议于 2020年5月12日以视频方式召开。新方出席会议人员为贸工部长陈振声和 人力部长杨莉明,中方出席人员为重庆市委书记陈敏尔和重庆市长 唐良智。会议中,新渝两地企业就中新重庆项目合作签署了八份谅解 备忘录,涵盖金融服务、食品贸易,以及交通和物流领域。总商会 受邀与重庆市中新示范项目管理局共同签署《关于共同推动中新农产品 贸易交流合作的框架协议》。协议框架涵盖搭建农产品贸易国际交流合作 平台,积极推动中国西部省区与东盟地区拓展经贸合作,进一步促进 新加坡和重庆企业开展业务衔接、市场信息交流等活动。

▲总商会与云南省商务厅在对接会上签署合作框架协议, 承诺双方将进一步加深合作,促进新加坡和云南的企业 合作。 During the event, the Chamber and the Yunnan Commercial Bureau signed a framework cooperation agreement, for both sides to deepen collaboration and promote cooperation between enterprises of Singapore and Yunnan.

During the COVID-19 period, the fifth Joint Implementation Committee (JIC) Meeting for the China-Singapore (Chongqing) Demonstration Initiative on Strategic Connectivity was held via video conferencing on May 12 2020. Singapore was represented by Minister for Trade and Industry Chan Chun Sing and Minister for Manpower Josephine Teo, and the China side was represented by Chongqing Party Secretary Chen Min’er and Chongqing Mayor Tang Liangzhi. During the meeting, eight MOUs were signed among different organisations for collaborations in sectors such as financial services, trade in food products, transport and logistics. The Chamber was invited to sign an MOU on promoting trade of agricultural products between the two countries.


Chapter Four | 2011-2020


投资推介会 Staging Singapore as the hub for business development:

Investment Seminars


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On April 25 2011, the Chamber organised the “Dalian Biodiverse Emerging Science & Technology City Investment Promotion Seminar” at Shangri-La Singapore on behalf of the visiting Dalian municipal government delegation. The seminar introduced key investment projects for 2011 for Dalian and Liaoning province.

香格里拉大酒店承办 “大连生态科技创新城恳谈会” ,向新加坡 商家推荐大连市以及辽宁省2011年重点推出的招商项目。


Chapter Four | 2011-2020

▼2012年9月3日至5日,武汉新港临港44人招商团由武汉市副市长刘立勇 率领,莅临新加坡举办招商活动。总商会协助举办 “武汉新港临港经济投资 说明会” ,也帮助代表团拜会新加坡相关政府机关及企业。说明会中, 代表团同本地企业代表签署了六个项协议/合同。本会董事蔡成宗与柯建强 参与活动并在会上致辞。

▲2011年9月6日,中国重庆市市长黄奇帆 (后排左四) 率领中国重庆经贸代表团莅临

On September 3-5 2012, the Chamber received a 44-member delegation led by Liu Liyong, the Vice Mayor of Wuhan. The Chamber assisted the delegation to organise the “Wuhan New Port Economic Investment Conference” at Shangri-La Hotel, and also arranged visits to government agencies and private companies for the delegation. During the conference, the delegation signed cooperation agreements for six projects. Two of the Chamber’s council members, Chua Seng Chong and Eric Khua participated in the conference and delivered speeches.

新加坡,举办新加坡——重庆经贸合作洽谈会,向 本地商家重点推介重庆的投资机遇。我国贸工部兼 国家发展部政务部长李奕贤 (后排右四)、黄奇帆 市长和总商会会长张松声 (后排左三) 见证了新中 两国企业签署合作协议。 Chongqing Mayor Huang Qifan (back row, fourth from left) led a Trade and Investment delegation from Chongqing to Singapore on September 6 2011, to introduce Chongqing’s investment opportunities at the “Singapore-Chongqing Economic Cooperation Business Seminar” organised by the Chamber. Singapore’s Minister of State for Trade and Industry and National Development, Lee Yi Shyan (back row, fourth from right), Mayor Huang Qifan and Chamber President Teo Siong Seng (back row, third from left), witnessed the cooperation agreement signed by enterprises of both countries.


