PaaS for managed print

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When the Clock is ticking on Europe, to whom do you turn for that managed print requirement of yours?

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The Art of War – by Sun Zu Image Owner’s Rights and Permissions of Use are obtainable through Application for License to recognize and /or utilize Crown Copyright Protection ™ clauses and conditions of access for purpose of WIPO rules-based Order. Berne Convention (Implementation Act 1988) and signatory effect pertinent thereto retain privilege of ADR™ in event of mechanical or photographic use or dispute arising from breach of Terms of license. This samizdat is not be stored in digital archive or computer retrieval system. Cicero ADR™2022.

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When getting from A to B requires more than just an Education …

Ingenuity and Purpose: the 2 things money can’t buy. Image Owner’s Rights and Permissions of Use are obtainable through Application for License to recognize and /or utilize Crown Copyright Protection ™ clauses and conditions of access for purpose of WIPO rules-based Order. Berne Convention (Implementation Act 1988) and signatory effect pertinent thereto retain privilege of ADR™ in event of mechanical or photographic use or dispute arising from breach of Terms of license. This samizdat is not be stored in digital archive or computer retrieval system. Cicero ADR™2022.

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What price modernity when we don’t allow for the maps – in other people’s heads?

The Answer. *Risk Transfer Pricing.

By Women, for Men


*(Terms and Conditions may apply).

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Cars, trains, planes, Boats & the FACT.

The World is FLAT!

Discuss. Branded Conversation: Space – 238. Hosted Space for Conversational Exchange. (Systems & Services) [IT] Image Owner’s Rights and Permissions of Use are obtainable through Application for License to recognize and /or utilize Crown Copyright Protection ™ clauses and conditions of access for purpose of WIPO rules-based Order. Berne Convention (Implementation Act 1988) and signatory effect pertinent thereto retain privilege of ADR™ in event of mechanical or photographic use or dispute arising from breach of Terms of license. This samizdat is not be stored in digital archive or computer retrieval system. Cicero ADR™2022.

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So, accordingly is Plain Common Sense. Yet sometimes our Senses crop up against Reality.

And that can be a rude awakening. Image Owner’s Rights and Permissions of Use are obtainable through Application for License to recognize and /or utilize Crown Copyright Protection ™ clauses and conditions of access for purpose of WIPO rules-based Order. Berne Convention (Implementation Act 1988) and signatory effect pertinent thereto retain privilege of ADR™ in event of mechanical or photographic use or dispute arising from breach of Terms of license. This samizdat is not be stored in digital archive or computer retrieval system. Cicero ADR™2022.

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The Fact is that Our Economic System is entirely Modern. And it depends on 1 thing ., that would be the Internal Combustion Engine, would IT?

And it’s designed. But does that 1-size meet all needs, cope particularly well when its main advocate and proponent of Free Choice is at a Fork in the Road?

Where Public Opinion is divided, there is Risk of Conflict. Image Owner’s Rights and Permissions of Use are obtainable through Application for License to recognize and /or utilize Crown Copyright Protection ™ clauses and conditions of access for purpose of WIPO rules-based Order. Berne Convention (Implementation Act 1988) and signatory effect pertinent thereto retain privilege of ADR™ in event of mechanical or photographic use or dispute arising from breach of Terms of license. This samizdat is not be stored in digital archive or computer retrieval system. Cicero ADR™2022.

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But is that Conflict Real or imagined? Let’s face IT. A woman has the Right to Choose what she conceives, or rather WHO with. Secondly, birth control is a Right, in many countries. IT is 1 metric whose use is linked to educational attainment. Now, we live in a world without barriers. And there’s no barrier to just how expensive an education can be. So, is she going to face her Future, lying down?

What is IT with education, anyway? And can you have Education without IT? Image Owner’s Rights and Permissions of Use are obtainable through Application for License to recognize and /or utilize Crown Copyright Protection ™ clauses and conditions of access for purpose of WIPO rules-based Order. Berne Convention (Implementation Act 1988) and signatory effect pertinent thereto retain privilege of ADR™ in event of mechanical or photographic use or dispute arising from breach of Terms of license. This samizdat is not be stored in digital archive or computer retrieval system. Cicero ADR™2022.

