Discover Benelux, Issue 49, January 2018

Page 44

Discover Benelux  |  Dutch Industry and Innovation  |  Made in the Netherlands

Schiphol P3.

Zaans Medisch Centrum.


Signs. We usually take them for granted, unless they do not lead us to the right destination. Then we notice them. If you are in a car park and you are wondering where the exit or the ticket machines are, then the signage is wrong. “It has to be clear where you are going from the moment you enter,” says Edwin de Groot, owner and manager of Reklaspits. Reklaspits is specialised in formula styling, signage and light advertising. In the 45 years they have been active, the company has become an authority on this. “We have worked on a lot of different projects. For instance, we have done all the signage at Schiphol Airport, Eindhoven Airport and Rotterdam/The Hague Airport,” explains De Groot, who became owner of Reklaspits in 2011. “One of the recent projects we did was the signage in the Zaans Medisch Centrum, the hospital of Zaandam. With signage in such an environment, you have to keep in mind a lot 44  |  Issue 49  |  January 2018

of different factors. Because some people have bad vision or are even blind, others are colour blind, and not everybody speaks or reads the same language. We rose to that challenge with great results.”

A full service organisation “Clients come to us with just an idea, basically a blank sheet of paper. With our design department we start to conceptualise that idea,” De Groot continues. “Because we have our own design, technical, graphic and production departments, we produce and build everything ourselves. From the posters and advertising stands to the signs and light boxes.” For clients, this means they have just one contact for all their needs. “And we can handle tight deadlines, because we do not rely on other manufacturers.”

Sustainability Reklaspits is a fully certified company: for the quality of their products (ISO 9001) and the safety of their products and work

environment (VCA, or Safety, Health and the Environment Checklist Contractors). “We also have the highest Corporate Social Responsibility certification. We check whether the materials we use are child labour free and we recycle as much of the materials as possible. “We do not want to say that we want to start a ripple effect to make the world a better place, we just do that, by conforming us to the high standards of the certification. This is really important to me, because we want to make sure that we leave a better world for generations to come,” De Groot elaborates. “It is really great to see a client come in with an idea and see them leave with a fully finished concept or product that naturally blends into its environment.”


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