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2013年4月初,云南省省长李纪恒 (前排中) 率领100人经贸

In early April 2013, Yunnan Governor Li Jiheng (front row, middle) led a 100-member trade and investment delegation to Singapore. At the “China (Yunnan)-Singapore Economic Cooperation and China, South Asia Expo Promotion Seminar” held on April 4, Governor Li introduced key investment projects with Singapore businesses.

代表团到访新加坡,李纪恒省长于4月4日的 “中国 (云南) —— 新加坡经济合作暨中国 · 南亚博览会推介会” 上,向新加坡商家 推介该省重点投资领域。


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At the event, 14 local enterprises signed 14 separate agreements with enterprises from Yunnan, which amounted to more than S$3.4 billion altogether. The Investment Promotion & Cooperation Bureau of Yunnan launched 200 investment recommendations totalling RMB 300 billion. Two of the Chamber’s trade association members, the Singapore Hortiflora Federation and Singapore-China Business Association, signed MOUs with their Yunnan partners at the event.

新元的合作项目。云南省招商局针对本次推介会,推出了200个 招商项目对外推介和洽谈,项目总值额超过3000亿元人民币。 总商会商团会员新加坡花卉园艺总会和新加坡中国商会在 推介会上与云南合作方签署战略合作协议。


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▼12月19日,总商会于香格里拉大酒店举办 “中国 (珠海) ——横琴 新区投资环境推介会”。 On December 19, the Chamber organised the “China (Zhuhai) – Investment Environment Promotion of Hengqin New Area” at the Shangri-La Hotel.

▲2013年12月16日,珠海市人民政府何宁卡市长 (右) 率领 1 1人 代表团访问新加坡。左为总商会副会长钟声坚。 On December 16 2013, Zhuhai Mayor He Ningka (right) led an 11-member delegation to Singapore. On his right is Chamber Vice-President Zhong Sheng Jian.


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2015年4月15日,中国国际贸易促进委员会副会长尹宗华 (左四)

Yin Zonghua (fourth from left), Vice-Chairman of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT), attended the 4th Asia-Singapore Infrastructure Roundtable in Singapore on April 15 2015. The CCPIT delegation paid a courtesy visit to the Chamber on the same day and met with Chamber’s Vice-President Lau Tai San (fourth from right). Both sides explored holding joint exhibitions, arranging for corporate training, and promoting cooperation in areas like elderly healthcare, energy saving and environmental protection. First from right to third from right: Council members James Ow, Chia Kim Huat and Voo Soon Sang.

出席在新加坡举行的 “第四届亚洲——新加坡基础设施论坛” , 于当天拜访总商会,和本会副会长刘泰山 (右四) 会面。双方 具体探讨了在共同举办会展活动、组织企业培训、促进两国企业 在养老、节能环保等方面的合作事项。右一至右三:总商会董事 胡进胜、谢锦发及邬顺山。


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The Jiangxi Provincial People’s Government delegation visited Singapore on June 18 2015 to attend the “China (Jiangxi) – Singapore Economic & Trade Cooperation Conference” organised by the Chamber at Shangri-La Hotel. Chamber’s Vice-President Lau Tai San (left) and Jiangxi Provincial Secretary Qiang Wei (right) expressed optimism about the future cooperation of enterprises from both Singapore and Jiangxi.

为此,总商会在香格里拉大酒店举办 “中国 (江西) —— 新加坡经贸合作洽谈会” 。总商会副会长刘泰山 (左) 与 江西省委书记强卫 (右) 对两地企业的未来合作表示 乐观。


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During the conference, the Chamber signed an MOU with representatives of the Jiangxi Provincial Government. Both parties pledged to strengthen collaboration on four aspects including sectoral exchange, information sharing, business consultation and international expansion. It would facilitate the trade and investment development of Singapore enterprises in Jiangxi, as well as help Jiangxi enterprises to internationalise. Council member Tan Kim Seng (front row, third from left), represented the Chamber in signing the MOU.

