Arts in my country

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Culture Is Our Wings 2019-1-NL01-KA229-060531 Art in my country

Italy A Travel in Art Through the Ages

. The Tree of Life is the symbol of the Italian 2015 Expo Milano. It conveys the feeling of embedding roots into the past and traditions to disclose a future resplendent with culture, innovation and fruitful collaboration among the various populations

Duomo di Milano is a vast Gothic-style cathedral dedicated to the Nativity of St Mary. It took nearly six centuries to complete: the final details were completed in 1965. It is 515 ft (157 metres) long and 302 ft (92 m) wide. It can house up to 40.000 people. The roof is covered in openwork pinnacles and spires crowned with sculptures that overlook the city.

During the Roman Empire and under the motto of "Bread and Circuses" the Roman Colosseum (known then as Flavian Amphitheatre) allowed more than 50,000 people to enjoy its spectacles: exhibitions of exotic animals, executions of prisoners, recreations of battles and gladiator fights.

The Ara Pacis Augustae is the altar in Rome dedicated to Pax, the Roman goddess of Peace.. The altar (ara) itself sits within a monumental stone screen with the panels diplaying a mytho-historical narrative about Augustus and his administration, as well as about Rome’s deep roots. n/collezioni/musei/cappella-sistina.html

The Sistine Chapel takes its name from Pope Sixtus IV della Rovere (pontiff from 1471 to 1484). Decoration includes the false drapes, the Stories of Moses and of Christ. Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel ceiling represents the foundational work of Renaissance Art: painted directly on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican, the masterpiece depicts key scenes from the Book of Genesis.

Constructed by the House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies as their main residence as kings of Naples, Caserta Royal Palace is the largest palace erected in Europe during the 18th century. The palace was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site: its nomination described it as "the swan song of the spectacular art of the Baroque, from which it adopted all the features needed to create the illusions of multidirectional space"

Sassi di Matera literally means “Matera’s stones” This “stone city” was probably founded by the Romans in the third century BC. The buildings are located on both sides of a valley. European capital of culture for 2019.

Characterized by different architectural styles, due to a long history of additions, alterations and restorations Palermo Cathedral was erected in in 1184 by the Normans as a reconverted Christian church on the site of a Muslim Mosque.

The MAB, set up in 2006, represents a unique in the artistic panorama of Cosenza: a real open-air art gallery, built in the main commercial artery of the city, Corso Mazzini and its branches. The route of Carlo Bilotti Open Air Museum allows to enjoy art in an innovative way, harmoniously integrated into the urban context.

The Netherlands

A historical trip through artistic masterpieces

The Sloten Windmill is a functioning draining mill situated in the ancient village of Sloten, near Amsterdam. The original mill, the Riekermolen dating from 1636, was relocated in 1956 nearby the river Amstel, however, in1991 Sloten again had its mill. Today it is open to the public, and it is completely run by volunteers.

The City Hall in Delft is a XIII century building. It is made of a Renaissance style wide structure and a tower. In 1618 a fire destroyed part of the structure. And in 1619 Hendrick de Keyser designed it from scratch.

The Munttoren is a 41 metres long tower situated in Muntplein Square in Amsterdam. Built in 1487, it was designed for minting coins (it is also called the Mint Tower). In 1668 a carillon was made by Pieter Hermony on top of the tower. It currently has 38 bells!

The Montelbaanstoren is a tower on the bank of the Oudeschans, an Amsterdam canal. It was built in 1516 and it had a defensing purpose. In 1610 the tower fell because of its instable structure. nument/19196/huisjes-totelisabeths-gasthuis-behorendmet-trapgevels-eenvormigtype/haarlem/

Gasthuishuisjes is a group of particular houses in Haarlem. They were built strarting from 1608 as part of the Hospital St. Elizabeth. They have a wonderful facade: the stepped gables with their masonry arches above the windows and toppilasters are a beautiful combination of gracefulness and simplicity.

The Peace Palace (Vredespaleis) is an international law administrative building in The Hague, officially opened in 1913. This idea was born from Andrew Carnagie. He thought to create a symbol of peace recognizable in the whole world. ations/rotterdam/rotterdam-cube-houses.htm

Cube-houses are very interesting architectural structures, based on cubes. They are mostly situated in Rotterdam and Helmond andhave been designed by Piet Blom from 1975.

Teylingen Castle was a Dutch castle in the town of Voorhout. It was a forester’s castle for the forestry of the count of Holland. Currently only the ruins of the castle remain.

The Garden of Europe (Garden of Keukenhof) is one of the most largest flower garden in Europe. It is situated in Lisse. It is open all year long and it is full of tulips of all kinds.

Spain Click on this wonderful canva

ES Project Art in My Country,_Madrid

The Plaza Mayor is a major public space in the heart of Madrid, the capital of Spain. It is the centre of Old Madrid. It was built (1580–1619) during the reign of Philip III.

