Scan Magazine, Issue 79, August 2015

Page 68

2_1_ScanMag_79_August_2015_Text.qxp_Scan Magazine 1 06/08/2015 16:46 Page 68

Scan Magazine | Mini Theme | Top experiences: A Weekend in Vestjylland

The perfect base for the perfect fairytale Venture into the compelling scenery surrounding the island of Fur, a small oasis in the middle of Limfjord, where waves collide with stunning cliffs and green fields disappear into the horizon. Here, a few metres from the shores, lies Fur Strand Hotel, the perfect base for exploring a magical landscape. By Caroline Edwards | Photos: Fur Strand Hotel

Celebrated for its cuisine that infuses Danish traditions with Italian passion, Fur Strand Hotel is defined by its good food and cosy atmosphere. This is a holiday that combines outdoor activities with culture and culinary delights in a spot, where everything is within easy reach. “Fur island might only be a short ferry trip away from the mainland, but it’s miles away from reality, with its island-atmosphere and stunning nature,” explains Hotel Manager Jonas Kristensen, highlighting the famous cliff, Knude Klint, a sight worth seeing. Just rent a local bicycle and travel around the island, visiting awestriking nature, galleries, museums, even the beach - and after a busy day sightseeing, there is no place like Fur Strand Hotel. Hidden behind the main building you will find the best spots to relax with a new garden terrace as well as

beach chairs on the lawn, facing the water of the fjord. If, however, you wish to go for a proper swim, there is a bridge leading you right into the water only a short walk away. “The summers are lively here at the hotel. Each July and August we have a fish buffet with more than 20 different types of fish on display,” adds Kristensen, who loves bringing people together. Fur Strand Hotel is all about feeling at ease, enjoying yourself. Choose between two islandbreaks including food and board, or go for the romantic version bursting with elegance and charm. Leave the city behind and come to Fur, where the fairy tale is just getting started.

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