备忘录。双方承诺将在业界交流、信息共享、 企业咨询和国际拓展四个领域加强合作,发挥各自 优势,推动新加坡企业在江西省的经贸发展,协助 江西企业开拓国际市场。前排左三为代表本会签署 合作备忘录的陈金城董事。


Chapter Four | 2011-2020

◄2016年3月25日,总商会与中新天津生态城管委会、中新天津生态城投资开发有限 公司在总商会大厦共同举办 “中新天津生态城投资说明会” 。 On March 25 2016, the Chamber jointly organised a briefing with the Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City Management Committee, and Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City Investment Development Co Ltd.







会长黄山忠 (前 排 左) 与贸促会会长姜增伟

2016年3月31日,总商会与中资企业 (新加坡) 协会联办企业家早餐交流会,借助

(前排右) 代表签署。


On November 13 2017, the Chamber signed an MOU with CCPIT during the Singapore-China Trade & Investment Forum, with the objective of strengthening mutual cooperation. The MOU was signed by Chamber President Roland Ng (front row, left) and Jiang Zengwei, Chairman of CCPIT (front row, right).

While the Chamber encourages local enterprises to internationalise, it also welcomes China enterprises to set up in Singapore and collaborate with the local businesses for a win-win scenario. The Chamber’s close liaison with the China Enterprises Association (Singapore) helps enterprises of both countries to develop in many areas and using different models of collaboration, facilitating steady development in bilateral trade and investment. On March 31 2016, the Chamber and China Enterprises Association (Singapore) held a breakfast networking session, exchanging views on ways to leverage on Singapore’s predominant financial services sector for expansion into regional markets.


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On the day before the 12th meeting of the Singapore-Jiangsu Cooperation Council, the Nanjing Municipal Government and IE Singapore jointly organised “Nanjing, City of Innovation cum Singapore Nanjing Eco Hi-tech Island Investment Seminar” on November 19 2018 at InterContinental Hotel.

人民政府、新加坡企业发展局共同主办 “中国 南京创新名城 发展机遇推介会暨2018年新加坡 南京生态科技岛企业见面会” 11月19日于新加坡洲际酒店举行。


Chapter Four | 2011-2020 ►总商会会长黄山忠在致辞中鼓励新加坡企业走出国门,立足南京,面向中国市场。 他提到:新加坡企业在组织及管理方面有着丰富的经验,在南京的项目大有用武之地。 黄会长是受委为 “建邺区科技创新发展合作交流顾问” 的6位专家之一。 During his speech at the seminar, Chamber’s President Roland Ng encouraged Singapore enterprises to go abroad and venture into Nanjing in the China market. He mentioned that the experience of local enterprises in organisation and management would be most useful in the Nanjing projects. President Ng is one of the six consultants for the “Jianye District Technology Innovation Development Cooperation”. ◄2019年12月17日,“南京河西 建邺科技创新暨新加坡 南京生态科技岛推介会” 在新加坡 举办,黄山忠会长表示,新加坡与中国合作建设的第四代城市,使两国更加紧密地致力于 人工智能等领域的合作。 On December 17 2019, the “Nanjing Hexi, Jianye Technological Inovation cum Singapore Nanjing Eco Hi-tech Island Promotion Symposium” was held in Singapore. Chamber President Roland Ng said in his speech that Singapore’s cooperation with China in developing its fourth-tier city would enable both countries to work more closely in the areas of Artificial Intelligence. ►为深度融入 “一带一路” 建设,推进无锡与新加坡在现代服务业、科技创新、生命健康、物联网 等领域的合作,由无锡市人民政府主办的 “2019无锡 (新加坡) 现代产业合作恳谈会” 于5月7日在 新加坡隆重举行,出席者包括总商会董事吴学光。 The “2019 Wuxi (Singapore) Modern Industry Promotion Seminar” organised by the Wuxi Municipal People’s Government was held in Singapore on May 7 2019. The event aimed to promote collaboration between Wuxi and Singapore in the modern service industry as well as in areas such as technological innovation, healthcare and Internet of Things. These collaborations would be an integral part of the Belt and Road Initiative. Council member Wu Hsioh Kwang also attended the seminar. ◄推介会中,进行多个项目签约。 Many projects MOUs and agreements were signed during the symposium.


