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P5 I am going to explaining the legal and the ethical issues and how they are used in relation to the use of business information. I have chosen Rado watch for this assignment that will be complete my P5.

There are legal issues its means questions concerning the protection that law or regulations should provide, which everyone follow that regulations they are 5 different types of legislation.

Freedom of information Act 1990

Human Rights Act 1998

Computer Missuse Act 1990


Prvacy Act 1974

Data protection Act 1998

Data protection Act 1998: the Data Protection Act is mandatory, its means how your personal information is used by organisations, business or the government. The Data Protection Act controls how your personal information is used by organisations, businesses or the government. Everyone responsible for using data has to follow strict rules called ‘data protection principles’. They must make sure the information is: 

used fairly and lawfully

used for limited, specifically stated purposes

used in a way that is adequate, relevant and not excessive


kept for no longer than is absolutely necessary

handled according to people’s data protection rights

kept safe and secure

not transferred outside the UK without adequate protection There is stronger legal protection for more sensitive information, such as:

ethnic background

political opinions

religious beliefs


sexual health

criminal records

P5 

Data may only be used for the specific purposes for which it was collected.

Data must not be disclosed to other parties without the consent of the individual whom it is about, unless there is legislation or other overriding legitimate reason to share the information (for example, the prevention or detection of crime). It is an offence for Other Parties to obtain this personal data without authorisation.

Individuals have a right of access to the information held about them, subject to certain exceptions (for example, information held for the prevention or detection of crime).

This act means that any private or government organisation which holds your personal data and personal information have no right to sell or pass the personal information of any one to any other organisation. If they do break the law then we have a law to sue that organisation doesn’t matter if its private or government they will have to give money. For e.g. in 2007 21st June orange has broken the data protection act by not keeping the customers personal information secure. They had to pay back £168million to all there customer who sued orange for losing their personal information. http://www.out-law.com/page-8808


Computer Misuse protection Act 1990: this law is to provide protection against the abuse of personal information on computer.

unauthorised access to computer material, punishable by 6 months' imprisonment or a fine

unauthorised access with intent to commit or facilitate commission of further offences, punishable by 6 months/maximum fine

unauthorised modification of computer material, subject to the same sentences as section 2

This act means that no one has the right to use your computer without your information because they can commit criminal offence and offend a crime like hacking in to banks and going in to some website which are full virus and etc. If someone goes on your computer without your permission and do something illegal you can be responsible for it. And also if you don’t want to have a look at your computer and they still do you can sue them. For e.g. A BBC programme has broken the Computer Misuse Act by acquiring and using software to control 22,000 computers, creating a botnet capable of bringing down websites. A technology law

P5 specialist has said that the activity is illegal.12 Mar 2009 and also give anther examples one guy jailed for oxford and Cambridge university website attacks, he has jailed for two years for attacking website. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-22558151 Freedom of Information Act 1990: a general right of access to recorded information held by public authorities, regardless of the age of the record/document; and a duty on every public authority to

adopt and maintain a scheme, which relates to the publication of information by the authority and is approved by the Information Commissioner. The freedom information and talk openly and have the right to say your opinion.

 The Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) gives a general right of public access to all types of 'recorded' information held by public authorities, sets out exemptions from that general right, and places a number of obligations on public authorities. This act means that anyone of the public member can go and have the full right to ask the government that what information they are holding about them. For e.g. Sam can go to the police station and ask them that what information the police are holding against or about him. Different types of ethical issues An ethical issue involves right and wrong or what is considered to be good or what is considered to be bad in a business.

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Use of email Internet Whistle blowing Use of email: many companies today have a code of practice on the use of email. This means that in work place you have to follow the rule of how and what to use emails for. For e.g. you can use email if it’s anything to do inside the organisation and regarding the business but you cannot use to socialise and send email to outside people and to socialise with it in work place.


Internet: many companies also have codes of practice on the use of the internet and what their employees can and cannot use the internet for. There are also codes of practice which govern selling on the internet which many business adhere do. This means that in work place the employees have no right to use internet to socialise or go on Facebook to chat around with people. They are only allowed to use internet for organisation work and use to do researches and do the entire official work of the organisation. For e.g. Steven dotard used internet to chat on Facebook with other people during his work time and he got sacked straight away in 2009 for misusing internet in work people. Whistle blowing: a whistle-blower is an employee who raises a concern about a business practice- either to management with in the company or to an outside organisation (for example, the press). The concern may relate to fraud, crime, danger or any other serious risk that could impact on customers, shareholders, the public, the environment or the organisations reputation. Whistle-blowers may receive legal protection through the public interest disclosure act, but the offence being reported must constitute a deliberate attempt to break the law. This means that any employee of any organisation can raise their voice against something wrong happening inside the organisation. They have the complete right to raise their voice and take a legal action. For e.g. in 2009 all the employee of Kabul bank in Afghanistan were getting a minimum wage of 580 rupees per day but it was change after the new manager was appointed. Kamal khan changes it to 300 rupees per day and then one of the old employees raise his voice and took a legal action against the new manager that the minimum change cannot be change so he whistle bowed. Organisational policies mean the rules which have to be followed by all the employees inside the organisation and the rules are made by the head of the organisation which are must to follow. Code of practice means that before someone start a job in any company or a student getting an admission in college. They will have to sign a code of practice which you are deciding to follow the rules and tells you what you are allowed to do and not allowed to do.

P5 Rado respects your rights to privacy and is committed to maintaining your confidence. Any information you provide Rolex through this website will not be sold or rented. Rado does not collect any information from you without your knowledge and permission. In order to access the Press Room and the Content, you must enter some identifying information. Rado does not disclose this information to anyone except to manage Rolex's website and database with the help of service providers who are subject to non-disclosure obligations. Information you provide Rado is stored in a secure location and is accessible only by designated staff.