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In any case, every woman has a Choice – and no Choice at all. The End Product or Outcome is limited. So, is that (being ‘limited’) what’s part of the Problem in the 1st place?

. Its role? To produce. To produce, what exactly? Namely, The Limited Company

Image Owner’s Rights and Permissions of Use are obtainable through Application for License to recognize and /or utilize Crown Copyright Protection ™ clauses and conditions of access for purpose of WIPO rules-based Order. Berne Convention (Implementation Act 1988) and signatory effect pertinent thereto retain privilege of ADR™ in event of mechanical or photographic use or dispute arising from breach of Terms of license. This samizdat is not be stored in digital archive or computer retrieval system. Cicero ADR™2022.

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‘Benefit’, to its Owners, you may answer. That is 1 reading. Whether IT produces the best most desirable outcome is 1 to discuss.

And that’s where matters turn topsy-turvy ...

On what price we attach to freedom. Of course, freedom is the price we pay to enable others to go about their business. And that’s where Law comes in


Image Owner’s Rights and Permissions of Use are obtainable through Application for License to recognize and /or utilize Crown Copyright Protection ™ clauses and conditions of access for purpose of WIPO rules-based Order. Berne Convention (Implementation Act 1988) and signatory effect pertinent thereto retain privilege of ADR™ in event of mechanical or photographic use or dispute arising from breach of Terms of license. This samizdat is not be stored in digital archive or computer retrieval system. Cicero ADR™2022.

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For, there is a distinction between lawful and illegitimate business. And that’s the nub of the question. Not whether some business is necessary or even desirable – but legitimate.

Tax – for example. The Concept of Tax in America stems back to a notion had by one ‘King George’. He founded Colombia University, incidentally.

Image Owner’s Rights and Permissions of Use are obtainable through Application for License to recognize and /or utilize Crown Copyright Protection ™ clauses and conditions of access for purpose of WIPO rules-based Order. Berne Convention (Implementation Act 1988) and signatory effect pertinent thereto retain privilege of ADR™ in event of mechanical or photographic use or dispute arising from breach of Terms of license. This samizdat is not be stored in digital archive or computer retrieval system. Cicero ADR™2022.

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Education was paid for. He wanted to finance War! Sound familiar? So, what can we learn? 1773 The Boston Tea Party is an event –that has resonance.

Image Owner’s Rights and Permissions of Use are obtainable through Application for License to recognize and /or utilize Crown Copyright Protection ™ clauses and conditions of access for purpose of WIPO rules-based Order. Berne Convention (Implementation Act 1988) and signatory effect pertinent thereto retain privilege of ADR™ in event of mechanical or photographic use or dispute arising from breach of Terms of license. This samizdat is not be stored in digital archive or computer retrieval system. Cicero ADR™2022.

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How thus are we to dis-mantle poverty except by means of taxation and war? The answer is simple. And disarmingly so.

War on poverty? War on want? War on inequity? War on ignorance. The only antidote to ignorance is – Learning. Image Owner’s Rights and Permissions of Use are obtainable through Application for License to recognize and /or utilize Crown Copyright Protection ™ clauses and conditions of access for purpose of WIPO rules-based Order. Berne Convention (Implementation Act 1988) and signatory effect pertinent thereto retain privilege of ADR™ in event of mechanical or photographic use or dispute arising from breach of Terms of license. This samizdat is not be stored in digital archive or computer retrieval system. Cicero ADR™2022.

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Without access of opportunity to housing – the debate is always going to be 1-sided. So, who controls access to the housing stock? Excursion into History. (See overleaf). The Boston Tea Party, 16 December 1773

Image Owner’s Rights and Permissions of Use are obtainable through Application for License to recognize and /or utilize Crown Copyright Protection ™ clauses and conditions of access for purpose of WIPO rules-based Order. Berne Convention (Implementation Act 1988) and signatory effect pertinent thereto retain privilege of ADR™ in event of mechanical or photographic use or dispute arising from breach of Terms of license. This samizdat is not be stored in digital archive or computer retrieval system. Cicero ADR™2022.