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举办中新 (重庆) 战略性互联互通示范项目 “航空+旅游” 推介会。




及旅游的利好政策和独特优势。新加坡中华总商会是中新 (重庆)


战略性互联互通示范项目 “航空+旅游” 推介会的协办机构。


The China-Singapore (Chongqing) Demonstration Initiative on Strategic Connectivity “Aviation + Tourism” Promotion Seminar, organised by the China-Singapore (Chongqing) Demonstration Initiative on Strategic Connectivity Administrative Bureau, was held on December 4 2019. The aim was to strengthen western China’s links with the Asia Pacific region so as to help propel developments in the aviation and tourism industries. At the seminar, Chongqing government officials briefed Singapore companies on the city’s incentive policies for the two sectors and the unique strengths of these industries in Chongqing. The Chamber was the co-organiser for the event.

A 22-member delegation from the China Urban Realty Association (CURA) visited the Chamber on January 11 2019, and met with the Chamber’s council members and representatives from Enterprise Singapore, JTC Corporation and Business China. Guest of Honour, Senior Minister of State for Trade and Industry Chee Hong Tat, urged enterprises of the two countries to combine their strengths and networks to reap mutual benefits.


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▲总商会会长黄山忠在致辞中鼓励本地 企 业 抓 住 重 庆 的 投 资 机 遇 , 他 说 :“ 重 庆 作为中国第四个直辖市,区位条件优越, 基础设施功能完备,工业基础稳固,门类 齐全,综合配套能力强,科技教育力量 雄厚,人才相对富集,市场潜力巨大,是 本地商家进军中国西部市场的第一站。” In his speech, Chamber President Roland Ng encouraged local enterprises to seize investment opportunities in Chongqing. He said: “Chongqing is China’s fourth municipality and is blessed by an excellent location, comprehensive infrastructural facilities, stable industrial foundation, strength in technology and education, talented labour force, and a vast market. It should be the first entry point for local businesses to enter China’s western region.”


Chapter Four | 2011-2020


多方紧密合作 Staging Singapore as the hub for business development:

Close Collaboration with Diverse Parties


Chapter Four | 2011-2020

2019年2月19日,总商会和中资企业 (新加坡) 协会联合举办

On February 19 2019, the Chamber held a banquet to celebrate the Lantern Festival with the China Enterprises Association (Singapore). On that evening, both organisations decided that this would become an annual event to promote interaction amongst its members and the Chamber’s council members.

元宵联谊晚宴。当晚,两会借共度元宵佳节之际,达成共识,将 两会联谊活动常例化,为两会会员和董事共同搭建更广阔的交流 平台。


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The Singapore-China Consumer Electronics and Homeware Show, staged on August 22 2019, was jointly organised by the Chamber and the China Chamber of Commerce for Import & Export of Machinery and Electronic Products. It aimed to help businesses internationalise as well as strengthen China’s economic and trade links with ASEAN.

用品博览会,希望推进企业国际化进程,加强中国与亚细安 (东盟) 区域经贸的联动。


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▼2019年11月26日,首届中新经贸合作论坛在新加坡 成功举办。论坛以 “深化中新合作关系,携手开拓 ‘一带一路’ 第三方市场” 为主题,探讨如何进一步 加强中新经贸发展,支持中新共建 “一带一路” 及 联合拓展第三方市场。中资企业 (新加坡) 协会与 通商中国、新加坡工商联合总会、新加坡中华总商会、 新加坡中国商会、新加坡——中国 (新中) 友好协会、 新加坡中国协会签署了合作备忘录。

▲博览会中,来自新加坡、马来西亚、越南、印尼、泰国和中国的11家 商团签订了东盟——中国协会联盟合作协议书。 During the show, 11 trade associations from Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand and China signed a cooperative agreement for ASEAN-China associations.


The First China-Singapore Economic and Trade Cooperation Forum was held on November 26 2019 in Singapore. The forum focused on the theme of “Deepening Sino-Singapore cooperation, coming together to develop the Belt and Road Initiative and Third Country Markets”. Organised by the China Enterprises Association (Singapore), the Association also signed MOUs with its supporting organisations, namely Business China, Singapore Business Federation, SCCCI, Singapore China Business Association, Singapore China Friendship Association, and Singapore China Association.