Rado have a strict policy of holding data of their customers and employees in a safe place. They always make sure that it’s in a safe place and not to get in any wrong hands. They have the policy and they also reassure all the customers and employees that they will never sell or rent there personal information to anyone. So for that they have automatic safe which is keeping all the files and all the hard disk data in a safe place.

Rado have very strict organisational policies and very strict code of practice which have to be followed by all their employees. Rado main important organisation policies are that all the employees have to wear Rolex uniform with their batch on it. If this rules been broken the employee will get sacked and will never be allowed to work for Rado again. Same goes for their code of practice anyone who gets to work for Rado they will have to sign a contract of which says not to be late, no swearing inside the shop, and also not to use phone during work place.

We only deal in Rado items - "The World's leading Timepiece". We supply both original & luxury custom aftermarket dials & bezels for Rado watches. We only sell authentic pre-owned Rado watches. We believe customer satisfaction is key to the success of our business. http://www.ernestjones.co.uk/webstore/brands/rado.sdo


P5 For this assignment I will be explaining the operational issues in relation to the use business. My chosen organisation for this assignment is Rado.

Operational issues means that all the organisation have to store and manage countless pieces of information, with being far more important than others. Lying at the heart of any information system are two fundamental issues of ensuring that the organisation receives the information it requires and also the appropriate members of staff receives the information. To make sure that information is managed appropriately, a number of policies and procedures have to be put in place concerning:      

Security of information Backups Health and safety Organisational policies Business continuous plans Store.us.rado.com uses the latest encryption technology to keep your credit card information safe. Thus, we require you to re-enter your credit card information for each order. When making a purchase at store.us.rado.com, all transactions are done by using SSL 3.0 encryption -- the Internet standard for secure transactions. If you wish, you can place a telephone order by calling our Customer Service representative at 1-800-283-7236 (From 8 AM to 7 PM EST Monday through Friday).

P5 Security of information: it means to keep the information of the organisation secure and safe. Most of the organisations believe that saving all the information on the hard disk is safer and easy to get when the information is needed regarding any decision making or etc. but saving all the information on hard disk has its own risks. For e.g. like getting hit by a virus or etc. Rado use security of information because it’s safe and easy to find if they need any file or personal information of any of their employees or customers they simply type up the name and they will get all the information in front of them because the hard disk contain all the organisational information and knowledge of their customer as I mean by knowledge of customer the personal information of the customers. Backups: means having a copy of original as a backup in case if the original is lost the organisation can have the backup to use and the backups will minimise the risk of losing all the business information. Most of the big companies backup there information every 24 hours while banks backup there information every 15min in case if something goes they will have the information of all their customers they need. Rado back up there information every 14 days and the reason why they do this is because they are the world leading watch brand and employing by over 43000 people they cannot risk the organisation and not take the risk of losing any information. So they backup all the information every 14 days to have it in case they lose the original. Health and safety: means taking regular break while using computer. Although it is unlikely that computer equipment will be dangerous in it self’s but by law anyone who works in IT department have the right to take a break after a while sitting behind the screen or can go outside to refresh and then carry on with the job. Rado requires this policy as well and they have informed all there IT department that they have the complete right by law to take break every 1 or 2 hour of using computer because the law have said and Rolex have to obey the law. The reason why Rolex allow there IT department staff to take regular break is because it has been permitted by law... Organisational policies mean the rules and regulation of the organisation. Which has to be followed by all the staff and when making deal and big decision as well because the deals has to match the organisation policy otherwise it can go wrong. Bu the policy has to meet the legal requirement. Rado is worldwide brand and still growing by 1.7% per cent every six month and by employing over 43000 people they have their policy for the customers, employees and the also they have policy for their product as well. They have a policy that any of their customers not satisfied from their product can get a full refund within 28 days. They also have a for

P5 their employees if anyone is not wearing their work uniform and not have their batch name on will get sacked straight away and many more policy and the reason why they use this policy is because it helps them to have satisfied customers and professional working environment. Business continuance plans Business continuance plans are the steps that a company

puts into place to make sure it is capable of surviving a worst-case scenario. One step in the continuance programme might be to make sure the company is producing regular backups of its information. Rado is very careful with the information that they have because they can be out from the market if they make a wrong step. Rado employees need to know what they have to do in case of a malicious attack, natural disaster or accidents. The company needs to have a business continuance plan (plan B) to make sure that they can repair the damages and this plan needs to contain a new way of how the employees work. Rado uses business continuous plans and the reason why they use this plan is because in case they go in debt they will have something to survive because taking this long time and billions of dollars to get to the position they are in now. They wouldn’t risk it and wouldn’t want to lose ever thing in a split second. So they always make sure that6 they have a continuance plan in worst case scenario. Cost: Most business would see the benefit of implementing some –if not all- of the

measures listed. Many aspects of information can cost money. For example, while it may be desirable to store backup copies of electronic information on a remote server, a small business may not be able to justify the expenses. As Samsung is a big company that runs globally, is able to take all the measure its necessary to protect their information. Because Samsung is a big company it is very hard for them to loose information about them or their customers as they have a strong security system. Also most businesses need to include the implementation and maintenance costs versus the benefits to the organisations. Some key considerations are:  

Additional resources needed Cost of development

An additional resource needed is the purchase of new equipment or employ additional staff Cost of development is the solution already available (a service) or will the company need to develop it themselves. Additional resources needed means buying new equipment or hiring new additional staff. Cost of development means is the solution for the problem ready or is it gone need investment to develop.


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