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The Destruction of Tea at Boston Harbour, lithograph depicting the 1773 Boston Tea Party. Photographic reproduction by Nathaniel Currier

In 1770, Lord North repealed four of the five Townshend Duties but retained the 3d tax on tea. The Tea Act of 1773 was intended to rescue the East India Company from its financial problems and provided that the Company might export tea directly to the American colonies and appoint its own agents to sell it. Before this legislation, the Company had been required to sell its tea at auction in London to wholesalers and retailers; now it entered the retail business itself. The agents chosen by the Company were frequently colonial merchants who opposed the popular leaders. For example, the "consignees" in Massachusetts included two sons and a nephew of Governor Thomas Hutchinson. This was guaranteed to arouse popular opposition. In New York it was reported that the tea smugglers were the leading opponents of the Tea Act because it made the tea so cheap that they could no longer afford to smuggle. Throughout the colonies there were accusations that the East India Company was a huge monopoly with which no colonial merchant could afford to compete. An analyst writes So, there we have IT. The culprit. The Corporation. Namely, the 1st Corporation, used not for Public Service – but personal gain. Thus: the Drivers of inequity? War and Taxation – so, there’s Governance Issues; Pure and Simple. Image Owner’s Rights and Permissions of Use are obtainable through Application for License to recognize and /or utilize Crown Copyright Protection ™ clauses and conditions of access for purpose of WIPO rules-based Order. Berne Convention (Implementation Act 1988) and signatory effect pertinent thereto retain privilege of ADR™ in event of mechanical or photographic use or dispute arising from breach of Terms of license. This samizdat is not be stored in digital archive or computer retrieval system. Cicero ADR™2022.

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‘Governance’ – IT’s the big issue of The Day. The main feature of the uprising against the Tea Act was that the political leaders used it as an issue that might further their own political cause. The first public action was taken in Philadelphia were a series of resolutions was passed, denying the right of parliamentary taxation and asserting that the Tea Act was an attack on the liberties of America. The meeting demanded that the consignee should resign and said that the tea should be returned to England. In Charleston the tea was landed and placed in a warehouse. Three years later it was sold to raise money in the conflict with Britain. However, it was in Boston that the most drastic events occurred. In October the popular leaders met and decided to oppose the sale of any tea shipped by the Company and it was demanded that the consignees resign. The consignees refused to do so, so the Boston Committee of Correspondence announced that it would use its influence to prevent the tea from being landed and sold. The first tea ship, the Dartmouth, arrived in Boston harbour on 27 November; two more arrived a few days later. A series of mass meetings in Boston demanded that the tea should be returned to Britain but Governor Hutchinson refused to allow this to happen. He ordered the meetings to disperse but was ignored. The consignee was willing to return the cargo to Britain but Hutchinson refused a permit and ordered warships in the harbour to prevent the ship from sailing. Meanwhile, the Dartmouth registered at the customs house and was liable to seizure if the duties were not paid within twenty days. On 2 December 1773, handbills were posted in Boston warning the people to have nothing to do with the tea cargoes. The twentieth day was 16 December when the mob took over and men disguised as Indians dumped the tea into Boston harbour. The Boston Gazette reported the events of that day. Massachusetts Gazette and Boston Weekly Newsletter Just before the dissolution of the meeting, a number of brave and resolute men, dressed in the Indian manner, approached near the door of the Assembly, gave the war whoop, which rang through the house and was answered by some in the galleries, but silence being commanded, and a peaceable deportment was again enjoined till the dissolution. The Indians, as they were then called, repaired to the wharf where the ships lay that had the tea on board, and were followed by hundreds of people to see the event of the transactions of those who made so grotesque an appearance. They, the Indians, immediately repaired on board Captain Hall's ship, where they hoisted out the chests of tea, and when upon deck stove the chests and emptied the tea overboard; having cleared this ship they proceeded to Captain Bruce's and then to Captain Coffin's brig. They applied themselves so dexterously to the destruction of this commodity that in the space of three hours they broke up 342 chests, which was the whole number in those vessels, and discharged the contents into the dock. When the tide rose it floated the broken chests and the tea insomuch that the surface of the water was filled therewith a considerable way from the south part of the town to Dorchester Neck, and lodged on the shores. There was the greatest care taken to prevent the tea from being purloined by the populace. Image Owner’s Rights and Permissions of Use are obtainable through Application for License to recognize and /or utilize Crown Copyright Protection ™ clauses and conditions of access for purpose of WIPO rules-based Order. Berne Convention (Implementation Act 1988) and signatory effect pertinent thereto retain privilege of ADR™ in event of mechanical or photographic use or dispute arising from breach of Terms of license. This samizdat is not be stored in digital archive or computer retrieval system. Cicero ADR™2022.