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►黄山忠会长 (中) 将总商会筹集所得的110万新元支票交于新加坡

冠状病毒疫情影响的中国社群筹得逾 120万新元善款,同时也呼吁



洪小勇,左为本地红十字会秘书长兼首席执行官班杰明 威廉。

In support of the government’s call to contribute towards battling the COVID-19 outbreak, the Chamber rallied the Singapore business community and members of the public and raised more than S$1.2 million to aid communities affected by COVID-19 in China.

On February 17 2020, Chamber President Roland Ng (middle) presented the cheque of S$1.1 million to Singapore Red Cross Society to support China in battling the outbreak of COVID-19. On his left is H.E. Hong Xiaoyong, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China, and on his right is Benjamin William, Secretary General and CEO of Singapore Red Cross.


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▲2014年9月22日,中国海外交流协会常务副会长裘援平率 6人团莅访,总商会前任会长张松声和副会长黄山忠出席接待。 裘援平常务副会长重点介绍中国的最新发展和投资环境。 交流会上,双方代表围绕 “海上丝绸之路” 的发展前景、新中两国 产业发展、贸易合作、投资环境建设等交换意见。 On September 22 2014, Qiu Yuanping, Executive Vice-President of the China Overseas Exchange Association, led a 6-member delegation to the Chamber and was received by Immediate Past President Teo Siong Seng and Vice-President Roland Ng. At the meeting, Ms Qiu introduced China’s latest development and investment environment. Both sides exchanged views on the outlook of the “Maritime Silk Route”, industrial development, trade cooperation, and the investment environment. ►上海市侨商会青年代表团2015年3月19日访问总商会。 The Shanghai Chinese Chamber of Commerce Youth Delegation visited the Chamber on March 19 2015.


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▼中国国际贸易促进委员会副会长王锦珍 (左) 2015年7月27日拜访总商会,本会副会长黄山忠 (右) 出席接待。两人在会晤中探讨了加强各领域的合作,共同促进两国经贸关系的发展。 Wang Jinzhen (left), Vice-Chairman of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, visited the Chamber on July 27 2015 and was received by Chamber Vice-President Roland Ng (right). During the discussions, they explored strengthening cooperation on many levels, to promote the trade and investment development in both countries. ▲2015年5月6日,中国太平洋 经济合作全国委员会名誉会长 黄孟复率领代表团拜访总商会。 黄孟复与总商会会长蔡其生、 副会长黄山忠及董事交谈甚欢。 双方就世界华商大会可以发挥更大 的平台作用进行了深入的讨论。 On May 6 2015, Huang Mengfu, Honorary Chairman, China National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation, led a delegation on a visit to the Chamber. Huang Mengfu entered into discussions with Chamber President Thomas Chua, Vice-President Roland Ng and other council members, on how the World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention could become an even more effective platform.


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中华全国工商业联合会副主席周海江博士 (中) 2016年9月23日出席

Professor Zhou Haijiang (middle), Vice-Chairman of All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, attended the Chamber’s 110th Anniversary celebrations on September 23 2016.



Chapter Four | 2011-2020

▲由全国政协常委、副秘书长,致公党中央常务副主席蒋作君 (右) 率领的致公党


中央委员会代表团于2017年4月26日莅访总商会,与总商会会长黄山忠 (左) 会晤。


两人对新中企业家借助 “一带一路” 政策开拓业务、促进经济发展表示乐观。


黄山忠会长认为,中资企业可以把新加坡作为迈向国际尤其是亚细安 (东盟) 国家的


战略基地。 Jiang Zuojun (right), Deputy Secretary-General of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, led a delegation to visit the Chamber on April 26 2017 and met with Chamber President Roland Ng (left). They expressed optimism that Singapore and China enterprises could leverage on the Belt and Road Initiative to expand their business and promote economic development. Chamber President Roland Ng said that China enterprises could also use Singapore as a strategic springboard to internationalise and particularly to the ASEAN countries.


On November 13 2018, the Chamber and Singapore Business Federation represented the local business community in welcoming China’s Premier Li Keqiang at Marina Bay Sands Convention Centre.