Parck Güell is a public park composed of gardens and architectural elements located on Carmel Hill, in Barcelona, a neighborhood in the Gràcia district of Barcelona. The design of the park is a masterpiece of Antoni Gaudí.

The «Basílica de la Sagrada Família», also known as the Sagrada Família, is the largest unfinished Roman Catholic basilica. It was designed by Antoni Gaudí (1852–1926) and is located in the Eixample district of Barcelona. On 7 November 2010, Pope Benedict XVI consecrated the church

Can Serra is the home of Jeroni Serra Arnau, built in the 1565 in Barcelona. It retains its original structure and the large central hall on the first floor. The house has its original wooden panel.

The Dalí Theatre and Museum is a museum dedicated to the artist Salvador Dalí in his home town of Figueres, in Catalonia, Spain. Salvador Dalí is buried in a crypt below the stage. The house, formerly a number of small fisherman's huts, has a labyrinthine structure. All the rooms have windows of different shapes and proportions framing the same landscape that is a constant point of reference in Dalí's work.

The Tower of Hercules is an ancient Roman lighthouse on a peninsula about 2.4 km from the centre of A Coruña. The structure stands 55 metres (180 ft) tall and overlooks the North Atlantic coast of Spain. It was built in the 1st century and renovated in 1791, and is the oldest lighthouse of the world.

The Cathedral of Málaga is a Roman Catholic church in the city of Málaga. It is in the Renaissance architectural tradition. The cathedral is located within the limits defined by a now missing portion of the medieval Moorish walls. It was constructed between 1528 and 1782, following the plans drawn by Diego de Siloe.

Two thousand years ago, Mataro was a Roman city called Iluro. In the 60s the remains were found. The ruins are located in a fairly deteriorated area which is under reconstruction. Indicative panels give an idea of what these buildings were at the time.

The Cathedral of Saint Mary of the See, better known as Seville Cathedral, is a Roman Catholic cathedral in Seville. It is the fourth-largest church in the world as well as the largest Gothic church.

Romania A Cultural journey inside inside Romania

Bucharest Parliament is the largest one in the world. It was designed and supervised by chief architect Anca Petrescu, with a team of approximately 700 architects. Its ornate interior is composed of 23 sections. Though originally named the House of the Republic when under construction (Romanian: Casa Republicii), the palace became widely known as The People's House (Romanian: Casa Poporului) after the Romanian Revolution of December 1989.

Romanian Athenaeum is located in the Romanian capital, Bucharest. It is an impressive concert hall. Romania has a long tradition of different types of music in a multicultural environment. However, most of the rural population remains faithful to the traditional Romanian folk music which expresses roots the best, through music, lyrics and the dance movements. Many artists contributed to the conservation of Romanian folk music and helped propagate it. By performing all over the world, Gheorghe Zamfir popularised famous traditional songs, accompanied by a Romanian folk instrument, the panpipes.. As for Classical Music, among most notable Romanian composers of the 19th and 20th centuries are Ciprian Porumbescu, Dinu Lipatti and especially George Enescu.

Cotroceni Palace in Bucharest is the headquarters and residence of the Romanian president, as well as home to the National Cotroceni Museum. It hosts most of the masterpieces of the 20th century Romanian painters who remained faithful to the authentic themes associated with their country, which they would paint in an admirable way, expressing their love for the Romanian village and the peasant. The farmhouse, the folk costume, portraits of peasants represent subjects that Nicolae Grigorescu, Arthur Verona, Camil Ressu, Rudolf Schweitzer-Cumpana and others approached in their works.


Arges Monastery dates back to 16th-centuryIt is in one of the oldest towns in Wallachia, Curtea de Argeș the capital of a small local state which was the start for the unification of the lands south of the Carpathians. Argeș was one of the most important towns in Wallachia in the 14th and 15th centuries, but starting with the 16th century, its importance began to fade. The Orthodox Metropolitan's seat was moved to Târgovișt. Modern Romanian cultivated painting stemmed from religious painting done around and for monasteries by artists known as “masters” who were, oftentimes, either anonymous or little known. For example, a master painter Dobromir is recorded to have carried out the fresco painting work of the Argeş Monastery.

Cluj-Napoca is home to the largest university in the country, Cluj-Napoca is considered the unofficial capital of the historical region of Transylvania.The city, which dates back to before Roman colonization, is one of the artistic and cultural centers of Romania. The Church of San Michele has the highest bell tower in the country. The National Art Museum, housed in a former palace, has a large collection of works by Romanian artists.

Located near the center of Romania in the Transylvania region, Sibiu is an idyllic gorgeous old town, with a ethnographic Astra museum to see how Romanians in the different regions have lived for centuries. Once part of Hungary, it dates back to the early 12th century. Furhermore there is the Great Square, in use since the 15th century, and Baroque buildings, including the Brukenthal Palace, home to one of the oldest museums in the world.