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One or two, being detected in endeavouring to pocket a small quantity, were stripped of their acquisitions and very roughly handled. It is worthy of remark that although a considerable quantity of goods were still remaining on board the vessels, no injury was sustained. Such attention to private property was observed that a small padlock belonging to the captain of one of the ships being broke, another was procured and sent to him. The town was very quiet during the whole evening and night following. Those persons who were from the country returned with a merry heart; and the next day joy appeared in almost every countenance, some on occasion of the destruction of the tea, others on account of the quietness with which it was effected. One of the Monday's papers says that the masters and owners are well pleased that their ships are thus cleared.

Now, close analysis reveals a ‘Dark star’ Conceit that runs the world – and it relies on all of us to comply. By means of Co-dependency on Debt and .gov

Image Owner’s Rights and Permissions of Use are obtainable through Application for License to recognize and /or utilize Crown Copyright Protection ™ clauses and conditions of access for purpose of WIPO rules-based Order. Berne Convention (Implementation Act 1988) and signatory effect pertinent thereto retain privilege of ADR™ in event of mechanical or photographic use or dispute arising from breach of Terms of license. This samizdat is not be stored in digital archive or computer retrieval system. Cicero ADR™2022.

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So, ask yourself 1 question. “Is a debt-free future happier, saner or healthier?” ‘Yes’, may be your answer. That takes commitment. And freedom. Freedom to dare to be different. Freedom to dream. Freedom to act effectively to recognize the Limit of Corporate Machine

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When your just desert is to meet with Compassion & Ingenuity.

That’s your birthright. Image Owner’s Rights and Permissions of Use are obtainable through Application for License to recognize and /or utilize Crown Copyright Protection ™ clauses and conditions of access for purpose of WIPO rules-based Order. Berne Convention (Implementation Act 1988) and signatory effect pertinent thereto retain privilege of ADR™ in event of mechanical or photographic use or dispute arising from breach of Terms of license. This samizdat is not be stored in digital archive or computer retrieval system. Cicero ADR™2022.

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Planet Earth.

Image Owner’s Rights and Permissions of Use are obtainable through Application for License to recognize and /or utilize Crown Copyright Protection ™ clauses and conditions of access for purpose of WIPO rules-based Order. Berne Convention (Implementation Act 1988) and signatory effect pertinent thereto retain privilege of ADR™ in event of mechanical or photographic use or dispute arising from breach of Terms of license. This samizdat is not be stored in digital archive or computer retrieval system. Cicero ADR™2022.

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Relics of Empire & Questions of Federation or Common Wealth. What price the motor car?

Image Owner’s Rights and Permissions of Use are obtainable through Application for License to recognize and /or utilize Crown Copyright Protection ™ clauses and conditions of access for purpose of WIPO rules-based Order. Berne Convention (Implementation Act 1988) and signatory effect pertinent thereto retain privilege of ADR™ in event of mechanical or photographic use or dispute arising from breach of Terms of license. This samizdat is not be stored in digital archive or computer retrieval system. Cicero ADR™2022.

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Without ‘Tyre’? Image Owner’s Rights and Permissions of Use are obtainable through Application for License to recognize and /or utilize Crown Copyright Protection ™ clauses and conditions of access for purpose of WIPO rules-based Order. Berne Convention (Implementation Act 1988) and signatory effect pertinent thereto retain privilege of ADR™ in event of mechanical or photographic use or dispute arising from breach of Terms of license. This samizdat is not be stored in digital archive or computer retrieval system. Cicero ADR™2022.

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Or a Map?