Chapter Four | 2011-2020


Chapter Four | 2011-2020


Chapter Four | 2011-2020

◄总商会会长黄山忠代表新加坡商界致欢迎词时说,新中必须汲取历史的智慧、校准 互惠的关系,才能把握前进的方向。总商会将继续以实际的行动,维护和推动新中企业 互惠互利、互信共赢的合作关系。 During his speech at the welcome banquet, Chamber President Roland Ng said that Singapore and China should imbibe the wisdom of the past to make calibrations to our mutually beneficial relationship. Only then can we move in the right direction. He added that the Chamber would continue to maintain and promote, through concrete actions, a collaborative relationship between Singapore and China enterprises that is fruitful, win-win, and based on mutual trust.

▲李克强总理强调,中方愿同新方一道,积极打造互联互通、金融支撑、三方合作等 平台,推动经贸合作升级发展、金融合作不断深化,共同促进区域合作迈上新台阶。 Premier Li Keqiang emphasised that looking ahead, China is ready to join hands with Singapore to advance the development of the Belt and Road Initiative and build the three cooperation platforms of connectivity, financial support and third-party cooperation. By making the pie of trade and economic cooperation bigger, deepening cooperation in the financial sector, both sides could bring regional cooperation to a new level.


Chapter Four | 2011-2020

中国总理李克强 (右)、新加坡财政部长王瑞杰 (左) 与总商会

China’s Premier Li Keqiang (right), Singapore’s Minister for Finance Heng Swee Keat (left) and Chamber President Roland Ng raising a toast to wish Singapore and China an enduring friendship.



Chapter Four | 2011-2020


China’s Premier Li Keqiang and Singapore’s Minister for Finance Heng Swee Keat in a group photograph with attendees of the welcome banquet.



共创未来 通过这本画册,我们可以了解到,双边关系不仅仅是国家











举办投资推介会、新中商务论坛,并联合中国驻新加坡 大使馆及中资企业 (新加坡) 协会举办活动,帮助中国






将持续不断地为两地企业 “引进来” “走出去” 发挥平台



任何经济情况下,这些机制都在发挥着作用。 展望未来,我们坚信,新中友好关系必将迎来更深、更广 多重意义与针对性的互访:我们将礼貌性双边互访活动





Forging Ahead Together Bilateral relations is not merely dignitaries visiting each other. It is hard work as can be seen from the pictures and snap shots in this pictorial. It is also a task that is never ending as countries built upon the past foundations and further deepen the relations between the two peoples.

forums, on-site business matchings, exhibitions and joint committees to promote bilateral cooperation. These regularly scheduled occasions to come together have stood the test of the COVID-19 pandemic as both parties move the engagements online or develop digital variations.

Over the last three decades, the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry has distinctly built up the foundation of business relations in three directions:

Locally, in Singapore, we have hubbed the basic elements for Chinese companies expanding overseas through investment seminars, Singapore-China Business Forums, collaboration with the China Enterprises Association (Singapore) and the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China. Again, the host of activities and facilities established a convenient stop-over for Chinese enterprises exploring the region or testing out a different market. These features are likely to survive even as the world market trends continue to change.

Putting in place structures for enduring relations: The World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention, courses at Chamber’s Institute of Business, Business China, Singapore Enterprise Centres at Shanghai and Chengdu, and Chongqing Representative Office are some of the key examples that will continue to promote mutual networking and serve Singapore and Chinese companies alike. These institutions will continue to function even as economic cycles go through ups and downs.

As we look ahead, we can be cautiously optimistic that the features that both countries have established over the 30 years will continue to strengthen the business links between the two countries and its people. More importantly, the spirit of entrepreneurs from both sides that has helped to establish these institutions, activities and forums must persist to thrive into the future!

