July Independence Insider

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July 2020

Alleghenies United Cerebral Palsy Service Coordination

2 0 2 0 V I R T U A L H I G H M A R K WA L K During the last month, we have had close to 60 staff members and their family and friends walk to support AUCP in the 2020 Virtual Highmark Walk. Collectively we have walked over 220 miles and have raised $6,607, that’s 88% of our goal! We are completely blown away and so grateful for all the support we have received. We want to extend a great THANK YOU to all of our donors, staff, and business partners for supporting us in the 2020 Virtual Highmark Walk. Even during these difficult times, you have shown up to support us and ultimately make an impact on our community! Fundraising was extended and there's still time! By making at least a $15 donation by July 15th you’ll earn a free commemorative t-shirt. Go to http://hcf.convio.net/aucppgh to make your donation. For more information on how your donation is making an impact, visit our website at www.scalucp.org/hmw2020.


Due to the unique circumstances of the walk this year, we had to be creative in getting our participants involved. So we reached out and asked them to send in pictures holding up a sign that says “I support AUCP in the 2020 Virtual Highmark Walk.” We have loved seeing some of their smiling faces and are reminded that they are the reason why we do what we do each day!


Alleghenies United Cerebral Palsy (AUCP) has some very exciting things coming up in the next few months. Stay tuned to our social media, website, and upcoming newsletters for more information! This is news you will sure not want to miss!

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SERVING OUR COMMUNITY Here at AUCP we are passionate about making an impact on our community in big ways and in small. So, when an opportunity arises we are honored to be able to volunteer to support our community in any way we can. In May and June, staff from the Johnstown area volunteered with the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank distributing boxes of food to members of the community in the parking lot of the Galleria Mall. They were able to help distribute close to 2,000 boxes of food to community members in need. Both days were full of smiles and laughter had by all! For more information on how the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank is helping their neighbors in receiving much needed food assistance, visit their website at www.pittsburghfoodbank.org/.

S TA F F H I G H L I G H T - J E N N I F E R M Y E R S This month, we are excited to introduce you to Service Coordinator, Jennifer Myers. Jenny has been a Service Coordinator for a total of 13 years. 3 years at AUCP and 10 with South Central Service Coordination before we merged with their agency. In 2007 she moved to Shippensburg, PA from a small town in Maryland. She currently serves the South Central, PA area. Jenny and her husband, Sam, have been married for 11 years. She has 3 step-children that are now all grown and are living in various states from California, Idaho, to Pennsylvania. Together Jenny and Sam have 2 dogs (pictured to the right) that are like children and keep them on their toes. Jenny enjoys being outside doing things like camping, hiking, kayaking, gardening, and then resting by picking up a book and reading. Her biggest goal in life is to be happy with whatever road she takes in life and keep her family near. If she wasn’t a Service Coordinator, Jenny would like to be a Marine Biologist working with whales, dolphins, seals, and the like. Her favorite part about working at AUCP is meeting the participants and building friendships with them. The most challenging part is when one of her participants passes away. She says it has been a great pleasure working at AUCP. Everyone shows great teamwork and stands by each other and supports each other. Jenny has been a phenomenal addition to our company. She is able to connect with her participants in a very unique way. She always makes it a point to go above and beyond for the coworkers and team. We are so glad to have her as part of our work family.

COMMUNITY PROGRAMS AUCP’s R E - U S E I T program accepts donations and redistributes medical equipment and assistive technology to the public for free.

The U C P E L S I E S . B E L L O W S F U N D is a national program providing funds to individuals with disabilities for assistive technology.

AUCP’s S C H O L A R S H I P F U N D grants scholarhsips to two high school seniors pursuing a degree in the human services field each Spring.



TOLL FREE: 844.819.4 455 local: 814.619.3398 FAX: 814.262.7174

Office Locations: Johnstown, Hanover, Altoona, Pittsburgh, & St. Mary’s

@AllegheniesUCP @AllegheniesUnitedCerebralPalsy @AllegheniesUCP

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