Located in western Romania, Timisoara is one of the largest cities in the country, dating back to the early 13th century. Once part of the Ottoman Empire, it was the first European city to have electric street lamps. Unlike many European cathedrals, the Orthodox Cathedral of Timișoara was built only in the twentieth century, but the central, known for its 11 towers, houses many historical religious objects and icon paintings of the time.


Sinaia is a mountain town that grew up around a monastery named after Mount Sinai. The monastery, which contains a copy of the first printed Bible in Romania, is today a popular spot for tourists. King Charles I built his summer house, known as Peles Castle.

Bran Castle is probably the most famous Romanian castle for being the mysterious residence of Count Dracula of Transylvania. Vlad the Impaler, Romania’s most infamous Voivode (Prince) of Wallachia earned the nickname as he was well known for impaling his foes. He may have laid siege to the castle and his gruesome form of torture may have been the true inspiration behind the story of Bram Stoker’s Dracula.

Located in the Dâmbovița district, in the historical region of Muntenia, Moreni is mentioned for the first time, with the name of Moarile in a document dated 1584, while the current name is documented since 1661. Moreni is an oil town. Probes have been built here since the end of the 19th century and are still functional for oil extraction. Its main feature is the nature that surrounds it and there are still many secrets to be discovered underground: in fact under the city there are whole kilometers of tunnels. The Ialomita cave monastery is located in the municipality, in the Bucegi mountains, at the entrance to the Lalomita cave Religious building, an Orthodox Christian temple.

an immersion tour in Turkish arts

Blue Mosque, is an Ottoman-era mosque located in Istanbul. It was constructed between 1609 and 1616 during the rule of Ahmed I. Its Külliye contains Ahmed's tomb, a madrasah and a hospice. Hand-painted blue tiles adorn the mosque’s interior walls, and at night the mosque is bathed in blue as lights frame the mosque’s five main domes, six minarets and eight secondary domes

The Hagia Sophia Holy Grand Mosque and formerly the Church of Hagia Sophia, is a Late Antique place of worship in Istanbul, designed by the Greek geometers Isidore of Miletus and Anthemius of Tralles. Built in 537 as the patriarchal cathedral of the imperial capital of Constantinople, it was the largest Christian church of the eastern Roman Empire. After the Fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Empire in 1453 it was converted to a mosque by Mehmed the Conqueror. The complex remained a mosque until 1931, when it was closed to the public for four years. It was re-opened in 1935 as a museum by the secular Republic of Turkey. In early July 2020, the Council of State annulled the Cabinet's 1934 decision to establish the museum, revoking the monument's status, and a subsequent decree by Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan ordered the reclassification of Hagia Sophia as a mosque.

The cistern, located 150 metres (490 ft) southwest of the Hagia Sophia on the historical peninsula of Sarayburnu, was built in the 6th century during the reign of Byzantine Emperor Justinian. It was called Basilica because it was located under a large public square on the First Hill of Constantinople, the Stoa Basilica. The enlarged cistern provided a water filtration system for the Great Palace of Constantinople. The cistern was used as a location for the 1963 James Bond film From Russia with Love. The cistern with its inverted Medusa pillar featured in the 2013 Dan Brown novel Inferno as well as in its 2016 film adaptation.

Ephesus was an ancient important Greek trading port city whose wellpreserved ruins are in modern-day Turkey near the village of Selƈuk. Throughout history, Ephesus survived multiple attacks and changed hands many times between conquerors.

The Mevlâna Museum (Turkish: Mevlânâ Müzesi), located in Konya, is the mausoleum of Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi, a Turkish Sufi mystic. It was also the dervish lodge (tekke) of the Mevlevi order, better known as the whirling dervishes

Hierapolis, the ancient city, was built next to this natural site more than 2000 years ago)

Pamukkale means “cotton castle” because of the inusual “white waterfall” . As early as the Roman period, Pamukkale large basins were used for bathing.

Cappadocia, a semi-arid region of central Turkey, is known for the famous "fairy chimneys", tall cone-shaped rock formations found in the Valley of the Monks, Göreme and other areas. Other noteworthy sites are the Bronze Age houses that troglodytes (cavemen) dug into the rock faces. These same caves were later used as a refuge by the early Christians. The 100m deep Ihlara canyon is home to numerous churches carved into the rocks

The history of Izmir dates back to 3000 BC. Its architectural constructions are distinguished examples of the Turkish culture built during the Ottoman period: Hisar Mosque, Sadirvan Mosque, Hatuniye Mosque, Konak Yali Mosque, Kemeralti Mosque, Kestane Bazaar Mosque, Clock Tower, Kizlaragasi Han and Bedestens

Gaziantep is located in the western part of Turkey's Southeastern Anatolia Region. The Gaziantep Museum of Archaeology has collections of ceramic pieces from the Neolithic Age; various objects, figures and seals from the Chalcolithic and Bronze Ages; stone and bronze objects, jewellery, ceramics, coins, glass objects, mosaics and statues from the Hittite, Urartu, Greek Persian, Roman, Commagene, and Byzantine periods. The Mosaic Museum houses mosaics from Zeugma

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