Multi-facet and focused visits: From visits by delegations, we have evolved into Overseas Market Workshops, on-location


新加坡中华总商会 第60届董事会 常务董事 Standing Committee Members 黄山忠 Roland Ng San Tiong

蔡其生 Thomas Chua Kee Seng

何乃全 Charles Ho Nai Chuen

柯文伟 Kuah Boon Wee

白连源 Pek Lian Guan

白毅柏 Pek Ee Perh Thomas

吴绍均 Ng Siew Quan

白南泉 Adrian Peh Nam Chuan

陈睦发 Tan Bock Huat

谢锦发 Chia Kim Huat

陈康威 Anthony Tan Kang Uei

黄建铭 Ang Kiam Meng

翁温钊 Edward Ang Boon Cheow

李坚辉 Mark Lee Kean Phi

高泉庆 Kho Choon Keng

郭益智 Sherman Kwek Eik Tse

吕立岩 Paul Loo Lip Giam

洪芳芳 Ang Fung Fung

黄亦巧 Hwang Yee Cheau

邬春玲 Voo Choon Ling

胡进胜 James Ow Chin Seng

吴令声 Simon Goh Lian Seah

陈树生 Allan Tan Soo Seng

林振强 Lim Chin Keong

周兆呈 Zhou Zhaocheng

陈俊文 Tan Choon Boon

颜毓瑩 Annie Gan Giok Em

梁善权 Chris Leong Sin Kuen

黄保华 Ng Poh Wah

陈庆顺 Keith Tan Keng Soon

程宇超 Philip Kia Er Chew

张群发 Tew Koon Huat

谢楚明 Chia Chor Meng

黄志恒 Wong Chee Herng

辜健聪 Ken Koh Kien Chon


60th Council of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry 董事 Council Members 吴学光 Wu Hsioh Kwang

钟声坚 Zhong Sheng Jian

郑谦木 Tay Khiam Back

李思亮 Lee Sze Leong

黄健华 Patrick Ng

曾宪相 Chan Hian Siang

林惠璋 John Lim Hwee Chiang

柯建强 Eric Khua Kian Keong

林福星 Lim Hock Chee

高允裕 Francis Ko Oon Joo

林玉勤 Lim Geok Khoon

杨向明 Yeo Hiang Meng

吴斯仁 Ted Ngo Soo Lin

陈奕福 Tan Aik Hock

许志恩 Ernie Koh Jyh Eng

林亚保 Michael Lim Ah Poh

王再保 Ong Chu Poh

许伟盛 Koh Wee Seng

林日耀 Jeremy Lim Jit Yaw

石慧宁 Michelle Cheo Hui Ning


琳 Pang Lim


Acknowledgements 新加坡中华总商会衷心感谢以下机构的鼎力赞助: Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry would like to express our appreciation to the following organisations for their sponsorship in the production of this book: 中资企业(新加坡)协会 China Enterprises Association (Singapore) 城市发展有限公司 City Developments Limited 海底捞国际控股有限公司 Haidilao International Holding Ltd 珍宝餐饮集团 JUMBO Group Limited 星雅集团 Straco Corporation Limited 達豐控股有限公司 Tat Hong Holdings Ltd 仁恒置地集团有限公司 Yanlord Land Group Limited


出版 新加坡中华总商会 Publisher Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry 9 Jurong Town Hall Road, Trade Association Hub, #04-01, Jurong Town Hall, Singapore 609431 Tel: (65) 6337 8381 Fax: (65) 6339 0605 www.sccci.org.sg

编辑顾问 谢锦发 周兆呈

Editorial Advisors Chia Kim Huat Zhou Zhaocheng

编辑总监 吕正扬

Supervising Editor Lu Cheng Yang

统筹 梁廷昭 卓汶錤 编辑及撰稿 梁廷昭 邓素娟 胡爱兰 卓汶錤 胡育斌 顾则成 魏瑄萱

图片来源 新加坡中华总商会 第220页 联合早报 © 版权属新加坡报业控股所有。 未经授权, 请勿复制。

国际书号 978-981-14-8015-7 设计承印 金合利印务私人有限公司

Project Management Leong Teng Chau Toh Wenqi

Image Sources Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry Page 220

Editors and Writers Leong Teng Chau Tang Soh Kuen Fiona Hu Toh Wenqi David Hu Gu Zecheng Trista Wei


Lianhe Zaobao © Singapore Press Holdings Limited. Reprinted with permission.

ISBN 978-981-14-8015-7 Designed and Printed by KHL Printing Co Pte Ltd

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