ALL THE paperwork you need to run a Satellite Operation. From Temple Quarter the role of Enterprise is 1 that requires Ingenuity and Compassionate Economics. That means ecology. Ecology of: ‘Data Systems II’ Image Owner’s Rights and Permissions of Use are obtainable through Application for License to recognize and /or utilize Crown Copyright Protection ™ clauses and conditions of access for purpose of WIPO rules-based Order. Berne Convention (Implementation Act 1988) and signatory effect pertinent thereto retain privilege of ADR™ in event of mechanical or photographic use or dispute arising from breach of Terms of license. This samizdat is not be stored in digital archive or computer retrieval system. Cicero ADR™2022.

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What price modernity? When study alone won’t pay the bills. Image Owner’s Rights and Permissions of Use are obtainable through Application for License to recognize and /or utilize Crown Copyright Protection ™ clauses and conditions of access for purpose of WIPO rules-based Order. Berne Convention (Implementation Act 1988) and signatory effect pertinent thereto retain privilege of ADR™ in event of mechanical or photographic use or dispute arising from breach of Terms of license. This samizdat is not be stored in digital archive or computer retrieval system. Cicero ADR™2022.

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Learning – the only antidote to ignorance. When Books alone are the last line of defence …..

Is Time about to run out on Student Debt? Have Yourself a Classic Education ™, Why not? Image Owner’s Rights and Permissions of Use are obtainable through Application for License to recognize and /or utilize Crown Copyright Protection ™ clauses and conditions of access for purpose of WIPO rules-based Order. Berne Convention (Implementation Act 1988) and signatory effect pertinent thereto retain privilege of ADR™ in event of mechanical or photographic use or dispute arising from breach of Terms of license. This samizdat is not be stored in digital archive or computer retrieval system. Cicero ADR™2022.

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All the reading material you need to be On Top of the World. Image Owner’s Rights and Permissions of Use are obtainable through Application for License to recognize and /or utilize Crown Copyright Protection ™ clauses and conditions of access for purpose of WIPO rules-based Order. Berne Convention (Implementation Act 1988) and signatory effect pertinent thereto retain privilege of ADR™ in event of mechanical or photographic use or dispute arising from breach of Terms of license. This samizdat is not be stored in digital archive or computer retrieval system. Cicero ADR™2022.

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Photography from Space is not rocket science …

IT’s growing obsolete that threatens mankind. This message was brought to you on behalf of MINT™. Plant Technology at the interface of People & Planet.

Design your Future Image Owner’s Rights and Permissions of Use are obtainable through Application for License to recognize and /or utilize Crown Copyright Protection ™ clauses and conditions of access for purpose of WIPO rules-based Order. Berne Convention (Implementation Act 1988) and signatory effect pertinent thereto retain privilege of ADR™ in event of mechanical or photographic use or dispute arising from breach of Terms of license. This samizdat is not be stored in digital archive or computer retrieval system. Cicero ADR™2022.

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Where Sufficiency is all you need.

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Conversation IT’s not just a habit – it’s a survival skill.

Welcome to The Legacy – of Pericles. Image Owner’s Rights and Permissions of Use are obtainable through Application for License to recognize and /or utilize Crown Copyright Protection ™ clauses and conditions of access for purpose of WIPO rules-based Order. Berne Convention (Implementation Act 1988) and signatory effect pertinent thereto retain privilege of ADR™ in event of mechanical or photographic use or dispute arising from breach of Terms of license. This samizdat is not be stored in digital archive or computer retrieval system. Cicero ADR™2022.

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V4 AD Agency. Zurich. Rome. – Kyiv. For all your Risk Transfer Solutions – 1 Health. Incorporated Risk Transfer Pricing for Mutual and Captive Formation (EC3A 5AY) BS1

V4 AD Agency For all your V4 Communication needs. Risk Transfer Solutions: BS1 – EC3A 5AY. Zurich-Rome. London-Amsterdam. Kyiv. Image Owner’s Rights and Permissions of Use are obtainable through Application for License to recognize and /or utilize Crown Copyright Protection ™ clauses and conditions of access for purpose of WIPO rules-based Order. Berne Convention (Implementation Act 1988) and signatory effect pertinent thereto retain privilege of ADR™ in event of mechanical or photographic use or dispute arising from breach of Terms of license. This samizdat is not be stored in digital archive or computer retrieval system. Cicero ADR™2022.

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Pedestrianisation… Like you’ve never seen IT before.

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